• Published 4th Oct 2014
  • 3,480 Views, 18 Comments

The Dazzling adventures of The Dazzlings - jidbrony

Life after the Battle of Bands won't be easy for the three Siren's but who's to say wacky shenanigans won't ensue

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The First Night After Defeat

Chapter 1
Defeat, if defeat had a taste it would be bitter, and for reason mixed with spicy hot chilly sauce and a few pickles on the side but that's not important! The point is that defeat is bad, and for three individuals reduced the mere statues of "normal teenage girls" this was the taste that was in all three of there mouths.

"Well this sucks." Aria, the most snarky and mean spirited of the group said as they walked into to an old abandoned apartment in the lower parts of town.

"Oh...you think." Adagio, the leader of the group replied back sarcastically, she was in no mood for games. "My best plan for world domination failed, we lost our powers and WORST of all we can't sing!"

"I don't know, till the whole power loss thing I was having a good day." Sonata the nicest but also the most dim witted said as she followed the other two from behind, the other two seemed to ignore her.

The three entered the rugged looking living room, their highly stylized rock cloths ruined and wrecked, their hair disheveled and their spirits broken, except for Sonata who kept a smile on throughout most of the journey back home. These three former sirens, once some of the most powerful creatures in the mystical land of Equestria were now broken, defeated, cursed forever in a world that they hated, trapped in bodies that they loathed, and now with no magic of their own to control the minds of the other humans of the world.

"So, what's the next move." Aria said sitting down on a rickety old couch as she turned on the T.V, thankfully when they had magic they were able to "persuade" someone to give them cable for free."

"I don't know, I'm trying to think." Adagio said sounding irritated and tired.

"Meaning, you have no idea, and we're screwed." Aria replied back.

"No...Meaning that I'm tired and can't think straight!" Adagio snapped back. "Ugh, I wish I had gotten those fake I.D's when I had the chance."

"Why?" Sonata asked.

"Then I could have taken up drinking and life with you two wouldn't be so unbearable."

Aria rolled her eyes, continuing to watch the T.V which was currently on her favorite program, professional Wrestling. For some reason she had grown fond of it since there arrival to the human world. Sonata on the other hand was sitting down on the table playing with her plushy dolls, over the years she had collected many, many, many, many, many plushy dolls, enough to fill a entire store.

"Hello Mr. Wiggles." Sonata said talking to the stuffed horsey, for some reason that was her favorite. "You'll make everything all better." Adagio and Aria overheard her and just rolled there eyes, slowly Aria leaned into Adagio.

"I say, we go the train station and push her over the tracks, we can make it look like a accident." Aria said.

"No...to many witnesses, beside she'd probably just deflate for a few seconds then pop back out again." Adagio responded.

"Fine...she's still the worse though." Aria muttered.

As Adagio continued to think about there next move she noticed the time and grabbed the remote from Aria and changed it.

"Hey!...I was watching that!" Aria yelled.

"Yeah, well it's Nine O clock my stories are on." Adagio said, referring to her Soap Opera, the Young and the Loveless. Aria never understood Adagio new found obsession for these cheesy soap operas, what was weird that it was all in Spanish so she never understood any of it, but apparently Adagio did. Maybe that also explained Sonata obsession with Taco's now that she though hard about it.

"Adios amgios." The Character on the TV said.

"No Rachael, Alejandro will betray you again!" Adagio yelled at the T.V, Aria razing a eyebrow.

Sonata decided to join the trio on the couch and watch the show along with them holding the plush doll. She took the remote and changed it the local cartoon station. Adagio was mad.

"I was watching that!" Adagio yelled.

"But me and Mr. Wiggles want to watch cartoons." Sonata said in a winey voice.

"Well I'm watching my stories." Adagio grabbed the remote back.

"Well World Wide Wresting is on and I want to watch that." Aria grabbed the remote back.

The battle was on for the control of the remote, each of them slapping and hitting one another to try and get the remote on the channel as well as constantly screaming at one another.

"I want it."

"It's mine!"

"Give it here"

"Give me"


"I want it"

"Give it, give it, give."

Finally Adagio had enough...."STOP! ENOUGH!" Aria and Sonata froze, she still had her commanding presence even without her magic. "FIRST OFF!" She grabs the remote and changes back to the Young and the Loveless. "I'm the leader! We're watching my stories...SECOND!..." Adagio took a deep breath to calm herself. "Look we may have suffered a...minor set back in our world domination schemes but..."

"Minor!" Aria shouted. "You mean we've pretty much lost everything!"

"Okay...more than the minor." Adagio corrected. "But! We still have our wits about us. The war is far from over."

"War!" Sonata sounded scare. "What war! Do we need to build a bunker. I heard about them in books, it always end in big explosions and zombies."

"She's talking figuratively Sonata!" Aria scowled.

"Oh right... figuratively. I knew that." Sonata said, she then leaned in towards Aria. "I don't know what figuratively means."

"And that's why your the worse." Aria replied.

"Ugh I try to give a motivational speech and of course you two ruin it." Adagio starts rubbing her forehead, exhausted. "Why do I live with you two again." "Because you love us." Sonata replied with a big smile on her face, Adagio merely gave her a deadpan expression. Adagio didn't love anyone except herself and that the way it was going to stay.

"Aria, tomorrow, subway." Adagio then pushes out her arms.

"Oh I love Subway, they a have so many good Sandwiches especially the ones with nice jalapeƱo peppers you know the little ones that your sprinkle..."

"Stop talking about food." Aria said, it's bad enough I can no longer feed on magic but now I'm hungry. She gets up to head to the kitchen to see what they had to eat.

As Aria continues her journey through the fridges contents grumbling under her breath about the lack of context within it Sonata just looks at Adagio who continues to watch her stories.

"You know Dagi, a lot of the characters on cartoons don't use music to take over the world. Like one of the characters in my cartoon built this giant lazier thing I think he called it...a...oh what was it...oh yeah he called it a inator."

Adagio grabs the remote and changes the channel to one of her cartoons where a man with a long nose and white lab cote was talking to a Platypus wearing a Fedora.


Adagio grabs the remote back and changes it back to her stories. She just glares at Sonata. "First, those are cartoons...they're fake and this is real life." Suddenly there was a brief moment of silence, Sonata just starred out into space for a few seconds as if looking at some unknown entity of entities.

Adagio started talking again snapping her out of it. "And second do I look like I can build a giant lazier thing."

"You could try." Sonata argued. "And if it doesn't work you can try again next week."

Adagio rolled her eyes. "Yes, that's what we need, every weak we try a stupid scheme to get people to bow to our will."

"Well to be fair..." Aria stepped in. "And I can't believe I'm going to say this but Sonata right in a way. What else can we do, are last big scheme fell down the toilet and we're stuck here...forever."

"Oh so what, we turn our lives into a sitcom and come up with a whacky scheme to take over the world every weak and have it blow up in our faces until we finally win! No way!" Adagio says getting annoyed.

Aria sighed. "Well...What's the worse that could happen."

"Even if we tried that, which were not , we still have to get our actual lives in order!" Adagio reminded them. "We got most of this stuff with our powers and now we need....actual money." she began to grimace.

"Oh, oh we could get...oh...what is that word again." Sonata tried to think hitting her head until the memory came to her.

"Come on brain! Work!" Sonata said.

"Is there a brain in there." Aria snickered.

"I know the word....it's so close in my head." Sonata said.

Adagio rolled her eyes. "A JOB!" she screamed tired of waiting for Sonata to figure it out.

"Oh...yeah...that's right...heh...I forgot." Sonata smiled.

"A job, as if." Aria said, scourging at the mere idea. "Can't we just steal money."

"We could if we could sing." Adagio said confrontationally. "But we can't so SHUT IT!"

"Oh, maybe we could work at the Taco Store! It opened last week. There still hiring new comers."

"What is with you and Taco's." Aria asked sounding confused.

"Tacos are good." Sonata replied.

"For once Sonata might be on to something." Adagio said sounding surprised of herself. "If we're going to survive will have to make sacrifices and that means....ugh...working."

Sonata smiled and hugged Mr. Wiggles. "YAY!"

Aria just moaned, if this was going to be her life well there were only two words to best describe it. "Oh...goody."