• Member Since 25th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen March 12th


I love the MLP fandom, and I love all of you! I'm so grateful to have all my followers as we go down a rabbit hole of romance, adventure, and world-building!

Comments ( 265 )

I cannot even image how Harmony path gonna look with ponies.
Satyr soldiers? People getting themselves wings or horn?

I hope that this can be settled without bloodshed. Uh oh, let's hope Rainbow Dash comes out OK!

After forcing myself to read through it (I mostly skim through books), I... I actually like this. I honestly don't know why. The pacing started out a bit weird, but I was hooked by the end. Have a thumbs up and a follow.

Also, Montezuma can go off himself. Long live Julius Caesar.

Game shipped on Friday, fic out today... that didn't take long.

Presumably the cloud carrier works because Floatstone? And some useful magical gems are actually Firaxite superconductors?

Heh I wonder if the Slavic Federation will make an appearance on Equestria as well? (Perferably taking the Purity or the Supremacy affinity). :twilightsmile:


5195739 Elmer Fudd is best dragon-slayer in Skyrim.

I think I'll go work on my Star Wars x MLP crossover, now. Right after I finish working on my Guilty Gear x MLP crossover.

have the game like your story

This is an amazing idea, eager to see some more!

How the fuck are they standing up on a planet the size of Jupiter? Also, it's a good story; don't let it become ponywank.....

I wonder what path they'll take ( Purity, Supremacy, or Harmony)? Will you choose or are you planing on letting the audience vote for it? Also great story I love how you describe everything on here and already having a character falling for a pony you dog ;)! I woke up at three in the morning so I can play that game when it was release! Also if you wanna have some one to game with here's my steam. Kingsmen ( if that doesn't work ) kingsmen81.

The story has a pretty good start but I need to ask how are you going replace certain strategic resources like xenomass, floatstone, and friaxite seeing as something like xenomass, which looks like a pool glowing green alien goo, doesn't seem remotely common (or even exist) in Equestria? However like Bliss Authority said the Friaxite and Floatstone can perhaps be something the ponies are already using for their machines but perhaps they have mine(s) far away from most cities.
And on a side note I noticed the title is called "Beyond Earth, To Equestria." Does this mean the fic will only take place in Equestria?

Possibly that this colonies will be enclave to Equestria though.
Though I can imagine how does Harmony doctrine will look like. Anthro pony :pinkiecrazy:

5196366 Well even I have ideas for them
Xenomass would be placed near Changlings, maybe even some kind of substance produce be changlings.
Floatstone or how I cold them floatcrystals (because in game they look like crystals to me), simple Crystal Empire.
Friaxite I still remember that firstly I thought that is some dragoon skeleton. So I would stick to it. :P

Of course that is only my ideas. Final world belong to author, but if author wants to used this ideas it is free to use them.

5196366 Very good! Floatstone is actually going to be the main power source for alot of Pegasi technology! Xenomass, well... you'll see. ^___^ And as for Fixarite, I'm not sure yet, actually. Still trying to decide on how well it meshes with the pony world. After all, Equestria will have unique properties of its own, so it won't entirely be like the planets from Beyond Earth.

5196477 Maybe Firaxite is some very rare crystallized magic created by Celestia herself to store the power of the sun, and they only come across it as a gift from her?

Oh yesyesyes crossovers of my two major obsessions :rainbowkiss:
I have enjoyed it until here so I am eager to read more :)
ARC of course xD It would be interesting to see if there would be more factions

There were few mistakes and typos and, while not necessary, it might be better if there was a line of break when you are switching who is speaking in a conversation.

I am having high hopes for this fic. VERY HIGH HOPES! And yet, the fact that Rainbow and Luna might encounter ARC soon, is kind of not what I expected, as I expected ARC to actually have time to set up and for them to encounter Trixie. Hm.

5196536 If that's the case there's no way ARC can go down a supremacy route seeing as Firaxite is the main resource used by supremacy and they lack a reliable way to get it (Unless Celestia placed down large deposits of the stuff all over the place). However there is the possibility that instead of supremacy it may be replaced by some sort of Purity-Harmony hybrid, which will most likely take the best of both but require much more resources seeing as they'll need both a large amount xenomass (or what ever replacement the author uses) and floatstone.

5196590 I imagine that, given that this is Equestria, 'Harmony' is going to mean something very different than the game. :raritywink:

Besides which, they don't know what their own future holds, story =/= game, and all that. It's not like someone's up there going "Okay maybe we should try for a supremacy victory today..." you know. :twilightsheepish: But I'm confident you already know that. xD

I hope that ARC is not the main faction in this fic.

By the size of Jupiter do you mean the size of its liquid metal core, or the size of its outer atmosphere? The former seems much more plausible, but the latter just seems very impossible. I don't think rocky planets more then three times the size of ours exist.
Even then, how are these humans going to even survive on this planet? Unless the planet has an unbelievable low mass for its size then the gravity would be too much for the humans to handle.

I found something you may want to edit.

The world was, in a world, incredibly massive.

Hmm. I'd prefer the Purity affinity, as long as the humans didn't go to war with the ponies

NASA found one about six times larger (diameter) than earth in the goldilocks zone a while ago. It's considered to be about as large as a rocky planet can get without exerting too much gravity and causing the formation of a gas-giant-esque atmosphere.

Okay, you got that. Still nowhere near as large as Jupiter is. Even then such a planet would still have a gravity we wouldn't be able to handle without extreme conditioning.

The Great Mistake badly damaged Earth so many decades ago

Oh god... somebody mixed Coca-Cola and Pepsi together in the same bottle with Tab!

5197263 Actually, they just found one only slightly larger than Earth in the habitable zone in April.

Kepler 186f

You can also look here for a list of exoplanets in the habitable zone, including large gas giants which could have Mars or larger-sized moons: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Exoplanets_in_the_habitable_zone

Site Blogger

Part of me is screaming 'too soon!' Another part is screaming 'too obvious!'

I choose to listen to that third voice, which adores the CIV franchise and is curious as to how it could be made into an MLP story. Also, can't wait to see the inevitable MLP mods that we all know are going to show up in that game. They'll never satisfy, but at least they'll exist.

When this story is finished, I will dive in and give it the benefit of my critics' laser.

5196970 A rocky planet the size of Jupiter would have at least 100 times Earth's gravity (due to the immense density of the planet not just from composition, but from internal gravitational compression).

An person of average weight on Earth would weigh 5 tons on that planet's surface! Death would be instantaneous. Even if the planet had no atmosphere (and thus no external pressures) at all, the internal organs would be flattened and the skeletal structure would crumble due to the gravity alone.

5197595 True. But a rocky planet the size of Jupiter would also have more mass than Jupiter as well being made out of heavier elements. Maybe enough to undergo fusion in the interior? Pretty sure that is the case. Or it could be some sort of super compressed crystal lattice in the interior. Like a metal carbon mix or something.

Anyway. Haven't read yet but it sounds more like an artifact sort of planet if it is that big and is neither a gas giant or some sort of exotic material.

Maybe if it was structured to have that size from non gaseous materials? But again. That sounds more like something that would have to be built than naturally occurring.

Just spitballing.

Edit - Or it is just magic. Plus if it was the size of Jupiter wouldn't that make travel a bit of a task? Not to mention even if they were spread out only 3 million people would fill in a very small (relative to earth) area.

I have a question:is this a story where the humans are "completely superior to any other lifeform in the universe and deserve to own anything they can grab/steal/put their flag into"?

Remember, folks.
The last time a vastly technologically advanced race found new land inhabited by indigenous peoples, it was 1792.
And look how well that ended.

This has so much potential... You have all my faves I could possibly give! :moustache:

I just hope there will be more human nations, preferably each with a different affinity. Another thing I would like to see is an actual grayscale morality-wise instead of black and white we usually see. Especially for purity. If you make purity work... I guess I cannot do much else but like and fave but still. Just no ponywank please, enough of this one is around! :raritydespair:

But hey, just my two cents. Whatever you choose to do/not to do I will be keeping a close eye on this story of yours.

Shit, I only realize how ridiculous that sounded after you pointed that out. You're completely right, masses is correct, and my memory is bad and should feel bad; also it wasn't NASA, it was the Europeans with HARP. Here's a paper released by the boys at ARECIBO about it. And a Wikipedia page if you don't want to read through some dense stuff.

I'll take your word for it on CIV:BE, as I won't have the money to get it for a long while sadly. As for the story, I like it. They've met with the ponies really quickly though...

What I really want to know is how the hell did Rainbow even see the probe, let alone catch it? If it's as small as described, at the speed she was apparently going Rainbow probably would have crushed it unless it's made out of some very strong space-age polymer instead of metal.

5197190 Well, it does mention a Gene Garden – which sounds like genetic manipulation – and reliable wormhole travel. Wouldn't be too hard to think that they can actually do it easily...

I do not own My Little Pony, or the Civilization franchise.

I see this and wonder if, somewhere, there is a fanfic that Sid Meier or the Ceo of Hasbro wrote.

THIS NEEDED TO BE MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pinkiecrazy:

5196647 What's wrong with ARC? I mean sure their CEO Suzanne Fielding is greedy but the corporation itself doesn't seem to be all that bad.

5197974 Well dude. I understand what you're saying about microbial life, but the state that the planet is at currently could be what Earth was about a million years ago. Or perhaps there was life on that planet ,but it developed too slowly and died out because the sun burned its atmosphere and all that's left is the microbial life in a hot magma coated planet.

Very intriguing! My only hope is that peaceful communication is established relatively quickly.

5197449 But only harmony gets Unicorn cavalry.

5198405 You don't need cavalry when you have tanks!

5197449 If thats the case we will most likely see a war because it's a purity player job (in the game) to create a new earth via terraforming it to how it was before the Great Mistake to save the old earth from overpopulation and resource depletion. Any alien life already there doesn't concern them all that much and chances are if the alien life is a problem they will most likely just get rid of them in some way (It may be different here seeing as ponies are sapient unlike the aliens on the worlds seen in Beyond Earth).

5198413 Is there life compareable to ponies in the game?

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