• Published 15th Nov 2014
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Son-In-Law of Discord - DisneyFanatic23

Sequel to "Daughter of Discord." After living with the Discord family, Mothball thinks he is ready to take the next step with Screwball. Their plans are put on hold when the changelings want Mothball for their king.

  • ...

There's Always a Catch

Moonbeam and Trixie's room was decorated in starry wallpaper. Moonbeam spent the first twenty minutes of the voyage turning the lights on and off, for the decorative stars shone like real stars in the dark. Trixie lay on her blue canopy bed on the other side of the room, too deep in thought to be bugged by her daughter's antics.

She wondered what it would be like to see her mother again. Even if she wasn't dying, Trixie imagined it would be a most unpleasant reunion. They were never close, not even before Trixie was banished. She also wondered what she could do once she was Queen. If she were the same changeling she was twenty-five years ago, she would be fantasizing about servants giving her hooficures, washing her hair and bringing her tea and cakes.

Now she was thinking of ways to patch up the colony in the way her brother had envisioned. She had overheard him talking about it with Screwball this morning. Twilight most likely tagged along on this quest so she could form an alliance with the changelings. Since Trixie had no plans to take over Equestria anyway, that might be first on the agenda.

Then Trixie touched her chest and yearned for her heart to be back inside. That was the main reason she had agreed to take the throne. She wanted to feel again, and the changelings had had a heartless queen for too long. Based on what she had heard of her grandmother, Queen Arachne, she didn't think she had been the nicest ruler either.

She wasn't alone in this, she figured. The rest of the changelings were heartless too, except they had been born that way. It was because of that they couldn't help their hunger for love. Before, Trixie had not required it as much, but after removing her heart, it became harder for her to survive without draining some pony every once in a while. Some nights she would go out in disguise and find some pony looking for a good time, which she was not proud of, but it was necessary to feed herself and her daughter whenever she had her special cravings.

Moonbeam still didn't know where her special food came from, and it was best left that way. Eventually she would learn what she could do now that she was going back to her roots, but she didn't have to know the details of her mother's hunts.

When Trixie felt she was going to have a seizure with the constant light flickering, she snapped at her daughter, "Would you stop that?!"

Moonbeam pressed the lamp one more time to light the room and grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry. I just can't get over this room! It's incredible! Aunt Screwy did a great job on this thing!"

Trixie sat up and raised an eyebrow. "Aunt Screwy?"

"She's marrying Uncle Mothy, so that makes her my future aunt, right?"

Her mother rolled her eyes. "Whatever, honey."

Moonbeam grabbed her back hooves and rocked back and forth on her bed. "So Mom, can you tell me more about this hive? Like are there changelings my age?"

"I'm sure there are. Mother gives birth every month or so, except for when she's not…" She quickly stopped herself. "Never mind."

"How come you told me Grandma was dead? And Uncle Mothy says you left home?"

"Mother kicked me out when I was eighteen, because she didn't think I was a good enough ruler. It was just for five years, but I'd grown used to being a pony. She didn't really like my decision. Best that you thought she was dead so you'd stop asking about her. She's not really the grandma type you want to associate yourself with."

"Oh," Moonbeam responded, not really understanding what her mother was saying. "So do we have any other family besides her and Uncle Mothy?"

"Actually, the queen gives birth to all the changelings, so you technically have thousands of uncles and aunts."

The filly's jaw dropped. "No way! I'll have a lot of relatives to play with?!"

"Maybe some of the younger ones will play, but most of them will just treat you as their superior. You'd be next in line for the throne, after all."

"Does that mean I'll get to be Queen someday?"

Trixie sighed. "Yes, when I'm…gone, you will be crowned."

Moonbeam suddenly looked very nervous and glanced down at her boots. "You think they'll like me?"

Her mother shrugged. "You're royalty. They have to like you."

"Okay, but…well, since I'll be with a bunch of creatures who are just as strange as me, will I be able to…be myself?"

She pointed to her hat. Trixie's eyes widened.

"Sweetie," she said as she walked over to her daughter. "You do realize that even for a changeling, your special traits aren't normal?"

Moonbeam sighed. "I know, but maybe they won't mind?"

Trixie paused. "You're their princess, so they'll probably ignore it. However, now that you're going to be a princess, I'll have to start training you. We'll start work on your transformations and your flying. I'll even teach you how to cover those things up without the disguise."

Her daughter frowned. "Mom, don't you think…?"

"I'm not going to lie to you, sweetie. Once we get to the hive, things will be much different."

She smiled in confidence. Moonbeam tilted her head at her with a bemused expression. She wasn't sure why, but she couldn't help but get the feeling that her mother was hiding something.

"Well, okay," she said unsurely as she leaped off the bed. "I'm gonna go on deck and check out the view."

"Have fun," Trixie said with a wave.

Moonbeam flashed a smile which disappeared as soon as she was out the door. She looked back at her white disco pants and down at her red rubber boots. Then she put a hoof to her purple cap.

"Why do I always have to hide?" she murmured.

General Mantis woke from his nap and quickly turned his attention to the queen lying before him. He sighed in relief when he saw her chest rising and falling. It wasn't easy for him, seeing her so frail and helpless. He had seen her in similar states whenever they were imprisoned by Celestia, but this was different. In prison, there had always been hope for escape and Chrysalis was strong enough to endure the worst of torture. Right now, it was only a matter of time before her spiritual flame, which was once a roaring fire, would extinguish forever.

The general had always admired the headstrong queen. She was nearly a decade older than him, so he had known her all his life. Even as a teenager, she had always seemed to have a mind of her own, being the only one in the hive to have the guts to talk back to Queen Arachne. She also showed more power than even her own mother. He had witnessed her transformation into a chimera, when the fiercest thing he had seen Arachne turn into was a mere lion.

The day the former queen died and Chrysalis took the throne, Mantis had seen the uneasiness in the young princess and wanted to comfort her. He quickly became the queen's favorite and it wasn't long before he was named General.

He had been there for everything: the Heartless Reformation, the attacks on Timbucktu, Trot, Canterlot, Ponyville, amongst countless other cities. He had even been there when Chrysalis had and lost both her heirs.

He didn't always agree with her decisions. He had advised against banishing her daughter and was horrified when he discovered she had removed her own heart. She had once thrown him in a volcano for making a mistake. Luckily, the accident had only left him with a singed and chipped horn, which he covered with a metal tip. Nevertheless, he always followed his orders.

He was more than just loyal to his queen. He would die for her.

But it seemed she was going to die first.

Chrysalis let out a soft groan as she slowly awoke.

"Good morning, your majesty," Mantis greeted softly.

She huffed. "What's so good about it? It just might be my last morning."

He bowed his head apologetically. "I'm sorry, my queen."

She rolled her head over to him. "Have you been here all night?"

"You shouldn't be alone, your majesty, when you…"

"Oh, cut the act, I know why you're really here."

His head shot up in confusion. "What do you mean, your majesty?"

She sighed. "You really think I never knew, Mantis? I can see into others' hearts, remember? You'll recall I never took yours during the Reformation like I did to the others? Since it was always directed towards me, I thought it'd do you good. Even if you seemed hesitant at times, you never fully disobeyed me. You're devoted to me. I don't need magic to see that."

Mantis looked away in shame. Chrysalis gave him a sympathetic smile.

"Frankly, Mantis, you're the closest thing to a friend I've ever had. I can always count on you to get things done and when I need a second opinion, you lend me your voice." She sighed sadly. "Don't tell anyone this, but it's times like this that I wonder if removing my heart was a good idea."

"It's my fault," Mantis whispered.

She shook her head. "You weren't the cause of my pain."

He boldly faced her again. "You destroyed yourself. You took a bow and shot yourself with it. I told you where to find the arrows."

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. "Splendid metaphor, but it was all my doing. I didn't have to take your advice."

"I just wanted your suffering to end. I had no idea you were going to destroy any chance of happiness you might have. I should've never sent you to him."

She scoffed. "Ironic, isn't it, Mantis? Mother always told me not to let my emotions get the best of me, but by getting rid of my emotions, I let them do just that."

Chrysalis had only been Queen for two weeks, and already complaints were being made about her. Whenever a changeling approached her with a problem, she said she would get back to them tomorrow, but never did. The soldiers, who wanted to pursue Arachne's vision, pleaded the new queen to meet with them to discuss their invasion plans on Equestria, but she kept putting it off. She spent most days in her chamber, though no one was sure what she did in there.

That was why Private Mantis was knocking at her door. General Halys had sent him because the queen seemed to favor him. He knew better than to question the general's decision.

"What?!" the queen snapped from inside.

Mantis jumped back. "P-Private Mantis, my queen."

There was silence for a moment, followed by a low groan.

"Come in."

He opened the door cautiously and found the queen pacing around her chamber.

"Is everything alright, my queen?" he asked.

She stopped and turned to him. "Yes, yes. Close the door, would you? All that buzzing is giving me a headache."

He obeyed her command and stepped fully in the room.

"Forgive the intrusion, your majesty, but the soldiers were wondering when we should begin our invasion on Equestria."

She groaned and collapsed on her bed. "You heard my mother. I have to produce an army strong enough to conquer Discord."

"Is that why you are so agitated, my queen? You are concerned about your first offspring?"

She shook her head. "I couldn't care less about offspring at the moment."

The words shocked the private, but he didn't dictate his thoughts.

"We might not have time to wait for new changelings to grow," he said. "The scouts have reported that the Equestrian princesses are already searching for a way to defeat Discord. They've sought refuge with Starswirl the Bearded. The general suggests we take them out first."

Chrysalis shook her head again. "No."

"Well then, should we start gaining Discord's trust? Since he seems fond of that Celestia, maybe if you take her form and pretend to be on his side…"

"NO!" she shouted, sitting up on the bed.

He jumped, putting his hoof to his heart. Chrysalis sighed and lay back down. He wasn't sure what to do now. The queen seemed distraught, and Mantis felt the urge to comfort her. He levitated his helmet and took out a blue cornflower he had found in the forest that morning. He coughed nervously, catching the queen's attention. When she saw the flower, Chrysalis sat up, looking confused.

"I, uh…" he stammered, rubbing the back of his neck, "thought you could use something to brighten your day, your majesty."

Chrysalis illuminated her horn and took the flower from him. She stared at it longingly.

"You just don't understand, Mantis," she sighed. "I just…can't face him again. I want him to pay for hurting me, but…I also can't bear the thought of hurting him. If only there were a way I could face him without so much…conflict within me."

She set down the flower and levitated a stack of books.

"I have looked in every spell book I can find," she declared, "but the cure doesn't seem to be in here."

"What exactly are you looking for, your majesty?" Mantis beseeched.

"Something to mend my broken heart, something to rid me of this…this plague! I considered draining myself of emotions like we do to others, but since that never bodes well for the victims, I decided against it. I need a spell that can do that, but still keep my body intact!"

He watched as she writhed in agony. What she asked for sounded very serious, but he wanted to help her nonetheless. Then he remembered something else from the scouts' reports that might be of use to her, but he hesitated. It was a dangerous suggestion and could lead to horrific results. However, if it would ease his queen's pain, he had to take the risk.

"Perhaps, my queen," he said with a gulp, "you should consult someone with more…expertise."

"Like who?" Chrysalis snorted. "I doubt Discord would help me, and every other nearby wizard has gone into hiding."

"They might not be able to help you anyway. You said so yourself, what you're looking for cannot be found in any regular spell books. This kind of magic sounds like something that would be…forbidden."

She tapped her chin. "You're right. Ridding oneself of emotions is rather dark, isn't it? Why didn't I think of that before? Let's see, who do I know who knows a thing or two about dark magic?"

Mantis took a deep breath at what he was about to suggest. "A few days ago, the scouts from the north reported that the Crystal Empire has been taken over by an evil shadow pony."

"A shadow pony?" Chrysalis repeated, raising an eyebrow. "I thought those things had gone extinct."

"Apparently not. He calls himself Sombra, King of All Monsters. The scouts weren't able to find much information. They didn't dare get too close to the creature, but they said he wielded some of the darkest magic they had ever seen."

"Really?" she said thoughtfully. "Perhaps he could be of some help."

"Perhaps," Mantis said quietly.

Chrysalis fluttered her wings and rose from the floor. "I think I'll pay this Sombra a visit."

"But my queen!" he fearfully protested. "We don't know what this creature is capable of! Perhaps some of the soldiers should escort you…"

"I'll be fine on my own. If he tries anything, I'll just do what Mother taught me. Take care of things while I'm gone, Mantis."

"Me? But I'm just a low-rank private!"

"Not anymore. I'm promoting you to Lieutenant General."

His jaw dropped. "But…that's the highest rank below General!"

"Keep up the good work and you just might replace that idiot, Halys."

She winked at him before departing.

When Chrysalis reached the Crystal Empire, she disguised herself as a pegasus. Below her, the once dazzling crystal ponies now lacked luster and were in chains. They seemed to be digging for something, but Chrysalis didn't have time to ponder on that. She caught sight of a black unicorn in a fur-lined red cape overseeing his slaves on a balcony. His black mane moved like a shadow, his eyes glowed green and secreted smoke and his red horn was curved and pointy. Even Chrysalis shivered in his presence.

She landed behind him and greeted, "King Sombra, I presume?"

He turned around in alarm and scowled. His red horn glowed dangerously black.

"What are you doing up here?! How'd you escape?!"

Chrysalis rolled her eyes and changed into her true form. Sombra's magic diminished and he tilted his head in confusion.

"A changeling?"

"Queen of the Changelings, to be exact," Chrysalis said proudly.

He smirked and bowed. "Sincerest apologies, your majesty."

Sombra didn't mind the queen's presence. He had nothing against changelings.

"Now tell me," he said as he straightened up. "What brings you to my fair kingdom?"

She stepped forth. "I hear you are skilled in dark magic."

He shrugged. "Comes naturally for us shadow ponies."

"Well, I need a spell, something that regular magic cannot accomplish. If you can help me, my army will be at your disposal, should those goody-four-shoes princesses come to dethrone you."

The king rubbed his chin with interest. "What sort of spell?"

"Something that can rid one of emotions, specifically love."

He scoffed. "Don't you changelings already do that?"

"Yes, but it is forbidden for a changeling to do that to another, and even if that wasn't the case, it would leave the victim weak and helpless."

"This spell wouldn't happen to be for…yourself, now would it?"

Chrysalis did not reply.

"Very well. Keep your secrets. I think I know what you're looking for. Follow me."

He led her into the castle, which was quite dark on the inside. In the middle of the throne room floor was a large staircase leading underground. When he gestured for her to follow, she illuminated her horn not just for light, but in case the king was leading her into a trap.

The spiral staircase was long and winding, and it felt like hours before they reached the bottom. There was a door with a black crystal above it. Sombra lit his horn and shot a beam into the gem. The door opened into a study. As they went in, he pulled a book off a shelf and opened it on his desk.

"Let's see," he said as he skimmed through the pages. "It should be…there!"

He tapped his hoof on the open page. Chrysalis peered over his shoulder and read its contents.

"The Heartless Spell," he said aloud. "This is guaranteed to cure you of your broken heart."

She looked at him with wide eyes. He sighed sadly.

"Let's just say I know what you're going through."

Chrysalis took a moment to look into his heart. There wasn't much love left in it, but she saw that it was all directed towards a fuchsia crystal unicorn mare with a luscious turquoise mane.

"Let me guess," she smirked. "She didn't agree with your political views."

He scowled at her. "You keep your secrets and I'll keep mine."

Chrysalis shrugged and looked back at the spell. As she read it over, her eyes widened in fear.

"It says here that I have to…separate my heart from my body?"

"Don't worry, it's completely painless," Sombra assured her. "Probably."

"But…if I don't have my heart…won't I…?"

"Only if you don't do the spell right. See, this will enchant your heart so that you will still live, but you won't be connected to the emotions it produces, including love. After all, you can't have a broken heart if you don't have a heart to break."

She touched the part of her chest where her heartbeat was. "I won't be hurting anymore?"

He shrugged. "It should take most of the pain away, but not all emotions come from the heart. It says here you won't be able to feel love. However, you should know that where dark magic is concerned, there's always a cost. If you remove your heart, you may find yourself in a perpetual state of dissatisfaction. Since you're a changeling, it might have different effects on you. That's why I never tried this spell on myself. Besides," he hung his head, "pain and heartbreak is what's kept me going."

"Whatever the price," Chrysalis said in determination, "I'm willing to pay it."

She just wanted the pain to go away.

"Very well," Sombra said. "Can't say I didn't warn you."

Chrysalis read the book's instructions carefully and readied herself for the spell. She illuminated her horn and focused intently on her hoof. It soon gave off an equal glow. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she plunged her glowing hoof into her chest. It went straight through as if her chest were nonexistent. Chrysalis let out a cry as she clenched her hoof around the squishy organ.

She brought it out and opened her eyes. In her hoof was a glowing green heart, still thumping with life. She touched her chest with her other hoof and felt nothing inside.

That wasn't all that was different. The pain, the agony that had been plaguing her for weeks, had vanished. Just like that.

Sombra levitated an ivory chest in front of her and indicated her to put the heart in. She did so and after giving the organ one last glance, shut the lid over it.

"You'll want to keep it safe," the king said. "Your life force is still connected to it, so if your heart is damaged…well, you get the picture." He smirked. "So, your majesty, how do you feel now?"

"I…I feel," she stammered, not taking her eyes off the box in her hooves. "I feel…"

She felt nothing, at least emotionally. Her senses had rapidly gone cold without her heart to keep them flowing. However, another organ which still remained within her was churning. With not much else to suppress it, the sensation bubbled inside her and spread to the rest of her body. Soon, she could think of nothing else.

"I feel…" she said again, "hungry."

She turned her head slowly toward Sombra, her eyes shimmering green. The king backed away in fear, knowing what changelings fed on. The queen hissed and pounced on him, pinning him against the wall.

"I helped you!" Sombra reminded her. "You're not going to…? Are you?"

She smirked smugly. "No."

She released him and he slid down to the floor with a relieved sigh.

"Thank the shadows. But I thought you changelings flourished on the emotions of others."

"Yes, but it's a certain emotion I'm craving for, one you seem to lack of."

"W-which one is it?" Sombra asked nervously.

Her lips curled into a sinister smile. "You wouldn't mind if I snacked on a few of your crystal ponies, would you?"

Author's Note:

Woo hoo! Been a while since I updated so fast! This has got to be one of the darkest chapters I've ever written.

First time Sombra makes an official appearance in my stories. His origin comic brought me to tears! Well, since every major disaster seemed to have happened a thousand years before the show, I figured Sombra would be around at the time, and we don't know exactly how long he was in power. I also figured Chrysalis had to have gotten that Heartless Spell from somewhere and Sombra was the first dark magic user that came to mind.