• Published 1st Nov 2014
  • 3,145 Views, 44 Comments

With My Wonderbolt - ScatMan2001

You're a Royal Guard. Soarin is a Wonderbolt. You get together. Romance and comedy ensue, as one would expect

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Chapter 5: First Date

The countdown has begun. In exactly 8 hours, 24 minutes, and 10 seconds, you will go on the first date you have ever been on in your entire life.

It is a little nerve wracking, you think. The scenario surrounding the date is pretty odd, what with you and Soarin having literally slept together once before, though not intentionally.

And, as you keep reminding yourself, he is a celebrity. You’ve never imagined dating a celebrity before, so you don’t know what to expect. It will be difficult.

Due to the fact that he is as famous as he is, you wonder what this evening’s date (and potential future dates) will be like. Will there be a crowd of people following him? Will he be signing autographs all the time?

The park isn’t crowded at night, so walking through there is nice, but you don’t want to walk through the park forever. What if you get hungry? What is there to eat in the park?

Perhaps you’re overthinking this. You have been with Soarin on a few occasions, and despite the crowdedness that accompanied those situations, you two have been alone for the most part.

You need advice. Dating advice. Who do you know who has been on a date before? Has Princess Celestia?

Probably, but you shouldn’t ask her. She’ll ask you all these questions about it, and you can’t tell anypony you said yes to a date with Soarin from the Wonderbolts. The world might explode. Soarin is famous for his good looks, and a lot of ponies would be awfully jealous of you.

Heh heh. That’s pretty cool, isn’t it?

When has anypony been jealous of you?

Anyway, you have to ask somepony who won’t be all nosey about it. So who to ask?

Parents? Nope, they’ll ask questions. Vinyl? Nope, she’ll freak out. Octavia? She might tell Vinyl, but she might not…

Well, you guess you ought to try Octavia. Vinyl and Soarin don’t seem incredibly different at first glance, too. They’re both laid back, casual, funny, hyper to an extent… Yeah you’ll have to ask Octavia.

You do not own a personal phone, so you will have to use one of the public phones in the basement. They’re pay phones, but for guards they’re free. Perks of being you.

“Excuse me, Princess,” you say bowing. “I have to make a call, I’ll be back in a few moments.”

“Take your time, Lieutenant,” she says, perusing a few take out menus, as she does nearly everyday. But you both know she’s gonna order a pizza, tell you she needs to watch her weight, then order a Kaiser salad. It happens just about every day.

“Actually,” she continues, “don’t take your time. Hurry back for Your Majesty is hungry.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” you say, assuming that she is joking. She thinks you can’t tell, but you can at least 16% of the time.

The walk to the basement is uneventful and the room with the phones is completely empty aside from you. Dialing in the number for Vinyl and Octavia’s apartment, you wait for somepony to answer.

After a few rings, it goes to their machine.

“What’s up?” you hear Vinyl’s voice saying. “This is the residence of the one and only DJ-PON3 and her awesome marefriend, Octavia. If you need us, leave a message or whatever and we’ll get back to ya.”

Then the machine beeps.

“Vinyl, Octavia…” you say, knowing they’re home. “Pick up the phone please, I gotta talk to you. It’s your brother, Vinyl, pick up the phone.”

Then you hear a click through the phone, followed by a familiar voice.

“What’s up, big bro?” Vinyl says, having answered the phone.

“Who’s DJ-PON3?” you ask.

“That’s me… duh. I’m a DJ.”

“Huh. Do all DJ’s have fake names?”

“All the good ones do. It’s stage name.”

“You should probably change your voicemail box. It sounds unprofessional.”

“Pfft! What do I care?”

“Because you’re in the working world now. What if somepony calls looking for a DJ and it goes to your machine? It sounds unprofessional to me.”

Vinyl scoffs at you through the phone. “Bro, I don’t expect you to understand the music industry. Trust me, if anypony who wanted to hire me listened to my voicemail box, it wouldn’t be a big deal. I’m not running for mayor, I’m a DJ.”

You suppose she’s right.

“Aren’t you at work?” she asks. “Why you calling now? You never call in the middle of the day. You worried about me?” She gasps. “And do you have a phone now?!”

“No, I’m using a pay phone.”

“Ugh. Of course you are.”

“I wanted to talk to Octavia, if I could.”

“Tavi? Why?” She yawns.

“You tired, Vinyl?”

“Hell yeah I’m tired! Jeez, I was up all night! I figured by 5am ponies would leave the club, but they didn’t, and the owner just kept saying that as long as they’re buying drinks, keep playing music. I didn’t pack up all my stuff and get back home until like, 10:30 this morning.”

“Well if you’re so tired then go to bed, Vinyl! And give the phone to Octavia. I didn’t mean to wake you up.”

“Why do you want to talk to her?”

“Who are you talking to, dear?” you hear Octavia say in the background.

“My brother. He wants to talk to you.”

“Why’s that?”

“He hasn’t told me.”

“I can’t tell you, Vinyl,” you say. “It’s a secret for now, just give up the phone.”

“Why can’t you talk about it with me?” she asks.

“Because I called to talk about it with Octavia.”

“Yeah, but why?”

“If I wanted you to know I would’ve just called to talk to you.”

“Are you guys gonna talk about me?”

“No, Vinyl, this doesn’t concern you at the moment, so please give Octavia the phone.”

“So you call to wake me up but won’t talk to me?”

“I didn’t know you were sleeping, I don’t know your schedule. I’ll call you later if you really want me to. But right now I gotta talk to Octavia, please. I can’t keep the Princess waiting, she’ll chop my head off.”

“Octavia doesn’t keep secrets from me.”

“I’m sure she doesn’t, so just please give her the phone.”

“Why don’t I get to know?” Vinyl whines.

“You will at some point in time, but not right now, okay? Now give Octavia the phone!”

“Fiiiiiine!” she groans.

“Hello?” Octavia says, getting on the line.

“Good afternoon, Octavia, how are you today?” you ask.

“Very well, Lieutenant, it’s a beautiful day. I was hoping Vinyl and I could go for a walk before she leaves tonight.”

“Is she working every night?”

“No, no, just weekends and Thursdays, I think. That’s what she told me, anyway.”

“That’s great. Sorry I’m rushing but I need to ask you a few questions before I cut too far into my lunch break.”

“Did I do something illegal?”

“Not that I know of. I’m not calling about anything like that, I just have a problem I was wondering if you could help me out on.”

“Of course, go ahead.”

You hear heavier breathing on the other line. Octavia never breathes out of her mouth, she thinks it looks disgusting. But your sister is infamous for doing so.

“Is Vinyl on the line?” you ask, sensing her presence through the phone.

“Hold on,” she says. Nothing is heard for a few seconds until you hear Octavia gasp. “I will be right back,” she says to you.

In the background, you can barely make out their voices.

“Vinyl, put down the phone this instant!”

“Aww, Tavi!” Vinyl whines.

“You stop that right this second and get back into that bed! You need your rest and you’re going to get it, whether I need to make you or not!”

“But I want to hear what you guys are talking about!”

“If you aren’t asleep by the time I get off the phone, then I’m going to throw out your new speakers, and then I’m going to throw you out!”

“But I can’t fall asleep that fast! Tavi, listen, please! Look, you can throw me away if you must, but not the speakers!”

“I won’t, but only if you’re asleep, young lady.”

Octavia trots over to the phone and resumes her conversation with you.

“I apologize, Lieutenant.”

“Nothing to apologize for, Octavia. I’ve lived with Vinyl for years, I know how she can be, especially when she’s tired.”

“She’s just like a filly, sometimes, but she is now in bed and without a phone. What can I help you with?”

You decide not to tell her that you heard their entire conversation. “Can you share any details about your first date with my sister?”

“Uhm… What kind of details?”

“Sorry, I’m not looking for anything too personal. Can you tell me how you felt going into it? I’ve never asked Vinyl about your guys’ first date.”

“And you don’t want to talk to Vinyl?”

“Absolutely not..”

“Hmm… well, I suppose I was very nervous… I was very nervous… Vinyl wasn’t exactly a good friend of mine in high school, but she asked me out anyway. I didn’t know what to expect, even though I did say yes… Why do you ask?”

“I have a date later.”

“Oh, dear! That’s wonderful!”

“Thank you, yes, but don’t tell anypony. Especially Vinyl. If she found out she wouldn’t leave me alone until she knew absolutely everything. She doesn’t know how to mind her own business.”

“Of course, I won’t tell a soul.”

“I’ll eventually tell her, of course, but now is not the time. It’s just our first date.”

“Fun! What are you going to do? Who are you going out with?”

“I think we’re just gonna stroll through the park. We both work late. As for who it is… I’m not sure I can say.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I will say that it’s another stallion.”

“That’s so wonderful!” She squees.

“Yes, yes. Anyway, that’s why I thought of you first. You’re gay, so I was wondering how you felt going into a first date… with another pony of the same… gender.”

“Oh, my dear, it’s nothing to be worried about. I imagine homosexual relationships aren’t all too different from heterosexual relationships. It’s nothing to be too nervous about.”

“I feel nervous.”

“Everypony ought to be nervous before a first date. I’m sure he is too, whoever you’re going out with now.”

“Well, I’m not sure if we’re officially ‘going out.’ We just have a date tonight. I don’t know how ponies know when they’re in an official relationship anyway.”

“I suppose it’s just something you both have to feel. And don’t be afraid to talk about how you feel. That’s very important in a relationship. You won’t get anywhere by being afraid of one another, believe me. Vinyl used to be the worst at talking about her feelings, it nearly ruined our relationship. But as she felt more open and trusting, the easier everything became.”

“Thanks, Octavia.”

“You’re welcome. Is there any other advice I could give? I don’t feel like I’ve been very helpful.”

“No, no, you were, Octavia. Thank you. I think I feel a bit better. I’ve never done this before, you know.”

“The only pony I’ve ever dated is Vinyl, and we’ve been together almost 6 years now. As long as you’re both willing to work, everything will follow. And if it’s not meant to be, then it’s not meant to be.”

“Thank you, Octavia. How is your orchestral group working out?”

She sighs. “Oh, just been a little difficult as of late.”

“Oh?” you ask. Octavia has had plenty of problems finding work in the past. You have leant her and Vinyl more of your paychecks than you keep yourself. “Can’t find work?”

“No, that’s the weird thing. Work is all around now, plenty of opportunities with summer just around the corner, but everypony else in the group is just so obnoxious. We can’t seem to agree on anything. Not even what pieces to perform.”

“I thought you sounded great at the Ball last week.”

“Thank you, dear. I think we’ve spent too much time around one another. I’d hate to see us split up now, of all times, with work around us so ripe for the taking. Ugh. It just gives me a headache.”

“If you have any problems, Octavia, I got you. If you need money, I’m still here, and if you’re looking for work, I could try and help. I think the Princess is rather fond of me now, so I could ask her for a recommendation… or something.”

“That’s very sweet of you. I honestly can’t live with myself anymore if it means borrowing more money from you. I know Vinyl can’t. Just the other day she.... never mind.”

“Never mind what?”

“I don’t think she would want me telling you this.”

“I can keep a secret if you can.”

“Well… Vinyl really does love you, you know.”

“I know.”

“Probably more than you think. Last week, when we visited you and you gave her money, you told her not to pay you back?”

“I did. I don’t want your money, Octavia. I don’t need it.”

“Halfway back home she broke down crying. She just lost it. You really are a good brother and she really does love you.”

“Aww, it’s no reason to cry. Life is hard sometimes, but I’m here for you guys. I’m just across town. If there is a way I can help, I will. Don’t feel bad about borrowing money if you need to, it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

“You’re very good to us.”

“Of course I am, I love you guys to bits. But seriously, don’t hesitate to ask for favors. I’m willing to help.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant. Very much.”

“It’s not a problem. I’ll try to call later if I have time. I think Vinyl was upset I didn’t want to talk to her.”

“She’ll be fine after a strong nap. She always is. Don’t worry about calling her today, you have a big night tonight.”

“Ha, that I do. I’m excited now.”

“That’s the spirit!”

“Alright Octavia, I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay. Goodbye, Lieutenant.”

And the call is finally over.

Why does she always call you by your rank and not your name?

You think Octavia is a little intimidated by you. You’re a large earth pony, being taller and larger than everypony you know except the Princesses of the Day and Night.

The first time Vinyl brought Octavia home, you just started military school, and had your uniform on. You figured that being Vinyl’s older brother and being in the army intimidated poor little Octavia. You’ve always liked her. She’s always been so sweet.

The exact opposite of your sister.

When she first started dating Vinyl, and had to be around you, she would always look at you with her ears folded back, which can be a sign of fear. You certainly never meant to scare her. Your job is to scare other ponies, not your sister’s girlfriend.

Oh well. You think she’s getting better.

“Forgive me, Your Majesty,” you say, bowing to Princess Celestia as you take your place by her side once again. “I did not mean for my call to take as long as it did.”

She casually waves a hoof without looking at you. “Don’t worry about it. No one tried to kill me in the 4 minutes you were gone, so you’re good.”

“I’m glad to hear that, Your Majesty. But if one was to actually assault you, it probably wouldn’t be in this room, where you are surrounded by guards. Unless the guards had an uprising.”

“And if they did, would you take part?”

“Pardon, Your Majesty?”

“Let’s pretend Shining wants to be King of Equestria. So he gets all the guards together and tells them to get rid of me and Luna. Let’s say, if you help him, he’d make you a Lord or something. Would you join them?”

“Maybe, but I doubt it, ma’am. I doubt I’d fight with such dishonorable ponies, given the opportunity, no matter the end reward. I would fight with you, Princess, but I imagine I’d get killed. Many guards work here. They would stab me up… Besides, my loyalty isn’t to Captain Armor, it’s to you, Your Majesty. Honestly, I reckon I’d die regardless of whose side I chose.”

“You know what I like about you, Lieutenant?” the Princess of the Sun asks, still looking at menus.

“Can’t say I do, Your Majesty.”

“I like that you’re a genuine pony. I don’t care if somepony is nice or not, I have a problem with ponies who pretend to be nice if they’re not or bad if they’re not. I like ponies who are what they seem to be. You are you, Lieutenant. Always be you.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” you bow. You are nothing if not genuine. What you see is what you get.

“Screw it,” she says, throwing the menu like a frisbee into the emptiness of the Throne Room. “I’m getting a pizza. We can split it.”


The date was actually a lot of fun. Not that you expected it not to be fun, but it was even better than you thought it would be. Life is full of little surprises.

Nothing abnormal happened. It was just a stroll through the park between friends. Or whatever you two are supposed to be now.

Soarin picked you up, as he said he would, right outside of the castle. You were pretty tired after a long day of working, as you always are, but the nervous excitement of actually going on a date for the first time has completely woken you up.

For the longest time, you both just made laps around the park, talking about whatever came up, whether it be work, family, food, or anything. It was just talking as you both got to know each other even more. Just laughing, joking, and talking.

You’re both pretty nervous.

You guess this is what is supposed to happen on first dates.

But really, it was great. It was just talking, but you don’t have an opportunity to speak very often, given your job and lack of friends.

“So, by the time we flew into Canterlot, the entire battle was already going,” Soarin explains. “Changelings everywhere. It was crazy. Like, I had to stop and just look at them, ‘cause I wasn’t sure what they were. They were like giant, pony sized bugs.”

You nod in agreement.

“But the craziest thing was when we landed. I landed down on Fifth Avenue, just me ‘cause the other Wonderbolts were spread out, and I was ready for a fight. But before I could swing a hoof, the bug in front of me turned into me!”

You laugh, having had a similar experience.

“So I just stand there, right? I mean, how am I supposed to just punch myself in my face? Before the bug version of me can attack, I just start flying. I just take off, get out of there. Besides, there ain’t a thing in this world that can beat me in the sky.”

That’s presumably true.

“Things are a lot less scary up there,” he points up. “There’s so much space to move around. I couldn’t imagine not being able to fly. It’s practically all I do.”

“I can’t imagine being able to fly,” you say. “I’ve never been more than 40 feet from the ground, and even then I was still in a building. I’ve always wondered, how does it feel to have wings? Do they feel like legs?”

“Yeah, I guess so. I don’t know. I mean, I’ve just always had them,” he says flapping them a few times to prove they are there. “I’m used to them being there. I guess you can compare them to another pair of legs, but way cooler.”

“Is everypony in your family a pegasus?”

“Eh-hem… Yep! Me, my mom, and my dad. All from Cloudsdale.”

“What’s it like in Cloudsdale? Can’t say I’ve ever been. Or ever will be.”

“Aww, don’t say that! There are ways for non-pegasi to get up there. Maybe we can visit there sometime. There’s no place like it, it’s beautiful.”

“I’d love to go.”

“Cloudsdale is gorgeous. Everything is so fluffy, and no matter where you look you got a great view of something. I can imagine it being a little scary for non-pegasi.”

“I’m not the biggest fan of heights.”

“I don’t think most ponies are, including pegasi. When I’m flying, it doesn’t feel like I’m far away from the ground. It just feels like I’m floating somewhere else. It doesn’t feel dangerous.”

“When’d you move to Canterlot?”

“Oh, only a few months ago, now. There are still parts of Canterlot I haven’t explored.”

“I could show you around!”

“I’d love that. Being on the ground is different, but Canterlot is the next closest thing to Cloudsdale, I think, ‘cause of how high up it is. It’s a good city, but I think I’ll always love Cloudsdale more than any other city.”

“I imagine. Now that you live in Canterlot, how are you liking it?”

“It’s really nice. Especially my neighborhood. Still getting used to not living on a cloud. It’s been taking me a while, but I’m getting there. You always live in Canterlot?”

“Not only have I always lived here, but I’ve never been off this mountain in my life.”

“What?!” Soarin gasps. “Not ever? How is that even possible?”

“I’ve never had the need to go anywhere else. Everypony I know lives here. I’ve always been educated here. I work here. I seriously haven’t ever been off this mountain before.”

“We’re going to change that! Canterlot is nice and all, but Equestria is huge! There are a million and a half things to see.”

“And I’m sure you’ve seen most of them. You travel a lot.”

“That I do. There isn’t a place in all of Equestria I haven’t been at this point, really. What I really like to do, when we travel to some city for a show, is to explore everything I can. I want to see every city there is. I want to do and eat everything I can in every place I’m at.”

“But you still haven’t seen all of Canterlot?”

“Heh heh. I’ve seen most of it. Canterlot is a weird place. Most of it is right up on the top of the mountain, but there are some parts a bit lower and closer to the edges I haven’t been to.”

“I don’t think you’d want to. Those aren’t the best areas.”

“They aren’t safe?”

“That would be an understatement.”

“I’ve never really been too concerned about that. Not to sound overly cocky, but I’m a Wonderbolt! An army of thugs couldn’t do anything to me.”

“And I believe you. But I’ve seen plenty of guards go into those areas and come back pretty banged up.”

“Well that’s ‘cause you all wear your uniforms everywhere. If a gangster sees a guard in their armor, they’re gonna get scared. I think that’s just natural.”

“So we shouldn’t wear armor?”

“Yes, that’s what I think. There are some ponies who don’t even recognize me if I’m not wearing my uniform.”

Naturally, talking and walking around a park for as long as you have, especially after a day’s work, you are famished. But you can’t just interrupt him when he’s talking to say you’re hungry. That seems rude, to you.

And Soarin can talk quite a bit, but you can listen quite a bit too.

“Your mom and dad... “ you begin. “They still live in Cloudsdale?”

“Yep, yep,” he responds quickly. “Still up in Cloudsdale. Has anypony in your family left Canterlot?”

“Yeah, my parents and baby sister went to the beach a few weeks ago. My parents aren’t even from Canterlot. They’re both from Minneighappolis.”

“What about your DJ sister?”

“She’s been out of town a few times, but not too much. She goes on vacations and things when she can.”

“And you’ve never been on a vacation?” he laughs.

“No, of course I have! They’re always just in Canterlot. I’ve never been to the beach.”

“Now that I refuse to believe. You’re in your twenties! How have you never been to the beach?!”

“I saw a movie when I was a kid about sharks. I’ve been afraid of the ocean ever since.”

Soarin laughs. And laughs again. “That’s so cute! There are only like, two reported shark attacks every century. It’s nothing to be afraid of.”

“But what about the ones that aren’t reported?”

“You saying sharks attack ponies and it never gets reported?”

“It could happen.”

“We should go to the beach sometime! It’s always a lot of fun.”

“Add it to our list of things to do.”

“Ha ha! I will! You know, if your sister is looking for work, she can let me know. I can definitely hook her up.”

“That’s very sweet of you to offer, and I’ll keep that in mind. She just got her first gig last week.”

“Where’s she working?”

“Some nightclub on the other side of town, I don’t know what it’s called.”

“And you said she’s a lesbian?”

“She is.”

“Does she play at a gay nightclub?”

“That’s a good question actually... I never asked. I don’t think so, though. She’s not ‘out,’ so don’t tell anypony. Only our family knows about it.”

“Not a soul! Who is she going out with?”

“Remember the other night at the Ball? When we talked outside for like two hours?”

“Ha ha, yes, I remember.”

“Her girlfriend is the cellist. Gray coat, black mane, had a pink bow tie.”

“Aww! That’s so cute! I bet they make an interesting couple.”

“You could say that. They must be a great match considering they’ve been together for six years.”

“I’ll say. You ever been to a gay bar before?” he asks, causing you to blush.

“No, I haven’t. I’ve never really thought about anything like that until you asked me out. I have a pretty one track mind, and it’s always been on work. Have you?”

“Nope. I was thinking about it not too long ago. I was looking for somepony to go out with, and I figured a gay bar would be the best place to start. Only downside would be that everypony would… know I’m gay.”

“Does anypony know?”


“Aside from me,” you chuckle.

Just then, your stomach decides to alert to the world how hungry you truly are.

“Hey, you hungry?” Soarin asks with a smile.

“Very,” you say, feeling bad for interrupting him.

“Great! I know a pizza joint a few blocks from here just opened up. Wanna try it out?”


“Sorry my stomach interrupted you like that,” you say.

“Ah, it’s nothing. We can talk some more about it at the restaurant, I don’t want to talk about this kinda thing too much outside of the park. Or anywhere it’s too crowded.”

There are a few ponies walking around on the street of Canterlot at this time of night, so you respect Soarin’s wishes of not talking about his sexuality, in case somepony overhears.

So you’ll wait until you get to the pizza place.


Soarin blows bubbles through his straw and into his root beer as he sits across from you. It just seems so childish and carefree that it makes you laugh, though you do it quietly enough to not distract him from his activities.

After blowing bubbles all the way to the top of the glass and then some, he smiles, showing his white teeth, and looks over at you, excitedly looking for approval.

You laugh again, but louder now, just in time for the waiter to deliver the slices of pizza.

“Enjoy-A!” the waiter exclaims before twirling his moustache and walking away.

“Let’s eat!” Soarin says, looking very happy for having food placed in front of him. It looks pretty good, too.

Soarin literally shoves his face into his plate, eating almost half the slice in one bite.

“Oh,” Soarin begins, chewing. “Before we talk about what we were saying earlier, I got something to tell you. Nothing bad! Just something.” He looks around as discreetly as he can.

“Okay,” you nod.

“Remember the other night? When, like uh, Spitfire walked into the room? And we were like… sleeping together? I-I mean not sleeping together, but… sleeping together?”

His face has gone from a beautiful, pure blue to red as an apple. You think it’s the cutest thing.

Not to say that your face doesn’t also turn a little pink, as it does, but you don’t feel much of a reason to be embarrassed about it. What happened happened, and as a result you are on a date. Everything has worked out so far.

“Yes, I remember,” you say.

“Well, she was a little curious about the whole thing,” he says slowly. “The next morning she was joking about it… I guess she thought we had actually, like, done stuff together. But I told her it was just a misunderstanding and we had just fallen asleep. That it was just a coincidence.”

Well, that is technically true. “And did she believe that?”

“I doubt it. Spitfire is a lot smarter than me. She probably knows something’s up. And she almost never believes anything I say if I’m not wearing my uniform. I think she thinks we’re really dating”

You wonder what life is like for Soarin and Spitfire living together in the same house. It’d probably be interesting to watch. It could be a sitcom.

“So does that mean Spitfire and I are the only ones who know about you?” you ask.

“Well, you definitely do. I think Spitfire knows…”

“I have a question,” you say, having pondered something for the past few days.

“I have an answer.”

“This goes back to what we were talking about a few minutes ago.”


“Why, exactly, did you ask me out?” Soarin’s ears fold back and he looks down at his pizza for a moment. “I mean, like, you said you’ve never been on a real date before, right? With another stallion?”

He nods meekly.

“I’m just curious! Some part of you must’ve thought I’d say yes, or you would’ve gone to a bar or club or something, like you said… I don’t know, I guess I’m just wondering why it was you asked me out of all ponies?”

Soarin clears his throat and glances back up at you. “I’m really not supposed to tell you this, but I’m going to anyway… Okay… y’know Fleetfoot?”

“Of course.”

“A few weeks ago, she somehow figured out that I was… gay. I don’t how she does it, but she was right. She tells me that she can tell anypony’s sexual orientation by just like, talking to them for a few minutes. She said if her calling in life was anything other than flying, it’d be something about determining strangers’ sexual orientation. Which isn’t even a good skill. You can’t get a job with that talent. It’s cool, but it’s worthless.”

“So Fleetfoot told you I… swung that way too?”


“Why would she possibly think that? I never told her anything like that before in all the years I’ve known her. To be honest, I never even knew until last week.”

Soarin shrugs. “I don’t know either. But it worked! And please don’t tell her I told you that. She wants to keep it a secret.”


“No idea. Fleetfoot’s weird. Growing up with her must’ve been a pain. She can be pretty bad at work so I’m wondering what she was like as a kid.”

“Presumably worse. Everytime she came over to my house she’d take one of my toys back to her house. The first time I went over to her house, half the things in her room belonged to me.”

“Ha! Sometimes my lunch goes missing and I find Fleetfoot hiding inside a cloud eating it. She gets in trouble every time but she won’t stop.”

“You can hide inside of a cloud?”

“Yeah! It’s the best. It’s all fluffy. It’s like a sleeping bag made of softness. To get Fleetfoot out of one I just kick it. Then it disintegrates and she falls for a bit.”

“Sorry, but just to be clear, Fleetfoot was the one who told you I was available?”

“Heh… Yeah, she did. I told her I wouldn’t tell you though.”

“I’m just wondering how she knew before I did.”

The restaurant was actually supposed to close when the both of you arrived, but the owner kept it open, being a big fan of the Wonderbolts.

In fact, all of the food was free in exchange for a few autographs and pictures taken. Not wanting to overstay your welcome, you both start heading out.

“Can I walk you home?” Soarin asks hopefully.

“Of course!”


The beginning of the walk is silent as neither of you are sure of what to be doing. Really, what should you do? It’s only the first date.

Unfortunately, you’re not a mind reader, and therefore have no idea what Soarin is thinking. Did he enjoy the date? Does he like you?

The night has gotten cooler and you are feeling a little chilly. Nevertheless, you feel capable of getting through it. Your apartment is a few blocks from here.

You take a few glances over at Soarin and notice he is looking straight up into the sky at the stars. There are quite a few of them out tonight.

While Soarin is preoccupied, you take a moment to just look him over. You’ve seen the stallion plenty of times before, but now that you’re actually dating you think you should really look him over.

His mane is always in that impeccable trademark style of his. Even after a long day of work, his mane is still in the same place. You wonder if his mane ever gets matted down because of his uniform. Yours does.

His eyes are a beautiful green. His wings are thick and long and feathery as could be. You’ve never studied pegasi wings before, but his look especially large. You assume they ought to be, as he uses them so often.

Soarin’s tail is much longer than most stallions you know. In fact, it seems to stretch long enough to just be hanging above the ground. Yours is the exact opposite, as it barely covers your backside.

His cutie mark is very noticeable and shiny upon his flank, leading your eyes to his rear end.

His entire body seems very muscular and firm as he walks along the well lit streets of Canterlot, his tail swaying from side to side.

Soarin glances over at you, and you turn your head as quickly as you can away from him so that he won’t catch you gawking at him, especially his backside. It’s just a first date!

Your companion slowly inches his way closer to you as you both continue this evening stroll. You decide that it’d be a good idea to get a closer to him, as well. It is getting a bit cold out here.

Neither of you make eye contact, but in your peripheral vision you can see him. You jolt a little as his feathers graze your side, as it surprises you a bit as feathers are an unfamiliar substance to you.

You smile. You rather like the feeling. They’re ticklish but they’re very soft.

In this moment, you realize how much Soarin seems to like you. For some reason, he likes you quite a bit. You think he’s trying very hard to show you that he likes you.

A few days ago, when you first met, Soarin seemed very nonchalant. His speech was very casual, as was his posture. But tonight, he has not even attempted to say anything you may disagree with and has stood very erect all evening.

You think you even noticed him flexing during dinner, trying to make his muscles appear bigger. You could be wrong, of course, as he is naturally muscular anyway, but you have very trained eyes.

And it’s all to impress you. It’s just interesting to think about.

You admire how much effort he is putting into this. You know he’s serious about everything he said the other night.

And you like him too.

Feeling the feathers on your side, you decide to lean into his soft appendage a bit, enjoying the sensation and hoping Soarin will be pleased with your response.

He hesitantly extends his incredibly large wing over top of you and around your back, continuing the walk. You like this feeling even more. It’s so soft!

And the warmth is a wonderful added bonus.

You lean into him entirely, diminishing the distance between you completely, and feel him push back just a little. You both support each other on the way to your apartment.

You never realized exactly how much bigger you were than Soarin until right now. Soarin is a pretty big guy, but you must be a solid 3 or 4 inches taller than he is. And because you’re an earth pony and he is a pegasus, you are quite a bit wider than he is too. Despite his smaller size, his wing remains firmly around you and he shows no sign of moving it anytime soon.

And you don’t mind that at all. It’s such a nice feeling! Like a fleece blanket.

Despite the overwhelming comfort and warmth you are now feeling, you are beginning to shake. Not because of the cold, but because of how nervous you have suddenly become. You have never been this physically close to anypony you weren’t related to or wrestling.

When wrestling or sparring with other guards, it’s normal to be this physically close to one another as you have to be in order to defeat them.

But you’ve never been this close to another stallion in such a relaxed environment. It’s a very different experience for you, but you think you’re enjoying it. You hope he is too.

You also hope his wing doesn’t get cramped. His wing is massive, especially for a stallion of his relatively small size, but you’re a big guy, and hope he doesn’t get a cramp or something from straining to reach over you.

Regardless, you can’t tell him stop. Not only because that’d be rude, you think, but because you’re enjoying it.

And he won’t take it off, you think, for fear of potentially showing you he’s not interested.

Thus, Soarin’s wing will remain overtop of your back until this journey ends.

The question now is what are you to do with your head. Soarin’s head is right next to yours, but what should you do?

Should you nuzzle him? You don’t think so… right? Just a first date and all.

But your faces are really close to one another. You don’t know what to do with it. Without actually meaning to, you swish your tail to the side and feel as it brushes up against Soarin’s backside.

If it were possible for you to get any more nervous, you are now, wondering what he thinks about that little gesture.

He chuckles, turning to face you. You look back at him and see that his face is no more than two inches away from yours.

“You know,” he begins with a smile, “you always swish your tail when you’re nervous.”

You smile having never realized that before. You swish your tail again.

“Been looking at my tail a lot?” you ask.

“N-No!” Soarin begins to stutter in surprise as his wing grip around you loosens. “I’m sorry! I mean, I really haven’t been-”

“Wait, wait!” you say, not wanting his wing to leave you. “I didn’t mean to suggest anything, Soarin. It was just a joke.”

You really didn’t mean to suggest he has just been perving out at your expense all night. This night has been much more than that, you know it.

Despite your initial efforts to assuage his first date fears, he removes his wing and folds it back up against his barrel. He lowers his head a bit and folds his ears back.

You didn’t mean for any of that to happen.

You don’t want Soarin to feel bad! He didn’t mean anything by it. He’s such a good stallion. You gotta do something.

“Y-You can, uh…” you clear your throat. “You can put your wing back around me… If you want…”

With a smile, Soarin does exactly that, and wraps his wing back around you. His grip is a bit tighter this time.


“Well,” you begin unsurely, “here we are. This is my apartment.”

You’ve seen Soarin’s house (or mansion), and it is much nicer than your place. You can’t help but feel a little inadequate simply because of your respective residences.

He probably thinks this apartment building is a piece of shit. Everypony thinks as much because it is. But he doesn’t say anything about it.

You both stand in front of the main door into the building.

You look into his green eyes, which now seem to be really small. You can tell he’s incredibly nervous. Reading body language is very important for a royal guard, and it’s easy to tell that Soarin isn’t feeling 100% comfortable in this situation. In all fairness, neither are you.

His face is almost entirely red as far as you can tell. It isn’t blue anymore, at least.

He didn’t seem nervous during the date. Is he okay? Would asking make him more nervous?

You decide not to ask then.

“So…” he begins awkwardly, glancing at the ground. “I had a great time.”

“I did, too,” you say, growing more nervous each second. “Thank you for taking me out.”

“No problem. It was fun. I was wondering if… maybe, you’d want to go out again? Maybe get lunch tomorrow?”

“I’d love to!” you say louder than you thought.

Soarin looks up excitedly, smiling for the first time in several minutes, making you smile.

“Great!” he exclaims. “I know a diner a few blocks from the castle we could try. I’ve been there a few times, it’s really good. If you’d want to go there.”

“Of course, that sounds great.”


Soarin’s smile once again leaves his face and his eyes return to the ground. Soarin is a very easy stallion to read.

You feel required to invite him up to your apartment, rather than just bid goodnight from outside. You want to seem friendly and welcoming to Soarin.

“Would you…” you slowly begin. “Like to come u-upstairs? For a drink or something?”

You’ve never seen a more pure shade of red than that which overcomes Soarin’s face. You immediately realize what you may have just implied, but you really didn’t mean to suggest that.

Should you take back the offer? What should you say? Oh god.

“N-No thanks,” he says, relieving you. He clears his throat. “It’s really late, so I should be getting back. Thanks for the offer though. Some other time.”

Praise the sun and the moon and everything else above your head for that one.

Despite Soarin announcing that he must depart, he doesn’t even pretend to move. He remains in his exact stance, waiting.


You know what he’s thinking. But will you let him? Do you want him to?

Your heart rate begins to pick up and your face feels oddly warm.

It is undeniable that you feel something towards this stallion that surpasses friendship. You did just go on an official date with him, after all.

Soarin meekly looks up at you and smiles shyly with his ears folded back. Why must he be so cute?!.

You have never felt so nervous in your life. Your heartbeat is going so fast you think it might explode. When was the last time you were this nervous?

Potentially your first day in the guard, but that doesn’t even compare to right now. At least when you entered the guard you knew what you were doing. You don’t know what to do now!

Your legs are shaking but you manage to hold yourself upright.

Slowly, your blue companion leans forward, causing your heart to jump. You know what he’s doing!

Years of training kick in and your body goes stiff and your ears stand straight up as you wait for an attack. You watch, wide-eyed, as Soarin closes the gap between the two of you and…!

Lightly kisses your lips.

His lips are soft and very moist as they graze over yours, as though he is too afraid to kiss you any rougher.

Your face is absolutely on fire right now, which makes you wonder if you have fire extinguisher somewhere in your room. You don’t think you do.

Almost as soon as you feel his presence on your lips, it is gone, and he takes a step away from you, with his head low and his ears still flat.

Only now, his face somehow managed to get even more red.

You think you enjoyed that. No, you definitely enjoyed that.

Soarin glances up at you with a big smile on his face, and you return it, licking your lips.

“Thanks again for the date,” Soarin says, trying his hardest to maintain eye contact with you. “It was great. I’ll pick you up at the castle gates tomorrow?”

“Y-Yeah,” you stutter, clearing your throat. “Yeah, definitely.”

“Okay, great! I’ll see you tomorrow then. Goodnight.” He turns to leave, fully extending his wings and preparing to take off.

“Wait, Soarin!” you blurt out, getting him to stop. He turns around with an adorable inquisitive gaze, but he walks back over to you, still with his wings extended.

You take a quick step forward and push your lips against his, not waiting for him to prepare, and slide your eyes shut.

He feels very tense and surprised at first, but his lips become just as soft as they were a few seconds ago.

This kiss lasts just a few more seconds than your first one, and you are the first to pull away this time. You keep your face pretty close to his and you both simply gaze into each others eyes for a few moments, just enjoying the moment.

“Goodnight, Soarin. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Y-Yep! Yep.” He clears his throat again, dumbfounded. “Goodnight. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Soarin turns, trots a few feet, and with one flap of his wings he is in the air. You watch as he flies away, heading back to his house for the evening. You only hope he is going home as happy as you are.

You hope tomorrow comes soon. What a great day!