• Member Since 10th Jul, 2014
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To Infect and Corrupt


This story is a sequel to Beautiful: Rainbow Dash

A bad day and a rainy night. It’s enough to drive a mare to drink. Winding up in a dark bar on the streets of Canterlot, Fleur de Lis finds herself meeting up with a mare who is young, independent, and totally unbound by societal expectations. Everything Fleur thinks she’s lost. What common ground could they possibly find?

On this particular night, far more than she might realize.

A collaborative effort between myself and Nom_deCheval, told from two perspectives.
Check out Dash's side here.

Twilight's Library Approved

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 39 )

Outstanding! A very fluid and immersive narration, I really enjoyed it :twilightsmile:

No, her’s is a more natural thing

This should be "No, hers is a more natural thing" There's no need for the apostrophe.

I have no idea why I keep doing that.

Lovely little story. Makes me wish it was a slice of life story with more chapters. In either case, I enjoyed reading it greatly.

I've read a few multi-perspective fics on this site, and this is the only one I've seen thus far that actually justifies the multiple perspectives. The first-person Rainbow Dash/Fleur de Lis just makes it so much better and worth reading both! It's nice seeing how Rainbow and Fleur interpret identical situations. That being said, I'd actually like to see more of that. I read Fleur de Lis' POV second, and I found myself skimming a lot of the dialogue-heavy sections because I'd already read it before.

Case in point: this is possibly my favorite line in the story:

What happens next is not something that needs to be detailed. Suffice it to say that two mares found each other at the right juncture on that day, and for a short while that was all that mattered.

That may be the most elegantly euphemistic description for sex I have ever read. It's just so Fleur! :raritywink:
There's no Fleur emote . . .

“No!” I place a hoof over her lips. “No. Nothing of the sort. I could never think that way of you. And I hope you would never think that of me.”

I just can't seem to understand that bit. What was being implied by wanting to buy the dress?

Very good story otherwise, by the way, although I don't see why it's necessary to add "sex" to the tags when the sex is avoided and merely implied.

The implied implication was that Fleur wanted to pay Dash for sex. Obviously, that's not what she intended to get across.

I have two new favorites tonight.

5199700 Thank you! I was particularly proud of that line, myself. (...god, that sounds so egotistical... I'm not, I swear.)


What happens next is not something that needs to be detailed. Suffice it to say that two mares found each other at the right juncture on that day, and for a short while that was all that mattered.

Like, effing perfect.

And for you, even though I've yet to truly read but already know this gone be good:


~Skeeter The Lurker

Very good story and writing guys.
And very good ship, I must say. You guys did it, you've made me fall in love with yet another pairing. It's just so good! It makes me wanna write my own story about it (which means I'll be writing non-stop for the next few months to make). It also makes me wish this story had some sort of sequel.

Oh my my my. This was quite good.

You captured Fleur perfectly.

And knowing half the story already makes it better.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Sweet merciful christ you two work amazing together.

I said it once on the other, but I'll say it again.

I would seriously love to see more like this fro you two.

~Skeeter The Lurker

You two have written something akin to a fine score of music - the two pieces complement each other beautifully!

5207744 I couldn't agree more. Thank you.

You two guys. You two.

Damnit. Can't find the words to describe such a pair. Really, you two had that good idea, and made it into that doom-OP double POV fanfic. It's just perfect.
Your pairing is one of the best. Your concept is damn good. Your plume, no words. According to the POV, it was slightly influenced to reflect the pony's personality. You just took the idea, and threw it perfectly on your keyboards. I don't see any imperfection- not too rushed, not to detailed. Just enough to let the reader see, appreciate, and keep the story light. It ain't heavy in words. It ain't heavy in content. And it ain't 'not enough'. Though, i'd like a sequel, then again wrote in double POV.

You guys are artists. You know what you're doing, and you're doing it good.
I approve of this story. Clearly a masterpeice to be read, and read again. It must be pinned on Fimfiction's homepage for a while.
Thank you guys for such a good read. And please, give us more.

Wonderful job on Fleur's characterizations! Loved the story, and it begs for a sequel!

Okay, seriously, thank you everyone for such kind words.

I, for one, am rather humbled.


Is there a story behind Rarity trying to set a date up between Rainbow and a Noble?

5217184 Yes I have.

I was simply wondering why Rarity would believe that a date between a noble and Rainbow Dash, Wonderbolt-in-training, would go well.

I am not trying to criticize the story, I just thought that there was potential for a story exploring why no stallions in Ponyville would be available. Is there some sort of quasi-conspiracy in Ponyville that makes all the stallions avoid her?

From the way the stories are written, it sounds like none of the stallions in Ponyville are even remotely interested in her, which could be explored in another story. Keep in mind that I may be seeing things that are not there.

Any explanation you have is just as good as mine. Maybe you'd like to write a story about it?:raritywink:

5218175 I will think about writing it. My mind is starting to build a sadfic. Maybe I will call it Beautiful: Rarity and Rarity's perspective will show what is wrong with Ponyville that no stallions will date Rainbow... My mind just went somewhere really sad when I answered that question. Would you like me to PM you two my hypothesis?

Lovely work on both stories, both of you! Just the right amount of sweet and sad, and the dual-perspective worked very well. :twilightsmile:

If that is something you want to do, I'll be happy to give you my opinion on it. But don't feel like you need special permission from me to take it anywhere you want. Write your story the way you want it.

I now want to see more of this. Though I imagine the narration could be more boring since Fleur will just act as if nothing happened. Maybe be more catty and coy with the dress on though, the touch and feel reminding her of Rainbow Dash and giving her some more brash attitude. Just maybe Fancy Pants enjoys this new Fleur, but she never gives in to his advances since that would only tarnish the memory the dress holds. It is her armor to strike back at the stallion that has tossed her aside.

I need more of this ship. It's so... excuse me for lack of a better word, awesome! Or at least, you guys made it awesome. Makes me sad I finished it so quickly.

I want to see more a forbidden love tail secret meetings and shade romance. The model and the wounderbolt, and hopefully dash gets a chance to sock fancy in the jaw. Lol

the ravishes of time

The ravages of time.

Are you sure? I know time can't keep its hands off of me. Sometimes it's so bad that I can't walk for eight hours straight.:trollestia:

Oh, so now you’re going to give me the cold shoulder?

The other story has it as "cold whither"

5279197 Your picture and that statement are just to funny.

Both these stories where very well done. :rainbowkiss: heart warming with lots of feels. A very nice read. :twilightsmile:

5222684 oooooh, excellent description .:raritywink:

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