• Published 16th Nov 2015
  • 11,887 Views, 240 Comments

Of Gods And Mortals - DeepThought

This… is a tale of ”my” reality, my triumphs, my mistakes, and the sins of a father.

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Prologue - Adversity Is Magic

What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason,
how infinite in faculties, in form and moving,
how express and admirable in action, how like an angel in apprehension,
how like a god!

Shakespeare, “Hamlet”

Once I believed that I was a god among mortals... or at least I think I used to be a god. I don't know if this term still applies anymore, seeing that I now find myself stripped of most my powers, leaving me trapped in a forest where I may very well meet my end. I still remember this land, where once it was lush and vibrant, a piece of my mind given life with naught but thought… yet now it lays here tainted by my son’s wicked creations and twisted magic. A part of me laments in just how far it has fallen.… Perhaps… perhaps I am too harsh. After all, the Everfree is now free, as nothing can truly influence the forest save itself. I wonder, is it an untamed beauty, remaining forever flawed, perhaps that is perfection...?

No… that matter, it is of little consequence, as survival comes first. If my memory still serves me, I believe there was a nearby pony settlement I could approach. I have to admit I am scared, here I lay cowering behind a tree, lacking the courage to venture forth. This is an emotion I haven't experienced in literal eons, it is… almost exhilarating, fearing the void may be near. Either way, I know what creatures reside in this forest and how to deal with them. I am far from unprepared. Though in some ways, I actually fear escaping the forest more than residing in it.

After all, the creatures of this forest will only seek to end my life, nothing more. Whereas once I am free of it, my enemies both known and unknown will grow steadily in numbers, and many of those will wish to bring a fate far worse than death upon me. However, there is little that I can shield myself with, save for my knowledge of the area and its beings, what little magic I have left, and whatever anonymity my shapeshifting can offer.

I will have to be cautious, if I want to avoid gaining the attention of my daughters, who would undoubtedly wish to bring justice down upon me for my many so-called “crimes”. Yet, I’m sure it won’t be as simple as that, for my twisted son’s games are far from over. So with my options limited, I have little choice but to continue lest I fade away. I will not accept this outcome without a fight.

How did it come so far, you ask? Well, that is a rather long tale, one so unbelievable that some days I am unsure whether I’ve just gone insane and this is naught but a dream. But still, this tale is my reality. For all of this to make sense, I guess I will have to share it with you as a whole. It may not be the story of a hero, but I’d hardly consider myself to be the villain of this tale. You can judge for yourself, if you feel the need.

Good, it seems like we’ve come to an understanding.

First things first. I wasn't always like this, a being that knew no boundaries, whose plaything became reality itself. I was just a simple human, one out of billions. I wasn’t even an exceptional one. Born neither to a rich or powerful family, even throughout life I never truly gained a position of power. I was just living a normal but nonetheless happy life. Something that I often wish to go back to. I was in my late twenties, and employed as a researcher at a major pharmaceutical company.

From your point we are talking about the not so far away future. It was the middle of the 21st century and the wonders of science and technology had prolonged the average human life drastically. The future looked bright and beautiful, although some challenges laid ahead, most of us were certain that together we could mold it towards a common goal. We were on the height of our power.

I’m sorry if I drag this out, I’m probably being nostalgic about the “good ol’ days”. Though, as with anything, those times still had their fair share of problems. After all, who would want to live in a perfect world? Still, at some point I think every individual can at least claim there had been better times that now dwell in the past.

However, I doubt that many would describe the period that came after as such. No one, well except the insane, I hope. Although... what is sanity, if not a socially acceptable viewpoint? At any rate, I could scarcely believe the turn of events that were unleashed against the world only a few years after my graduation.

Like many things in human history, it all started with a simple misunderstanding that lead to horrible consequences. I watched as my very way of life was completely destroyed, falling into a wicked, grotesque perversion of what once was and could have been. The vision of a future where a longer life seemed to be all but assured and hunger would become a passing concern.... They traded it all for but a few individuals lording over their toys and land, almost like ‘kids in a sandbox’.

And please don’t assume I had a part in it.... No, I was not responsible, as with most of mankind I was a victim of circumstance. I was helpless as I witnessed my world being torn asunder. As I said, I was not special in any way. Well, by some I was considered to be a rather intelligent individual, but that’s about it. I mean, just how far can book smarts carry you when all that you know was based around pre-manufactured products and technology? Where would you go when it all comes crashing down?

But, back to the story at hand, it was war that pushed us to the brink of annihilation, and likely beyond… I'm uncertain about the fate of my… our race, but when I “left” this world, the state of mankind was certainly pitiful. Once this war began, I’m almost certain that no single human, nor nation could have stopped it. It seemed like the war had a will of its own, a beast laying ruin to the land and corrupting those it left behind. As the conflicts escalated, it was as if the madness of war had gripped our leader’s minds, damning both the deserving and innocent alike. Still, some hope remains... for all I know they could be out there… somewhere. I may hate the circumstances forced upon me, but I do not hate my species, and I certainly do not wish its doom.

In the end, I never found out who it was that shot first. Honestly, it didn’t matter anymore. Everyone, every government, every organization involved each played their own hand at scapegoating another. Of course, each nation was fighting for the “right” and “just” cause against the other parties, that is, if their words were to be trusted. All in all, I lacked the required information to conduct a verdict on who was right or wrong in this endless blame game. As many things simply didn’t add up.

I suspect the main reason for the extended conflict was not even outright malice, nor the wish to inflict damage upon their “enemies”. But rather a mixture of hurt pride and flawed beliefs. There were power games mixed with bold and rash decisions made under duress, one always trying to outdo or alienate the other, none would give the other party the benefit of the doubt. Trust became a commodity that none could afford and what few fragile alliances remained fell apart.

Nations that had lived for decades in peace rose up against each other. The factories spawned machinery of death and destruction. The media poured forth its own propaganda into the citizen's minds, guiding them in the direction they believed right. Young, proud men and women were sent to foreign countries to fight, taken away from their families, damned to never return to their loved ones — and if, only as deranged cripples, robbed of their future and broken by the many atrocities that they bore witness to, or even engaged in. It was so fast, a few billion little tragedies spread all across the globe. You know the story. It’s nothing new save the sheer number involved in the toll, as it has already happened countless times since the beginning of our existence.

But if it only was that… Just another struggle that would “clean the air”, like a brawl between boys. However, the results of this so-called righteous fight were unlike any war before. In the months that followed, the most populous cities were razed to nothing but dust, the water was poisoned by nuclear radiation, the fallout was darkening the sky, and winter had the lands in his frosty grasp. Diseases both man-made and natural were spreading among the remnants of my race. I have to admit at this point it seemed unlikely that we could ever recover from this horrible mistake. It was an all-encompassing global war that left very few untouched.

And as if this was not enough, intelligent machines, the first of their kind, products of human ingenuity — and desperation — were unleashed, almost as if they were released from Pandora's Box. Maybe it was to bring a final solution — the Endsieg or the final end for their respective governments. The last nail in the coffin.

There were no victors in this, only losers. After all, what end is there to a struggle when it only requires one man to control millions of mindless, loyal servants, whether they are of steel or of flesh? There was no end in sight, only billions of casualties. I think… that time has jaded me, is it wrong that one can become numb to a figure of death large as that? Then again shouldn't any number involving death invoke some reaction? Eh, either way the human race was clinging to its last breath. And yet they still pushed further.

Where was I while this madness turned the planet into a graveyard, you ask me? Did I fight proudly for my country and take part in the bloodshed? Did I whip up a formula that gave our troops the decisive advantage in my role as a researcher? No, not even close. My role was anything but glorious.

I was a coward. Over the course of two years I never had come to bear arms, not even once. While it was not courageous, I still believe it was the best choice I could have made in that situation. For most of the war I had hidden away in my former hometown. The place I had abandoned so many years ago when I started attending a distant university — one of the few last bastions that stood relatively unharmed after the onslaught of our “enemies” and “allies”. It was viewed strategically unimportant, a rather close-knit community in the icy north of my homeland, and several dozen miles from any medium sized settlements. Overall, it was a great site in that it was big enough to defend itself against scavengers, host a small farming community, and still small enough to stay under the radar.

In the winter that followed, we were starving, cold and scared, but we were still alive, my family and I. Most of us had made it here unharmed and only a few were lost to the conflict. Sadly, my grandmother was one of these individuals, her life came to a slow and painful end after barely surviving a stroke. Her mind became a shadow of its former self before she finally drifted away during the night. Some of the other families in the area were far less fortunate, with some ending up as orphans, widows, and cripples. But as a community, we believed we were safe. Yet, it was only the calm before the storm. After all, hope doesn’t stand a chance against ‘progress’.

On May the 23rd of 2043, I unknowingly began my last day on this world. It was certainly not a beautiful one, there was rain amidst the fog, and both were tempered by a piercing cold that chilled one to the very core. I can still remember it as if it was yesterday. Curious how I still recall these particular details, but I find myself unable to remember the face of my own mother.…

Yet, it was on this day, that our illusion of peace truly came to an end. Our early warning systems had failed and our bunkers remained empty. It was the noise of planes crossing the dreary grey sky, which heralded the coming destruction. We heard the high pitched sounds as they echoed through the troposphere when the first explosions came. The attack was as sudden as it was deadly, an infernal fire rained down on our community, killing those I held dear. I watched as my wife was ripped from my arms in the house I was born in… and I... my consciousness... oh how it flickered out like a candle in the wind. I’m not really sure if I truly felt any pain, I only remember my screams fading away as my wife turned to ash before me. But that was so long ago, eons in fact that I don't hold a grudge anymore. I have left that world behind. I don’t want to let myself be consumed by my past anymore. I will not let it dictate my future again.

It was to my great surprise and initial lament that I found myself in an absolute void. It was black, black as far as I could see. All the sensations a living human would normally experience, one’s beating heart, breathing, the sense of hearing, all of it was gone....

I was alone, I was scared. To me it was the worst torture imaginable, I was left alone in complete and utter isolation with only my thoughts to offer company. I'm still not sure just how long I spent there in this state. It could have been weeks, months, or years.... But as a disembodied entity left adrift in an endless void, you would find that one tends to lose track of time very quickly, especially when lacking any reference point. I began to grieve for what I had lost. The people I loved and cared for, my parents, my brother, my wife, my job, the routine, my workmates, my plans, my dreams, everything that I once held and what could have been….

I was close to going mad, barely clinging to my sanity, as negative thoughts slowly crept into the depths of my psyche. I often wondered if this is what hell was. I couldn’t believe it, as who could do anything damning enough to deserve this fate? I was never a religious person, but still I swallowed my pride and found myself pleading to any higher being out there to release me from this torment.

There was never an answer.... You know, I honestly believe that if I had had a choice at that time, I would have gladly ended my existence if it was possible. To welcome a thoughtless abyss of nothing… an oddly comforting thought, or at least it was in that situation. But in the end this void changed me and I can't say for sure if it was for the better.

One day, well not literally a day, since there was neither night nor day, I had an epiphany. For all I knew I could be damned to spend the rest of my life like this. Yet, solitary confinement itself was bad enough, I didn’t need to make it worse by dwelling in it. Instead I did as when I was still a child, I turned to my imagination. I began to blind the outside out, the terrifying experience after what was supposed to be my death. I shut my figurative eyes and fled into the domain of my mind. I forced myself to replay my memories of better days. I lived the fading, happy images of yesterday — my family was back in my arms. People have become insane over less.

But then something completely unexpected happened, my thoughts were given life much like a painter would give life to his art. It started off rather simply, the initial thoughts were crude and poorly formed. I was perfectly aware it was just that, my imagination, and nothing more. But the harder I believed in it, the clearer the mental impressions became. It was… surreal.

I know it sounds crazy, but my body and the senses that came with it were returning as well. Was this my imagination, a product of belief, or was I simply losing myself? But with this one event, my whole situation changed. I decided then that if I could accept my former life and this endless void as reality, why not accept what my imagination could create as well?

None truly knew what rules my old realities operated under. But my imagination? Here I was boundless, why bother restricting it with the countless rules that fueled my old world? Doing so would only leave me with a headache, well figuratively I suppose. So with the choice made I accepted everything that I saw and experienced as nothing more, nor less than my old realities. I was no longer trapped in this endless void, I was free, and my mindscape had given birth to a new reality.

It was then I began experimenting with my body, after all I could transform into whatever my mind was capable of picturing. So with glee, I began shifting to inhuman and otherworldly forms, some from mythology, entertainment, or born from the depths of my mind. Yet, I always found myself returning to my old form, for some reason I could never truly let it go. Either way, I was once again a young, tall, but rather lean man with dark brown hair and green eyes, wearing an unspectacular brown leather vest and a pair of blue jeans. Sometimes I wonder if I kept it more for nostalgia or as a tether to where I once resided. It was then, feeling homesick, I called a planet like Earth back into existence.

At first I was surprised it worked that well, but upon closer inspection I noticed this planet was nothing more than a ball of an undefined mass with a texture. There were no plants, no animals, no flowing water, no clouds, nothing. It was just a perfect sphere that seemed to be a replica of earth from afar, just like a background prop in a video game.

This wasn’t what I had in mind at all. While I was disappointed that it wasn’t as easy as I believed it to be, this challenge spurred me on, and it motivated me. The little progress I had made left me wondering what I could achieve. I was ambitious now that my curiosity had been awakened. There was so much that I could do. This spark, which had made my kind so great in power, rising above nature, crushing any obstacle set before us, but also leading to my early demise, was burning hot in my heart.

By playing around, I gradually learned about the powers that I held. And with time, I improved my skill in shaping the land. I added all the finer details to my work, layer, by layer, by layer. I had to establish a framework, set the rules, and derive them from the abstract ideas that were spinning around in my head. I felt insanely driven, like only a few times before in my life — bursting with creativity and ambition. Continents, seas, rivers, mountains, canyons, and much more formed under my hand over the course of what felt like an eternity, but my will didn’t waver. Now, that I started to understand what I was gifted with. I was boundless, was I a god? But this question changed little, for I had a vision of what I desired.

A part of me would like to say I had an ulterior motive when I created this world... But to be completely honest, I was just bored out of my mind. Initially I was driven by curiosity but it became the simple lust for entertainment in the end. In pursuing this vision of mine, I found myself taking short cuts. The billions of years my universe had taken to spawn life were simply too much. I considered myself patient, but not that patient. Why wait, if I could do it in a fraction of that time?

While I may have been a scientist, the extent of my knowledge was limited to the pharmaceutical side of the equation. As such, there was no chance of me being able to replicate all the inner workings of my old world. I knew that my knowledge had its bounds. So, I decided upon a substitute — magic, a power to explain the unexplainable. This was how I set this system up. I filled in the gaps and this was why it became such a potent power on this world. It was the power of life, the universe, and creation itself. The roots from this tree of magic connected to every little thing on this planet. That was the way I defined the rules of this world — the basic physical concepts which my kind had never truly figured out itself.

I felt like Slatribartfast, the planet designer from “The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Universe”. I didn’t share his love for Scandinavian fjords, though. They were a hell of work to create due to their rather fine structure. In the end it all turned out a bit less realistic. Being a pragmatic man, and for the sake of efficiency I had to reduce the system’s complexity, leaving out some details, finer structures without which would result in an almost cartoonish flair. When at last I was done with the new world, I brought forth two large spheres to accompany the new planet.

The Sun, the Moon, and the planet. That is all there would be, never more than these three astral bodies. The stars were just a pretty lie, mere specks of light in the distance laid upon a canvas of shadow with no other worlds beyond. As a result, the much smaller sun was designed to revolve around the planet, not the other way around. I didn’t feel the need to make it more complex.

It was then that I decided it was time for biological life. This was an especially tricky task — but in the end I figured it out. Natural selection was the key to creating various forms of wildlife. And I strived to emulate this system. I set up an environment quite similar to prehistoric earth — hot coastal waters, a toxic atmosphere, filled with volcanic smoke, and the essential components of early cells dumped into it. Once again, magic was used to rush the project. Nevertheless, it took quite some time until I could watch the first cells dividing and see the fruit of my work. And it required a lot of attention and care to make sure they stayed alive, sorting out what I considered unworthy and harmful. Why all this effort? I needed a pattern to replicate to build more sophisticated forms. And I was pretty clueless how I was supposed to do that without some ‘guidance’, preformed patterns.

And it turned out to be a success. After several drawbacks it finally seemed to work and the first complex organisms began to form. And by complex organisms I mean on the level of algae, even a bit more primitive. But it was enough to initiate the first stage of transformation on the planet. Slowly the atmosphere changed, meeting the conditions for further advancement. My goal was a system that could regulate itself without a need of my intervention. Neither did I know if I would be around forever nor was I interested in micromanaging the circle of nature.

Over the course of what felt like eons I filled the planet with new plant life, animals, and establishing the natural order of things. It’s wasn’t really all that interesting, as it took an immense amount of fine tuning and tweaking. In all honesty, it was exhausting. One small change could affect the entire system. A bit too much carbon dioxide here and at the other end of the world glaciers would melt, resulting in a flood that could literally wash away a large chunk of my work. Creatures themselves were nightmares as well, no matter the type. Perhaps one was too effective, or grew too great in number. They would cover the region like a plague of locust, leaving only barren land in their wake, which would lead to mass starvation for nearby life. No, it was a pain in the ass, as those were some of the more simple changes... I don't even want to get into diseases and the trials they brought. I wasn’t as cautious as I should have been, I had rushed forward too fast, overlooking some minor details. But after much time and practice, I finally got the knack of it.

Then the most important step came, it was time for sapient life. I didn’t see the need for a new mankind, perhaps it was because they would remind me of what once was but if that's true then why do I still keep this form?... Anyways, I began debating on what to create. I knew that I did not want a completely alien society that I couldn’t relate to with a culture whose values didn’t even make sense in human standards. So some similarities were needed.

Since my childhood I had enjoyed Greek and Roman mythology. My father had often told me about the heroic adventures of Odysseus, Hercules and Perseus. That was the reason the inhabitants of this planet turned out the beings they are. I imagined having a place full of magical, mythological creatures might be amusing, and the coming centuries proved me more than right. Dragons, Minotaurs, Gryphons, Unicorns, and the Pegasi. These five races were the first of many.

My goal wasn’t establishing myself as a god. My reasons were of a far more simple nature. I would no longer be alone, there would be diversity, conflict, and entertainment. Cultures would grow from the seeds I planted, some would perish whether it is to famine, drought, disease, or wars. While others would thrive, the possibilities were endless.

Still, they were fragile beings, each with their own flaws and strengths. The Unicorns hadn’t learned to wield the power of magic so they were prey, though far from helpless. The dragons if left unchecked would quickly exhaust an area of its resources, which forced them to live unsteady lives full of conflict, causing immense suffering to anyone between the fronts of their eternal war against each other. I had to cut down their growth rates and created them as hibernating creatures, which could sleep through centuries to preserve power. The Gryphons and Pegasi both seemed to flourish yet were easily brought low should they lose the ability to fly. As for the Minotaurs you ask? Well, it was quite a task to achieve a stable bipedal walk, but once that was done they thrived as well.

Upon finishing my tests, I then gathered the remaining members of these races on a lush and safe valley located by a large lake. It was here that I awarded them with sapience. I stayed with them, teaching them the basics of my civilization. That is the reason why despite all the different races on this world that they all share the same language. Besides, haven’t you ever wondered why there are doorknobs on the pony’s doors and handles on their cups?

I helped them through troubled times, enjoying how they grew in number. From time to time I would gift them with additional abilities — magic for Unicorns, weather manipulation for Gryphons and Pegasi, fire for Dragons, and stamina for Minotaurs. I made sure they could live in this environment, even without my help. It was kind of a beta test. And despite these different roles, this disparity of power, I formed a bond with them. I was their teacher and mentor. I introduced myself as ‘Prometheus’, the forethought who brought light and culture to the world — their friend. And in some way I believed this name was fitting me… Oh the irony, if I only knew what would come…

But it was inevitable, I knew this perfect little Utopia I created would lose its innocence give time. Most of these new inhabitants would survive, though some would fall to disease, weather, or any number of things really. I knew my creations would perish, becoming nothing but dust. Though my power was vast, it was not unlimited. I couldn’t truly alter time and neither could I be at all places at once. My creations were biological in nature — they were aging. I know I could have fixed that, though. But that would mean that this world would stagnate without the old providing a stepping stone for the young to climb over. That was the circle of life, a universal rule on any world with limited resources. I had to respect that immortality was simply something I shouldn’t give to them — and it hurt somewhat.

Even if there were certain individuals I personally considered worth saving I decided against it. There was no heaven or afterlife, they simply faded into nothingness, their bodies rotting in their graves. After all, who would know better than me? I simply didn’t feel like I should be the one to judge, who was worthy of such a gift — to be an exception to that rule. I suppose I could have given them all a resting place, no matter the life they led, but what of the rules to govern it? No, I did not see a need for it, I would not interfere any further. Perhaps they too would find themselves in a void and would have to persevere, overcoming their own trial, and creating their own reality? I suppose, this was when I began to emotionally detach myself from my creations, something which would only become progressively worse in the centuries to come.

Eventually, I decided my job was done here, as there was no risk of them going extinct, not anymore at least. Now there were thousands of each species, a small but thriving civilization. So from one day to the next I simply vanished from this world and ascended. Of course they wondered where I went at first. They searched and they searched, it really was heart-warming that these little, fragile creatures put so much effort in it — still it was in vain. The memory of the human among them eventually became a mythos. After a few generations, I was merely a story the elder would tell the young over the flickering light of a campfire, something which became more obscure as the years passed. Yet, despite all my efforts to erase any memory of my existence from my creations, there are still some obscure cults, especially among the long-lived dragons, that still worship their almighty ‘god’ Prometheus.

Long had I planned that no mortal could follow me to the space beyond the stars. It was a plane different from simple physical reality, where I would watch and manipulate the events on the planet from afar in the coming millennia, my personal fortress of solitude, a place that only a few mortals would ever see with their own eyes. A good approximation of this place is if you imagine it like your regular living room. But instead of a TV there is an area showing the planet, certain events and persons — at some days at least. It is more of an metaphor than an actual physical place, as it doesn’t really exist, not in a conventional sense, as you can’t travel to it, nor does it possess a consistent form. It’s constantly changing and evolving, a reflection of true chaos. It is the wild expression of my sub consciousness, my thoughts, my feelings, and my dreams.

It was after a few hundred years of undisturbed rest and contemplation that I grew bored. The races I had created were content with what they had, even with the addition of a few more races and subraces, some by my hand, and a few others that evolved naturally. I found that they lacked ambition and greed, leaving them forever trapped in the stagnation of the very harmony I gifted their ancestors with. My teachings were perhaps too effective. My creations lacked the inner void, which one is driven to fill, the insatiable hunger and greed that drove my society forward. To fly like Icarus until the sun singed our figurative wings.

Advancement was generally met with suspicion. A more recent example of this, was the Flim Flam brother’s visit to Ponyville. For they were scorned not only for their actions, but the progress they sought to bring with their automated cider machine. Or even with the annual winter wrap up here where unicorns aren’t permitted to use their magic, despite the obvious advantages. The ponies were hardly alone in this however, as each region or race kept their own twisted dogma to heart.

My role, my plans, and my outlook on this world changed. Where once I was a mentor and teacher, I became a devious chess master. From afar I would manipulate the world and observe the results — how the smallest details could change the outcome of history, just like some people of my time believed their god or even gods to influence their actions, their lives or even the fate of their kind.

However, the way in which I manipulated the events on the planet were bound to rather strict rules. The rules were not dictated by circumstance but set by myself. Why would I do such a thing? Have you ever played a videogame in god mode or with cheats with unlimited resources, and the power to destroy everything in the blink of an eye? It is boring and pointless.... utterly pointless! Without struggle what has any real value? That is a lesson I learned early in life. And by having no real limits, I simply forbade myself a few things concerning the world I had created to spice things a bit up.

First of all, I decided that I would never appear on this planet again in my true form claiming to be their god. Now, this of course meant that I would from time to time appear on the planet as being a shapeshifter came with its own set of perks. There was even a phase where I much like the old gods of the Greek mythology would pay visits to my creations, if you know what I mean.

Secondly, the order necessary to preserve life on this planet was under no circumstances to be violated by myself or any other individual, not directly or indirectly. And thirdly, using wonders or any other method to manipulate the physical reality itself in an extreme fashion should be avoided.

These little “experiments” of mine were rather cruel in some ways, I suppose. Playing with entire civilizations only to satisfy one's curiosity is definitely not what most people have in mind when they think about morality. And not just once, but more or less constantly for the next millennia in one way or another. Rarely, I allowed things just to be. Certainly, I could blame my scientific background for this way of doing things, my natural curiosity, and my thirst for knowledge. But one thing was sure, though — I had to shake them up out of their routine in order to make them evolve. Just one little push in the right direction… I had to create obstacles for them to overcome and trials to face. Just how did I do that you ask? Well, it all started with a few small pebbles tossed into a vast pond.

With a little subtle manipulation I was able to spread the disorder I wanted, causing discontent across the globe. I helped them see the divide among themselves, that not all were born or created equal. I left famine in my wake, gave others the opportunities needed for one to profit over another's misfortune, saving themselves, damning the other, and even branding some of my creations to further this divide. I showed them how unfair their lot was in life. I broke the very harmony I created that bound them together.

Now, this was not done through mind control in the traditional sense. No, it was done by “adjusting” their perception of reality. Much like how propaganda can by selectively choosing what they were allowed to see. Within a short time I was able to bear witness to the fruits of my work. Yet, the event which sparked the change I so wanted, was not quite what I had wanted. It started off with a “riot” lead by earth ponies, a long time before Celestia’s appearance. And to think, all it took to cause this particular one was some graffiti and the greed of a few, though I suppose this is nothing new.

The reasons for this revolt were laughable, really. A group that mainly consisted of earth ponies were upset about the division of labor, claiming that the so-called elitist unicorns were lording over the common earth pony, leaving them to do all the heavy manual work for less pay. Yet I know that it was not as serious as they made it out to be, it just happened that many of brands that marked the earth ponies at this time were related to physical tasks. Sure, there were differences, but it was a pretty open and fair society in human standards. It was nowhere near as oppressive as Europe’s Middle Ages were when religious fundamentalism reigned and a large part of the populations consisted of serfs.

As a result, there was a rather large divide between the number of menial laborers in comparison to bureaucrats. Now, outright discrimination was a lie, at least at that point of time. Most ponies were more separated more by ability than birth. Few ponies wished to raise their own status by lowering someone else’s. Everyone was free to choose their own lot in life. Hell, there were even some Unicorns and Pegasi participating in the early demonstrations.

That was until everything got out of hand as the police had to intervene, as there was property damage, and even some looting. It seems that some ponies could simply not restrain their anger and the once peaceful demonstrations had turned violent. This turn of events had greatly distressed the ruling class, as Equestria was more of a monarchy at that point. But a rather benevolent one for that matter, or at least it was.

In a particularly violent riot that followed, King Aurum had tried speaking out to the populace, to end the growing unrest, but it was for naught. During his speech, a group of the protesters had become outraged, they began to take out their anger on the nearby businesses, all unicorn-owned mind you. They would overturn carts, brawl, break windows with rocks, or even start small fires. The guards were unable to contain the chaos that ensued, so Aurum joined the fray with his private retinue of guards. They did all they could to end the riot, but little to no progress was being made.

They would have to hold out until more guards arrived. It was during this struggle that King Aurum noticed a small colt that lay injured on the street, he saw the nearby brawl that had broken out and wished to protect the colt from being trampled. The King was successful in pulling him away from the brawl with his magic. Yet, Aurum had stopped paying attention to his surroundings, this was when the events took a turn for the worst. He was struck by a stray rock and fell unconscious from the blow.

Unfortunately, much like himself, his guards were too absorbed in the conflict to notice his fall, save for one. But it was not enough, before the guard could reach him, it seemed he would suffer the fate he saved the colt from, for he was trampled under hoof. The guard managed to pull him out shortly thereafter, but the damage had already been done. Aurum would pass away a few days later, joining his late wife, for not even the best care the palace had to offer could save him. From this one event, would decades of suffering and unrest be born.

This was how Queen Platinum, his daughter came into power. Her coronation was held the day after his passing. She was not ready for this responsibility yet the advisors pushed her forward, to fill the void her father’s passing had left. The advisors were not the best ponykind had to offer as they too had been influenced by the change I had sought to bring forth. They used Platinum’s rage over this incident to install her as a puppet ruler. She was an empty slate, inexperienced, young, and malleable. The advisors twisted Platinum by feeding her lies, blaming the earth ponies for her Aurum’s demise, and above all else securing their own tainted paradise through manipulation of her weakened state. These actions brought out their worst in Queen Platinum, her rule over next few months would become unbearable for the earth ponies.

Of course the resulting harsh treatment by the police didn’t cause the protests to cease, quite the opposite in fact. Violence begets violence that is a simple truth. And so more and more earth ponies joined the protests. Soon there was an open conflict between police and the demonstrators. Finally, the Equestrian army intervened — and five ponies, demonstrators that is, died in the chaos that ensued. While the death of the king had shaken the ponies to their core, this was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Within hours, riots had started and spread just like a forest fire — a catalyst that brought forth even more disunity. The pegasi, unicorns, and earth ponies began to oppress one another through this newly created racial divide. But it was the unicorns that soon dominated in this conflict. It was not by magical superiority though, as most areas were brought under control swiftly with the superior and numerous troops Platinum commanded.

The subjugation of the earth ponies was handled swiftly, if not cruelly. Within a few days, most pockets of resistance had been removed, with the remaining groups fleeing elsewhere. It was as if the very spirit of the Earth Ponies had been destroyed. Over one sixth of their population had given up their lives in this fight. Platinum on the other hand had suffered some losses but nowhere near the same number.

Yet, it was the Pegasi that continued to be a nuisance for the newly established hegemony of the unicorns, as Platinum could never successfully attack their settlements positioned so high in the sky. As a result the Pegasi adopted a sort of guerrilla warfare against their former family, which resulted in many small skirmishes. Neither side would come out of these unscathed, whether it be the living, the dead, or the maimed.

It was then that the Pegasi began to free their fellow Earth Ponies, offering them hope once again. Yet it was just a twisted illusion, the act of trading one yoke for another. After all, the Pegasi much like the unicorns relied upon the Earth Ponies for the many commodities they produced.

And thus began one of the darker chapters in Equestrian history.

In all unicorn-controlled territories a sort of supremacist system was established, that had some striking similarities with the beginnings of Nazi Germany. Forced labor, discrimination, and blame for the events that followed. In some ways death could be considered a release, rather than a punishment. However, the Pegasi decided to adopt an approach they deemed “morally acceptable”. They would offer them shelter and protection, so long as they provided them with the necessary commodities, a tax system that leaned heavily in favor of the Pegasi was soon established.

It was far from one-sided, though. The remaining Earth Ponies that never fell under control of either party began to adopt their own twisted mantra. Outsiders were not be trusted, unicorns would sometimes be dehorned, and in some rare cases they were even blinded. Some were used as indentured servants for the failings of Platinum while others simply were thrown to the wilds. Even the pegasi would sometimes be robbed of their wings for the perceived injustices against the Earth Ponies that reside with them.

The other species, however, didn't try to mediate, as they were not fully aware of the situation. Most of the times, they kept to themselves in the lands outside the heavily pony-populated areas. And even if some of them noticed something off, the majority had lived with the ponies in peace and harmony through centuries, and viewed the disturbing news as nothing more than a sick rumor, besides they had their own growing problems of unrest to deal with.

It's important to remember that Ponies are herd animals in nature, and they have a strong sense of community and duty — a powerful weapon if in the hooves of a puppet like Platinum, capable of achieving horrible things. I must admit that I was tempted to step in and end this madness more than once. But in the end, I decided against it, they would survive this and learn from it. Through enduring they will grow strong.

It was in these troubled times, that many new advances were made, whether it came from medicine, magic, weapons, strategies, or a piece of their own science fiction brought to life. The sciences thrived as each tribe tried to gain the upper hand over another. It still amazes me that most of the advances in engineering and metal work still date back to these times. I suppose there is a reason why many called war the father of all things. Albeit, it is not necessarily the only means or even the best course. But I found that I had stopped caring. After all, I had manufactured this world for my entertainment, and it certainly delivered. The Gryphons, Ponies, Dragons, Minotaurs, and the many other inhabitants of the planet, they all needed the right incentive to progress, so much was clear to me. It was a shame, but evolution can be a nasty business.

That was when the Wendigos came. You know, those horse-like spirits that bring winter with them? They were yet another check and balance I created, though I did not anticipate their involvement in this, something in them had changed, evolved perhaps? Soon enough, snow had overtaken the land and food grew increasingly scarce. As a result there was another great revolt among the populace — I suppose it's true that civilization is only a few meals from revolt.

So without any other options, and confronted with the distress of their people,. eEach of the tribe's leaders decided to flee this frozen land in search of greener pastures…. Stop looking at me like that. Anyways, the tribes decided to thin their numbers, leaving behind their slaves, servants, or ‘partners’ as they would only be dead weight in the journey to come.

And so the great exodus began. This was the last they saw of their prehistoric paradise. The ponies were not the only ones that fled, all the species of the land were forced to leave as the harsh winter drove them out. It would be millennia until the different species would meet again, and under much less friendly circumstances. But it was out of this separation there came to be many more new species, like the zebras who descended from earth ponies who lived in an especially warm climate, the cows which came from an ‘unholy’ union between common, mindless cows and some pony ‘enthusiasts’, and so many more.

In time, each of the pony tribes had found a new land, but they had also found one another yet again. And so their bickering and fighting continued. Soon enough, the creatures of frost came, feasting on the disharmony festering among the tribes. It was quickly becoming just another snowy wasteland on the brink of yet another war. They blamed each other for their continuing misfortune.

I was aware of the situation, and the severe ramifications that could follow. I did not want to see them go extinct. So I began to scheme. I planted visions in the minds of their rulers, I planted information on the Wendigos' purpose, what evolution had changed about them, I falsified documents, and I altered events to force them to rely upon one another yet again. But the tribe’s rulers were far too short sighted, too old, too set in their ways. I was unable to change them, perhaps I needed someone to push them towards it.

It was then that I turned my gaze upon the tribes’ advisors, who were far more reasonable. Through some meddling, I had helped them form a secret coalition, and set the public on their side. Yet, their rulers would still not listen to them, despite my best efforts. So, in desperation Smart Cookie, Clover the Clever, and Private Pansy arranged yet another peace meeting in the hopes of bringing this conflict to a close.

And of course, it failed again — most spectacularly, I treasured the colorful language and banter as the fighting broke out. But, all was not lost, as the three advisors still got what we wished for in the end. I could only look on with glee as the Wendigo's assaulted their meeting. The rulers were quick to combat the new threat, giving little ground to the horrors. But when at last the Wendigo's efforts began to push them into a corner, this was when it all fell apart. The rulers and their lackeys began to fall upon each other like wolves, allowing their tainted pride to bring about their end. I suppose it's kind of humorous that the rulers solved the problem themselves if only by removing themselves from the equation through their own mantra. Somewhat fitting I think…

No, it was not by chance, I’ll admit that this plan was my doing. I don’t believe that these three could ever be convinced of the danger they were facing, so I had to get rid of them. The Wendigos did not appear by chance, but were lured, though I won’t give away whom I manipulated into that task.

You know I still am entertained that many believe today that the other races had to do the unicorns’ bidding because they claimed to control the sun and moon at that time. This is nothing but a lie, as the sheer number of unicorns required to perform such a task would make it an impossibility. After all, the natural order of things still applied, it was before… my mistake. Anyway, Celestia’s Heart’s Warming mythos isn’t even close to reality. For the truth would be too much for Celestia’s precious little ponies to hear. Instead, sweet lies are spread to cover up the atrocities that were committed. Well, that and only few beings left in this world can imagine living without a need for a ruler to raise the sun and moon.

In any event, the fighting came to a halt with the news of their deaths and peace was once again restored thanks to the efforts of Cookie, Clover, and Pansy. It was under this new leadership that Equestria was founded. They took the trials they faced to heart, believing in tolerance, forgiveness, and cooperation in order to overcome the problems of the past. They believed it was the key to preserving their race.

Life was different at first. They had to rebuild, adapt and reform in order to avoid further suffering. An aristocracy was established that still exists today. Some families, the Bluebloods for example, still claim that due to their noble ancestors, the blood they possess mark them as the true rulers of Equestria.

Much like the ponies, the other races had to change. No longer did they live in an endless-seeming valley, where everything was provided by nature itself, but they had to adapt to the new circumstances. Dragons and Gryphons found refuge in the mountains, Diamond Dogs in the grounds below, these areas were well beyond the newly-established nation of Equestria and the Minotaurs who lay claim to a large expanse of forests.

And so life continued for them. Through hardship, they all grew. Still the main problem stood. I hadn’t realized it before, because I didn’t want to believe it to be true: This world was a little too perfect. With the Pegasi and Gryphons having the ability to control even the weather and the unicorns wielding magic, there were no natural forces that pushed the established races to their limits. I had engineered this cosmos to function and the principles it worked on were rather basic compared to my former homeworld. It was almost like clockwork — artificial, sterile, and predictable….

Another few hundred years passed by with nothing of importance to note. I am a patient man. I had hoped for change to happen by itself, but I was left disappointed. I tried tweaking his world a bit, deviating a variable or two… but well… that was not what I had imagined. It was almost as if the war never occurred. Sure, they had progressed, and had separated from one another. But they had also fallenell back into stagnation, returning to my tainted teachings.

Slowly, I grew lonely and bored once again. This world was getting stale, much like a movie I watched a thousand times. I pondered long what to do, but I couldn’t bring myself to act. How should I upset the balance without interfering too much, without ruining what already was, and without destroying all I had created!? I was torn, the universe I created was lacking in complexity, the rules and patterns of it were known to me, there were no surprises anymore. Yet, I still viewed my creations with love and pride, not for every individual mind you, but for it as a whole, living breathing organism.

But then it came to me, why not add some new chess pieces to the board. And so I began to haphazardly create a new player. It was an odd creature… almost a patchwork creation of the many species that now thrived on this planet. It was my best and worst mistake, an experiment gone wrong, that should not have succeeded, but it offered me limitless opportunities. Another little power play, another chance to try and fix my mistakes.


Judging by the abilities his odd lineage offered and the powers I granted him, he was the only being on this planet that was not a mere insect compared to me. Discord, the god of chaos, the harbinger of change that would wash over this world. He was the only creature besides myself that could fit the definition of a god. Just like me, he was an immortal equipped with the power to shape the world, able to bend reality itself. His imagination appeared to be his only limit, though his powers were far below my own… or so I had believed. But more of that later.

After finding out how promising this little, ugly, and mismatched dragon-thing was, I took him in as a child of hope. I admit at first it was just to see what he could become. But I began to care for him and with fatherly love I wouldn’t have believed I was capable of. I raised him to become the balancing power to the order and harmony this world was constructed around. Our relationship was not like the one I shared with the rest of my creations. He never “felt” like one of them to me.

I truly cared about him, I took to teaching him in in my own domain, far isolated from the world developing below. I enjoyed watching him grow up, I played with him, and I did everything I imagined a good father would do… Even going so far as to read him bedtime stories and tell him about earth and humanity. Father and son.

Up until today, he is one of the few, who are actually aware of who I am and how I came to be. Knowing that I was something more than just Prometheus, an uncaring god, or a father. Though I suppose it depends on who you ask — but as a former human being, a mortal. We had many things in common and once anyone got to know him, they would realize he is not the monster most make him out to be. Though I wouldn’t go aso far as to call him a saint, either. He was a rather difficult child — passionate, crafty, rebellious, and ever the prankster.

One thing was sure, though. I considered him an equal, compared to the flood of meaningless individuals down on the planet. With him around I finally felt like having a family again, a much needed sentiment, even if I was not aware of that in that time. I had become very cold-hearted and distant, showing only devotion to my whims. But that was not the case for this young individual, this child that depended on me. I loved him and I was proud. Every achievement he made filled me with pride. His first word, his transformations, him wielding magic....

When he no longer was, well, whatever you would call a young draconequus, my role shifted and we became good friends, buddies even. We would hang out, just having a good time. I treasured these precious moments I shared with him. There were many occasions in which we we messed with the creatures on this planet, it was very amusing overall, and offered a much needed variety to my stale routine. Together we created what the ponies know as poison joke, erected the Crystal Mountains, and gave life to the Sea Ponies to name but a few.

However, I was eager to show him what was off-limit to our little games, as he often tended to be a little… overzealous, to put it lightly. He needed to understand that change is a two-sided sword — with one side being destruction and the other being creation. And if you want to preserve something, let’s say, a world full of sapient mythological creatures, you have presumably worked on for longer than a mortal can even comprehend, you have to be careful that the destruction aspect doesn’t make the world topple into darkness.

In time, I passed on more and more duties to my son, and so it was that he began to fill the roll I originally created him for, a most valuable ally in my quest to make this world truly alive. A setting with its own, unique story. I was so proud, much progress was being made, the rules had begun to change, and despite his flaws I always believed in my son and his abilities. As he never failed to impress me, after all my little Dissy was far more than a fountain of creativity to me.

Then, one fateful day, I made a decision I would come to regret. To understand my reasons, you have to know that before Discord came into my life I would turn my back on the affairs of this planet every few decades. I should have known that Discord was too young, as he only recently turned twenty six. But I did not want to forget my past, and so I took my stroll down memory lane, remembering who I was by recreating and replaying my former life in my personal pocket dimension — completely isolated. It wasn’t more than an act, really, more of a sophisticated illusion, but I felt like I needed this to stay sane — to stay me — as my memories of my mortal existence were my foundation, they are what I believe kept me from becoming high on power.

While I know that I am not the most empathetic and kind person I shudder to think what I might become should I lose the remainder of my humanity. This is why I took my temporary leave and left the fate of the whole world in the care of my son. I didn’t know then what I had done, what I by chance had brought upon the innocent beings that dwelled on the planet. What followed would be called one of the darkest periods by historians in the world’s annals — the Age of Disharmony.

I still don’t why Discord betrayed my trust, but in my absence he descended down to MY planet and coronated himself as the true ruler of this realm. It was not long before the world was brought under his heel. Equestria, Minos, Zebra, Griffon's, and so many others soon fell under his reign of madness. Through the months that followed, he systematically destroyed the natural order that once ruled this plane, in turn tipping the scales towards this world's destruction.

I should have been there to step in. I should have known. I was overconfident and naive. Even today, this failure of mine still haunts me. I not only lost my son and my friend, but his actions irrevocably damaged the world and how it functioned. I was lost… his actions, caused an untold amount of pain, for me, for all the creatures of this realm… and him. This wasn’t what I had taught him. No, no.…

Even if you believe I’m a monster, even if I do not coddle my creations, I want them to become more than what they are, I want them to ascend to greater heights, my actions were to be their adversity and drive. This was anything but that, with the natural order destroyed, a different kind of stagnation began to set in, nothing was constant, everything became both true and false, there was nothing grounded, there could be no progress.

And so it was that the so called reign of King Discord came to be, bringing with it his idea of chaos. I have no clue where his obsession for ruling, to the extreme, originated from. It was a side of him I had never seen before, he had always been a good son to me. I would have trusted him with my life, and yet here we are. A small part of me wonders if it was a misguided attempt to please me, for he knew I did not appreciate the stagnation which gripped this land.

Yet, I suspect it was related to him being rather young — I know what being bored can to do to a mind. Hell, I created a whole planet to be entertained. I wanted to remember my past, so I released him, freeing him from the chains of my will. I suppose he wanted more than a taste of freedom, perhaps it was an act of rebellion against his old man. Mm, maybe not. Either way, I can’t explain his sudden change of character, despite the time I had to ponder about it.

It seems that he had exceeded my exceptions once again — but in a rather disturbing way. His imagination and reach were almost boundless, his creativity was as potent as ever, yet his achievements and pranks were tainted by malice. It was almost like watching a young child pull an insect apart piece by piece except it was the suffering of the world and how it reacted that he treasured.

He stopped sun and moon on their eternal paths, twisting night and day, so that without his powers one side of the planet could freeze to death while the other would be scorched in his wake. Days would last for weeks or just a minute. Tsunamis and tornadoes would rage over the planet’s surface — the weather was completely disturbed. Some of my creations were twisted far beyond what they once were. Homes were transformed in houses of cards, bison's in tutus pranced through the cities, and it even rained chocolate milk sometimes. He broke every rule I had ever taught him, every rule that ensured that life could continue on this world.

I’m sure you can imagine my surprise and horror when I came back from my break. That wasn’t your usual “you come back home after a weekend trip and your teenage son had a house party” vibe. This was far worse, it was a bad dream come true, and one of the very few times in my life I felt helpless. Of course I tried to talk to him, show him the error of his ways, fix what he had done — but he wouldn’t budge. No, in no way he was willing to be reasonable or even just serious about this topic. It was all one big joke to him. Hell, I was a joke, he would even hinder any progress I made by turning things back to his twisted order the minute I had fixed it.

I know that my little Dissy could be quite irrational and stubborn at times. My teachings were once again at fault, I had encouraged these traits in him after all. As bastion of change, I believed these ideals would serve him well. And never have I been so wrong… Endless power in the hands of an individual that barely passed as a young adult. It certainly was not my brightest idea. I was terrified, knowing that all I had worked for could be destroyed, by my own spawn no less. By the only person I have trusted in ages and believed to be my equal, my heir.

I still remember my last attempt at reasoning with him as if it was yesterday. How I once again tried to talk sense into him, despite my many failures. Dis... Discord didn’t care. He just looked at me with a stupid smile plastered on his face, his talons crackling with magical power, sitting upon a wicked throne surrounded by his Slav… servants of the many races which once thrived on this world. I still remember his words, I believe that was when I had lost my faith in him.

“Father… what fun is there in making sense?”

He turned away from me, laughing insanely about the madness as it unfolded around him. I struggled to contain myself, denying my more primal side, the suffering I wished to inflict on him. What had happened to my son? This… was not him. I couldn’t handle it anymore. And so I fled back to my own domain, erecting a barrier to prevent him from following me to my own plane. My initial anger faded quickly, fading into disappointment, and finally transgressing into sadness and despair.

I know that it was in my power to simply remove him from existence. That was certainly one method I could use to dispose of this problem. Yet, I didn’t for but one simple reason: I still care for Discord. He is my son and I love him. Nothing could change that completely, or at least I hope so. I… was selfish, I had chosen to protect him rather than remove the problem which had nearly brought an end to this world. Either way, I couldn’t accept what he was doing. And so I did something very desperate.

I took certain precautions and prepared a plan — I countered him with other creations of mine, limited his influence on my work, and created spirits to control the elements. These were not my only allies and pawns though... it was then that my two daughters came into being, Luna and Celestia. One was calm and collected like the night, while the other radiated charisma and power — these were to be my most important pieces in this chess game against my son. And my little girls...

Just like Discord, I raised them when they were just foals, innocent, and fragile beings. Unfortunately at that time they were but a means to an end. I... am not proud of this choice, but I cannot change the past. My regrets are many, but I simply didn’t care at that time. It almost feels like I can't do one single thing right.

These sweet girls were raised in a completely isolated and controlled environment. I couldn’t allow them becoming corrupted by a power beyond my reach. Isolating them like this wasn’t the most pleasant experience for either party. But I couldn’t risk it, my realm would have to suffice, for my world had fallen into ruin.

In order for this to succeed, I needed to shield them from the questionable choices I had made, not that I blamed myself for most of the suffering I caused, as I saw purpose in it. I had censored my deeds for a good reason, a reason they could not know. I simply couldn’t allow for another mistake, I couldn’t unleash another Discord onto the world. My teachings, my methods, the training, It was almost an obsession. Cross that, it was an obsession. I was blind, filled with regret and sadness — harsh and unforgiving towards any mistake.

Discord, he… I... thought my loneliness was at an end. I was afraid to admit that his actions left me with a deep wound. I was hard on myself, I was hard on the girls, and above all else I believed I would not be hurt again. My goal was to simply end the reign of my mad son, and establishing a new order to protect against his madness. I… did not give them the emotional support they deserved. More regrets, yet through hardship they grew strong, like carbon under immense pressure, they became like diamonds. They were forced to become something greater, as leniency was a luxury I couldn’t afford.

In the end these girls turned out just like I had wished for. Of course I took certain precautions, though. I limited their power greatly, as I remembered the story of “The Sultan and the Mice” — where by solving one problem, the solution only created another. I did not want another thorn in my side. I would not bring more immortals to this world, because they posed the greatest risk to become uncontrollable, just like Discord.

I did not grant them the reality-bending powers that both my son and I possess. Neither did they have the ability to enter my personal plane at will, the sanctuary in which they had been raised. I believed that I had learned from my past mistakes. The sanctity of my realm would not be violated again. There would be no more powers that could challenge my own — for no one, even my sons and daughters, could be trusted.

Yet, I infused both of them with a great deal of magic, so that they could become the greatest mages of their time. They would come to represent all the attributes of the three pony tribes, only enhanced tenfold. Magic, flight, and endurance were the gifts I had given to them. They were like yin and yang, the counter to my son's chaos.

I knew this would not be enough though, my daughters were relative harmlessness in comparison to the strength and magical prowess of my rebellious son. In a sense, they were intended to be to be a kind of Trojan horse scheme. That wasn’t intentional... But I digress, they would have a different weapon at their disposition to fight him. The Elements of Harmony.

I pushed them to grow up faster, to live up to the destiny I had prepared for them — to fight an unknown brother, to reestablish peace among the many denizens of this planet and correct the imbalance. And with my ambition, they lost their childhood. Soon the days were gone where my little, innocent Woona called me, “Mum”. Not that I minded however, as I spent ages as a shapeshifting, semi physical entity without explicit bodily needs.

What need is there for gender when I could be anything, a man, an octopus, a galaxy, a tub, girl, a potato, a grain of sand, or anything really? I found the term to be endearing as well as cute. What would take days, months, and years in my realm, were but a week in the other. Before I knew it, they had become full-grown mares, they were ready to fulfill their role.

They were around fifteen or so I believe, give or take, as... well, the rotation of sun and moon around the planet were not exactly reliable methods to measure time anymore. What then happened is common history. I think you know that story too, but here is a quick refresher:

My chosen had waltzed into Discord’s Castle without any real struggle, his minions were, well… an assortment of speaking plastic dog toys at that time. They were rather annoying but hardly a threat. As such, everything was going according to plan, as Discord did not take them seriously. What ensued next, was an epic, Dragon Ballesque monologue from Celly about what is right and wrong and how Discord is an evil corrupting force to this world and its inhabitants. How they will tear up his ass, if he doesn’t surrender immediately. Yada yada… Unsurprisingly, Discord had no worries, so while they entertained him, he sat upon his massive throne with a smug grin while sipping chocolate milk.

As a result, my girls zapped him with the Elements without a struggle. To my great shock and dismay, it rapidly petrified him… They were successful, certainly, yet it left a bitter taste in my mouth. This fate was certainly not what I wanted for my son. Even I, its constructor, was surprised by the extreme reaction of the Elements of Harmony. What had he, my son, planned?

You see, this weapon had some resemblance of sapience and free will, it was not mindless, unlike conventional weapons. Even the word weapon is misleading in a sense. This “device”, for a lack of a better word, could conduct judgment on its own, but non-lethal in its nature. It had the ability to read minds and see intentions in the final moment of judgment when the multi-hued beam hit its target, both jury and executioner in a way.

I created it for one sole purpose — to ensure the continued existence of this planet. It and its bearers were intended as some kind of insurance against a repetition of the incident with my son — a peacekeeping force if you will. But I had hoped it was also a way to redeem him. If he ever found a way back to sanity and reason, it was not supposed to harm him, or anyone for that matter, who had good and pure intentions.

I was torn, I could free him, or even remove him of his powers. Yet, I didn’t do anything about my son’s imprisonment. I believed it to be justified, believing it would save him. But now that I see things more clearly, I realize how cruel I was, having experienced the utter, agonizing boredom of being unable to interact with the world. Being trapped in stone was hardly better than being trapped in an endless void. Though he never did tell me if he was conscious throughout the time spent in there.

Yet, in another sense it was almost karmic justice, I didn't realize it at the time but it appears my son was as crafty as ever for he had imbued the elements with his essence. Being a weapon I created, I knew that he couldn’t modify it beyond its purpose, so he found loopholes. For the safety of this plane, the bearers of the elements would become ageless, forever a thorn in my side, or a mixed blessing in the case of my daughters…. Their judgment of him was… elevated in a sense, as he doomed himself when he tried altering the punishments available. He was even responsible for the tree of harmony that sprouted forth when he fell. The tree absorbed much of the chaotic magic he unleashed but at the same time created a haven for it. This was the Everfree, a land where nothing save itself can change it.

But I had to move on, I believed myself to be a master in suppressing “unpleasant” memories, if not I might have gone insane over the many tragedies I have witnessed, created, masterminded, or even experienced myself. As such I swept him under a rug at that time, he would come back to me eventually, and so I returned to my vigil.

I knew I had a lot to do, a lot to repair: My son’s creations were still out there wreaking destruction all over the planet. And I, as the one of three beings capable of hunting them down was responsible for dealing with them. While I was responsible for hunting most of them down, I decided I would leave Equestria to my daughters as they had chosen to rule over it, saving it from the many power struggles that would soon dominate most of the globe for years to come.

However, in the coming centuries I would learn that I could never truly eradicate his influence from this planet completely. There were bastions of chaos I could never tame, the Everfree included.... Not because it was not in my power to do so, but rather that if I had tried with my full power, the planet would suffer from my actions on a global scale, possibly mass extinction, as the magic was too interwoven with the existing order of things.

These chaos saturated spots had the tendency to expand and spread much like cancer if not suppressed properly. As such, I became the human equivalent of chemotherapy. My only chance at halting their expansion was to seal them and let them be. And though I was very skeptical first, these chaotic spots on the map proved to be just the thing my creation had lacked.

They were the uncertainty this world had missed. Even I was often surprised what crawled out of these hellholes in the years to come. Changelings for example — they were nothing but corrupted ponies, poor souls who had been exposed too long to the chaotic energies, which lingered in these tainted lands, and were merged with insects originating from the southern wastelands. Then there were the Manticores, Timber Wolves, Leviathans, Hydras, Parasprites, and so many more. These spots proved to be a challenge, but not a problem. A reminder of what could have been, but never came into existence. They were a memorial of my failure.

Meanwhile, under the rule of my two daughters, Equestria flourished in a second golden age. The Princesses, that’s what they were called now. They wished to disconnect themselves from their predecessors like Platinum, there would be no Queens or Kings. And so they continued their duty, raising the moon and sun. They established the pegasi weather routines, in order to restore agriculture, and the seasons. It was under their reign that Canterlot came into existence, the new capital of Equestria. The old capitol located in the Everfree, was soon forgotten as few wished to venture forth into the depths of that forest.

Speaking of my son, the draconequus had so thoroughly disrupted the balance that almost everything that formerly worked, needed to be controlled now. I could only intervene so much without causing more damage than I was fixing. So I instead focused on other matters that I could handle, like the containment of the chaotic areas, and my personal favorite, monster hunting. Some of Discord's champions still existed, most too powerful for the native to handle. For them I established what today is known as Tartarus — and one after another I banished them.

However, with Luna’s and Celestia’s guidance ponykind managed to fix most problems themselves without my help, even offering assistance to struggling neighboring nations, laying a foundation for the millennia of peace to come. The misery was banished from their lands and there was hope again for this lost planet.

In the coming centuries the sciences flourished, many great thinkers, merchants, mages, and engineers came from all around. Equestria became the known for its magical prowess, the greatest of them was Starswirl the Bearded, the father of modern, spell-based magic. Griffonia became a massive trading hub along the coast and mountain ranges. The newly emerging Crystal Empire was a kingdom founded by Equestrian separatists in the wake of my son’s rise to power, seeking a land of their own. Zebrica was a remote island nation that dabbled in shamanistic magic and unusual potions. The Diamond Dogs, Dragons, and Sea Ponies each kept to themselves.

The most impressive improvement was however not achieved in the country of friendship and harmony, but in the lands of the formerly uncivilized tribe of Minotaurs. They formed a nation, quite similar to the ancient Roman Republic, not the Empire mind you — the Republic of Minos, an industrious and thriving nation, the home of mechanics and early steam power.

Everything seemed fine, for almost a decade passed in peace, but there was once again trouble brewing at the horizon. You see, like Discord, I was overconfident. I never would have guessed he would have kept a diary of when he was still the ruler of the realm, he always despised constants like that. Perhaps I didn’t know him as well as I had hoped. It was inevitable I suppose, that one day, my daughters would come across it. After all the castle in the Everfree contained the Tree of Harmony, and other relics of the past.

It was Luna that found it in the end, and the book greatly disturbed her. My relations with the girls were already rather distant, but the gap only grew further in the years to come after this cursed book was opened. I can only guess that it must have depicted my relation to the madman, the fact that I was his father. She may now know about the creation of this planet, and how I formed its history with blood and tears. But its contents are lost, as the two sisters destroyed for whatever reason. There was so much it could have said, my son, his motives, and thoughts. If I only could have gotten my hands on it.…

But it was not to be, for only later would I find out about its existence when it was already too late. This damned book. Was it his intention that someday one would find it, only created for that single purpose to cause me trouble once again? Yet another “present” left behind from my son?

I think this was when they began to connect the dots — that they started to understand the horrible truth and with it their view on the world was shattered. I know I was not the best dad, I think that is clear to you by now, but to them I was always a paragon for what was just and right, the highest moral authority. A ruler with a strong hand, but also a father, who secretly shared their hidden kindness and care for any being under the sun. Oh, how both right and wrong they were.

I’m sure, at first they didn’t believe the words of the madman, their vile enemy — that would have been just ridiculous. But I raised my daughters well, for they thoroughly searched through the facts. At first I imagine it was only to dissuade the claims of my son. Now, in contact with the world, my daughters were becoming less and less naive, they quickly became aware how easily one could be fooled. It was only a matter of time at this point, as they began to double check the bits and pieces of information they had with historical sources and scribes. For this purpose their diplomats began to establish friendly relations with their neighbors. And in turn their archaeologists gained access to many old sites, allowing them to recover long lost secrets of the past. They went so far as to even ask the oldest mortal beings in existence, the Dragons, for help.

And with every little bit of information their desperation must have grown — as all of it pointed in the same direction. They knew what I was capable of, that it was indeed in my power to do what my son claimed. Why, would I allow such things to happen if it was within my power to stop it? Why if but with a thought I could end all of the suffering and pain, did I not? Why did I avoid talking about my past? Why would I want to disturb their precious harmony? A being of my power had been involved, these parts of history were undeniable.

Yet, these were writings of the past, and the past is written by the victors. I believe they were unsure, but as a result they became wary of me. Did they fear me? I… do not know. I do know that they lacked the power to bring me down though. But I always wondered if they would try and reform me. In any event nothing like that came of it, whether it was through fear, denial, or belief they did not seek me out.

Maybe they believed me to be one who found their way to hell on a road paved with good intentions. Either way, I was no longer to be trusted, a subject they would not broach nor wish to speak of. Progress was only made by the absence of contact and lot of harsh words later on. That was when I knew what had passed.... But let’s face the truth, they were not entirely wrong — the naivety of young ones and the cynicism of the old don’t tend to get along well.

How can someone still care if he sees countless generations turn to dust? If one of their lifespans is like watching a commercial? And even if you wanted to, you can only see them as insects, so powerless and fragile that a single misplaced step could end their pathetic lives. Would you consider it a crime if you killed an imaginary friend? Then again this did become my reality….

I presume this was the first of many issues which lead to Lulu’s fall. Luna… she had always been my favored daughter. I love them both, but Celestia was always more mature, and kept a more skeptical and distanced nature. I can only guess, that this caused a great number of arguments between them, after the whole problem with me arose. She must have felt betrayed, both by her own sister and her father.

If it only was that, though…. It could have been fixed, a wound healed with time. But on the thirty first year of their combined rule, a chain of events came to pass. Sombra came to rule the frozen north with an iron hoof, using dark magic as he and his demonic and undead minions laid claim to the area. He would instill fear in the masses by sacking and burning the smaller villages, raising the fallen back to life to fuel his campaign. He created a massive army feeding off the destruction and fear he created, yet his rule only lasted for a short time before my daughter's trapped him in a spell which unfortunately took the empire with him. He had bound himself to it, he would not die so long as it existed, and so it too was trapped.

But this was far from the end of it. A rare few had known what Sombra once was to Luna. Before being corrupted by dark magic, Sombra was little Lulu’s lover, a great sorcerer, a noble destroyed by his own ambitions when he dabbled in some tainted objects left behind by Discord. This… set her down his path, this was the straw that broke the camel's back. Lulu had to figure out why everything in her life was broken. If her sister had helped her in this dark hours… if only I had been there for her. If I for once had been the one person she needed, not a distant father, who for all she knew, didn’t care about her. Instead I was a coward… I… did not think it was my place to intervene.…

So, when the public became aware of her illicit affairs, the masses were seething, the city criers began spewing forth propaganda against her. Believing her to be the demon in the night, the one influencing the events behind Sombra. I wonder, if only had their little ponies been more accepting, kind and tolerant towards the dark mare... would things have been different? The past is done, and I should have known Luna curiosity would drive her to finding out what had changed her lover so much. And so she too, became corrupted by the damnable objects my son had left behind.

Everything after this was history.… They fought, Celestia won, and Luna was banished.… Celestia and I had a pretty nasty fall out shortly after explaining what had come to pass. Yet, order was once again established. Not that it wouldn’t be threatened from time to time, guys like Tirek continued to challenge the establishment. But this time the world would have to survive without the elements for they needed new bearers, Celestia had left them in the ruins of the Old Capital, where she would not have to dwell on what they used to represent...

I returned to my silent vigil, brooding over my past mistakes. I must admit that I was lax in my duties, time didn’t mean as much as it used to, anyway… Excuses, I know. I was too ashamed and I guess a little depressed.

Don’t look at me like that, ok?

I was at my weakest — completely guilt-ridden. I had lost the connection to my creations. And I did nothing to change it, too lethargic to escape this devious circle. I had a lot of things to think about, finding a new perspective in life. It was then that… I decided to assist them from the shadows.

Unlike Discord I could not simply end Luna’s banishment. Once again my son’s twisted magic had left me with few choices. Luna had become bound to the moon, the corrupting magic my son left behind had bound her in such a way that should I forcefully remove her, I would shatter what little order the world still had left. Even in this instance Luna may not survive. So I looked elsewhere, but found nothing, save for the elements. Yet, I could find none that were able to bear them.

I had to continue playing the waiting game… Time passed slowly, and in the end I barely recognized that a millennia had passed. Which finally brings us to the present. I will try to be brief, as I’m sure this has dragged out long enough for you. This was when things truly became interesting again, for through my meddling and a chain of events. I eventually connected a group of mares together. They would become the new bearers of the Elements of Harmony.

I was overjoyed when I saw my plan come to fruition. The new bearers had passed the challenges set before them, though I did shield them from the truly nasty things my possessed daughter had sent after them. I was ecstatic as I witnessed my daughter being cleansed of Discord's magic. I had done what I could for once, it was the least I could do. I did want to reinstate a connection with Luna, too, but as always I found a reason to postpone it, even now I guess.

And so a great weight was lifted from my being, not all of it mind you but I was content. I found great pleasure in watching the Elements renewed meddling with the world. If their life was a TV show I’m certain it would be an exceptionally successful one. I enjoyed their little adventures so much that I sent villain after villain, disaster after disaster after them to keep them occupied and entertaining. I think I went a bit overboard with that, though. Since the six mares became the Elements of Harmony there was barely a week in Ponyville when nothing exciting happened and I saw the residents of the village grow rather sick of this shit. But that is a story for a different time.

And then, a year later, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, these little devils, managed to effortlessly undue what countless generations of Discord sympathisants and conspiracists could not. They released him, the second most dangerous individual on this planet.

I had rather mixed feelings about that, as it was the catalyst that lead to the beginning of the misery I’m stuck in now. I had hoped he would show that he had changed, but he did not. The first thing he did was to set up a game with the Elements. Before resuming what he had more than thousand years ago — although in hindsight it seemed like he was holding back somewhat, his sole focus was wreaking havoc all over Equestria.

I know he was planning something, perhaps it was to teach me a lesson, but still I helped the new bearer’s progress. Much like before, when confronted by the elements, he was unperturbed, as if he would be victorious. It did not matter, I had seen to it that he would not be able to influence them again. Yet, upon being blasted with the elements for a second time, he smile was one of deranged glee. I’m still unsure of how exactly he did it, but he was not the only one affected by its harmonious magic. While he was turned to stone once again, something else happened to me. Something I didn’t even believe to be possible. That bastard found a way to share its link with me through him somehow.

What started with a pulling sensation right when the Elements started to shine with power, soon increased to a deep uneasiness when the beam hit my son. Then from one moment to the next I was gone from my personal plane. That shouldn’t have happened.

It was a familiar sight that greeted me....

I saw the planet, my planet. But that was not what was alarming me — slowly it was coming nearer and nearer. I felt powerless, weak, no longer in control of my own fate. Through my descent, the feeling of powerlessness increased. I was like a meteor entering the atmosphere shredding into nothingness, little pieces of me, pieces of my power were broken free, and continued their fall on their own.

Then the impact in this god forsaken forest. And here I am at the end and the beginning of my story. Most of my former strength is gone. Was I still immortal? I don’t know nor am I eager to find out. I guess this is my payment. As the realization sets in, I’m sure I won’t go without a fight.

I suppose I don't have many options left, I must reclaim what is mine. I cannot allow my daughters to find out just how far I have fallen. Pun not intended. For if they knew of my current state…. I wonder, would they would seek to end me? Perhaps they would try to confine me, seek petty vengeance upon me, hold me accountable for my past sins, or maybe even seek to redeem me. I suppose it doesn't really matter, as I have rambled on long enough, the path before me is clear, the only question is will you join me on this journey?

Author's Note:

AN, DeepThought:

Hello, and welcome to this story. New chapters will be published on no exact schedule, but progress will be steady. Feel free to leave a comment and if you want to contribute... I'm still in need of a good cover art. :pinkiesmile:

Thank you, Lord of Hentai, for making this possible.