• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 14,902 Views, 209 Comments

Never Forget Me - Rated Ponystar

It had been a year since Twilight had heard of anything from Trixie since the Alicorn Amulet incident. Unexpectedly, she receives a letter saying that her so called "rival" has tragically died and is requested to be at her funeral.

  • ...

The Story

Twilight Sparkle had never been to the city of Vanhoover before. Her parents had been there a few times, for their anniversaries, and they said it was always a joyful experience. They even planned on retiring there when they reached their early sixties. Twilight would have given anything to have her first trip towards “The Rain City” to be for a more happy occasion. Any occasion where she didn’t have to wear mourning black.

Thankfully, Rarity gave her a simple black dress, although it took her some time to convince the dedicated fashion designer to not go overboard. Funerals weren’t really a place where one dressed up in lavish colors and designs, especially in a case like this. Upon seeing the skyscrapers of the upcoming city from her seat on the train, Twilight levitated the letter that had alerted her the passing of... well, not a friend really. She had only spoken with the deceased a few times, and many of them were not exactly good memories.

She read it again for good measure:

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

We regret to inform you that an associate of yours, Trixie Lulamoon, has passed away in a tragic accident. In accordance with her will, you are invited to attend her funeral at Final Passing’s Memorial Home in Vanhoover on August 21 at 1PM. You may bring other guests with you should you wish. Ms. Lulamoon left you something that she wished you to have for whenever she left this world. Please come pick it up, or send us an address should you wish to retrieve the contents but not attend the funeral.

With Sympathies,
Final Passing, owner of Final Passing’s Memorial Home

When she had first gotten the letter, it was not grief that had overwhelmed her, but rather disbelief. The last time Twilight or anypony in Ponyville had ever seen Trixie was last year. She had taken over Ponyville after being corrupted by the Alicorn Amulet in a bid to beat Twilight for humiliating her. Trixie admitted she bought the Alicorn Amulet to only beat Twilight Sparkle in order to regain her ruined reputation. She didn't mean to banish her and take over the town, that was the amulet. She didn’t know about the corruption part and expressed she would never had done such a thing of her own free will. Princess Celestia believed her and no charges were filed. Some ponies believed that she should have been sent to jail or at least given community service, but the princess believed in second chances. Trixie thanked the princess and left, but not before asking forgiveness from Twilight.

Despite all that had happened, Twilight had forgiven her. Princess Celestia taught her that everyone deserve a second chance, especially if they are willing to change. Twilight didn’t count the Ursa Minor incident as Trixie’s fault as much as it was Snips and Snails. Some believed otherwise, thinking she should have gotten more punishment, including some of her friends. Twilight tried to reason with them, but didn’t really push the issue. She was sure nopony in Ponyville, including herself, would see The Great and Powerful Trixie again.

So much for that, thought Twilight, putting the letter away. She was glad the trip was almost over. It had been very boring without any company or a book to pass the time; regrettably she had forgotten her planned literature when she rushed out to catch the train. The trip maybe would have made her feel less awkward if she had one of her friends accompanying her, but they were all busy or had no interest in going.

When Twilight read the letter out loud, her friends and Spike were quick to suggest that it was a trap. Another plan of Trixie’s to either humiliate or harm her. It had crossed her mind as well, but then she thought back to when she last met Trixie. She remembered the regret and pleading in her eyes for acceptance in her apology. The only time she ever heard Trixie apologize. Twilight gently closed her eyes and felt the same pity she had then for Trixie as she did now, especially since it was the last memory she had of her alive. No, the apology was very sincere, and something told Twilight that this was real.

The Great and Powerful Trixie, one of her oldest conflicts in the past, was gone and Twilight didn’t know how to feel about that. She hadn’t been friends with Trixie, and only twice had they ever met. Neither of which were under friendly circumstances. It only made the question of why Trixie, of all ponies, invited Twilight to her funeral even more baffling. Trixie had blamed Twilight for ruining her life after the Ursa Minor incident, and she tried to get revenge on her by resorting to dangerous magic. There really was no friendship or respect between them, yet here she was on a train to say her final goodbyes to her so-called “rival.”

Spike had tried to point out that Twilight didn’t need to go, she had no obligation since Trixie wasn’t her friend. While that was true, a nagging voice in her head told her to go, if only to find out why Trixie wanted her to come at all. Plus, Trixie was one of her subjects technically since she was now a princess.

Some of her friends like Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy accepted her choice to go and told them to give Trixie’s family their sympathies since they were too busy to attend. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Spike were reluctant to see her go. While she wouldn’t say they were glad that Trixie was dead, none of them held any sympathy for the former magician whom they blamed for nearly destroying their town twice. The only ones who seemed to cry any tears were Snips and Snails when she decided to tell them their hero had passed away. They both wanted to go with her, but their parents said no.

And so it’s just little old me going to the funeral of a... former enemy I guess? Twilight thought as she felt the train start to slow down as it came towards it's stop at the station. The screech of the breaks echoed in her ears before the train jerked to a stop and the conductor announced their arrival in Vanhoofer. Twilight walked out of her seat and onto the platform where she quickly put up a shield to stop the rain from ruining her dress.

Twilight made a mental note to get an umbrella when she got a chance. While moving through a crowd, there were some who spotted her and recognized the new princess. Those that did quickly got out of her way and bow. A blush decorated her cheeks as she did her best to ignore them and focus on the stairway leading to the parking lot. She was still not used to ponies recognizing her and bowing like they did with her fellow princesses and was glad she came in unannounced. It was bad enough before Tirek, but since the demon’s defeat three months ago, she had been revered as if she was the second coming of Starswirl the Bearded.

At least there aren’t any reporters. Although with the way gossip flies around, I’ll expect that to change soon, thought Twilight as she started trotting, hoping to not spot paparazzi on her way towards the funeral. She doubted Trixie’s family would want the attention during a time of grieving. Then again, knowing Trixie, she would enjoy this attention even from beyond the grave.

Heading to the nearest cab she could find, Twilight got inside and told the driver to head to the funeral home. He had reconized her, of course, but she quickly told him not tell a single soul she was here. After promising to keep his mouth shut, he galloped away.


The ride wasn’t as long as Twilight thought it was going to be. In less than an hour she had arrived at the funeral home and paid the cabbie for the ride. The building wasn’t as tall as surrounding ones, but it was big enough to fit at least two of Applejack’s barnyards. Opening the grey marble doors, which were made to look like the pearly gates themselves, Twilight entered the building where she was met with silence. The room was yellow, which was unnatural, considering the building’s purpose, and held a red velvet carpet with golden designs on the edges. There were pictures of flowers and angels decorating the walls, as well as portraits of ponies who looked very similar to each other. Twilight concluded they were possibly relatives who once owned the home before passing it down.

What really made her hair stand up was that there didn’t seem to be anypony here. It was, quite frankly, as quiet as the dead. It also didn't help that it was cold. So cold she could see her breath. Twilight looked around for any sign of a room leading to an office, but most of the doors were closed. She was hesitant to enter any of them since they could the rooms where the funerals took place, and she didn't want to interrupt somepony's service. She glanced at the nearby grandfather clock and found that she was still a bit early by a few minutes, so being late was out of the question.

“Um hello?” Twilight called out loud.

A few hoofsteps nearly spooked her off her hooves right after she spoke. Coming out of one of the closed doors was a middle-aged, grey-coated unicorn in a tux, his white mane combed backwards as he straightened it out. When he was done, he walked over and gave a small smile. “Welcome to Final Passing’s Funeral Home. I’m Everlasting Peace, son of the owner. Are you here to schedule a funeral, Miss?”

“Twilight Sparkle,” she answered, only to roll her eyes after the pony bowed to her. “And no, I’m here to attend a funeral. Trixie Lulamoon? Or the Great and Powerful Trixie, as she was called.”

He looked at her, eyes widened as his jaw dropped a bit before he picked it up and coughed into his hoof. “Wow, I guess that wasn’t a joke then. You really are attending.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“When we read her will, we weren’t sure if she was being serious or not. Still, we sent the letter, but we expected either a reply saying we made a mistake or not see you at all. Guess we were wrong,” Everlasting Peace said before raising an eyebrow. “What was your relation to Ms. Lulamoon? Not to be rude, but you are a princess and a hero while she was, from what I understand, a traveling magician.”

“She was...” Twilight bit her lip. “Somepony who I shared a few... intense situations with.”

The raised eyebrow continue to stay up it the air for a bit before Everlasting Peace shrugged. “I see. If you'll follow me, please.” He turned around and motioned her to follow him through the halls. While walking, Twilight took a few deep breaths as she mentally prepared herself by going through everything in her head that she read about funeral customs. She had barley been to any except many for an old relative who died when she was five.

Would Trixie’s family be upset with her coming here? Honored? Was she going to say a big speech? It was tradition to say something of a farewell to the departed during a funeral, or so she read, but what could she say about Trixie? She didn’t really know that much about the mare, especially her good qualities. She had to have had some, right? Maybe I can learn more about her from her family and those closest to her.

“We’re here,” Everlasting Peace said, opening a door to her right. Right next to it was a funeral wreath with a photo of Trixie draped in her usual magicians outfit in the middle.

“Is this the only funeral?” Twilight asked, looking around to make sure.

“Yes, slow day today. Besides, it’s not like it’s gonna be crowded.”

“Why is that?” Twilight asked as she stepped inside and froze. “Um, where is everypony else?”

“There is no anypony else. You’re the only one who was expected to come, Princess Twilight.”

Twilight’s eyes widened as Everlasting opened the door revealing the funeral room. It was so... plain and empty... but worse of all, quiet. No sobbing or murmurs of grief, just an everlasting silence as even noise of the wind reached her ears. Twilight slowly walked in, eyes widen in disbelief by what she saw. Where was Trixie’s family? Or her friends? Or even fans of hers? Where were the ludicrous and lavish decorations or the fireworks or numerous pictures of Trixie?

There was nopony. Just herself. And the only decoration around was a simple lidless casket and flowers around it where she could see the top half of a pony inside. The familiar blue coat and silvery white mane made it clear who it was, but Twilight was still in disbelief. This couldn’t be Trixie’s funeral. It just wasn’t possible. This was not the prideful, overdoing-it Trixie that Twilight knew.

Trixie would have requested all her fans come or at least somepony closer to her than Twilight. And why not have a large, expensive funeral? With a band or fireworks going off as a proper goodbye with dozens of candles around her photos. But there was nothing. Nothing but a peaceful-looking showmare, hooves gently placed over her chest, while wearing the cape she had been infamous for. Even her magician’s hat was gently folded and placed by her unmoving body.

Twilight stood there, staring awkwardly at the body of her once so called “rival” as Trixie put it. “Am I... am I really all that’s coming?”

“I’m afraid so, Your Majesty,” answered Everlasting Peace. “I’m going to go get that item she requested you to have. The minister to deliver the final rights should be here in half an hour or so. Please, say your final goodbyes.”

She didn’t even bother saying anything to Everlasting as he left. This was it. Trixie was gone. Her “final curtain” if she was to so say. Twilight sat down and stared at the smiling face of the mare who had caused her so much trouble in the past. It felt strange seeing such an expression on Trixie when most of the time it was one full of ego or rage depending on the situation.

She looks... so relaxed... thought Twilight. She had seen such a look before. Her mentor, Princess Celestia, often had it after a long week of work. It was like Trixie had finally rested after such a hard life.

A thought then occurred to Twilight: What had Trixie’s life been like? She knew Trixie had been a traveling showmare and... that was it. There was so little about this mare that lay in the casket that she knew about. Did she have a family? Where was she raised? What about her fillyhood? What were her dreams? Did she regret all the wrongs she had done? Did she even have a single friend in the world?

Twilight turned around and saw the empty chairs. This alone maybe answered all those questions, but at the same time it only brought more. Twilight turned to Trixie and and whispered, “Why didn’t you say anything?”

If she had known Trixie was this lonely, Twilight would have offered her the hoof of friendship. To change her so she could be a really nice showmare instead of an egotistical and selfish one. But she never thought about Trixie again until recently. And that made her heart twist a bit. If I didn’t come here... she would have been alone. Nopony deserves to be given a lonely funeral...

Making a speech was pointless. There was nopony to give it to and there was nothing to say. Twilight couldn’t even think of what to say now, not when she was still recovering from the shock.

How many ponies were like Trixie? Alone, even in death. With nopony to cry for them? Nopony to say goodbyes or talk about the great memories they once had. It made a few tears drip down from Twilight’s eyes as she realized she was blessed for having a family and numerous friends that loved her. Yet she now held pity for those who didn’t.

“Princess Twilight?” Twilight turned around and saw Everlasting Peace, holding an envelope. “Miss Lulamoon left this note for you.”

Twilight didn’t hesitate taking it:

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

By the time you are reading this, The Great and Powerful Trixie has gone to her Great and Final Rest. If you are reading this that means you have come to my funeral, and Trixie is grateful for this. For you see, you are the closest thing Trixie has ever had to a friend.

Trixie never had anypony growing up. Trixie’s parents abandoned her when she was a foal for reasons Trixie doesn’t care about anymore. Nopony would adopt Trixie because she was too brilliant for the lot of them. So she had to depend on herself and only herself. That is why she became a magician, so the world can know Trixie’s greatness and power. To show the world that Trixie, a nopony, could become a somepony in this cold and cruel world!

But... it seems Trixie messed up too many times.

Perhaps Trixie was a bit arrogant in her life, and perhaps she has always put others down for her own ego. But how else can one like The Great and Powerful Trixie survive? Trixie was not born into a life of privilege like you. She was not gifted by birth. No, Trixie had to fight and claw her way to get where she is.

And then Trixie lost it all because of her deeds in Ponyville.

The Great and Powerful Trixie will not apologize for the Ursa Minor incident, that was the fault of those two boneheaded brats!

But The Great and Powerful Trixie does apologize for the Alicorn Amulet incident. Trixie never wanted it to go that far, she just wanted to beat you. She just wanted to prove to the world that I could be as great as the Element of Magic herself. But she cheated, and ruined lives just to feel better.

Trixie regrets that.

It has not been easy for Trixie afterwards. Many towns do not want her even near their borders. Trixie had to travel far up north where her misdeeds to have not been heard of yet. If Trixie has not made it big by the time you read this letter and she is dead... then she has died a nopony.

Fine then. Trixie will just have to be Great and Powerful in the afterlife.

But Trixie is grateful you came. Trixie doesn’t even know why she invited you. Maybe it's because you were the only one to forgive Trixie. The only pony to ever show her real kindness.

Thank you.

Trixie is running out of space so she will end it with one last request. One final request.

Don’t forget Trixie.

Don’t forget me.

I don’t want to die unremembered. If somepony, anypony, remembers me then I can rest in peace. I just don’t want to be alone and forgotten.

Even in the grave.

-Trixie Lulamoon.

P.S. Please tell your friends I’m sorry. I know it’s late for this, but please. Tell them.

Tears fell down Twilight’s eyes and onto the paper as she sniffed and looked at Trixie, whom she had nothing but sympathy and respect for. She had been through so much, all alone and now she was gone. Never making the impact that she wanted. “How... how did she die?”

“Fell down some stairs and broke her neck. Real pity,” answered Everlasting.

This only made Twilight cry harder, but now she knew what she was going to say.

Twilight walked over to her casket, staring at her rival... no she was her friend now. It was the least she could do for Trixie. “Trixie Lulamoon, you’ve lived a hard life. I can’t even begin to feel how it was for you. Living in a world where nopony gave you any love or kindness. And yet you struggled and fought for survival and fame despite any setbacks you handled. I don’t think you were a bad mare. I think you were just lonely, and wanted to be loved. Maybe if somepony offered you friendship, things would have been different. You had so much potential and yet it was taken away by cruel fate. Go into the afterlife knowing that your suffering is over and that you can rest with the knowledge that one pony will never forget you. It’s never too late to offer friendship to a pony and I offer you mine, Great and Powerful Trixie.” Twilight leaned down, and kissed her on the forehead. “I won’t forget you. I promise. Goodbye and rest in peace.”

Turning to Everlasting Peace, she then asked, “Is the minister coming?”

“He says he’ll be here shortly. After he finishes, we can then have her cremated.”

“She wanted to be cremated?” asked Twilight in surprise.

“No, but she couldn’t afford a grave or stone. It’s customary that for vagabonds or homeless we cremate them and scatter their ashes in the wind.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes and lifted a bag of bits out of her pocket to the stallion. “Tell the minister he doesn’t have to come. I want her body shipped to Canterlot’s Noble Cemetery for burial. Find a minister there who will take the job of giving her the last rights. I also want a tombstone that has ‘Great and Powerful Trixie’ for her name. I’ll be there to watch the processes and with a few other ponies as well, so order flowers and wreaths. If you need more money, contact me and I’ll send it.”

Everlasting Peace’s eyes widened but he accepted the money nonetheless and nodded. “She must have been very special to you.”

Twilight turned to Trixie and looked at her with sorrow. “Not until now.”

Author's Note:

This fanfic was chosen by those who follow me. I'll be doing another poll for my next one shot soon.

Also, if your interested in me doing commissions for you, please see this post for more details: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/383069/commissions-for-one-shots-are-now-open

Comments ( 209 )

Very impressive, and very moving. :fluttercry:

Either I was the first person to read this, or it's not showing up on my screen. Either way, this was great. It moved me like very few things do these days. Good work!

So sad, beautifully written, but sad.

It would be interesting if, in a follow up chapter, Twilight returns to Ponyville and tells her friends about the letter, and how alone she was.

5111328 I think it's fine enough as it is.

5111334 True, but part of me wonders what it would be like. For instance, there might be doubts on whether she was actually dead or not

I am at my desk, on break, trying to choke back tears as I write this.

Damn, that was perfectly executed. Bravo!

Manly tears where shed this day. Well done.

Sad as sad gets. Oddly enough I just this morning read a story about Twilight dying after breaking her neck in a simple fall.

Please come pick it up or send us an address should you wish to retrieve the context, but not attend the funerall.

content OR contents


My poor heart took a hit there :fluttershysad: well done indeed.


I have suddenly embarrassed myself by spontaneously trying to choke back tears as I read this in a library.

You, my man....Just, well done, good sir...:fluttercry:

Reminds me of this:

:trixieshiftleft: Impossible! For Trixie is immortal!

The feels are real.:fluttercry:

Oh god damn it dude.

Why you do this?

~Skeeter The Lurker

Listening to 21 guns by Green Day while reading this...bad decision.:raritycry::raritydespair::applecry:

Very beautiful. A few typos there, but still beautiful. Poor Trixie... :pinkiesad2::fluttercry::applecry::raritycry:

I'm not really a fan of Trixie but this really struck me in the heart and the feels. You have earned a like and a fave
May you rest in peace :trixieshiftright:

I shed a single tear, not a feat even my little Dashie could accomplish.

Dear Luna... that was powerfully sad... and Trixie in this story reflects my own biggest fear... of dying alone :fluttershysad:

5111328 That is definitely something that I hope happens. Hopefully they will show some regret.

Can you point them out? Trying to get it on EQD and every bit helps

Alondro #23 · Oct 7th, 2014 · · 1 ·

“Fell down some stairs and broke her neck. Real pity,” answered Everlasting.

Twilight, "Trixie, how did you die?"

Trixie, "I... Uhm...." *Ghost Napa hints, "You fell down some stairs."* "I fell down some stairs."

Dash is incredulous! "No you didn't! You-"

Trixie quickly interrupts with a snarl, "Shut up before I throw you down a flight."

It had to be done. :trollestia:

Okay, points for that one

That ending...

Bravo Ponystar.

RIP Trixie :fluttercry:

It always feels weird to say a sadfic was wonderful, but this really was.

By the Nine...man, now this is a Tragic Trixie...looking through this a second time...

I'd always wondered what might become of Trixie after season 3...this was one possibility that when I think about it, would make all too much sense. As for her writing her note...likely this was done in a moment of melancholy, but something that put her mind at ease. And when her life was lost...I just...

Not gunna lie, I love Trixie's character and the potential she represents. This version though...leaving life with a sad ending to a sad story...I only hope the rest of the girls can hear this and send her off. Part of me wants to see how this effects them as well. Twilight...really I expect no less of her, she's a good pony through and through. The others? I think I need to see how they'd handle this, how they'd be effected by the death of one they loathed, yet never understood. And in finally coming to understand...what will they say then?

Great work, and thanks for all of this.

*clap*...*clap*...*clap*...this was a truly meaningful story. This work has really given me another point of view to Trixie, Twilight, and real life people. I know this is a fanfiction, but this is too good to be wasted and be left as a fanfiction that I just read without meaning or care. I appreciate this beautiful piece of artwork. :pinkiesad2:

... fck, now i have something in my eye.

Strange, the comic says that she attended Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns...


Yes, but not everyone has read the comics or accepts them as cannon. As it stands, I figure this iteration can be chalked up to Multi-verse theory as an alternate Trixie...at least, that's my thought on it. That said, still sad though.

She's dead.
I hated her.
Hope she goes to hell.
Great story.
Keep going.
And remember.
You can't escape death....
Or me. :pinkiecrazy:

5111905 I also imagine Trixie falling down the stairs to the audio track of Homer Simpson falling into the Springfield Gorge...


Yeah, I'm pretty much pure evil...

This was very good. It didn't make me cry, but really, nothing like this does. Still, good job.

Was the letter the item Trixie had wanted her to have?

Today, no poet needed be called
for this one was not laid to rest alone.

I felt like I needed to say something a little profound but I am not a man of elaborate words or a crafter of poems. But I managed to at least write that. It will have to do.

For those that don't understand

5112128 I think you are in the wrong comment section kid

Manly tears were shed! :fluttercry: This was beautiful and sad. R.I.P. Trixie. You will be missed and never forgotten. :ajsleepy:

damn...the feels man...THE FEELS:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:


Yeah, this is a thumbs-up circlejerk, dang it! You keep your dissenting opinions to yourself! :flutterrage:

(Note, this comment is sarcasm and meant to be a joke.)

I have decided to fav this story, so that it would be remembered. Though we may all be lost to the sands of time, as long as someone remembers us in some way...well, no one deserves to be alone.

Excellent. :fluttershysad::pinkiesad2:

Fine then. Trixie will just have to be Great and Powerful in the afterlife.

I like this line. Even if Trixie died alone and without even knowing that even a single pony would remember her, she's spitting at the hand the world dealt her.

She has eternity and more stubborn drive than a dozen other ponies. She will become Great and Powerful.

I'm...I'm not crying! I'm just...I'm just.... :fluttercry:

Sorry to be a downer here, but I thought her death would be more fatal than falling down stairs. Like she got run over by her own wagon, beaten or murdered from haters or muggers, or maybe she accidently fell off a cliff. Sorry, but still a great story! (please don't take this comment the wrong way).

I had an idea stuck in my head all day today. Twilight gives a eulogy about a passed away Pinkie. Ends with a standing ovation from her friends and family. WHY WAS THIS POSTED SHORTLY AFTER I START WRITING?? Now I gotta decide whether to wait a couple weeks or ride a depressing eulogy train...

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