• Published 13th Oct 2014
  • 7,212 Views, 165 Comments

Braiding - Admiral Biscuit

Sam's still trying to fit in, and Rose is still trying to help her, but the human and the pony don't always understand each other's culture.

  • ...


Chapter 3: Spa
Admiral Biscuit

We spent the rest of the afternoon kind of re-establishing boundaries. It was hard to explain, but we'd both gone through something which was psychologically traumatic, and needed time to work things out in our minds.

Neither of us said much, and it was better that way. I made a quick lunch—nothing special, but enough to fill both our bellies. When I went to wash the dishes, Rose stepped outside, saying that she had to weed the flowers. I doubt that was true—I can't imagine that she'd checked them in the morning and failed to do so—but I let her have her little excuse. It was just as well; I needed a bit of alone time to unwind, myself, and doing the dishes was a nice mundane task which required no mental engagement whatsoever.

I'd finished by the time she came back in, and had wiped off the kitchen table and counter as well, just for good measure.

“Are they weed free?”

She nodded eagerly. “Is . . . do you think your laundry is dry? I could help you with it.”

I glanced towards the back door thoughtfully.

“Or . . . I could get it myself.” She swished her tail, and glanced back at it. I smiled—I wondered how that must feel to her? It wouldn't be moving the way she was used to. “Because you . . . don't have shorts, and it's outside.”

“Are there any other ponies near my backyard?”

She shook her head. “I didn't see any when I was in the flowerbed.”

I could go upstairs and get my robe, or wrap my blanket around myself. I looked back at her neatly-braided tail, and I wondered how she'd felt when I did it. How would I have felt, if I'd had a tail? How much trust would I have had to put in a friend—a close friend—to have her hands back there? I wouldn't have liked it at all; I'd probably have been practically trembling in fear.

“Okay.” The funny thing about favors between friends was that the ledger never added up. It shouldn't. Before I could think myself out of it, I grabbed the laundry basket and pushed the back door open.

I'm not so prideful to claim that I wouldn't have slammed it back shut if I had seen some pony looking over the fence. But Rose hadn't been lying; there was no one about. And taking laundry back off the line was a fairly quick affair—pull off a pair of clothespins, put it in the basket, repeat as needed. No problem.

Rose followed me out the door, her movements a lot more certain than mine. I kept the laundry basket in front of me like a wicker shield, and headed for the furthest end of the clothesline.

I tossed clothes and pins alike into the basket, since I'd be sorting them once I got inside. Rose stood beside me, one ear roving and the other staying focused on me. I couldn't help but wonder if she was feeling useless at her inability to help—I'd hung the line to suit me, and it was beyond what an earth pony could reach.

It didn't take long before I was back inside. Once I'd put the first pair of shorts on the counter to fold, Rose sprang into action, reaching into the basket and lifting out clothes with her mouth, and dropping the clothespins in their box.

I tried not to laugh the first time she came up with a pair of panties in her mouth, but I couldn't. She'd grabbed them by the waistband, and the expression on her face reminded me of a puppy sitting in the middle of the shredded remains of a couch with an innocent look on its face.

Naturally, she didn't get it, and her questioning eyebrows just made it funnier. I took the panties and set them on the counter, but it was too late. I already had the giggles, and they weren't going to go away any time soon.

And poor Rose just didn't get it.

• • •

We spent the first half of the afternoon in the backyard, just reading. When we'd put away my clothes, Rose had noticed that I had a Daring Do book she hadn't read yet—it was the one I was currently reading, but I loaned it to her anyway, and took a different book from the set. Like Nancy Drew, there wasn't a particular continuity to the set. Daring did seem to learn from one adventure to the next, but it wasn't like Harry Potter where one story naturally directly followed the other.

She lay on the blanket with the book between her forehooves, and I sat more upright. Lying on my belly and reading seemed like a great idea in theory, but in practice, it got uncomfortable pretty quickly.

I was midway through Daring's escape from the temple when my leg cramped up again. I muttered some curses under my breath at it, and shifted position on the blanket. Rose turned her ears in my direction, but kept looking at her book. I thought she hadn't noticed, but a moment later, she put the ribbon between the pages and turned to me. “Your leg isn't better.”

“I know. I'll be fine.”

“You should go to the spa. You can sit in the hot tub, and that will relax the muscles, and then if you're not feeling better, Lotus or Aloe can give you a massage.”

I can't afford it, I thought. My bits were rationed carefully—I didn't have steady work, and I needed to save money for some warm clothes in the winter. Private spa time was expensive. Once I saved up enough to buy a hot water heater, I'd have my own home spa; until then, I'd just have to do without. “I'll be fine, Rose. This just happens sometimes.”

“I don't like seeing a pony—person—suffer. Nopony does. You need this.”

“It's fine.” The pain in my calf put a lie to my words, and I unconsciously leaned forward to knead the muscle. “It's . . . it's a human thing.”

“Don't be stubborn.” Rose glared at me, a slight flash of anger crossing her green eyes. “Aloe and Lotus will give us a good price.”

“I—“ I couldn't think of a single excuse which wouldn't sound hollow.

“Please. You made me lunch—“

“That was nothing.”

“—and braided my mane and tail.”

“And you weeded my flowerbeds and helped me put away my clothes.”

“I just. . . .” She looked away from me, and fixed her gaze on my fence. “I don't like seeing you in pain. It's not right.” Her voice got quieter as she continued, until she was speaking almost in a whisper. “I'll pay—and if you want a private tub, I can pay for that, too.”

“Rose.” I had a distinct memory of my mother and grandmother sparring over who would do the dishes—not who was forced to, but who had a better reason to. It was like a weird reverse-obligation, and I felt like I ought to be enough of an adult to understand, but I really didn't. “I am not going to the spa on your dime—your bits.”

• • •

“Two,” Rose told Aloe. “And can we get a private tub?”

“No.” I wasn't going to give her this victory. “We'll take a public tub.”

Conflicting emotions went across Rose's face. On the one hand, she'd just saved a lot of bits, and like most of the ponies in this town, she was fairly miserly when it came to that. On the other hand, she was sure I wasn't quite ready.

“Are you certain?”

“Yes.” I nodded my assent. I can keep my panties on. I'll get some stares because I don't have a cutie mark, but I can live with that.

Rose took the pencil in her mouth and signed the ledger. Most ponies didn't carry their bits around with them, so the last few days of each lunar cycle were reserved for paying off debits and collecting payments.

Aloe glanced between Rose and I, but didn't say a word. I let Rose lead me to the communal hot tub. I'd hoped it would be empty, but of course that wasn't the case. A stallion sat by himself on one side of the tub, while two pairs of mares were opposite.

I am sure there is a social rule about how close the mares can sit to the stallion, I thought. With significant, but unspoken, variations.

Of course there weren't any changing rooms. It stood to reason that Aloe and Lotus would expect their clients to show up nude, and I was undoubtedly a constant thorn in their side as far as that went. So I just gritted my teeth and unbuttoned my pants, sliding them down my legs with my eyes closed.

I half-heartedly folded them and put them on a bench, then nodded at Rose.

Of course, all eyes were on us. The quiet conversations had stopped the moment I showed up, and they had yet to resume. Five pairs of eyes were locked on me as I followed Rose to the deck surrounding the tub. I kept my head down, not wanting to see their stares.

Rose was slightly downcast, and I wondered if I'd been unfair to her. The gossip machine in Ponyville might be gearing up for an all-night session: Rose had her mane and tail braided, and was with me at the spa.

But there was no way out, now. We'd committed to our course, and we had to see it through.

I let Rose get it the tub first, and wade over to a bench. The mares clustered closer together, but kept their distance. I paid them little mind; my very existence caused all sorts of havoc on their typical social structures. I followed Rose into the soothingly warm water—which was only deep enough to just cover my panties—and followed her across to a seat.

I stretched my arms over the edge of the tub and slid down as far as I could, until just my head was above the water.

“Do you have hot tubs?” The 'on Earth' wasn't said, but implied.

“Yes.” I nodded.

Rose seemed satisfied with the answer. I stretched my legs out, letting the heat work its magic on them. The water had a slightly mineral smell to it, but it was different than my tap water at home. I wasn't sure if that was the heat, or if the spa used different water than the rest of Ponyville. They probably added salts to it or something.

I let my eyes wander over the room. It wasn't much of a crowd—there were the seven of us in the tub, a couple mares laying on chaise lounges while Lotus worked on them—and that was it. Rose's earlier reluctance to tail-braiding seemed oddly out of place as I watched Lotus put curlers in a mare's tail. She didn't get all twitchy . . . but then again, it was probably a regular experience for her. I dug at my memory to remember who she was. I'd seen her around town before, and she had a stall which sold something. It wasn't a food staple, of that I was sure, even if she was an earth pony.

Her companion, a mint-green unicorn, noticed that I was staring, and pointed a hoof in my direction, before looking back down at the newspaper she was reading.


“Rose.” I focused on the mare next to me.

“Do your clothes protect you from the water?”


She nodded. “It just covers you, and that's all?”


She fell silent, thinking over the concept. Two of the mares got up and waded across the tub, climbed out, and began drying each other off. The stallion watched them with vague interest before glancing back at me.

I gave him a small smile, and then looked back at Rose. She had her eyes closed, and a look of pure contentment on her face.

She had the right idea. I sat up slightly higher in my seat, and looked back at the stallion. He smiled politely, but didn't say anything.

This would be easier with a bottle of wine. I hooked my hands in the waistband of my panties, and before I could re-think my plan, I slid them down to my ankles. The stallion looked at me curiously, but didn't budge from his spot, nor did he look down in the hopes of getting a glance through the water. Rose didn’t notice, either.

The feeling was weird. I felt vulnerable—but at the same time, I felt invulnerable, as if I'd managed a trick so great, nobody knew they'd been fooled.

I pulled my panties off my legs and balled them in a hand. I am making progress.

Author's Note:

A One-Shot-Ober fic

Comments ( 95 )

Will this story continue?

I feel really stupid for only just realizing that Sam is a girl.

Sam is a girl, right?

yes. Not on any kind of a regular schedule, but there will be more Sam and Rose stories to come

There's a reason why skinny dipping is so fun, I think....
At least she's taking it slow, but it is kinda weird to strip in public...
Keep going! ;)

It seems funny that so many humans settle in Ponyville, I would expect they would have an easier time of it in one of the larger, more cosmopolitan cities.

I keep wanting so much more past the end of each chapter. Glossing over the nudity taboo discussion? For shame!

This.. I like this:scootangel:

~~going underwater commando~~ :)


Aloe glanced between Rose and I,

- between Rose and me

She's probably had some discussion of it off and on since she appeared in Ponyville six months ago.

The right time for discussing such a weighty subject is clearly at one of their homes, over a couple of bottles of wine. Or at Tenderheart's.


- between Rose and me

I debated back an forth on that line, and decided that while it's technically incorrect, since the story's in first person, I can let it slide. I know lots of people who are adamant that "Rose and I" is the proper grammar, because that's what was drilled into them by their parents/their teachers.


We spent the rest of the afternoon kind of re-establishing boundaries. It was hard to explain, but we'd both gone through something which was psychologically traumatic, and needed time to work things out in our minds.

See this right here? This is what I was referring to. Those two sentences carry so much weight and yet tell us so very little. If Sam's nudity taboo has any part in this, then those lines were a perfect place for it. If they did include it, then that whole discussion just got glossed over.

After I read the first two paragraphs I had to stop, go back, and read them again. Then I spent about five minutes wondering what interesting pieces of character development you were just glossing over.

Well, I don't annoy you with dialogue lines anymore, but this one isn't such.
And what is more or less: "between we" is somewhat offensive to my ears. ;)

Anyway, gal pic kind of related, PG-13(?)

Ah. Yeah, I probably would have done better to include that scene, but how I envisioned it was that they weren't talking about it, they were both doing their own things and thinking about them in their minds.

I certainly could have put in some reflection from Sam's side, though. I'll think about it--I'm not opposed to adding it in, or maybe referring to it in a flashback scene later.


Well, I don't annoy you with dialogue lines anymore, but this one isn't such.

Technically, some of my former English professors would debate that. I've certainly read first-person narrated stories where the whole thing (dialogue and descriptions) were in dialect. I don't disagree that there is a distinct difference in most stories, but it certainly gets fuzzier in first-person narratives.

That having been said, pointing out corrections doesn't annoy me. Lord knows I make loads of mistakes. Originally, in A Pony Walks into a Police Station, the cop had a broken ankle . . . which he was running on, a few pages later.

And what is more or less: "between we" is somewhat offensive to my ears. ;)

Sadly, I don't think I learned that until after college. It's stuck with me since, fortunately.

Anyway, gal pic kind of related, PG-13(?)

Underwear is overrated.:rainbowlaugh:


Underwear is overrated.

I think it was Bill Engval who said something like:

"When men hear that a woman isn't wearing panties he thinks, 'alright! I might get lucky!' When a woman hears that a man isn't wearing underwear she thinks, 'oh, God. I'm gonna' have to wash those pants twice."

Also, Sam's going to need to woman-up and talk about her diet sooner rather than later, or those cramps could become something much worse. I think. Pretty sure.


Also, Sam's going to need to woman-up and talk about her diet sooner rather than later, or those cramps could become something much worse. I think. Pretty sure.

The catch, of course, is that Sam isn't a dietitian, and so it's going to be a bit of guesswork.

I'd see why he'd be willing to go in the nude, but there's plenty of reasons not to do so. Health and body protection against the element/environment being the big, obvious ones. Foot protection is important too, since gravel, nails, hard pony hooves and Legos will remind you why you loved shoes.

And anyway, like it or not, Ponyville got a temperate climate. His wearing of clothes is there for the same reasons humans wore clothes since they discovered they could and moved to populate the whole planet. (just look "why human wear clothes" and variants of it on google, plenty of material to play with)

Clothes existed since 50k++ years ago for many reasons. Its not just a cultural thing, its part of our evolution, want it or not. Its not some sort of shameful behavior.

Why would he be so willing to fold to peer pressure? Especially since it would be putting his heath at risk just because ponies are ignorant.

So what if ponies are nervous when he have pants? Can't they handle a bit of mystery, or are they just that close-minded? Do they get out of their way to give him grief about it?

He's not a pony (and there's no shortage of sapient species), and only ponies have marks.. so no reason for them to even remotely assume he have one. Rose was surprised he didn't.

Odd that, of all thing things she say he's hiding, she doesn't mention that his genitalia doesn't have a sheath. That's kinda obvious...
Wait. Wait wait wait. What?! It took 2 stories and 6 chapters to know that?
I was wondering why Sam wore "panties", believed it was some sort of really odd way to call his underwear, like they were torn up enough to look the part.. i was pretty sure Sam was a HE since the beginning. Or when Rose mentioned that Sam looked like a tail-less mare in the first story (assumed his junk was placed "the right way" for Rose to say that). Sam had long hair, but men also have long hair, so i didnt even think twice about it.

So that means Sam doesn't wear a bra? I don't recall even a single mention of it. How annoying is that then, walking/working without support? Why didn't the ponies say anything about her chest, like, ever? Even with all the other species around, a woman's chest is an oddity; she isnt lactating, it isnt shaped anywhere close to a cow's.. so why arent they curious about it? How about her periods? How does she mana.. wait, is that why she have cramps? Wouldn't her abdomen hurt?

Im very confused now.

Maybe she (Rose) was too shy to mention it, but she didn't seem to react much (if at all) when she saw it (i was thinking Sam's penis at the time, but whatever, it does apply to Sam's nudity, her whole anatomy)... so maybe its not a big thing for ponies?


Ponies don't wear clothing because they have fur and tails to keep their privates concealed.

That's more of a societal need for us, rather than a physical need--at least, assuming temperate weather. Also, a real-life mare's tail only provides cover when it's hanging straight down; when she swishes it around, you can pretty much see everything. A stallion is always at least partially uncovered, if you look under his barrel--even though real horses don't have the same sexual dimorphism as MLP ponies, it doesn't take much effort to determine if it's a male or female horse.

Try walking around outside in the sun with out clothing. Yo'll get a nasty sunburn that way.

First, I can assure you I have. You maybe didn't want to know that, but now you do.

As for the sunburn, a lot of it will depend on Sam's skin--if she's very fair-skinned, she'll burn practically instantly; if she's darker-skinned, she might not at all. I don't burn easily, unless i've had a lot of sun exposure.


Health and body protection against the element/environment being the big, obvious ones.

Obviously, a lot of that depends on the environment, and how used to the environment a person is. For example, I'm from Michigan. One winter we were in Florida when it got 'cold'--60 degrees. All the Floridians were bundled up; my brother and I were walking around in t-shirts wondering what the big deal was. We went to Hooters and asked to sit on the patio; the waitress thought we were crazy. You watch Ice Road Truckers, and you'll sometimes see them cruising along at -20 with the window down. Now, I'm not saying that you'd survive long without clothing in -20 weather, because you wouldn't. But in the summertime, not wearing clothes outside isn't going to be terribly physically uncomfortable.

Foot protection is important too, since gravel, nails, hard pony hooves and Legos will remind you why you loved shoes.

Yes, that's important; but again, your feet can build up calluses that will help protect you against most everything except Legos, and even a shoe offers limited protection. Better than nothing, yes, but it's obviously not impervious.

Clothes existed since 50k++ years ago for many reasons. Its not just a cultural thing, its part of our evolution, want it or not. Its not some sort of shameful behavior.

Yes, they certainly helped us as a species move beyond what our natural habitat was, offering us protection against the elements that our bodies could not. I assume that the various religious and sociological pressures came along later.

Especially since it would be putting his heath at risk just because ponies are ignorant.

This being the summer time, there is little health risk to being nude. Given that in canon, we've seen ponies dress for the cold (boots, scarves, etc.), they do understand the concept of bundling up when it's necessary.

He's not a pony (and there's no shortage of sapient species), and only ponies have marks.. so no reason for them to even remotely assume he have one. Rose was surprised he didn't.

My view of canon suggests that the Ponyville ponies aren't that familiar with other species. To begin with, most of them didn't know what Zecora was. Cows, sheep and pigs are 'lesser' species, Spike's a juvenile, they would probably assume that a 'monster' wouldn't have a mark. Basically, unlike all the other species we've seen show up in Ponyville for a day or two and then leave, Sam's fitting in with them; her cultural view is much like theirs--so they're instinctively thinking of her as a funny-shaped pony, rather than a complete different species. Add to that they mystery of her keeping her hips covered--something that the ponies almost never cover--and that's at least a reason for gossip and wild speculation

So that means Sam doesn't wear a bra? I don't recall even a single mention of it. How annoying is that then, walking/working without support?

She's got small enough breasts that it isn't an issue to go without.

Why didn't the ponies say anything about her chest, like, ever? Even with all the other species around, a woman's chest is an oddity

Compared to her other features, it isn't that odd. The biggest thing to a pony would be that most of her body is lacking significant hair coverage. Her ears can't really move at all, her nose is more beak-like, with fairly small nostrils, and so on. It's odd, yes, but from their point of view, it's less odd than many of her other features.

How about her periods? How does she mana.. wait, is that why she have cramps? Wouldn't her abdomen hurt?
Im very confused now.

For her periods, since she normally wears shorts or pants and panties, she'd just line them with something disposable or easily washable. For what it's worth, IRL horses have periods, too, since they're polyestrus--so if she told a mare she was having her period, they'd understand. The cramps are unrelated.

Maybe she (Rose) was too shy to mention it, but she didn't seem to react much (if at all) when she saw it (i was thinking Sam's penis at the time, but whatever, it does apply to Sam's nudity, her whole anatomy)... so maybe its not a big thing for ponies?

Based on my experience with real horses, it would take you less than a minute to see a mare's vagina, unless she were actively clamping her tail. In a way, Sam has an advantage there, since her bipedal stature and pubic hair hide it from casual view, unless she's bending over to look under a bed, for example. Sp it stands to reason that in a town like Ponyville, everypony knows what everypony else's junk looks like.

Thing is, if you were used to that, it wouldn't bother you, and you'd wonder why someone would go to the trouble to actively cover it up. Sure, she can explain how she needs clothes for 'protection' outside, but it makes far less sense when she's in her house, or when she needs to go outside to hang up her laundry, or when she's sitting in a hot tub.


And now it makes a lot more sense! Thanks. :twilightsmile:


More seriously - horses get sunburn too.

True, and I can't even pretend that ponies don't, because it's canon that they can.

I'd say that suntan lotion is plausible for ponies. One could consider that Celestia keeps the sun at a distance where it's not normally harmful, and one could debate if such a lotion would work on a human . . . but I can't say that there's no possibility that it would exist.

That having been said, Sam's skin tone would play a large role in whether she was likely to burn or not.

>I feel really stupid for only just realizing that Sam is a girl.

I made it all through the first story without realizing it too. She thinks nothing of going topless, and I'd assumed all the tension of sleeping with Rose was due to the mixed-gender sleeping arrangement. There were the references to "panties" but I assumed that was simply a real-world cultural difference in terminology I just wasn't familiar with. Like saying soda vs pop, or drunk vs pissed, or any of a number of other word choice difference that vary depending on where English is spoken.

If the author had deliberately written this intended to be ambiguous, that would be kind of neat. But:

>yes, Sam is a girl.

...there it is.

I don't know. This story seems like it makes more sense if Sam is male. Her tension seems less justified as a girl. With Rose a mare, it seems like all the tension of the first story is now unjustified. Have you ever had pets? Have you ever had a cat sleep on your bed? Do you get embarrassed about that? Probably not. If your dog were to to see you as you stepped out of a shower, would you hastily cover yourself in shame? I don't think so. With no sexual tension, I just don't see that the stress would be there.

Especially since Sam apparently thought nothing of going topless. And, while I don't have the benefit of personally being female...I would think that it would be easier for a girl to adapt to going with the bottom half uncovered than for a guy. Female genitals are generally more out of the way and naturally covered than male genitals. A guy thinks nothing of going topless, but completely naked, the testicles are bouncing around noticeably. A girl going topless, the boobs are bouncing around noticeably. If Sam was able to adapt to that, going fully naked shouldn't be such a huge extra step.

Also, what about the ponies?

Horse mammary glands are near the stomach. Sam being a girl running around topless would probably attract a whole lot more attention than a human guy would. From their point of view, her boobs would be very obviously in the wrong place. That would absolutely attract huge amount of interest. Far more than her "patch of coat."

Seems to me that if she's already adapted to that social phenomenon...then going naked on the bottom half too would be very easy.


If the author had deliberately written this intended to be ambiguous, that would be kind of neat

It is intended to be ambiguous, yes. Most parts of the story don't implicitly give it away. For the first, that was very deliberate; for the second, it was just natural. Yes, I could have put in a few explicit statements, but they would have been forced.

. But:
>yes, Sam is a girl.
...there it is.

It wasn't meant to be a great secret in Braiding--if someone asked, I told them. I did use spoiler tags in the first, until the third chapter was up.

With Rose a mare, it seems like all the tension of the first story is now unjustified. Have you ever had pets? Have you ever had a cat sleep on your bed? Do you get embarrassed about that? Probably not. If your dog were to to see you as you stepped out of a shower, would you hastily cover yourself in shame?

I'm not sure where you're coming from, here. First off, the Equestrian ponies aren't the same as a cat or dog . . . none of my cats ever talked to me, for one. But going by that logic, it makes no difference whether Sam's male or female in the equation. I don't feel more need to cover up if it's a female cat that comes into the bathroom when I'm stepping out of the shower, rather than a male cat. I think your average person who found him or herself in Equestria would mentally assume that the ponies were essentially funny-shaped humans, and instinctively apply the same social rules. While I can't know that for sure, since there hasn't been any alien contact yet, I strongly suspect that anyone who found themselves in such a situation would continue to use their normal social patterns for quite a long time.

Especially since Sam apparently thought nothing of going topless.

She lived in a province of Canada where that's been legal her whole life.

And, while I don't have the benefit of personally being female...I would think that it would be easier for a girl to adapt to going with the bottom half uncovered than for a guy.

I suspect it's an easier step to uncover the breasts than the genitals, although upbringing has a lot to do with that, I'm sure. Certainly Western laws are more tolerant to women being topless than bottomless, and even in primitive cultures, the genitals are usually covered, while the chest often is not. Plus, ponies are very unlikely to have tampons [even though IRL mares have periods], so for about a week every month she's going to want to be wearing something absorbent.

Female genitals are generally more out of the way and naturally covered than male genitals.

That's true, and it's led to some interesting legal rulings in cases of indecent exposure.

A guy thinks nothing of going topless, but completely naked, the testicles are bouncing around noticeably.

I don't know about you, but I've never had this problem. Granted, I've never been running nude--not yet, anyway.

A girl going topless, the boobs are bouncing around noticeably.

Size makes a difference. If she's got breasts like Pamela Anderson, of course she's going to have issues. If she's got a chest like Kiera Knightly, though, it's no problem. Based on past girlfriends, close acquaintances, etc., it seems more a matter of personal choice, rather than simply a size equation.

If Sam was able to adapt to that, going fully naked shouldn't be such a huge extra step.

The good news is that this is an easy experiment for everyone to try: take all your clothes off, and spend the next eight hours without them. Doesn't count if you're sleeping. Bonus points if you go outside, or have a friend or family member over.

Horse mammary glands are near the stomach. Sam being a girl running around topless would probably attract a whole lot more attention than a human guy would.

It might be worse for a guy, since IRL stallions don't have nipples. That's not common in mammals; most males do have them . . . but not horses.

Most likely, the weirdest think for them would be the general lack of a coat. Nearly all the creatures we've seen in Equestria have either fur, feathers, or scales, or some combination thereof--certainly all the sapient animals [when there's an episode where the pigs talk, I'll rescind this point]. I could see this being a major turn-off for them, since the only way a pony is going to lose its coat is through illness or parasites, and there would be a fear from the others of catching whatever Sam has.

Her eyes are small and recessed, her ears are fixed, her nostrils are smaller, her nose is more beak-like, and she hasn't got a tail. Top it off with her walking bipedal, and she's a very strange creature to them. Breasts, especially if they're modest in size, aren't going to be the most obvious thing to a pony, especially since in their world breasts haven't been overly sexualized by society.

Sure, they're in the wrong place . . . and the patches of coat under her arms and in her groin are odd, too. But I don't see that as being the most obvious trait to a pony.

hmm, I feel that the first story while it didn't state genders made the character appeared to be a male somewhat. in this one i wasn't sure what until the term panties were mentioned. touche. you really flipped how i was imagining this sstory in my head.


hmm, I feel that the first story while it didn't state genders made the character appeared to be a male somewhat. in this one i wasn't sure what until the term panties were mentioned. touche. you really flipped how i was imagining this story in my head.

While in my mind, Sam was always a girl from the very conception of the story, the lack of specific gender references in the first story was very deliberate. There are a couple in there--I guarantee if you go back with your newfound knowledge, you'll spot them--but it was very deliberately left vague.

5461588 another sequel please?:pinkiesad2:


I've got one in the works.

First chapter of the sequel is up.

5555772 I have already found and began reading. i await more chapters eagerly.

It seems everyone like the Daring Do books!

I want to read about her cousin in Australia, Didgeri Do...
OK, that sounded a lot funnier in my head. :derpytongue2:


I want to read about her cousin in Australia, Didgeri Do...

I am going to use that, somewhere, somehow. It's brilliant.

Man, I feel like a complete idiot. I only NOW realized Sam was a woman. roundstable.com/forums/images/smilies/modestshy.png

I reached that conclusion only because panties were mentioned. Otherwise, I thought the reason Sam felt self-conscious about walking around naked was because (his) junk would be dangling about at eye level ( for ponies anyway).


Man, I feel like a complete idiot. I only NOW realized Sam was a woman.

You're not the only one ... it's not very blatantly mentioned.

5577503 To be fair though, Sam is a gender ambiguous name. Plus, since the story is set in first person, Sam never refers to herself as a woman, nor do any of the ponies. I also think the degree of comfort she has going around topless, coupled with her propensity for manual labor (aka. odd jobs around town) gives her character a distinctly male flavor.

That's why quite a few of your readers (including myself) believed Sam was a man.

Not that I have any issue with Sam being a woman, of course. roundstable.com/forums/images/smilies/pinkie_p.png


To be fair though, Sam is a gender ambiguous name.

Which is why I chose it. The first Sam and Rose story was even more ambiguous.

I also think the degree of comfort she has going around topless, coupled with her propensity for manual labor (aka. odd jobs around town) gives her character a distinctly male flavor.

There are good reasons for both, and the third story explains some of the manual labor part. As for the toplessness, she's a native of a liberal province in Canada where it's been legal nearly her whole life, so she's comfortable with the concept.

"Running nude"
Bloody hell, if your underwear starts getting a bit loose, the thing bouncing around slapping your thighs is bloody annoying.
Even worse if you randomly get a boner while running, and its stuck in an awkward angle and ow and trying to fix it just looks weird.

Yeah, there's a reason why even otherwise mostly-nude jungle tribes usually have at least a penis sheath for the men to wear. That shit gets in the way like you wouldn't believe otherwise.


Bloody hell, if your underwear starts getting a bit loose, the thing bouncing around slapping your thighs is bloody annoying.

If I do wind up doing it, I'll let you know how it turns out.

5592211 I went commando once. Never again.

Running, or just in general?

I'm not totally convinced that going commando is the same as au naturel, but that's the point of experimentation, right? If I do wind up doing the run, I'll let y'all know how it turns out.

5659445 Still hurts either way.

Wait, Sam is a girl?

Lying on my belly and reading seemed like a great idea in theory, but in practice, it got uncomfortable pretty quickly.

Ugh. Gimme a table and a chair any day. Finding a comfortable poition to read when lying down is so annoying :twilightangry2:

Rose was slightly downcast, and I wondered if I'd been unfair to her. The gossip machine in Ponyville might be gearing up for an all-night session: Rose had her mane and tail braided, and was with me at the spa.

Well, if you put it like that... :rainbowlaugh:

I pulled my panties off my legs and balled them in a hand. I am making progress.

Powerful ending, somehow. Very nicely done.


Ugh. Gimme a table and a chair any day. Finding a comfortable position to read when lying down is so annoying

Hmm, I can manage well enough.

Powerful ending, somehow. Very nicely done.

Thank you!

5778978 Ok, then why was she acting and sounding so much like a man in the original? I mean, women don't work shirtless and stuff...

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