• Published 1st Nov 2014
  • 1,266 Views, 98 Comments

The Adventures of Spectrum Slash - CCC

Rainbow Dash tries to write a story. Discord decides to lend a helpful paw...

  • ...


"I don't believe it." said Rainbow Dash, as she strolled through Ponyville accompanied by what appeared to be an ambulatory rainbow.

"What don't you believe?" asked Spectrum Slash.

"You accused Fluttershy of poisoning you." said Rainbow Dash. "Fluttershy! There's not a kinder, more inoffensive, less threatening pony in all of Equestria, and you, you..."

"Wait, Equestria?" asked Spectrum Slash. "I thought you said this place was called Ponyville?"

"Yeah, Ponyville is the town. Equestria is like the whole country."

"What is a country?"

Rainbow's forehoof met her face. "GAH!"

"A country is a 'GAH'?" asked Spectrum Slash, making sure to copy the facehoof along with the word. "What is a 'GAH'?"

"A country is not a 'gah'." replied Rainbow. "A country is a very large space, which includes towns and... and forests and rivers and basically everything in an area." Rainbow paused to consider this for a moment, and then added "A very large area."

"I see." said Spectrum. "So it's kindof like the whole world?"

"Not quite that large."

"Hiiiii-iiiiiiiii!" cried a pink party pony, suddenly jumping up in front of Spectrum Slash. "Hi, are you new? You look new. What's your name? My name's Pinkie Pie! I've never seen you before, and I'm sure I would have remembered, because you're all bright and colourful and stuff, and you're leaving this rainbow trail all over everywhere so it's really easy to follow you, only I went the wrong way along it at first and I got the the library and Twilight was doing some research and you know how she gets when she does some research, well maybe you don't, because you're new, but there were books everywhere especially in the air, and that means it's probably not a good idea to interrupt Twilight, but I saw the rainbow stopped at this pile of papers, so I went the other way, and Fluttershy said I just missed you so I came and caught up, and what's your name?"

"You're... Pink." said Spectum Slash.

"Yepperoooni! From the tip of my snout to the end of my tail, pink, pink, pink!" said Pinkie, giving herself a little wriggle at her sheer pinkness.

"You're this universe's version of Pink. Only you talk more." said Spectrum Slash.

"Wait, do you mean... you know somepony who's actually named Pink?" asked Pinkie. She gasped. "Best... name... EVER!" She hopped a little to the side. "Hey, Dashie, do you think I should legally change my name to Pink? Then everypony would know who I am! They would look at me and say 'She's pink' and I'd be all 'That's right, that's my name!' or people would ask me to inroduce myself and I'd say 'I'm Pink' and they'd be like 'I can see that, but what's your name?' and then I'd say 'My name's Pink' and they'd ask 'How can a name have a colour?' and it would be the best prank EVER!"

"A-heh-heh." said Rainbow Dash, nervously. "I... don't think it'll work out all that well, Pinkie. I mean, what would all your friends call you?"

"Oh, people could still call me Pinkie." said Pinkie Pie. "That makes it even better! People wouldn't have to call me anything at all different!"

Rainbow sighed. "Pinkie, meet Spectrum Slash. Spectrum Slash, meet Pinkie."

"Does she ever stop talking?" asked Spectrum, poking Pinkie's snout with a hoof.

"Beep!" said Pinkie, and giggled. "Of course I stop talking sometimes, silly! I don't talk if I'm asleep, or if I'm listening to a story, or if I'm testing the school bell, or if I'm watching a play - well, not much, at least - or if I'm -"

Rainbow stretched out one forelimb and put a hoof over Pinkie's mouth.

"Or if she's got a hoof over her mouth." said Rainbow.

"Really?" asked Spectrum Slash. "Can I try?"

"Um... sure, I guess..." Rainbow removed her hoof from Pinkie's mouth.

Pinkie took a deeeeeep breath. "Do you -"

Spectrum put her hoof over Pinkie's mouth. After a moment, she removed it.

"That wasn't -"

Once again. Spectrum interrupted Pinkie with a hoof placed over her mouth.

"Would you -"

A third time, Spectrum Slash placed her hoof over Pinkie's mouth. Pinkie frowned at the rainbow pony.

"This is surprisingly fun!" said Spectrum Slash. "Does she explode if she can't get the words out?"

"STOP THAT!" yelled Pinkie. the force of the shout pushing Spectrum Slash back a few paces.


"That's your emergency plan for if Spectrum Slash is ever unavailable?" asked Discord, flatly. "Giant sheds with piles of food in them?"

"That's right, Good Discord!" said Celestia, brightly. "We keep spare food in Keeps! It was Spectrum Slash's idea!"

Discord rolled his eyes. He'd been doing that so often lately, he'd added special eye-rolling muscles to his face, allowing him to roll his eyes twice as far and four times as quickly. "Of course it was."

"Of course, we've never needed to use them, because Spectrum Slash is just that awesome!"

"And just how long ago did you build these 'keeps'?" asked Discord.

"About twenty years ago, Good Discord! We started ten minutes after Spectrum Slash was born."

Discord considered this, then said "Didn't you say that it was all Spectrum Slash's idea?"

Celestia nodded. "That's right, Good Discord!"

"Hmph." said Discord. "Precocious foal. And... did you put any kind of preservation spells on these 'keeps'?"

"No!" said Celestia, brightly.

"And... you built them where?"

"Out in the desert, where they'd be out of the way." said Celestia. "That was also Spectrum Slash's idea."

"And... are you doing anything to keep it cold?"

"Not a thing, Good Discord!"

"And... when exactly did you put the food into these 'keeps'?"

"As soon as we built them, of course! Then we shut the doors and left them alone, until such time as we might need them!"

"Did you... lock the doors?"

"Now, why would we do that, Good Discord?"