• Member Since 24th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 21st


I'm a writer of fluff, kibitzer, and especially interested in canon AU: Equestria Girls, the comics, etc. They are fun to play with.


It all began with an unexpected birthday present: the first he’d received in years. Now as he wanders Equestria, moving from party to party, Cheese Sandwich reviews books from a peculiarly particular party pony perspective.

These “reviews” of the My Little Pony books, such as The Journal of the Two Sisters and the Daring Do novels, are also side stories to my main and Equestria Girls Cheese Sandwich and Pinkie Pie story arcs. You don’t have to have read those to enjoy these or vice versa; curiosity about the books and a fondness for party pony shenanigans will do.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 25 )

I smiled way too much reading this. Your Cheese is hilarious! The party pony magic headcannon is very interesting, especially the bit with the birthdays. I love how it gives Pinkie and Cheese an even deeper connection and a need to rely on each other. Great little story! I loved it!

Princess Just Twilight

:yay: I love it when I inspire people, even when it's the little things.

"Twenty-two relics"? An unusual number. My mind immediately goes to the Major Arcana of the Tarot...

In any case, I'm quite glad to see that this passed moderation. Great way to bridge the different stories in this continuity. I'm definitely looking forward to more.

Also, Pinkie really needs to stop poking holes in spacetime. That way lies Celestia fighting her evil counterpart from another parallel dimension.

Well, that's something. A lot of weaving across stories and headcanon and stuff, but it's all wound up in a little knot for some amazing Cheesiness.

That's pretty darn good. I shall await the continuation.

Boneless Two should get his own spin-off. Who knows what that chicken's thinking? Except Cheese and Pinkie of course.

I decided to lighten the mood. I pulled my serape up over my nose, pushed my black hat down over my eyes, and gritted out, “Out here in the San Palomino, nopony can hear you scream.”
In retrospect, this wasn’t a good idea, because he just screamed some more.

LOL!!! :rainbowlaugh:

Can't wait to see what comes next!:pinkiehappy:

Alright who downvoted this? Scoots is like a genius her stories are flawless now I say MOAR! :flutterrage: The way you write Cheese is pretty much how I picture him and hes funny in my head since he is a funny guy.

> “And that’s when I know it’s time to go home.”

¡Daw! He thinks about Ponyville as home because Pinkie lives there.

I love the references to Mister Roger’s Neigh-Borhood, Rainbow Rocks, and The Looking Glass World of Cheese and Pie.

Thanks, guys!

5151999 Thanks! Yeah, I've given a lot of thought to the party pony headcanon. Basically, they have to give everything freely and be entirely open-hooved. I guess if you can pull anything from hammerspace, you'd have to be the kind of pony who didn't care about keeping things for yourself. I always picture Equestria's party ponies as something like a tiny group of free-roaming wizards, only with no councils and a lot more cake.
5152037 You're welcome! Mandatory Fun is a work of startling genius. Oh, I didn't think of the major arcana! The Daring Do books really are good, though. I'm glad it passed moderation, too. The next one is going to be fun, I can tell.
5152192 I'm glad you like it. I think even Cheese finds Boneless Two a mystery--or maybe he just thinks that with two guys on the road, you don't want to go butting in and asking a lot of questions. Pinkie, of course, knows everything she needs to know.
5152825 Glad you liked it! It was fun to write.
5153014 Aw, thanks. Yeah, I try not to think about that. It could be the story or the character or the implied CheesePie or I ticked someone off--which is entirely possible--or someone was just having a bad day. It's not worth trying to figure it out.
5153116 Exactly. I think really he thinks of Pinkie herself as "home." And I like putting things in where Cheese isn't exactly aware of how much he's giving away about himself.

Cheese is quite the reviewer! I envy your amazing depiction of him, scoots!

I just need to put down my favorite lines, because this just makes me smile. :pinkiehappy:


Good on you, Cheesie. Not a lot of ponies do that. (AKA, ME~ :raritydespair:)

The first half is a journal that Princess Luna and Celestia kept when they first began ruling over Equestria, and it was a lot more interesting than I thought it would be. It wasn’t at all like the history classes I remember as a colt. I especially don’t remember my teacher, Miss Chalkdust, saying anything much about Princess Luna, only about Nightmare Moon, and only when we didn’t want to come in from recess on time. I’m sure she didn’t mention that Princess Luna liked practical jokes. GLAD TO KNOW THIS, because now I can [epically fantastic practical joke right off the Roquefort Scale, Classified, Top Secret. She’ll never see it coming.]

A cute, funny little quip about the mystery that is party ponies! And good use on Luna's fillyhood! I also like the tidbit about Cheese's colthood. :pinkiesmile:

And I had no idea that Chancellor Puddinghead was so cool. Miss Chalkdust always made her sound so boring and Chancellor-y, going to meetings with the Princesses, and she didn’t say anything about setting off trapdoors and shooting Princess Luna out into the courtyard on her hind end. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear Chancellor Puddinghead was a party pony, but who would put one of us in charge of anything?

Only the coolest, most spectactularest pony EVAH! Or you, scoots, but you're not a pony... Are you? :pinkiegasp:

Actually being one of Pinkie’s distant relatives is the last thing I need. although really it’s probably never going to matter anyway. Who do I think I’m kidding?

DON'T SAY SUCH THINGS, HUSH CHILD. Seriously, just because they look alike doesn't mean that Pinks and Cheesy are related! And don't get me started on the "Cheese is a recolored Bubble Berry!!111!!!1" argument, because it is established that they are two VERY different, but SIMILAR ponies. Also, Cheese, baby, you got more of a chance with Pinkie than my candy-horned smoke machine with a speech impediment, but it doesn't hurt to dream. Cheese, have more faith in yourself, because it's totes obvi that Pinkie likes you back.

Anyway, it all came out ok, and we’re friends, omigosh, and Equestria pretty much recovered from the cliff you almost pushed it off, Cheese, genius move there.

It's OK, baby, you didn't know what you did, and you were a total sweetheart about it, too.

But NOW we are up to the bit where this is the greatest book ever, ever, ever written, because there are pages and pages of sheer brilliance and heartwarming wisdom by Pinkie herself! And they’re not just regular diary entries, but her own reflections, which you, the reader, cannot help but find both enlightening and true. Such as:


See? That’s true. And I’m sure you can apply this to your own lives.

This reminds me of a picture where Cheese is waiting to meet Pinkie and he goes, "There she is.... PINKIE PIE!" Then, puts his hooves to his face and goes, "OHMIGOSH, I'M SO NERVOUSCITED, BONELESS."

This book will change your life. I’m telling you.

Oh, and there are some bits with Princesses and manticores and battles in it and stuff. Those were pretty cool, too.

This is basically how my attention span works most of the time.

Once again, you awe me with your fantastical awesomeness. I absolutely adore Cheese, the way you portray him (especially his love for Pinkie) and I love how well you write! (There's a lot of stories on this site where you start thinking that a two year old might have actually written it. Then there's fantastically brilliant stories where you can barely find any spelling mistakes. But with your story, I have never ever found a single one and it really confuses me because humans aren't normally that perfect (and I feel the need to say "no homo" right about now))

I love Cheese reviewing these books, it's amazing and funny and sweet and I keep burying my face in my pillow because I can't take all these CheesePie feels!

5153116 Home is where the heart is.

Whuiiii, that was fun :pinkiehappy:
I can imagine how much Cheesy wants to read the new Daring Do Books.. it's how I always feel when I am waiting for a new chapter of my favorite stories :pinkiesad2:
Uhh... good job :pinkiehappy:

I placed this in my Read Later list.
I'll get to it when I have time over the next three days.

... although I’d like to think I wouldn’t have been a total chunk of Gorgonzola like Flash Sentry. I don’t know why he thought his band Flash in the Pan would win anything. With songs like “Save Them Whales” and “Bedroom Spackling Project”? Seriously?

Poor Flash. "Flash Drive" isn't that much better as a group's name, because it implies he's just a backup. ("We can restore the concert from him if the main bands fail!"). I wonder what they'll do with him in future stories? Will he get Twilight? Will he get back together with Sunset? Will he be so small that he gets put in a drawer and forgotten and we have to buy another one? That's happened with at least one of my Flash Drives ...

Trixie sounds as though she’s gone a bit loose in the flue. Looser, anyway. I thought she seemed nicer to both of us at the Cake Festival, and at least she was trying to help, but now you tell me she’s doing things like dumping you and your friends under the stage floor. Why she’s back to being jealous of you, I don’t know, but Sunset Shimmer told me she had just enough of the wrong sort of magic to cause a lot of trouble. Anyway, be careful, ok?

My theory is that Adagio Dazzle severely messed with her mind. Watching Rainbow Rocks, the Sirens are giving Trixie a lot of very creepy and very personal attention, and Trixie has a very strange expression while they're doing it -- as if she's feeling something painful. My theory is that this was Trixie's free will going bye-bye, and the last desperate protest of her self as she briefly realized what was happening to her.. Also, she's the only character who continues to act strange after the Dazzlings' power has been broken, which makes me think either that her sanity was permanently damaged, or that she was put under a deeper control than anyone else.

I'm sending you a fragment I was writing in response to that scene, which I deliberately was doing in the tone of a 1930's pulp weird tale (with one scene modeled on a pulp magazine cover, with the unconscious Implied Love Interest, having already suffered some Clothing Damage, being gripped by the monster while the hero confronts the creature in a desperate attempt to save her). Said hero is aided by some familiar characters.

I looked up at him. He always looks like a cowboy from an advertisement—hat on indoors, suede vest—and it didn’t go with the chocolate cereal he was eating.

This is the point I was absolutely sure that the roommate was the analogue of Braeburn. I thought the way you had Cheese cheer him up was sweet, too, and entirely in character. :pinkiehappy:

Fun fact: I recently re-read Slice of Life, and after reading that, I can safely say that the bromance here was blooming! It was great to see it again (sans Trend, of course)! The minor spoilers for RR here are just that: minor, though that may just be me, because I'm already aware that there's a slumber party (with Maud?) and Trixie gets manipulated or something. I'm still holding off possible EQG fics I may write, or read any that are focused around RR, or lose myself to the OS until I see it, which I need to. I'm still not going to see it in a theatre though.

Guys don’t really have slumber parties. We just eat a lot of pizza late at night and wonder exactly what girls do at a slumber party, because you seem to be having much more fun than we are, and we don’t exactly go to sleep so much as pass out with our face in a half-empty box.

Yep, that's pretty much it. Except we sometimes have a few beers, blast off music and possibly play some console games with a whole load of swearing. And sometimes, in my case, I break my friend's chair and pass out on the couch, because I can't hold my vodka. So really, it's nothing like what Cheese went through at all!

It’s like a kiss, which we didn’t get to do very much before I had to leave. I put my hand on your letter and I know your hand was on it too, so it’s almost as though we were holding hands, isn’t it? Especially since either way, my hand gets a lot of cake frosting on it.

I wouldn't put it past these two to actually manage a kiss via letter. For all we know, Pinkie would suddenly pop out of the paper, give Cheese a massive smooch, giggle at his "Holy Halloumi!" type of reaction, then go back to where she came from, leaving him in a very stumped expression. Party Pony Human letter magic: not to be trifled with.

Also, that ending was beautiful. I'm not sure if I've heard anything more beautiful from Cheese to Pinkie before (I might have, but this really caught me). It's about three sentences long, is in a letter format and is straight to the point. May not seem like much, but I think the beauty of it is imagining Cheese's expression while writing it, and Pinkie's reaction upon reading those words. And the fact that it came from Cheese. I know it's minor, but I just wanted to let you know how heart-warming that ending was to me. It just seems like the kind of words that Pinkie would take to bed with her. Literally, possibly; I wouldn't put it past her to snuggle with Cheese's letters.

I love how the review is almost an afterthought here. It's not the important part here. What is important is the dynamic between Cheeese and Braeburn, and the personal journey of the latter. No matter his species, he's a homebody. He doesn't transplant well. Throw in sexual identity issues, and it's no wonder he's a mess. But Cheese helps. Not necessarily through his usual modus operandi, but he helps. Despite what he says, I bet Pinkie's proud of him.

Of course, there is the matter of the whole dimensional breach thing. Good thing Sunset has her quantum-entangled journal.

I loved this. Looking forward to more. Especially when either Cheese meets Maud. That's sure to be entertaining.

¡This is great! I love the references to your other stories and Rainbow Rocks. I suspected that the roommate is Bræburn from the moment CheeseSandwich described his appearance.

I really want to see Bronies the Musical. The bullying and abuse in the musical brings out my FlutterRage against the mean bronies who do not like PegaSisters:

:flutterrage: ⸘How dare you‽ ¡You who have your sexuality and masculinity questioned, and have been flatout accused of being pædophiles, for liking MLP dare to bully PegaSisters for liking your show too! ¡You should all privately message Scoots2 and any other PegaSisters you harassed with your sincere apologies immediately! :flutterrage:


> "Flash Drive" isn't that much better as a group's name, because it implies he's just a backup.

I read a story, but I cannot remember the name or who wrote it, where the name of the band is Flash and the Sentries.

I need to tell everyone I know about this! Oh wait, I have no friends! (JK)
You should rename this "Cheese Sandwich and the definitely-not-gay gay roommate" (Again, JK! (Why do I feel that you'll take everything I say literally?))

I wanna see Bronies the musical. I hope it gets uploaded online 'cause I'm
a) 15
b) English
c) very lazy
It's not very easy for me to just pop to America for a musical.

That last part- I almost woke up my sister. (It's half past four in the morning. Not because I stayed up all night or have to get up early or anything, I just woke up and couldn't get back to sleep (watching those Five Nights at Freddie's videos was a mistake, even if it was Dan and Phil)) I was squeeing so much because it took me by surprise! I hadn't expected him to say that then but I loved it.

Just like everyone else, I knew it was Braeburn from the moment you described him, so I guess you failed at keeping that a secret. Or maybe you kept him in character so well that it'd be impossible to hide him. Maybe we'd all recognize him regardless, 'cause everybody loves Braeburn. (I guess that's his problem in this chapter!)

I love it! My favorite parts are where he crosses things out:

and we’re friends, omigosh

:rainbowlaugh: hahaha he makes me smile. :pinkiegasp:

To my horror, all the stuff I’d scratched out had been put back in.

I felt bad when I saw this. Poor Cheesie, his private adorable comments posted for all to see in Ponyville. Oh well, he seems okay with it now.

I love this!! Aghjbfvsjngvwepidklfewipfh it makes me so happy!! :pinkiehappy:

Especially since either way, my hand gets a lot of cake frosting on it.

So CUTE AAAGH :rainbowkiss::rainbowlaugh::pinkiecrazy:

Well...I can die a happy mare. This story is awesome. It has CheesePie, funny moments, and is all around amazing!

[I mean, obviously they would be more awesome if there was more Pinkie in them

Everythingis more awesome with Pinkie.

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