• Member Since 6th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen 6 days ago

Darth Gonzo

a Brony a Transformers fan a Power Rangers fan. Spike is best pony & we all have a Destiny


After the death of his wife Discord becomes more and more detached from his daughter Screwball but now his life has taken a strange turn when he's gifted or cursed with new powers and a new body follow Discord on this epic ride to becoming Captain Goodguy!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 26 )

i was also going to ask if you can try a dazzling soldiers story

5203945 Are you talking about the Dazzlings from Rainbow Rocks?

5203949 yes they can the power ponies version of the winter soldier

5203964 I'll have to talk to Phantom about that.

5203988 I'm on another character in this universe.

It would help your writing a lot if you describe things instead of simply having the characters tell us everything. This he said she said thing makes everyone seam kind of lifeless. For an example of someone who dose this well, look up a story called " Light Rain' Besides that, I do believe this story has tons of protocol! I hope you update soon!

5204610 I'm sorry but I'm not the only person you writes like that.

5204799 No need to apologize! I was simply giving suggestions. I'm no writer so I don't know what best, so if you want to write it like this, that is fine! But... what dose everyone else's way of writing have to do with it? I wasn't saying it was bad because no one else wrote like that, I simply thought I could help make your story better.

5204813 I understand it's just that a friend of my writes the same way and this story is supposed to be connected to some of his stories.

5204813 That would be me.

5208004 Did you get my PM?

5204813 I'm doing something like that on the second chapter.

6906118 What does that mean?

6906152 So it was okay then?

6906159 I'm 19 and this was my 3rd story I wrote was I try to make the writing be like that of a friend my is because this story is taking place in a universe he made. Also this story came out two years ago and I leaned a lot more on how to write stories I just haven't gotten to do that yet.

6906175 Yes it is. I'm good at reading.

6906175 This might be a better sample of my writing you could take a look at. By the way if it's not good either sorry about that. But I'm work on a different story that's going to be T for teen. I hope writing is better in that but that's why I'm taking my time on it to make sure it's a good story. This story I did in one night so that might have been not a good thing to do for the story my bad.

6906195 I don't mean to do that at all. I just now notice my errors and I should have fixed them before. I'm not meaning to write bad it just happens by accident and don't notice the fact messed some of them up until after hit the post button.

6906195 This is what meant to give you and I forgot. What's wrong with me tonight I'm making so many mistakes it's not even funny.

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