• Member Since 25th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen May 16th

Kind of Brony

Well, I'm not much of a brony as I don't like the show, but I greatly respect the fans and their work. I often wish the fanbase of some other franchises were as talented and ambitious as the bronies.


Scootaloo had been content with her life. Sure, things got a little cold at night, and sure, she may not have gotten to eat as much as she would have liked, but she had the best friends a pony could ask for and the most awesome mare in Equestria as a sort-of sister. The only thing that could have made her life better was a cutie-mark to rub in stupid Diamond Tiara's big, fat face.
... Then her so-called friends had to ruin everything.
Why couldn't they have just stopped asking questions? They were all happy, weren't they? She had told them not to worry, so why did they? Now, because of them and all those other stupid ponies who never listened, she was stuck in the middle of the Everfree Forest with a mare who acts like dog with no idea of what to do.
And why did this mare keep looking at her like that? With such saddness and longing? Maybe... maybe Scootaloo could help her in return for helping her not get eaten. After all, even though fillies didn't need families, that didn't mean ponies didn't need each other, right?

A story (with an aspect of adventure despite what the site allows me to tag) about Scootaloo and the always overlooked Screw Loose, because there aren't enough (read: none) of those around here. On a side-note, we have a character tag for the likes of Noteworthy, a character with no outstanding features, but not one for a truly unique background pony like Screw Loose. What is wrong with the world? And still no royal guard tag! They may not be in this story, but come on! Don't they appear enough in the show to deserve at least that much recognition!
... Well, I hope you enjoy the story!:twilightsmile:
The title will make more sense as the story progresses, I swear! Also Thanks to Bemmo for editing.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 18 )

Pretty awesome so far. I like Ms Feral Pony. I can totally see her ripping off a Manticore's wing or tail to defend Scootaloo.

I do not mind attempting to edit some chapters. Just pm me.

Nice to see someone filling out Screwloose's character instead of making her just a “ funny” one.
Nice explanation of how she became the way she is. Hope you are going to find a way to get her back to somewhat normal, wanting to chase balls would not be that bad.

I wonder how she got loose.. I have theories. MOAR! :flutterrage:

I love Screwloose and I can totally see her and Scootaloo snuggling together. But I can also see Scootaloo grimacing a bit if Screwloose decides Scootaloo is dirty and decides to tongue bathe her.

Orphaned Scoots stories are a dime a dozen, but this... this is something special.
I await patiently for its continuity. :pinkiesmile:

Thanks, the original idea for this story was actually just a foal lost in the woods, not necessarily even an orphan, who is rescued by Screw Loose, but then I read an Orphanloo fic, saw how many unoriginal stories there were, and decided to try my hand at it. I'm hoping to make mine stand out (though that doesn't seem to be working too well yet) and add some originality to the overly-done plot. Plus, Screw Loose needs more love.
Thanks for the fave and upvote.

Moar horsewerds fgt

I like how you're writing Steel Rivet... he doesn't understand, but he's not vilified for not understanding.

Screwie and Scootaloo make a good team. But I can just see Rainbow Dash descending at Rainboom speeds to save them from the Timberwolves if there are no gates at the castle and Screwie is injured.

*pokes story mournfully*

I still plan on continuing this story, but I've always been big on efficiency and so I like to get my maximum reader satisfaction to chapter update possible. For this reason I'm working on my most popular fics first and intend to start this one back up when one of them are finished.

7870097 no offense, but according to the earliest comments here, it's been over two years since this chapter was posted...:fluttercry:

Wow, it really has been over two years. Time sure does fly. Even so, What I said still stand, once I finish one of the other two stories (probably Tales of Two Dragons first) I'll start this back up.
Kind of regret posting this for this reason though, since, at this rate, it'll be a while still before I get back to this and it's hard to say how much life the fandom will have left by then. Should have done what I did with another story I have on my profile; the first few chapters are written, but I never published them since I already had three stories up.
That one is about a guy dieing in our world saving a dog, and is rewarded by being given a new life in Equestria... as a beagle who gets adopted by Derpy and Dinky. It focuses more on the various pets of Ponyville as the main cast rather than the ponies, but who'd want to read that?

8077369 I'm sure people are still adamantly waiting for the time when this story receives its conclusion. I'm also sure that that idea sounds like an incredibly good one. I have heard the story of "person dies in our world and gets put in a new world to get a second chance, only _______" a couple of times before, but focusing on the pets is indeed something I have yet to read enough of. There are many different interpretations of elements that such a story would most likely require, and I am always intrigued as to how poni people decide to work out things.

This story is truly something special, absolutely amazing work. I look forward to the day this story can be continued.

Hopefully you eventually get back to this. Cause it's a gem of a story

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