• Member Since 23rd Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Not all of us who wander are lost. I love to see what's over the next hill...


Four years ago, life in Equestria changed. A unknown race appear through a magical vortex of dark magics and attacked to drain the very land of the magic they want. Four years of bloody warfare has left half of Equestria lifeless and barren. Princess Celestia was injured as she tried to wield the Elements of Harmony against this foe only to have them shattered to pieces, lost forever. Now, only the brave fighting folk of the Equestrian Armed Forces keep this Evil at bay, but the war has ground to a standstill, neither side able to get a true upper hand. But nothing can keep the stalemate, something has to give.

Looking for Someone to do a Cover Art if they wish to and if possible in chapter arts as well.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 11 )

Ok, I'll say this. There are some grammar issues that need some fixing.
Italics are mostly used for thoughts.

Hope these small tips help.

:facehoof: Yeah, my grammer sucks, defiantly need an editor but its not like I know any I would trust to handle that part. All I can really do for that is Keep Calm and Story On. :twilightsheepish:

The Italics for external, or not in view voices, is a carry over from a bunch of my other stories I wrote. Since I had to go back and add the tags to make the italics I switched to the { } For thoughts to make it easier for me...much easier as a whole family of characters did a lot of mind talking.

Still, I'll see if I can find an editor some how. You know of any one?

This is nice so far. First chapter in and I can say I really like this story. I don't see why people dislike it so much. Sure it has issues but what story doesn't? :unsuresweetie:

i like the idea of ponies being dragon riders though! I love dragons! But Trixie should get a magical wyvern instead! That'd be cool!.

i have to say though, it has a better flow than I expected. Most stories I read are like mine, very scattered in the flow. This one however isn't. You put a great deal into revising the chapter so I can't say what it was like from before, but it's nice so far. :scootangel:

So far so good. Your grammar isn't too bad. An expanded vocabulary might do some good though.

You know I realized something, Trixie should totally claims she slew an uras major! :pinkiehappy: I can see her doing so in this story.

5530417 (just going down the line)

First thank you for the kind words. They keep me going during the long dark. As for dragon riders I figured I needed to do something to get spike into the action WITHOUT putting a gun in his claws and that was the best I came up with that I enjoyed. The revision was to add more details to the battle and add more details to the dragon riders abilities.

As for the Ursa Major, not happening. You will see why in a few chapters but that does five an idea on what she CAN claim to have defeated

I have to admit I like the ponies and the structure of all the poines and their command.


You mentioned before that trixie should have fought a ursa major. Figured to make it something a little more into the story. :raritywink:

Here are the specifics I mentioned. Here is the first paragraph with errors highlighted and explanations in parentheses and italics.

Princess Celestia walked through the quiet halls of Canterlot Castle,. (run-on sentence) it has had (tense) been her home for over a thousand years, yet the fact she hasn’t hadn't been there throughout the last four years (clarity - or else it sounds like you mean the last four thousand years bothered her. Her calm face looked down at her regalia, (punctuation needed) a sigh forming inside but she didn’t let it out. It was the first time in months she’s she'd been in her flowing white gown. Her feet wore clear crystal slippers She wore clear crystal slippers on her feet (better phrasing - you wouldn't say your torso wears a shirt, would you?) while golden bracelets decorated her arms. Her golden crown adorned her mane of flowing colors, yet she felt like it didn’t belong there. Her tail flicked in a slight agitation, (comma, dash, semicolon - you need some punctuation here) her only tell of her emotions. Even her wings, - folded tightly on her back - didn’t flick in the slightest. She felt like an intruder in her own home, and she has been like this for nearly four years. Her hand drifted up to chin as her mind wondered wandered (spelling) back four years ago, then drifted up to the remains of her shattered horn Her hand then came to rest on the stump of her shattered, once proud horn (you shift between her hand and her mind and the reference isn't clear - this was a quick fix, a painful reminder of her failure. She should be should have been back in uniform, she should be should have been back on the lines where she belongs belonged. She knew, and yet she lingered.

And all that is in the first paragraph. Slow down, stick to one tense, and make sure the subject/pronoun references are clear.

Hope that helps!

Hell I'm just happy SOMEONE is taking the moment to point that out. Thanks for that, I guess before I post up the next chapter I'll go back with a fine tooth comb and see if I can't knock some of that stuff out. Thanks. :) My own grammar is, I know, terrible and I can never get any one to explain it in a way I can grasp it. Still confused but at least I got a direction and examples. :pinkiehappy: Terrible grammar aside, what did you think of the story?

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