• Published 16th Oct 2014
  • 28,384 Views, 3,143 Comments

The Technological Technicolor Technomare - Tatsurou

The story of Rainbow Dash, as raised by Tony Stark.

  • ...


Tony stood outside the medlab, hesitating. He knew this talk was coming, knew it had to happen, but he had no real idea how to proceed. It was one thing for him or any of the other Avengers: they had all killed before when the need had arisen. They understood that sometimes the balance of battle sometimes cost lives, whether lost or destroyed. But none of them were ten years old when they first came to understand this.

Raising his hand to knock again, he hesitated, then lowered it. How could he even begin to explain things to Rainbow? How could he make things better? Was that even a possibility?

He had reviewed the combat footage JARVIS had uploaded to him, both from Rainbow's own suit and from the security cameras in and around the bank. He knew how hard Rainbow had fought, and how close she had come to losing, possibly even being killed. He also knew that whatever had happened with the wing of her suit wasn't a conscious action. For one thing, it wasn't a part of the suit's original design. The only explanation he could come up with lay in the reactive alloy and the way the suit used a controlled set of nanites and her 'magic, snort snort' - she had actually labeled the energy her arc batteries stored as that on the blueprints - to both self repair and 'adapt as directed'. As best as he was able to determine from that, as Rainbow grew stronger she'd be able to consciously reconfigure her suit mid-battle to a certain extent. But the blade of the wing had not been a conscious action. It had been too quick, and no command prompt had actually been given.

How do you explain to your sweet, innocent little girl that the reason she accidentally just crippled a man is because her instincts indicate she comes from a race of ruthless killers?

Tony smacked his forehead with his palm. He was not going down that path of explanation. It was a crippling blow, yes, but it could just as easily have been a lethal one. Had the strike been aimed at Wrecker's neck it would have taken his head clean off. Besides that, without the armor the strike would have been, at most, stunning. So her instincts would be from a warrior race then.

Tony managed a smile then, his mind finally having forced through the block that had kept him from talking to Rainbow. She was an instinctive warrior, and needed to learn to control those instincts to keep herself from doing something like this again without meaning to. And who better to train her than someone she already respected from another warrior race? He was glad Thor insisted on sticking around this time until he was sure Rainbow had recovered from the fatigue of her first battle. Lifting his hand, Tony knocked on the door.

Pepper opened the door from inside. "About time you got here," she scolded, looking rather disappointed.

Tony shrugged, smiling disarmingly. "I have to get this right," he said apologetically. "I didn't want to risk making things worse with a wrong word."

Pepper sighed. "The delay may have done that anyway," she said, stepping aside to let him in.

Concerned, Tony headed to where Rainbow had been bedded down. The first thing he noticed as he entered was Rainbow's armor belt - the straps that held the arc batteries to her and from which her armor unfolded - hurled against a nearby wall, the damaged arc battery still not fixed. Turning his head, he then saw his daughter, her face buried in her cloud bed as she shook from long weeping. "Rainbow?"

She looked up at him, tears in her eyes. "Dad...I...I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to...I..."

Tony quickly crossed the room, sitting beside the bed and pulling her into his lap. "Hush now, Rainbow," he said softly, holding her in a gentle hug and rubbing the back of her neck through her mane. "It's not your fault."

"B-but I crippled him!" she whimpered. "I...I was just trying to save the day, like you always do...but I'm not a hero...I'm a monster..."

Tony winced, recognizing his own folly in this situation, the things he hadn't told her. He enjoyed how she looked up to him so much, he had only ever told her the 'good bits' of being Iron Man, not wanting to disillusion her. "...you think I've never done the same as Iron Man? Or worse?"

Rainbow looked up at him in surprise, sniffling. "Huh?"

Tony gently stroked her cheek. "Rainbow, being a hero isn't like in those comic books or cartoons. You can't always save the day completely, and not everyone makes it home or to jail in one piece every time. Sometimes, you can't save everyone. You can only do so much. You're only hu-" He paused. "Well, you're only mortal, anyway."

Rainbow couldn't help but giggle at that near slip.

"When I first started work as Iron Man," Tony explained, "I already knew that there would be times I couldn't save anyone. I built the first version of the suit in the middle of a war zone, and had to use it to fight my way out of a hostage situation to get to safety. I...had to leave someone who helped me behind, and I had to kill to make it to safety." He shook his head, not liking reliving those particular memories. "After that, the first time I wore the suit to save the day...I got lucky. I was facing robotic foes I could smash without concern, and I managed to save all civilians with a minimum of property damage. But...I knew I wouldn't be lucky forever. I worried a lot about how I would handle it when I'd be forced to kill again, to save others."

Rainbow was wide eyed. "It...it doesn't seem to bother you," she pointed out.

"It does," he replied easily. "I'm just better at hiding it. I also had a talk with someone that helped out."


"The head of an SRU team." Seeing Rainbow's confusion, Tony chuckled. "Strategic Response Unit. They're the division of police called in specifically to deal with hostage situations...at least when it only involves ordinary humans. He gave me some good advice, based on SRU protocol."

"Their protocol?" Rainbow asked, confused.

"Order of priority when securing lives in a hostage situation," Tony explained. "First priority is the hostages. Second is the officers. Third is the subject, the one who's taken hostages. He suggested I look at all situations where I'm called on as Iron Man in that way: first civilians; then myself, any teammates I have, and the local authority units; then the bad guys. That's the order of who I have to save." He looked her right in the eye. "Your first battle was rough...but you saved all the hostages, you came away in one piece, and three out of four 'subjects' were taken away alive and in one piece. Also, SHIELD's already working on fixing Wrecker's spine so they don't have to put him in a medical jail. Those are easier to escape."

"They...they can fix him?" Rainbow asked hopefully.

Tony smirked. "They certainly can. Heck, even if SHIELD couldn't, I probably could." Reaching over, he picked up her armor belt. "Now, what's this about? Why'd you throw this away?"

Rainbow's gaze lowered. "I...I'm still not a hero, Dad. I...I only crippled someone this time...but what if I do worse someday? What if...what if I kill someone? I don't even know why I did it! I didn't decide to do it! It just...happened!"

Tony smiled. "Rainbow, you aren't human-"

"Gee, thanks," Rainbow groused.

"Let me finish," Tony chided. When Rainbow settled, he continued. "You aren't human, Rainbow. It only makes sense your instincts will be very different then those of humans. Apparently, you also have some highly developed combat instincts, which means combat is something your species is naturally adapted to."

"You mean...I come from a race of brutal killers?" Rainbow whimpered.

"If you hadn't been wearing your armor, at best that blow would have stunned him, possibly temporarily caused a vertebra to slip," Tony pointed out. "Aimed at another Pegasus, though..." He gently trailed his finger up her spine. "It would have hit about here," he said, stopping his finger just below her wing base. "In air, that kind of blow would have probably locked the wing joints and caused the target to drop." As Rainbow's eyes widened, Tony grinned. "You don't come from a race of killers, Rainbow. You come from a race of warriors."

Rainbow blinked. "Huh...that's pretty cool, I guess."

Tony's grin softened into a relaxed smile. "And if you want to avoid something like this happening again, trying to avoid fights isn't the way to do it. If you've the blood of warriors in your veins, the call of battle will stir you to fight. If you want to fight well, so you don't hurt someone like that again, you need to learn how to fight right. You need to train. And I think training with a representative of another race of powerful warriors might help you learn to understand and control those instincts of yours."

Rainbow's eyes widened. "I'm going to train with Thor?"

"That's right," he replied happily. "Pretty cool right?"

"It'd be cooler if I were training with someone else," Rainbow muttered.

"Oh?" he asked. "Who? Me?"

"Well, you'd be pretty cool, too," she admitted. "But who I'd really like to train with-"

At that moment, the door opened and another person familiar to Tony came in. "Hey, Tony," he said. "Is she doing okay?"

Tony smiled up at him. "Hey Steve!" he greeted enthusiastically. "Finally found the time to meet her?"

Rainbow's ears perked up at the name, and her eyes locked on the iconic shield strapped to her visitor's back. "Omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh omigosh!" she gasped out. "You're Captain America! You're, like, the third coolest person in the world! Aside from me, of course."

The Captain sat down as Rainbow hopped from Tony's lap back onto her cloud bed. "Only third?" he asked jokingly. "Who'd I rank under?" He turned to Tony. "Nick needs to talk to you," he mumbled, jerking a thumb towards the door, indicating Fury was here.

"Right," Tony confirmed. Picking up the armor belt, he smiled at Rainbow. "I'll get this back to you once it's repaired," he reassured her, scratching her behind the ear.

"Thanks Dad!" she said as he left. She turned back to Steve. "Well, my Dad's number one!"

Steve laughed. "I expected that. But who else do I rate under?"


"I'm less cool than him?" Steve demanded.

"I don't see you dressing up as Nanny McPhee to babysit me!"

Tony chuckled as he left the medlab. He didn't think Rainbow was fully over this, but at this point Steve - having started out trying to be a soldier - would have a better chance of helping her accept what had happened. The fact that he was apparently her #3 coolest person on the planet certainly didn't hurt that.

Tony found Nick waiting for him in his lab. "How is she?" Nick asked without preamble.

"She's dealing," Tony replied, getting to work on repairing the damaged arc battery. "Thanks for bringing Steve along. I think he'll be able to help her past the parts I couldn't."

"Good." Nick leaned back against the work table, crossing his arms.

After a time of silence, Tony spoke up. "So what's the word above on her?"

Nick sighed. "Public opinion is firmly on her side. The actual fight was captured on quite a few cell phone cameras and already uploaded to Youtube. Everyone who's seen it so far is siding with her over the Wrecking Crew. Most common consensus regarding the 'incident' is that she's a child trying too hard to step into an adult role before she's ready, and she pushed herself too hard too soon."

Tony sighed in relief. "That's good." He had been worried about what it would do to her reputation. "And SHIELD?"

"Officially, she acted in good order as far as a battle situation, using only what force was necessary giving what she had available," Nick explained. "Unofficially...the fact that the strike was instinctive rather than intentional is a matter of concern. If she doesn't get trained to the point she won't have any more such 'accidents', she can't continue 'hero work', and she won't be allowed on the official Avengers roll. And if there are any more 'accidents', they'll consider reclassifying her as a danger to the public."

"You mean the same category Hulk was in before he joined the Avengers?" Tony asked. At Nick's nod, Tony sighed in resignation. "I won't allow that to happen."

"Then you'd better get her trained soon," Fury pointed out. "I've assigned the Captain here as a training partner for her until she's got more control."

Tony smiled. "I was going to ask Thor to train her as well, given she seems to come from a warrior race like he does."

"I'm glad you've got things under control," Nick told him.

"Me too," Tony admitted, turning back to his work.