• Published 6th Dec 2014
  • 5,567 Views, 5 Comments

Royal Routine - StarkyShy

Princess Celestia often disappears in the middle of the day, replaced by Luna. Where is Celestia? And what could possibly be so important that she has to disappear?

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A Special Session

Canterlot is a bustling city with ivory castles, golden spires, and celebrities galore. As the pinnacle of high society, it does have its fair share of secrets and mysteries. Countless rumors are spread every day, all with some sort of hidden truth buried beneath the speculation. However, nopony takes much effort to unearth that truth.

Recently, ever since the defeat of Nightmare Moon, another rumor and mystery has popped up. Normally, the fair and benevolent Princess Celestia had constantly observed the land of Equestria. Now, with the return of Princess Luna, Celestia had time to rest after the lowering of the sun and the rising of the moon, as the younger sister oversaw the land at dusk while the eldest took over at dawn. The two royal sisters oversaw in shifts, nothing wrong with that. Even though they obviously had royal duties and meetings and such, anyone in Canterlot could view at least one of the princesses standing on one of the balconies, smiling and overseeing the city every once in a while. For the day ponies, they would often see Celestia. For the night ponies, Luna.

The rumors began when during the morning, at high noon, instead of the ponies of Canterlot seeing Celestia making a public announcement, it was Luna in her stead. Although Celestia did return the same day and appeared unharmed, no details about her absence were revealed, and most of the citizens had come to the conclusion that Princess Celestia was just preoccupied with something of higher importance. Perhaps there was an Equestrian ambassador meeting, or a great evil had been released from Tartarus and she went to contain it, or maybe she simply had a case of the feather flu.

One absence raised suspicion only among the more gossipy ponies. Suspicions didn’t rise until the absences started to become more frequent. Once, when the Princess returned back to her royal duties, a majority of the onlookers noticed that she looked dazed and often unfocused at occasional moments. And after that, gossip and rumors began to fly. Many theories were presented, but none knew the real answer behind Celestia’s constant disappearances. Some tried to find a pattern between her disappearances where Luna would take her place, but none were found. It seemed she would be absent on random days, the time between the disappearances ranging between a few days to weeks to nearly a month. When questioned about it, both Celestia and Luna explained that she had other important royal duties, and there was no deeper meaning behind it. While it did calm most of the gossip, it didn’t stop it completely; there were still speculations and theories going around about what Celestia’s really doing…

After raising the sun, Celestia looked at her calendar. Today seemed like a good day for another session. As she made her daily rounds, she had walked by some royal guards positioned in front of the doors. The princess turned her head to face one of white unicorns, winked, and nodded her head twice. A short time after making her gesture, she did the same thing to a grey guard. That was the signal to summon them. There, at exactly 10 AM, she would make another disappearance. Just before the allotted time, the princess of the sun had returned to her room, waiting for her guests.

Just before 10, two unicorns had found themselves in front of Celestia’s chambers. Both of them still kept their stoic visage as one of them knocked on the door. “I still can’t believe that the princess lets us do this.” one of them muttered under his breath.

The other one shrugged, “Hey, I’m not complaining about it.”

“Well, I’m not either. It’s just so....strange, isn’t it?” he replied, looking around for any other guards. “I mean, would you believe that the princess has been disappearing to do...well, this?”

Just as the second guard was about to respond, the door opened, and in front of them was the princess herself, without the royal regalia that she has always been seen with. She looked down on them, grinning with enthusiasm. “Ah, hello, you two! Please, come in, I’m so glad to see you both!” She giggled, leading the guards into the room.

Just being in Celestia’s room would put anypony at ease. The grand size, the calm colors, and the soft roar of the fireplace could soothe the most restless of ponies. However, the reason that Celestia called them over was not to take a relaxing nap.

Princess Celestia’s horn began to glow, a yellow aura surrounded the room, effectively soundproofing it from both sides. She then trotted over to the wall opposite the door and cast another spell. Suddenly, the room began to expand, seemingly creating another room out of nothing. Along with the addition of extra space additional furniture was added as well. There was another bed, although this didn’t appear to be used for sleeping or resting purposes; rather, it was meant for a comfortable place to put a victim to tie up or tie down. There were quite a few chests lined up by the walls, the contents of the containers only a select few were privileged to know. There was also a rolling tray table, possibly there to transport the contents of the chest over.

Celestia grabbed the table, pulling it towards her with her magic as she turned to face the guards. “Hello, you two! I called you back here for the usual.” She leaned against the bed, hooves dangling off the edge as she winks at the two, her horn beginning to summon a few objects from one of the chests. Soon, before the guards lay a long pile of rope, a horn ring, a bottle of oil, and feathers and brushes galore. “You know what to do~” she winked, lying back on the bed, leaving herself vulnerable to the two guards as she waited for them to make the next move.

The two guards whispered to each other, occasionally glancing back at the princess to see her winking and wiggling her hind hooves. They kept discussing the best way to use the rope, and which guard would use which object. They removed their armor, save for their helmet. They were going to be in this room for a long time, they might as well get comfortable for it.

Eventually, after discussion, the guards separated the rope to tie the princess down. They lifted her hind hooves up and wrapped two pieces around them, tying the other ends at the head of the bed. Her front hooves were tied up individually and were attached to each other under the bed. Finally, the horn ring was placed on Celestia to prevent any magic use. Soon, Celestia was exposed, vulnerable, and completely at the mercy of the two guards.

Celestia was shaking with anticipation, her hooves twitching as she silently begged for what she truly desired: Being mercilessly tickled. She could never explain it, but both her and her sister Luna had loved experiencing ticklish sensations. Even while her sister was banished to the moon, Celestia spent some nights blindfolding herself and having a few of her own feathers dance on her hooves, softly giggling to herself in the night. She could only imagine Luna had done the same to quell the boredom and agony of banishment. Even before the Elements of Harmony defeated Nightmare Moon, she had previously hired a few other completely trustworthy royal guards to tie her up and give her an intense tickle torture session. After a few long hours and a few midnight sessions, she had finally felt satisfied.

A couple of days after the return of her dearest sister, Princess Celestia had treated her sister to a very long tickle fight in a soundproofed room. The following day, they were so exhausted, Celestia was almost too tired to raise the sun, but it was the happiest she had been in a long time.

Now, both Celestia and Luna had kept their desires repressed for a while, but after that long tickle fight, their needs began to rise again, and they wanted an intense tickle torture session once more. That was when Celestia made a deal with Luna, if she could take over while she had her session, she would make sure that her needs would be satisfied as well. So Celestia disappeared to be tickled by her guards while Luna took over, and during Luna’s night, she hired the same guards to give a similar treatment to Princess Luna.

The guards themselves got a nice little bonus out of this whole ordeal. While they didn’t quite understand the desires of the princesses, they got rewarded handsomely with a secret amount of extra cash for them to spend in exchange for their sessions and confidentiality. Though it would be difficult for them to explain to anypony else that Celestia and Luna had a love of tickling and were paying their own guards for it, let alone convince them it was true.

Celestia had already started to giggle in ticklish anticipation. The guards smiled, the white one taking control of a few brushes, the grey one a few feathers. The started out slow and light, focusing only on her hooves. About five feathers began to stroke up and down the length of one hoof, a couple of brushes focusing on the softer sole of the hoof.

Immediately, Celestia burst out into uncontrollable giggles, the alabaster alicorn began to tug at the ropes, as a few laughs managed to escape her mouth. “I-Ihihihis that all you hahahahave? T-This is nohohohohothing!” She taunted, grinning at her ticklers.

“Oh, we know…” The grey one replied, adding another brush to her hoof.

“We’re just warming up,” the white guard winked, flipping over a few feathers over to use the tips of the feathers to poke at the sensitive hooves.

It took mere seconds of the slight shift in intensity before Celestia was in giggling fits all over again. Despite the intense tickling, her body refrained from jumped up and down on the bed as the feathers and brushes tracked even the most minute movements. “Eeheeheeheeheeheeheeheehee! M-Mohohohohohohohohore!” she begged, tears beginning to trickle down her face.

“Yes, your highness,” they nodded, spurting some oil on the brushes to multitask; the brushes would continue to tickle and increase Celestia’s sensitivity at the same time. The guards could only stare at their princess as they tickled her into unrestrained wild hysterics.

Celestia herself was in a small section of paradise. Every stroke of the feathers and brushes took away a small amount of stress. Her laughs made her feel like she was lighter than air. She absolutely loved this sensation, and couldn’t understand why some ponies absolutely hated tickling. It made her so giddy, even a slight amount of tickling to her hooves could please her, but that’s not what she paid the guards an extra bonus for, and especially not what she halted her royal duties for. “W-Whahahahat am I paying you for? Y-You cahahahahaall that tihihihihihickling? L-Luhuhuhuna can do better in her sleeheeheeheep!” She laughed, continuing to taunt her tickers. She wanted more, this was one of the very few opportunities when she didn’t have to be uptight and professional, so she took full advantage of it with her begging and squealing.

This was an obvious clue to the guards to amp up the tickling process. They knew when enough would be enough, although this time, they would deny it for now. They would slowly increase the tickling intensity until the grand finale. They had done it before, yet each time, Celestia’s reactions felt like it was the first time she experienced it. Still, they began to add more tools: two red feathers to her wingpits, two red feathers to her hoof pits, and a small brush to scrub above her belly button. They didn’t want to throw everything in just yet, they still had a secret weapon they had yet to reveal.

“Ahahahahahahaha!” T-That’s mohohohore like it!” the princess laughed in ticklish bliss, her wings twitching as her tears began to stain the sheets under her.

Little by little, tool by tool, the royal ticklers began to up the tickling. Feathers and brushes attacked the frogs of all four of her hooves, more feathers stroking against the length of her hooves, not even the princess’s horn was safe from the feathers. Ordinarily, feathering a unicorn’s horn would not get much of a ticklish reaction, but due to the current tickling session going on, Celestia’s sensitivity had been amplified greater than before the session had begun.

Celestia’s laughter could shake the walls and alert all of Canterlot if they weren’t soundproofed by a magical spell. While the tickling to her super sensitive hooves were the primary source for her laughter, her laughter reached a different level when a red feather dipped into her belly button.

“T-thahahahahahat’s muhuhuhuhuhuch behehehehehetter! Ahahahahaha! Nyahahahahagh!” Her subconscious struggling against her bonds remained the same as the ticklishness sensations increased. Celestia had enough experience that any tickling that would make anypony shake and struggle as hard as their body physically could, she could handle with little struggle. However, in her current state of ticklishness, she couldn’t help but pull against the ropes as hard as she could.

“You ever stop to realize how weird this is?” The grey guard asked his friend, adding another feather to her hind hooves.

“Yeah, but the pay is nice.” he replied, chuckling as he looked around for more brushes, thinking of where to possibly strike next.

“I guess… one thing is clear - we will never understand royalty.” he shrugs, leaning against the bed as she watches Celestia tear up in laughter from the corner of his eye.

The white guard takes two brushes to scrub against the princess’s cutie mark, causing the struggling and laughter to increase. “She has a really pretty laugh…”

Strangely, the laughter was melodious, and beautiful despite the absolute intensity of the torture. Even when being tickled into letting out gales of wild, unrestrained laughter, Celestia’s speech still managed to sound elegant, and even a bit calm. “Ahahahahahahahahahaha! Ohohohohohohoho yes! M-mohohohohohore!” she begged, rocking her head back and forth against the pillow. Her white wings slowly extending until their entire impressive length had been exposed.

“Her wings are so pretty…” the white guard whispered to the other.

The grey guard broke into a soft chuckle and shook his head. “Oh, shut up you. Just help me get the new exposed area.” To prove his point, he brought in more brushes and feathers for them to utilize to their full ticklish potential. Little by little, the magic aura around the tools began to disappear, dropping them in their place.

Most ponies would faint or at least be left wheezing and coughing by this treatment. However, Celestia was not most ponies. Her and Luna could withstand much more than could possibly be expected of any average pony. As a result, they rarely took breaks during their sessions, unless there was going to be a major shift in the treatment.

Celestia lifted her head up, still giggling from her tickle-high. “W-Why’d you s-s-stop?" She managed to get out between giggling fits. Surely the session couldn’t be over that quickly. What were they planning?

The guards exchanged looks before turning back to the princess. “Oh, we’re not stopping, just pausing.” the grey guard grinned as he placed a black blindfold over Celestia’s teary eyes.

Princess Celestia began to shiver in anticipation; the blindfold was one of the best parts of the tickle sessions. Without her sight, all other senses were heightened, especially her sense of touch. She felt the feathers and brushes rise up off of her body, and then back down at the same time for more relentless tickling.

The reaction was electric. The princess of the sun began to struggle harder than ever, the ticklish sensations overwhelming her body as she rolled back and forth on the bed. She felt a few brushes brush up and down the length of her wings, adding a new layer of ticklish delights to her experience. She could barely speak, but she wanted to in order to voice her approval. “Gyahahahahahahaha! Y-Yehehehehehehehes!”

The two guards began to chuckle to each other, waiting to reveal the new surprise they had in store for the princess. But they’d keep that a secret for now, they wanted to wait until Celestia got used to this level of tickling before they brought it up more.

Celestia’s wings began to flap, the wild struggling causing a few loose feathers to fly off. Before they hit the ground, the grey guard caught them with his magic and used the white feathers to get another ticklish spot, much to Celestia’s unknowing delight.

Celestia’s feathers were much different from the average pegasus feather, both hers and Luna’s were longer, and overall softer, which obviously meant they were much more effective in getting a ticklee to laugh and struggle.

It was very difficult to tell, but Celestia’s struggles gradually weakened as her body started to get used to the tickling again. However, given her complete inability to predict where the tickling going next, as well as her defenseless state, her body still wriggled and writhed on the bed whether she wanted to or not.

With the princess nearly laughing at the top of her lungs, the guards could have a normal conversation without her picking up too much information from it. “Hey, you got your side of our surprise?” The grey guard leaned in closer to his partner, motioning his head towards the ticklish princess.

“Well, obviously.” He replied, removing his helmet to reveal four pink, hoof-sized, egg-shaped objects with straps resting atop his mane. "What about you? Did you put them in the same place?" He inquired.

The other guard removed his helmet, revealing the same egg-shaped objects, but blue in color. "If anypony found out that we owned these things...we'd never hear the end of it." He shook his head, placing them on the bed.

"Buying them was hard, modifying them was even harder." The white unicorn muttered as he set them beside the others. "You think it's time?"

The other guard shrugged. "Five more minutes, she can take it." He said, a smirk beginning to grow on his face.

Celestia squealed, completely unaware of the guards’ plan. She was preoccupied with the tickling all over her body. The added tickling from her own feathers was enough to halt all her thinking. She couldn’t even beg for more, she could only get laughter out. And that was just the state she wanted to be in.

After five minutes of their princess laughing in wordless hysterics, they knew that she was silently begging for more, so they slowly decreased the tools in use to concentrate on their new addition.

The egg-shaped tools were modified vibrators, specifically tinkered with to create ticklish sensations instead of sexual ones. The straps were to ensure that no matter how much the victim shook, they would remain in the same place. There were several settings for these vibrators, but the guards were nearly certain that they only needed one: Maximum.

The guards began to place the vibrators in Celestia’s most sensitive spots: the frogs of her hooves, her wing pits, and her cutie mark on her flank. The flexible straps wrapping around and secured in place so that no amount of shaking could deter their purpose. They moved the feathers and brushes to the side, leaving only the vibrators touching Celestia.

“You’ll find out…” the white guard smirked, nodding to his partner. With their magic, the vibrators were turned onto maximum intensity.

The reaction was instant, the vibrations driving Celestia wild, her laughter remaining strong for a few seconds until… “AHAHAHAHAAAA-”

Celestia had finally went into silent laughter. Her body still thrashing as air was still being forced out of her body. Her blindfold could no longer absorb tears and were now flowing down her face. Her struggling had come to a halt as she laid there on the bed in ticklish paradise.

Princess Celestia had slowly been regaining her strength, her only movements being her mouth trying to get air in and laughter out, and her white belly making slight jiggles. When it seemed that Celestia was about to pass out, the guards were about to turn off the vibrators, when suddenly…

“...HAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Celestia gasped, finally catching her breath to let out her regular, melodious laughter once more. She felt great, it’s been so long since she succumbed to silent laughter. It meant the treatment she was receiving was so effective that she couldn’t form coherent thoughts, when all that was on her mind was the intense tickling.

“Enjoying yourself, Princess?” the grey guard asked, knowing she couldn’t answer properly. But he was curious to what her response would be.

Princess Celestia’s response didn’t disappoint them. She tried to give an actual answer, but all that came out was some sort of incoherent sputtering quickly followed by more laughter as she struggled in vain to get even one cogent word out. The frogs of her hooves were a bright pink thanks to the vibrations, increasing their sensitivity even more.

The session’s time was almost up, and Celestia had to resume her duties once more. They decided rather than continue until time was up, then stop it all at once, they would give her a tickle cooldown session. On each of the vibrators, they dialed it down one setting. While it did tickle immensely, there might be a noticeable difference if Celestia hadn’t been tickled for nearly an hour.

Another click of the vibrators, another level down, the humming of the vibrators making a lower pitch. Celestia laughter finally began to lighten up in intensity, she was able to gasp for air between her fits of laughter. The princess of the sun was unable to understand how long she had been tickled, and was rightfully confused as to why the tickling began to lessen. “W-whahahahat’s going ohohohohon?” She giggled, lifting up her head in confusion.

“Apologies, princess. But time’s almost up, we just want to end it a bit differently, this time. We hope you don’t mind.” The white guard replied, removing the wet blindfold.

Celestia began to blink rapidly, her eyes adjusting to the light. The tickling was light enough that she could keep her eyes open, but intense enough on her most ticklish spots that she was reduced to a squint.

The guards set the vibrators on their lowest setting, making Celestia giggle uncontrollably as she wriggled on the bed, the only part of her body that remained still were her stiff wings, unable to retract with the vibrators tickling her wing pits.

As the treatment decreased in intensity, Celestia felt strangely satisfied. Although she was fine with any type of tickling, she often begged for more. The lighter sensations still felt as good as the intense ones. Perhaps in the next session, she may not tax her guards so much with constant demands of increasing the tickling methods, and just ask for a simple one with no need to go big, maybe even a playful tickle fight.

Finally, the vibrators were shut off and removed from Celestia’s body, revealing the pink spots where they used to be. The white guard gave a curious poke to a pink hoof, and Celestia squealed with delight, proving how sensitive she had become.

If they sent her off in her current state, Celestia could be squealing and grinning with every step she took. They decided it would be for the best if they relaxed her a bit more. As the white guard started to undo the ropes and horn ring, the grey guard began to rub her hind hooves.

Princess Celestia sat up when she was freed, wiping the tears from her eyes. She felt her hind hooves being rubbed, and she quickly melted in bliss. The loving touches on her hooves was amplified by the tickle session, and it took all her power to not scream and flail her hooves. Instead, soft moans escaped from her mouth as she laid back on the bed.

The other guard joined in, rubbing the other hoof. They worked in tandem, using their hooves to rub up and down the frogs of her hooves, lessening her sensitivity.

Meanwhile, Celestia was in pure bliss, it almost felt as good as the previous tickling, and it felt just as relaxing.

After 5 minutes of gentle rubbing, Celestia was still riding the effects of her tickle high, letting out a few uncontrollable giggles from time to time as she left the bed, placing her royal regalia on again. She gave the guards a long hug, “Thank you both, that was wonderful…” she sighed happily, breaking the embrace.

The grey guard nervously chuckled. “No problem, Celestia.”

“Just doing our job,” the white guard grinned.

“Well, you’ll get your payment at the usual time, I’ll see you soon~” she winked, using her magic to revert the room to its original state. She would remain in her room for a while longer, giving the guards ample time to make their exit to not raise suspicion.

When Celestia returned to resume her duties, she tried her best to hide her constant giddy smile, and while she was successful in her endeavor, she just couldn’t hide a very slight blush on her cheeks.

As the guards returned to their posts, they continued their original guard duty as usual, until Princess Luna walked up to them, winked, and nodded her head twice, and walked away without saying a word.

Comments ( 4 )

Now we see what Celly does privately in her spare time. :rainbowlaugh:

Nice story, but I found a very minor thing you may want to edit.

They removed their armor, save for their helmet.

That should be "helmets"

Very enjoyable story. Thanks for sharing it. ^^

Usually I’m not turned on by M/F tickling, but this has caught my interest.

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