• Member Since 30th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Monday

Moonlit Novel

Don't like my stories, that is fine, but if there is a reason, besides, not liking the storyline, please let me know so that I can improve



Cover art by Dawn Dreamer from Lunar Echoes

If you were to ask him, how he ended up in Equestria, he would answer that he didn’t know, nor care, not any more. You see, for Masao, all he cared about was serving his goddess, his princess. However, if you were to ask him how he came to be her ever loyal servant, her ever valiant and honorable Knight in shining armor, he would laugh and send you on your way. For our purposes however, we will explore the entirety of his life, from a little before the time he met his princess, to now. So pull up a chair, sit back and enjoy the story of the Lunar Knight, the only everlasting Knight of Equestria, the only good soul that practices black magicks with the approval of the crown, Ser Masao Darkheart…

Warnings: Character Death; Subtle references to human on pony action, some explicit mentions, but no scenes; Human in equestria;

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 71 )

“I am to help thee with anything thou may needest, even sexual release”

Dude, that's one of a quick girl! xD

Deuteronomy, 5-6, 21. May God have pity for his soul :pinkiegasp:

5450133 one could argue that because they are sentient that technically they are not animals :twilightsheepish:

Also for the time period it was not unheard of for a servant girl to be assigned to a visiting dignitary to help his take care of any unwanted urges

5504015 Technically Christians are supposed to follow the ten commandments as well, "Keep my father's commandments"


Yeah, I know for being one xD
Just to know what he was. Christian so.

I dont really like religion in stories but this one seems alright.

5509596 I am glad it isn't overbearing, I was trying to hint at his religion without making it obscene

5510002 i see well i usely just try and ignore the religon part and all that stuff but as i said this story is alright so please keep updating it.

eh..thats an okay cliffhanger..not really anything thats gets me wanting more..it just feels like you accidentally pressed the publish button on an unfinished chapter.

5570554 Not my best, but hey tomorrow you get a new chapter so it isn't all bad, right?

Though to be honest, now that I read it it does look like I didn't finish the chapter. Sorry about that

again! you do it again. i demand you quit hitting the publish button before the chapter is finished. hell, add a few more sentences and you could have a half decent cliffhanger. for a really good cliffhanger you need it to be suspnseful.
hell add a tad more info and the have the stallion fire at our human. and end it there.

its not perfect for an end but it doesnt feel like you made an accidental click. also a changling could get an arrow to the face as well!

sorry for giving you flak but i am really enjoying this and therefore investing my feels into it.

5574292 Hey I don't see it as flak, you are attempting to help me better the story, and for that I thank you!


I am going to go back and do a little editing to fix them, but I already have twelve chapters on the site, even if you only see six of them at the moment

Should just killed ze stallion and be Done with it perhaps pay the blame on the changelings.

I can only guess how your spell-check is fried for having to speak in the old tongue with thou and art as well as many others keep up the good work.

He should have killed that bowstallion....bowman?

Anyways it seems that being a lunar knight is a good thing...me my self would rather be a teutonic knight but that has nothing to do with the story and i'm rambeling again!

mmm..look at this chapter. its all nice and shiny. i am proud of it.

5610447 Teutonic knights are the german version of templar and crusaders did they not learn about them in school?

5611423 oh well thats alright i suppose not all schools have the best history classes.....i dont mean to offend.

5611826 Just remember history is written by the victors , and to find the truth you need to dig deeper than a normal history book will allow

5610694 ahhh thanks for the info also I was home schooled due to trying to kill another student for hitting me with a paper ball.

I both agree and disagree. I wasn't exactly in my right mind at the time, though I suppose I did not have to include the last bit of info

updating before his set deadline?! My word! Moonlit Novel,my friend, have you gone crazy? are the pigs sprouting wings finally? im joking, its fine, i think everyone love a chapter early
lovely chapter as always.

So just wondering what dose his armor look like?

P.S nice way to pay respect to the swordpony but i dont think the Christian god like killing

Odin and Thor might.

5657938 Some of the bloodiest wars fought were fought in the name of Christ, Also I don't know how to describe his armor, basically it's full plate armor...

5657986 indeed by greedy men not that god Told them to fight.

Also i think he should have chain mail you know like the crusaders used to Wear

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