• Member Since 25th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Majin Syeekoh

We’ve got dents and we’ve got quirks, but it’s our flaws that make us work.


The Dazzlings head to Donut Joe's to lick their wounds after the Battle of the Bands. Unfortunately, they run into the ones who defeated them and strike up a conversation that brings up old memories.

Edited by Rainedash!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 123 )

I'm starting to feel like I'm the only one that hasn't seen Equestria Girls 2?

Majin Syeekoh

5179338 I watched it this past Saturday on Discovery Family. I kind of get where you're coming from.

5179346 yeah plus YouTube is my only place I can watch it so yeah

Majin Syeekoh

5179348 Bluh. That sucks.

5179351 yeah, I've seen the first 40 minutes and that's it

Majin Syeekoh

5179354 Just the first 40 mins? How did that come to pass?

Cute and wtf hell. Dont ask Sonata for a blow job any time soonn.

Majin Syeekoh

5179446 That is a legitimate response to this.

I'm glad that the cute came through.

I can't upvote this, sorry. I won't downvote it, but I can't upvote it. I just don't agree with the notion of Sonata doing something like that.

Majin Syeekoh

5179467 That is your prerogative and I respect that.:pinkiesmile:

“W-well, you know how I like to have sex with random people, right?”

That escalated qui

Sonata’s lower lip quivered. “I… I… I tortured, killed and ate her!


Majin Syeekoh

5179592 :rainbowlaugh:

Indeed it did, pear. Indeed it did.

Ummm.... What?

Majin Syeekoh

5179656 Trust me, I'm as lost as you.

The fic idea started as "I Don't Think You're Ready For This Jelly" and was about Adagio splattering herself with a jelly donut.

I have no idea how I got to this point from there.

That was... Hmm. Little weird to say the least

Majin Syeekoh

5179670 Weird doesn't even begin to describe it.

The concept sure is weird. The idea of murder comes without warning. Overall, I don't really think Twilight and Sunset would ever talk to those three sirens but I suppose you tried to make it work. Decent work. 6/10.

Majin Syeekoh

5179730 Thanks. I appreciate your review.

i think theres a saying for this..but does it work..Doesnt Matter Had Sex.

Majin Syeekoh

5179887 She technically never had sex with her... so, not really, no.

5179896 huh..so how does it go from: Agreeing to sex under duress>Torturing>Killing>Eating..and not exactly in that order...

Majin Syeekoh

5179910 She never agreed to the sex.

Majin Syeekoh

5179910 She just went straight to the last three.

5179915 well then. that clears any misconceptions i had. and makes me even more wary of her.

Majin Syeekoh

5179927 You should be wary of her.

She's evil.

. . . . . . . . .

Well, it's better than Angel Bunny, Foal Toucher.

(This has become my standard for judging these sort of fics, and to some degree, my way of reassuring myself about not having any sort of content rules in Short Stories. "At least it's not Angel Bunny, Foal Toucher.")

Majin Syeekoh

5179977 Thanks, I guess?

I wasn't aware that I had created a rubric for judging fics.

5179982 Actually, if I can expand on that . . . I feel like this ought to have a Mature rating, even though it's not explicit. Every fic that comes to mind as a comparison is rated Mature, even the totally silly ones. I read this because I saw the Teen tag and thought it couldn't be that bad, even if it was Dark.

Majin Syeekoh

5180000 No, I completely understand.

I'm shocked that this passed with a Teen rating. I'm guessing it was because I didn't go into explicit detail.

Hmm. I feel bad about downvoting without explaining why, so here goes. There are a lot of, shall we say, surprising elements in this. Any one of them would be fine--even all of them would be fine in a longer story. But there are so many of them in such a short space of words with so little acknowledgement that they're surprising, that they end up reading as surprise for the sake of surprise. Shock porn or something.

I thought it was overall good, but the revelation was a bit too sudden. There was no lead up or hint to it and it just came out of nowhere. Sure, there was the dilemma that original Sunset was missing, but the details of something that shocking should come in little bits and pieces before hitting us with the result. Liked, but no favorite for those reasons.

Majin Syeekoh


That's fine. I was trying something new with this fic. I always try to do something new with each of my recent fics, and this seem to have fallen somewhat flat with both of you for the reasons stated.

Thank you for letting me know.:pinkiesmile:

Huh. So Sonata's a telemarketer, Adagio is a tattoo artist, and Aria fixings computers? Fits pretty well.

The revelation of where these three work felt a bit rushed. Had no real lead up. And just tossed out there without much thought. It's almost like Aria was just casual about the whole thing. Hmm.

Have a like in any case. By the way, isn't Sunset eating bacon, like, cannibalism? Or does it not count because her hair just grows back more bacon? :rainbowhuh:

Well, I think that's touched on everything relevant to the story. Everything seemed pretty spot on normal, far as EQG 2 Dazzlings go. :ajsmug:

Majin Syeekoh

5180219 Yeah, I thought those three jobs would fit pretty well.

And Aria's way calmer after she's had her coffee and cigarette. You'd be surprised how much those could loosen someone up.

And as for Sunset's unhealthy obsession with meat... well, I have this headcanon that once Sunset tried meat for the first time in the human world, she instantly fell in love with it, because hey, meat's fucking awesome. Amirite?

Thanks, by the way. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to catch the je ne sais quois of the Dazzlings.

I'll give you a like because this is well written. But holy mother of something, that came right out of left field there.

Majin Syeekoh

5180662 Thanks, dude.

Majin Syeekoh

5180707 YES!


Author Interviewer

And I haven't even read the story yet! :V

Majin Syeekoh

5180712 Oh, you're in for a wild ride, then!

Author Interviewer

After you hyped it to me last night, I can't pass it up. :B

Majin Syeekoh

5180718 I suppose that's true.:twilightblush:

Majin Syeekoh

5180787 Indeed they have, Maud.

Indeed... they... have.

Wow...when you said dark, you meant dark, didn't you?

Um...I'm getting an unpleasant vibe from Sunset in this story. She's totally unconcerned about the fate of the girl she replaced and enjoying the meat just a little too much. Is she a more sinister character here than in canon? I agree with Twilight, that was callous.

Hey...torture, murder, and cannibalism are one thing, but SMOKING??? How DARE you??? (And indoors, at that!)

Majin Syeekoh

5181178 Yeah, it's a darkfic.

I suppose my interpretation of Sunset is slightly off-canon. I like to think she tries really hard not to think about it and pushes it out of her mind with said callousness.

And yeah, smoking indoors is a thing in some states. I still remember the Chinese buffet where smoking was allowed indoors. I jumped all over that shit like white on rice.

Now...when Sonata says eat...does she mean literally eats her as in ...cannibalism :twilightoops:

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