• Published 23rd Apr 2012
  • 6,164 Views, 224 Comments

To Make Old Friends - Incidental Pegasus No. 5

In an alternate Equestria, Fluttershy tries to find her friends

  • ...

Poor Provincial Town

Lunch at Sweet Apple Acres had been, unsurprisingly, heavily apple-based. Fluttershy enjoyed the apple salad and apple fritters she was offered, but what she enjoyed more was the company. Even though she had just met Big Macintosh and Granny Smith, they treated her as if she had been a friend of the family for years.

The conversation to this point had largely been dominated by Apple Bloom, although that was as much by default as anything. Fluttershy's soft voice was difficult for Granny Smith to hear, and made her feel very self-conscious and hesitant to speak. As for Big Macintosh, he was clearly a stallion of few words, although fortunately not too few to hold a conversation.

The Apples had wanted to know more about her, so she told them about the Ponyville weather team.

"Then I reckon you're the one we have t'thank for the rain we need for our crops."

Fluttershy blushed. "Oh, no, it's not just me. My – the team is full of talented, hard-working ponies. I'm just one pony. I'd never be able to do it on my own." Her embarrassment was interrupted by a warm tongue on her muzzle. A brown and white collie had emerged, seemingly out of nowhere, and was happily licking Fluttershy's face.

"Winona! Down!" ordered Apple Bloom.

"I'm real sorry about this, Miss Fluttershy."

Winona was now laying on her back, allowing Fluttershy to rub her belly. "Oh, it's alright, really. She's just saying hello. Isn't that right, Winona? Who's a good girl?" Fluttershy felt a connection with Winona in a way she rarely did with ponies. The canine's instant acceptance was comforting. There were no awkward introductions here, nothing to be intimidated by.

The interruption also gave Fluttershy an excellent chance to change the subject. "Anyway, the reason I came here was to see your sister Applejack. I have this problem, and I think she's one of the ponies I need to get in touch with. Apple Bloom said you'd know where to find her."

Big Macintosh considered this for a moment. "Eeyup. But if you're in trouble, we'd be happy to lend a hoof to a friend of the Apple family." Apple Bloom and Granny Smith gave their enthusiastic agreement.

"I wouldn't want to be a bother. You barely even know me."

He looked at his sister. "That may be, but I know enough."

"That's very kind of you, but to be honest, I'm not sure there's anything else you could do. I really just need to find certain specific ponies. That rock salespony, Pinki– Pinkamina, that was here before was one of them, and your sister might be another." She described probably-Applejack to the stallion.

Big Macintosh agreed that the mare did sound like his sister. He retrieved an envelope from the counter and gave it to her. It had been torn open and its contents removed, but the writing on it was undamaged. In the upper left corner was a return address located in Manehattan. "That's where we send letters to. You should be able to find her there."

Fluttershy wasn't relishing the idea of going to Manehattan. It was a lot bigger than Ponyville, and bigger even than Cloudsdale. It was one of the largest cities in all of Equestria, second only to Canterlot itself, and from what she had heard, full of crowds of ponies rushing in every direction and very tall buildings all over the place. There were few places she wanted to visit less, and most of those were full of dragons or griffons. Based on what Apple Bloom had said earlier, though, Applejack hadn't been coming back to visit. That Fluttershy would have the good fortune for that to suddenly change seemed unlikely, so she was just going to have to find a way to face her fear. This was too important to simply let go.

She thought of Rainbow Dash and Pinkamina. Neither one had been much like Other Fluttershy's memories suggested. She should take the opportunity to find out more about Applejack from ponies that knew her. "I was just wondering, if it isn't too much trouble that is, if you could tell me about Applejack. But only if you want to. If it's too personal, I understand."

It was Granny Smith who replied. "It's fine, dear. Let's see, it was about ten years ago, I think, or maybe more than that. Twelve? But that's not really the important part. Anyways, some time ago, my niece and her husband came from Manehattan to visit. While they were here, they told the foals – Applejack and Big Macintosh still bein' young'uns at the time – all sorts of stories about their big fancy life in the big fancy city. An' well, Applejack was so taken by the idea of bein' a fancy big city pony, not a week later, she tells us she wants to go live there herself. Can't rightly say I blame her, though. T'be honest, to hear them tell it, I was half tempted to go pay a visit m'self! Ain't much to say after that, really. She writes to us, and we write to her." After a moment, she added, "I sure do miss havin' her around the farm, though."

Big Macintosh added a solemn "Eeyup" of his own. Apple Bloom just sat there, crestfallen.

"But don't go 'round thinkin' bad of her. She's still an Apple, an' she still helps the farm in her own way. Thanks to the money she sends, we never have to worry about Sweet Apple Acres bein' in trouble from a bad harvest."

"Thank you so much for inviting me to lunch and everything you've told me. If I'm going to go to Manehattan, though, I have a lot I need to do." To Apple Bloom, she said, "I don't know how long this will take, but I will be back to help you like I promised. I won't forget."

As she was leaving, she remembered something Cloud Kicker had said. It's not like I know everypony in Ponyville. Well, it was worth a shot. She described the two unicorns and asked the Apples if they knew anything about them, but they had no better idea than Cloud Kicker did.


Upon leaving the farmhouse, Fluttershy retraced her steps to make her way back to the heart of Ponyville. Knocking on the door of the library, she was pleased to discover that Cheerilee was there.

"Hello again, Fluttershy. Were you able to find the farm alright?"

"Yes, thank you, but now I have to go to Manehattan. I was hoping there was a map of the city I could borrow, if you aren't too busy."

A suitable map found, Fluttershy thanked Cheerilee and left. She was ready to head back to Cloudsdale, when she spotted Apple Bloom talking to a pair of fillies. She wandered over to them, and noticed that one of the two strangers, a light pink filly who, for some reason, was wearing a tiara, was actually doing most of the talking, and Apple Bloom didn't seem to want to be there at all. She thought she heard the pink one say something to her companion, a glasses-wearing gray filly, about "blank flanks" that made them both laugh. Fluttershy decided it would probably be a good idea to step in.

"Hello, Apple Bloom. Is everything okay?" The filly brightened.

"Hey, Fluttershy! I –"

"We were just talking with Apple Bloom about cutie marks," the tiara-wearing pony interrupted, turning slightly to show off a matching tiara decorating her side. In a rather loud and obviously fake attempt at muttering under her breath, she added, "...and lack of cutie marks." Before anypony could say anything, she continued, "So glad we had this chance to chat, but we really have to go. Coming, Silver Spoon?" She walked away with a smirk. After a moment, the other filly followed.

Apple Bloom sighed. "I don't really wanna talk about Diamond Tiara."

"I understand." From the nervous way Apple Bloom was shuffling her hooves, Fluttershy guessed there was something she did want to talk about. She decided to give the filly as much time as she needed.

After what felt like minutes, Apple Bloom finally spoke. "Fluttershy? You said you were going to Manehattan, right? To see my sister?" Fluttershy nodded. "Could... could you ask her to come home? I didn't wanna say anything in front of my family."

Fluttershy found herself momentarily at a loss for words. Apple Bloom looked even sadder now than when she was worried about her cutie mark, and with good reason, but Fluttershy wouldn't agree to do that. She didn't need to know anything about Applejack to know that the city pony wasn't going to leave her home of over a decade because somepony she'd never met asked her nicely, and it wouldn't be fair to try. "Well, um, I could tell her that you'd like to see her and ask her to visit Ponyville. Is that alright?" Apple Bloom reluctantly agreed.

Fluttershy tried to think of something that might cheer up her new friend when a brightly-colored building caught her eye. It looked like a life-size gingerbread house, with a sign out front emblazoned with a giant cupcake.

"Apple Bloom, would you like a cupcake? My treat."


Luckily, the line inside the bakery moved quickly. The two ponies were soon at the counter, being waited on by a matronly blue earth pony.

"Howdy, Mrs. Cake!"

"Hello, Apple Bloom. And hello to your friend as well," she addressed Fluttershy. "Welcome to Sugarcube Corner! Is this your first visit to Ponyville?"

"This is Fluttershy. She's gonna help me get my cutie mark!"

"That's very kind of you. So, what can I get for you two today?"

Fluttershy looked over the baked goods on display. Sugarcube Corner had some very fancy cakes on display. There was even an especially large one in the shape of the eight-pointed star that was the symbol of the Sun Princess herself. They all looked so tasty, but she was still full from lunch and settled for a simple banana nut muffin. Apple Bloom chose a cupcake with green frosting topped by a slice of apple.

After ringing up the sale, Mrs. Cake turned towards the kitchen and shouted, "Can you bring some more cupcakes up front, dear? We're almost out."

"Com-ing!" The voice that responded practically sang. A tray of cupcakes floated through the doorway, bathed in a blue field of magic. Following shortly behind trotted a white unicorn. Her shoulder-length violet mane was pulled back in a ponytail, and she was wearing a black apron tied around her waist and a matching skirt on her hindquarters.


"We go!"

The two ponies bolted out of the dressing room, leaving a very confused photographer in their wake. Walking down the hallway, it was the unicorn who spoke first.

"Fluttershy, allow me to tell you again how sorry I am for this whole mess."

"It's alright, Rarity," the pegasus replied, "It was just as much my fault as yours. I could have said something."

"That doesn't change the fact that I shouldn't have pushed you into it at all. It was clear you didn't want to, but I was only thinking of my career." Rarity hung her head in shame. "And to think, you were miserable all this time..." She was only brought out of her funk by the touch of a yellow hoof on her shoulder.

"When it was just as a favor for you, it wasn't so bad. But I only wanted to help you 'shine all over Equestria'. I never wanted that attention myself. If only there was some way..." Fluttershy trailed off, lost in thought. After a moment, she appeared to come to a conclusion. "Rarity, those shoots tomorrow Photo Finish mentioned... what if I told her that I'd only go if we work on them together? She must have seen how the crowd loved you."

Rarity hesitated. "That's very kind of you, Fluttershy, but I could never enjoy it knowing how it was making you feel."

"It wouldn't be for very long. Once you became popular, you'll have lots of ponies modeling your clothes. Nopony would even notice that I quit."

Rarity didn't say anything for a very long time. She looked away from Fluttershy and nervously bit down on her foreleg as her entire body trembled. Eventually, she burst out, "No! No, I couldn't." When she had composed herself, she said to Fluttershy, "I know it's not our usual day, but let me take you to the spa. Oh! We should invite Twilight too. The poor girl must be stressed from keeping both our secrets."

No sooner than Rarity had mentioned their bookish friend's name, they heard her voice echoing out from the room they had left.

"Spike has a crush on Rarity!"

The two friends looked at each other.

"Oh dear, were we not supposed to know about that?"


When Fluttershy came to this time, three sets of eyes gazed at her, curious. "Fluttershy? Are you alright?" asked Apple Bloom. Fluttershy assured her she was, but was spared the possibility of further questions when high-pitched screams came from a suddenly-glowing box sitting on a shelf. A second set of screams soon joined in.

"Sounds like the twins are up. Rarity, would you mind –"

"– watching the store until Mr. Cake gets back?" The words burst forth from the unicorn – Rarity – like from a cannon. "I'd be happy to!"

As Mrs. Cake went upstairs, Fluttershy found herself with the perfect opportunity to talk with Rarity. How should she do this? Thinking back at her previous attempts, the direct approach was clearly not the way to go. Something more nuanced might have a better shot at getting her somewhere. At the very least, with a store to look after, she didn't have to worry about Rarity walking off on her any further than the kitchen.

Now she just needed to decide how to start. She sighed inwardly. This was always so much easier when the other pony was doing it. Fortunately, Rarity solved the difficulty for her.

"I don't believe we've met before. Rarity."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Rarity. I'm Fluttershy."

"Oh, the pleasure is all mine, dear. We don't see new faces here in Ponyville nearly enough. Where are you from, if you don't mind my asking?"

"Cloudsdale, but I work for the Ponyville weather team. I just don't spend much time down here."

"You don't need to be so modest, Fluttershy," Apple Bloom piped up. She said to Rarity, "She's in charge of the weather team." Fluttershy, disappointed that her slip-up at lunch had clearly not gone unnoticed, reluctantly confirmed that she was. She silently thanked Rarity for choosing to focus on something else entirely.

"You're from Cloudsdale? I must admit, I'm rather jealous. Is it really as sophisticated as they say? I mean, obviously I've never been, but someday, I'd like to have my own little pastry shop in someplace like Mareseilles, or Veneighzia, or maybe even Canterlot!" As Rarity spoke, her voice grew increasingly breathless, and her gaze became fixed on a far-off point in the distance. By the end, she was clearly only talking to herself. "One day, Rarity. One day."

Fluttershy pretended to listen politely as she swallowed her frustration. Yet another conversation was getting out of hoof, and, while at least this one didn't feature an unbearably long list of rocks, she wasn't getting any closer to solving her problem. If Rarity even had any of the answers she was looking for, it didn't look like she was going to volunteer them. Fluttershy would have to act.

She had tried asking Rainbow Dash if she had strange feelings that everything was wrong, and that had only made her angry. She had tried asking Pinkamina if she remembered them being friends, and that hadn't worked either. Maybe she was going about this the wrong way. She had refrained from explaining the details of her situation to Apple Bloom and her family because she knew it would make her sound crazy. If she had been on the other end of a conversation where somepony else was asking her questions like that, she might not want to admit to anything either.

If Rarity really was having a similar experience but didn't want to talk about it, perhaps she should say something to signal to Rarity that she wasn't alone. The considerable differences between Other Fluttershy's Rarity and the mare standing before her would simplify this, at least.

"Rarity, I was wondering something..."

The unicorn baker was jolted out of her daydream. "Yes?"

"It's just that, well, I heard from somepony that there was a designer in Ponyville that made beautiful dresses. A designer named Rarity. Is that true?"

Fluttershy was unable to read Rarity's expression. "I think I'd like to have a word with this 'somepony'," she began, before catching herself, "Where are my manners? I'm sorry, it's not like you could have known. You see, when I was a filly, I did indeed dream of being a fashion designer, but that dream died long ago. The work I did wasn't bad, really, it was merely... commonplace. Not the kind of thing to get one noticed. Eventually, I came to terms with my mediocrity. It's not something I like to discuss. I'm just grateful that Mr. and Mrs. Cake were looking for –" Rarity stopped. She was staring at the tray of cupcakes she had brought out and muttering to herself. "Oh, no. No, this will not do at all."

"What's wrong?" asked Fluttershy.

"This!" A single cupcake from the tray lifted up, caught in a blue aura. "I simply cannot embarrass my employers by displaying such an inferior product in their store!" Fluttershy wondered what she meant, since the offending dessert didn't look any different than the others to her. She did not have long to discover the baked good's secret flaw as it was soon being eaten by Rarity as quickly as dignity would allow.

Once the cupcake was gone, Rarity turned her attention back to the customers. "My apologies, Fluttershy. One benefit of this medium is how easy it is to dispose of one's mistakes. Anyway, I do hope such a cosmopolitan mare as yourself will visit Ponyville more often. The town is rather more provincial than I'd prefer. What? It's true."

The last bit was not directed at Fluttershy, but the space over her right shoulder. She turned and saw that, at some point, a cream-colored earth pony with a dark blue and pink mane had taken up a spot in line behind her. The new pony was glaring daggers at Rarity.

"Oh my goodness! I am so sorry, I didn't realize anypony was waiting. I'll just get out of your way now." Blushing heavily, Fluttershy gathered her purchases and ushered Apple Bloom out of the shop, Rarity shouting a farewell behind her.


After making sure that Apple Bloom had cheered up some, Fluttershy said her goodbyes to the filly and headed back up to Cloudsdale. Even though she knew this was definitely necessary flying unless she intended to start looking for hotels, she still felt a twinge of guilt due to her promise to Cloud Kicker.

Her departure from Sugarcube Corner and Rarity hadn't been at all how she planned, but she had to admit that it didn't look like she was getting anywhere with the unicorn anyway. If Rarity was experiencing something similar, she hadn't been interested in sharing that with Fluttershy.

The meek pegasus reflected on her progress so far, or, to be more accurate, her lack of progress. She had already met with three of the five ponies she was looking for, and, while Other Fluttershy's memories were clearer than they were that morning, she was no closer to understanding where they came from or why nopony else was experiencing them. She hoped that Manehattan held some answers, and that she'd find somepony who could tell her about the other unicorn she still knew nothing about.

She soon arrived at Cloud Kicker's house, where the weatherpony was about to sit down to dinner with her little sister Alula. After being assured three times that she really wouldn't be imposing, Fluttershy agreed to join them. The simple meal with familiar ponies helped the mare to relax for the first time since this morning. As she listened to Alula tell her sister about what she and her friends had been up to that afternoon, she was, for a moment, able to forget all the crazy stuff that had happened to her that day.

Once dinner was over, Cloud Kicker asked her sister for some privacy, and Fluttershy recounted everything that had happened to her in Ponyville. When she finished, Cloud Kicker asked, "So you need to go to Manehattan next?"

"I think so. I'd rather not, but it's really all I have to go on right now."

"When do we leave?"

"But I didn't mean... I was just going to go myself. Not that I wouldn't want you there," Fluttershy hastily clarified, "but it would be selfish of me to ask you to drop everything you're doing to help."

Cloud Kicker looked Fluttershy squarely in the eyes. "Fluttershy, you're my best friend. If something's going on with you, of course I'm going to help. You don't need to ask me, I'm offering."

"But you must have things you need to do yourself. Didn't you tell your parents you'd watch your sister? I wouldn't feel right if you broke plans with your family."

"Alula's only staying here tonight and tomorrow anyway. We can make preparations tomorrow and leave the day after. And don't worry about weather duty. I'll ask Blossomforth if she can cover for me. She owes me a few, it shouldn't be a problem."

"Well, if you're sure you don't mind..."

"I'm sure."

Fluttershy beamed. "Then I'd love to have you come with me."

"Great. I'll go talk to Blossom right now. Would you mind keeping my sister company?"

Agreeing, Fluttershy made her way to Cloud Kicker's living room where her sister had been keeping herself busy with the latest Daring Do novel. Alula closed the book when she saw Fluttershy enter.

"Um, Fluttershy? If I tell you something, do you promise you won't tell my sister?" She was quick to add, "It's nothing bad, I promise."

Fluttershy promised, and sat down as Alula confessed to having a crush on one of her classmates, a pegasus colt named Rumble. Listening to the filly eagerly tell her everything about her schoolyard romance, Fluttershy gratefully enjoyed the respite from the issues weighing on her mind.