• Member Since 6th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Saturday


Hikari ni nare!


Her life was over. No one could ever truly forgive her for what she had done. It was something only a power-hungry megalomaniac could do, and now everyone could see her for what she really was. However, being rightfully ostracized from every social circle paled in comparison to what came next.

After an unnerving encounter at Canterlot General Hospital, strange, terrifying phenomena began to happen to her. Messages start being burned into the walls of her home. Wounds start appearing on her for no reason. She can hear cold, faint whispers at night. The smell of ashes perpetually permeates around herself. And yet somehow, it all stemmed from a question she never thought she had to ask.

Whatever happened to this world's Sunset Shimmer?

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 50 )

“I don't really know all the details, but she lost her sanity when her daughter committed suicide. Her name was Sunset Shimmer.”

This bit gave me shivers! AWESOME!!!:derpytongue2:

Oh my god I love this

I like it so far. Can't wait to see what happens next! :pinkiehappy: I just hope it won't take as long on the next chapter!

This must be animated for maximum scare fest. :pinkiecrazy: :pinkiegasp:

Ya know, I'd love for at least half of my stories to be animated :twilightsheepish:

5359844 Too bad it would take forever :ajsleepy:

Oh wow! This is a really cool story:pinkiehappy: please update so I can know what happens!

With comments like this, it certainly gives me the motivation :twilightsmile:

Well then let me add that I quite enjoy it so far as well.

It is a good question though, and one that hopefully should be answered in canon eventually.

Finally got around to reading this, and I am already creeped out. That, and I'm impressed with your grammar and spelling; it's nearly flawless. I sure hope you finish this story soon. :twilightsmile:

I certainly appreciate it. Though I must admit that I haven't really written anything for months. To make matters worse, I was fired from my job last week. Doesn't really do much for my motivation right now :ajsleepy:

5904616 Just hang in there. You can pull through. Every writer has a slump. And even so, feeling down is a surprisingly powerful inspiration. I ought to know. I wrote three of my stories running on sadness alone. :applejackunsure:

You'll get there. And I'll be there to read when you do. :twilightsmile:

EDIT: Just got through the second chapter. Now, I am irrevocably hooked. One like, one fave, and an intense hope to read the rest very soon. :pinkiehappy:

...And yet somehow, it all stemmed from a question she never thought she had to ask.
Whatever happened to this world's Sunset Shimmer?

Oh shit... that synopsis.. creepy as heck :twilightoops:
Definitely going to give it a read.

That title tho...

Well then, I appreciate you taking the time to look at my work :twilightsmile:
In the back of my mind, I'm always half expecting to come back here and see the dislike bar full of kool-aid. I hope you enjoy it ~

I'm kind of proud it it :trixieshiftright:

Yes! Lethal needs MOAR!!!!!!!

Ya know, I think I'm more motivated to write after this morning. Hopefully I can get a substantial amount of plot down before Halloween.

New update? All of the YES!
The plot thickens.
None of the disappointment.

Went to make apple fritters and came back to see this. It's these kinds comments that really make me smile :twilightsmile:

Good to see more of this. So far it's a very interesting premise and I look forward to seeing more.

sin palabras

This is pretty sweet so far.

“N-no...that couldn't of been a dream...”


“N-no, my place's fine,” She said

On the one hand, I've been enjoying the story so much that I only just now noticed you doing this. On the other hand, it looks like you've done this multiple times. After a quote+comma, nothing is capitalized (except for proper nouns, of course).

you just sit tight and finish warming up, kay'

You put the apostrophe in the wrong spot. It should be 'kay.

And none of this warm, fuzziness isn't going to change what happened to me last night.

No comma and also *is. You already have 'none,' so no need for another negative.

Appreciate the proofreading, Celly knows I need it. I've been told that I've got plenty of good ideas, though I personally feel like I lack the ability to properly construct them on paper.

In any case, I thank you for taking a look at my work. Going ahead and fixing those mistakes now, with the intention of not making them again :ajsleepy:

The general writing is good enough that I've really enjoyed the story in spite of whatever mistakes I've noticed. I'm looking forward to the rest!

Really glad you're enjoying it so far, then :twilightsmile:

Glad to see the update. Sorry I didn't read this chapter sooner. Can't wait to see more! :pinkiehappy:

Hearing what might of happen to the human Sunset is crazy.

OH man this story is sooo good !! I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENS !!!! =D update fast !!

It's alive and damn that was scary with the human sunset.

This is an awesome story and you aren't talking to yourself!

Damn I thought I would never live to see this chapter !!! Awesome as always ! YOu have my like !

Perfectly Insane

You should really continue this.

I'm unfortunately a master of procrastination :applecry:
But hey, at least I've always updated on Halloween, right? Ehe hehhhh...

...anyway. I do appreciate that you like my work :ajsleepy:

I've been meaning to reread this for a while now, mostly so I could read the two new chapters. I'm glad I finally got to it.

Oh man, this is exciting. The story is kind of coming back to me as I read it, but it might as well be a new experience.

“...did run here?”

You accidentally a word.

She shouldn't of started running again.

You did the thing where you put "of" instead of "have"

This is all sorts of whammies in one story. Sunset figuring out how to make friends and stuff after the Fall Formal? Yep. Human Sunset making things complicated? Yep. What a combo.

Either than simply asking the owners of an extremely wealthy, extremely private mansion to simply be 'let in to do an interview'

That should be "Other"

Man, this is the last chapter I read? What a place to leave off. I hope the current last chapter isn't as bad a cliffhanger as this one... :unsuresweetie:

On the ground, there were trees growing in each corner of the courtyard and - ”

Random quotation mark


I think you meant to say Step?

Things are getting pretty spooky.

Man, I think this is the worse cliffhanger I was afraid of.

In any event, this was just as good as I remembered. Even if there isn't another update, I'm glad I decided to reread this.

Wasn't expecting to see 6 comments on my story when I woke up this morning.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my work. At the very least, I'm going to go ahead and fix all those grammatical errors you took the time point out. That, and I apologize for not really following through and finishing this. These days, it feels like I need to twist a knife into my thigh in order to motivate myself to write anymore. Anyway, what I want is to at least finish this story before the end of G4. And hopefully another one that I started back in 2013. Just need to find my knife.

Well this was pretty good more please come back🙏😂

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