• Member Since 30th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 10 minutes ago


Tired always.


A group of researchers under the employ of Princess Celestia come across a very important discovery and the princess herself is called in to assist. Something has been lost in the tundra around the crystal empire.

So alone for so long a time.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 47 )

Here, have a like.

I like eet...:pinkiecrazy:

Its interesting, I have no idea whats going on! and I like that :D

Now That I'm AWAKE....The robo-Legs intrigue me....Can't wait to find out what's up with that.

Lovely. Always a fan of humans so unknown even WE have no idea what's going on about.

Hmm interesting will follow.

I shall follow this.

Right so I LIKE this story. Unfortunately that means that you all are going to HATE it but whatever. It's worth a shot.

we say otherwise.


Never have I been so happy to be wrong.

This story intro just makes me think of Orange Boy.

Start at 57:28.

You have earned a like please continue.

I am listening...

Please proceed

Cyborg? Is he a cyborg? Please tell me he's a cyborg!

It is not a bad start. But something feels wrong... I can't really place my finger on it...

I will still keep an eye on this Story.

You're doing better than I can; it's not bad at all. My only concern is that the part where Jack came out of the tank so fast. It just seems like he just woke up and walked out like nothing had happened. Was he expecting to wake up in a dark cave surrounded by aliens?

Different dimension? Future? Another planet?
So many questions...

I love future stuff! :yay:

I doubt it is.
After all, this doesn't have a crossover tag, and cyborg is black, yet his skin is said to be a peach tan color.

“Who are you to judge that?” Came the voice again. Celestia paused in thought. She didn’t know.

You just earned my respect through this sentence.
Most people would have written something like "I am the ruler of Equestria" or "I am a goddess", or something like that...

Its nice to see that at least a few writers aren't using the SuperCelestia-cliche and that your are one of them.

Aside from that:
I am eager to see were this is going, nicely written, only the reaction to him stepping out of his pod is a bit strange. I mean, Celestia just got kicked out of his mind and he suddenly stands in front of her. :twilightoops:

This is beautifully written, makes me quite jealous...

Hmmm interesting. Still on my following list. Hopefully we will get filled in on what happened to humanity.

You have no idea how surprised I was to find out that this was about a guy. It felt like I was reading about a girl (still does) so when you said he was a guy in the last chapter I was like


Actually it isn't, because he has a robot bottom half, if you catch my drift.

So, I just finished reading this story and now you have me hooked. You must continue this! This story just has so much.. mystery and... I don't know how to describe it because I'm not good at writing comments and things. My point is, you have caught my attention and now I crave more words.

please don't be dead

Out for nearly a year and you give us this short chapter. Hope you can put in some more next time.


This is intriguing.



It would probably help if I knew where the hell I was going with this. Oh well, we'll see how things go I guess.

Wow. I thought this story had died. I put it in my read it later list when the last chapter came out, and now it's on the front page again. Well, time to re-read so I know what the hell is going on.

6347972 well he's an engineer so he solves problems, and the orbit of the celestial bodies are all out of wack so he could fix those.

Holy crap. Even if the computer was calculating the last login in hours, it makes it minimum of 10 000 000 000 000
(10 trillion) years of stasis.
How the fuck has a planet lasted that long!?

Damn! Well this answered a few questions. Thanks for the update!

Man this was pretty good so far, but the lack of response to the being suddenly standing before her is pretty... annoying, I guess. No '!' moment where she flinches, or readies and then un-readies a spell. Just continues the conversation. And the ponies nearby didn't do much either.

5276717 I agree, I absolutely love it when people ask that. "Who are you to judge me?" is a pretty good way to get a read on someone, or transition into a verbal attack of your own if the case permits. Either they admit they have no more right than anyone, or they bluster an excuse or reason why they can. "I am leader of their kind, and they put faith in my judgement." is probably the only other acceptable response, in my opinion.
Heh, it reminds me of "What is a man to a king? What is a king to a god? What is a god to a nonbeliever?"

I hope that this isn't Earth. I'm tired of the "humanity is dead, and earth is ruled by ponies now... and sun changed place with it for some reason" trope. Why it can never be some lost, extra solar colony? Or shelter build by castaways, that couldn't contact anyone from beyond the planet due to some interference field?

5275815 "a cyborg" not THE cyborg

6348192 the computer could simply miscalculate, its happened before.

LucidTech it has been a while since I've read one of you fics and you don't disappoint


If this is a trick to get me to write more chapters, I hope you know its only sorta working.

6567779 its not a trick im serious.

:D It's been forever since I found a fic worthy of commenting on. This is awesome. Faving.

"Take it slow Jack". Very wise words. A very intriguing story so far. I hope you will continue to update. So many stories have been incomplete, for so long.

Note to self.

P.S - One of your weakest.

Great start but oof story has been dead for what ? 19 years. If only I saw where it went

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