• Published 24th Oct 2014
  • 22,353 Views, 174 Comments

Letters He Will Never Read - Flutterpriest

Anon made a major impact on the lives of every friend he made in his time in Equestria, but he had to return home sometime. However, his friends weren't ready for him to leave just yet. Writing letters is supposed to be therapeutic...

  • ...

Octavia, The Great and Powerful Trixie and Lyra Heartstrings




It all sounds wrong.

If she wasn't strictly disciplined as a filly, she might have lost her composure and snapped her bow. Octavia sat in her music room, late into the evening and on her third... no, fourth coffee now. It had to be perfect.

The funny thing about being a musician, is that you learn not to question why inspiration strikes, you simply follow where it leads. It started one day as she was playing in the market. Anon, the human in town, sat in a nearby seat as Octavia played. He clapped after every song. She had to admit that she liked it. Around sundown, she realized that he was the only one still listening. So he introduced himself, formally anyway. He asked if he could watch her play again. Of course she said yes.

He came to every concert. He drank in every solo. He even went to watch her practice sometimes. Anon said that, when Octavia played, she showed a deeper part of herself that wanted to be released... something that she wasn't able to simply say with words.

That was the moment... she felt something leap inside of her. An inspiration that needed to be released onto the page. So she worked, into the night, and practiced... and practiced.

When she went to his home... he wasn't there. So she tried the next day. Then the next day. After a week, she needed to know. After reaching his friend, Twilight, that's when Octavia learned the truth. She was crushed.

Since then, the song never sounded quite right. It was too happy. Too melodic. Too... romantic.

As she marked a flat on the final note of the last measure... she nods her head. Pulling out another sheet of paper she scribbles a note on the front.

A Song for Anon. This is what, I consider, my greatest accomplishment. After weeks of fine tuning, hard work, and perseverance... it's complete.

I only wish you could hear it.

A few small tears drip onto the page as she takes the collection of sheet music and places it into a drawer, and locks it tight. Away from the world. She will never play it... unless Anon get's to hear it first.

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The Great and Powerful Trixie

"Trixie really needs to fix that squeaky wheel." the blue unicorn proclaims to herself as she follows the dirt road out of Ponyville.

Who knows where this dirt path might lead... As long as it's anywhere but here. She stayed in Ponyville too long anyway. This small town was all washed up.

She grunts to herself as she pulls her cart along. It never used to be this heavy. Not when she arrived in Ponyville for the third time anyway. She set up her show, just like every other town. Sure, she had a colored past in this town and she didn't expect a huge turnout. But, not three audience members. Those two colts that bowed to her every whim... at the cost of them following her around. Fancolts are the worst. However, there was the third. The human.

He sat and watched her perform every trick in wide eyed amazement. He clapped, 'Ooh'ed, 'Ahh'ed at every illusion, and after the big finale... he called for an encore. Trixie thought he must have surely been joking. Nopony ever asked The Great and Powerful Trixie for an encore. After the two colts left to spread their stupidity elsewhere, Trixie stormed the stage and demanded an explanation from this... Hew-man.

"I just thought your tricks were awesome. The whole show was amazing. You must practice a lot."

Trixie smiled to herself as she pulled the cart along. At least somepony... no... someone in this world know what talent looks like.

He asked to watch her practice for tomorrow's show. Trixie didn't plan on a second performance, however... she could make an arrangement. He arrived bright and early as Trixie was setting up the stage. He sat on one of several logs that he pulled in. As if she were expecting an audience...

He watched all the same tricks again... but still cheered just as loudly. Then... he took her to lunch. He thought Trixie didn't know about the town. Was it wrong to have played dumb, just to be with him?

He kept handing out these pieces of paper. However, Trixie paid no mind. There was something about this human that made Trixie feel... Home. For the first time in her travels across Equestria, Trixie finally felt like she could stay in one place. Maybe she could do children's parties. It wouldn't matter.

Finally, she had to leave to prepare for her... 'show.' She didn't want him to leave... but he insisted that she should look her best. Silly Human. Who would come and see the Great and Powerful Trixie in this town...

However, once she stepped on stage, there was thunderous applause. It appeared as if the whole town came out to see the Great and Powerful Trixie! Her heart leaped in her chest and she smiled. Of course. Advertisements.

Trixie stopped in the middle of the road and looked at the ground. That was Trixie's greatest performance of her life, and it was all thanks to Anon.

But... then he was gone. Twilight said that he left Equestria for his home world. Twilight, that idiot. Trixie could have made a portal even more powerful than hers... or at least Trixie could have helped.

Trixie sighs to herself and unhitches herself. Moving to the back of her cart, she sees the town of Ponyville in the distance. Now where is Trixie supposed to go? The silver maned unicorn enters her cart and locks the door behind her. Sitting down to small working desk, she pulls out a piece of paper and parchment. Twilight said it might be good if she wrote letters to him... even if he never reads them.

Dear Anon...

Trixie looks down at the piece of paper, wondering what she could possibly say to him.

You idiot. How DARE you leave without hardily saying a word?! The LEAST you could have done is said goodbye to Trixie.

Her words are filled with anger as she scribbles on the page mercilessly.

Now what is Trixie supposed to do? You gave Trixie a reason to want to settle down. You're lucky you are off on Err-th, or else Trixie would have to do something drastic!

Trixie grits her teeth and hunches over the table.

Now what is Trixie supposed to do?!

She stares at the sentence she just wrote.

Now what am I supposed to do?

Her muscles untense and she falls into her seat, still pouring her thoughts onto the page.

I-I thought I knew what I wanted for my future... and now it's gone. You're gone. Every time I take the stage, I'm going to think of you.

Trixie closes her eyes and continues to write.

You've made the one thing I can do well hurt me. Trying to perform, Living in Ponyville... everything hurts.

The blue unicorn's eyes water and a tear runs down her cheek.

I was used to being alone my entire life. I hated having anypony around... then you changed that.

The ink on the parchment begins to run and smudge with tears.

How dare you.

Trixie places the quill down and sets her head on the desk. Covering her head with her hooves... she just hopes she's far enough away so nopony will hear her.

Lyra Heartstrings

Boring. f there was one way to describe life for Lyra Heartstrings, it was 'Boring.'

Wake up. Clean up. Go to work. Eat Lunch. Keep working. Go home. See friends. Go to bed. Repeat.

The same routine every weekday... and sometimes even on weekends. Then, one day when tending to the shop with BonBon... the most peculiar creature entered the Candy Shop.

He was tall and stood on two legs with a toned physique. It wasn't like any minotaur that she had ever seen... it seemed more like a monkey. His voice was deep and commanded her attention. He came in, bought some candy and left as quickly as he arrived. But... Lyra needed to know more about him. What was his name? Who was he? What was he? She had to know.

Her routine was ruined. He injected himself into her thoughts and wouldn't leave.

Wake up from a dream about him. Wonder what he thinks about in the shower as she cleaned up. Stand at work in anticipation he would come back. Work through lunch in the event she could miss him. Nervousness intensifies as BonBon teased her for having a crush. Walk around Ponyville in hopes of seeing him again.

It was pure misery for Lyra. She tried to convince herself that it wasn't an obsession, and that it was just some crazy crush. The problem was... that she did see him, but couldn't bring herself to approach him. Lyra saw him the first time when he listened to that mare that plays the Chello. She wanted to approach him so bad... but couldn't

A part of her worried she would just be bothering him. The next time was when he was handing out fliers with that Trixie mare. Anon came up directly to her and handed the flier to her with a smile, asking if she would come to the show that evening. Lyra simply blushed and nodded intently.

Of course... he was still inviting everypony else in town... but it meant something more to Lyra. Then... one day, he just wasn't anywhere. When she finally approached one of Anon's marefriends... they revealed he had been gone for a few weeks...

Lyra stands at the counter of Bonbon's candy shop and sighs to herself. A few weeks... and she didn't even know. She had to learn his name from friends. Lyra didn't even know if he knew her name. She continued her days in a haze of work and inner thought, reserved from the outside world.

It was the hardest thing for her to accept. She loved him... or at least, she thought she loved him. And he didn't even know her name. It was like she was in the background for him. Some silent character in the background of his exciting life. She wasn't anything special. Lyra was boring. Nothing eventful happened to her.

But Anon was something exciting. Something new that was waiting to be explored. The light-green mare stares into the distance in the empty store, deep in her inner thought. Twilight, Anon's friend, also mentioned they were writing letters to him... in case they could ever get in contact with him.

But what would be the point? He didn't even know you.

While looking down at the sugary treats inside the glass case, a daring thought invades her mind. What would it hurt to try?

Lyra searched herself for any source of answer. Absolutely anything to prove to herself that she should leave the human alone and resign herself to being his background pony. Yet... nothing pops in her mind.

"This is a terrible idea..." she whispers herself, grabbing a sheet of paper that was used for the long orders.

Taking a quill and ink, she begins to scribble in her best possible handwriting.

"Dear Anon... My name is Lyra Heartstrings... and I was hoping we could get to know each other better... and maybe even be friends."

Lyra reviewed the simple sentence over and over again. Is it too direct? Does the use of the word 'friend' ruin your chances for...

Take it slow, Lyra. Treat it... like a penpal. As Lyra scribbles more and more text, a smile curls on her face. This was exciting. This was new.

Every new sentence filled her with anticipation for a possible answer. She even had to get a second sheet. Lyra felt amazing... just knowing that for once, she wasn't in the background. Maybe one day, Twilight will be able to find out how to send mail to Anon. Then when she does, life will be exciting.