• Published 29th Sep 2014
  • 8,688 Views, 30 Comments

The Best Nightmare Night Ever - ShrunkenBro

Its Nightmare Night once again in Ponyville Princess Luna makes her grade appearance and is even greeted by her friend Pipsqueak who asks her to spend Nightmare Night with him. After getting plenty of treats Luna wishes to find a way to scare the chi

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The Best Nightmare Night Ever

Warning: Shrinking Ponies, Non Fatal Vore

It was Nightmare Night in Ponyville and everypony was getting into their costumes. And tonight was a special Nightmare Night, for Luna would be visiting the town once again. Somewhere in Ponyville, Pipsqueak was eager to get into his new pirate costume and collect as much candy as his bag could carry for this Nightmare Night was going to be a very special one; his favorite princess of all time was going to visit Ponyville.
“I can't wait to see her again.” he gave a joyous glee. Pipsqueak put the final touches of his costume on, placing his eye patch on his right eye, grabbing his toy sword and trick bag and running out the door, and just in time to see Luna's chariot coming across the sky towards Ponyville's town square.
Pip excitedly watched as Princess Luna made her grand entrance. The dark blue alicorn wore a dark hooded cloak much like the one she had worn the last Nightmare Night. All the ponies bowed before her as she turned her head, showing only her smile and her glowing eyes. Pip stared in awe Luna took a huge leap into the air, passing the bright full moon, casting a shadow over the crowd. Luna took a dive into a nearby well all; the ponies watched as a bright lime green light shot out with steaming fog out of the light and a swarm of bats took flight, then Princess Luna emerged from the well, making all the ponies near shout with glee and cheer.
Luna smiled as she listened to the cheers of the ponies. She was happy to know that the town’s ponies were giving her a much warmer reception this time around. She smiled and climbed out of the well. "Good evening, citizens of Ponyville. It is us, Princess Luna. We have come to celebrate this wonderful festival with you once again." The crowd’s cheers echoed throughout the town as Bulk Biceps pop out the crowd, painted green and wearing ripped pair of short pants and yelled "YAAAAH!" Luna smiled a bit as the real festivities began. She smirked to herself as she tried to think of how to scare the children this year. She tried to come up with a few ideas that she didn't try last year "Hmm, let’s see. I already used spiders, bats, we have already done becoming Nightmare Moon, what else could I do?" she brought her hoof to her bottom jaw.
Luna was lost in her though but the sound of a child broke her consideration "Princess Luna!" Pip cheered running up to the dark blue alicorn Luna wasted so busy thinking that she hadn’t noticed the colt coming up to her.
"Oh! Hello, little Pip. Can we help you with something?" Pip stopped right in front of her.
"You remembered my name… Uh I just wanted to say hello to you." Pip was starting to become nervous he had gotten all the courage to go up and see her but now he didn't know what to say. She smiled at him.
"Well, hello to you as well. You look quite fetching this Nightmare Night~" Luna complimented, Pip smiled nervously.
"T-thank you Luna." Pipsqueak reached over to his side and pulled out his toy sword and showed it to Luna.
"Oh my~ You look like a dirty swashbuckler for sure~" she smiled Pipsqueak laughed he put his sword back into its plastic sheath.
"Uh Princess could I ask you something?" Luna smiled and nodded.
"Of course you can what is it?"
"Could go with and my friends to get candy tonight?" Pipsqueak asked. She smiled a bit and nodded.
"I suppose I should make sure you're all getting enough candy for the offering. I'd hate for Nightmare Moon to gobble you up." Luna winked.
"Hehe yeah, we better get a lot of candy." Pipsqueak joked she smiled and walked with him. As she thought about this, however, she thought of a good way to scare them this year.
Pipsqueak was so giddy he just couldn't believe he was spending Nightmare Night with Princess Luna herself. This was his second Nightmare Night and it was already the best. Pip and Luna walked up to Twilight's library and knocked on the door. The purple alicorn opened the door wearing her Star Swirl the Bearded costume.
"Nightmare Night what a fright give us, something good to bite," both Pip and Luna cheered Luna smiled as she recited the chant as well. She chuckled from the fact that Twilight was wearing the same costume she had last year.
"Princess Luna?" Twilight gave a confused look.
"Hello Twilight having wonderful Nightmare Night?" Twilight was almost speechless but she gave smile seeing her with the little colt.
"Oh yes, I’m having a wonderful night." she smiled, grabbing a hoof full of candy in a big bowl putting it into Pipsqueak's bag.
"Thank you Princess Twilight." Twilight patted the little pirate colt on the head then reached into her bowl and turned to Luna.
"Oh right." Luna's horn glowed and then appeared a bag with pumpkins painted on it appeared. Twilight dropped the candy into her bag "Thank you Twilight, have a good night." Luna and Pip walked off to find more candy.
"Wow, we sure got a lot of candy." Pipsqueak smiled and gave a slight giggle. "Good thing she gave us a lot of candy, wouldn't want you to gobble me up tonight." Pip laughed Luna shared in the little colt’s laugh.
"No, we wouldn't." Luna patted Pip on the head, ruffling his shaggy brown mane. Luna, of course, wasn't entirely telling the truth. She would very much like to gobble up the little colt. And somehow ... she had a slight feeling that might be mutual. Luna was almost lost in her train of thought when she felt Pip pulling on her mane.
"Uh… Princess Luna, we're getting close to the next house." Luna snapped back to reality looking down at the small colt.
"Oh right, sorry Pip." Princess Luna and Pipsqueak walked to the next house.
After an hour of candy collecting Luna decided it would be a good idea to go and enjoy the festival. She smiled down at little Pip. "I'm going to check out the rest of the festival, okay? Enjoy the candy."
"Okay Princess." he puts his bag down, then gives Luna a hug on her front left leg "Thanks for going with me." She smiled and nuzzled the little colt before wandering off to go see the rest of the festival.
Princess Luna walked into a crowd of ponies all in costume. She quiet admired by a few costumes, passing by some ponies dressed as super heroes. Luna stopped to eat a few pieces of the candy she had collected at a picnic table she had a bored expression.
"Hmm… I still haven't come up with anything to scare the children yet this year." she propped her hoof up under her jaw and levitated a piece of butterscotch flavored hard candy into her mouth. She swished it around in her mouth, licking its flavor. Luna sighed as she sucked on the butterscotch, feeling it melt within her mouth as the flavor washed over her tongue.
Luna worked the last bits of the butterscotch to the back of her throat and then an idea came to her she gulped the butterscotch down she stood up. Her ears propped up and she smiled as she looked around for the children, gauging how much candy they had gathered. Princess Luna found the children along with Pipsqueak and even the Cutie Mark Crusaders at the statue of herself as Nightmare Moon, having left a pile of candy. Luna approached the children, making them all gasp.
"Neigh children; do not fear us, yet. We have special task for this Nightmare Night." the children were all slightly confused, wondering what this task was "The task is a game, you will all go and hide and we shall catch you. You may wish to run if you wish, but when we catch you the game is over." the colts and fillies voices raised in excitement.
"Oh boy, I love games!" Button Mash said out loud, who was dressed in green and had toy sword and shield. Luna smiled; she spotted Pipsqueak talking with Applebloom and her friends.
"You should go and find places to hide in the forest, I'll give you all time to go and hide." she said, making all the fillies and colts go in groups and vanishing into the forest. Luna smiled to herself as she counted out loud, thinking of just how she would end the game for them.
Pipsqueak, along with Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo and Applebloom, found an old huge hollow tree for them to hide inside of.
"Can you see her?" Applebloom whispered. Pip peaked out from the one of the small holes. He looked up in the night sky, not spotting her. He brought his attention to the full moon; he saw a black figure fly past it. Pip yipped, ducking away from the hole so he wouldn't be spotted. The foals stayed silent, the only sound that they made was their slow breathing. A loud sound of a branch cracking made the fillies and colt jump; they could hear the sound of movement surrounding them. They peered out of the entrances; they only saw the forest. Then suddenly, a bush moved.
The foals tensed, all of them having a cold sweat. Out from the bushes came Snips and Snails, the foals sighed in relief.
"What were so post to do again?" Snips asked.
"Uh… hide, I think."
Just as they finished talking, a huge shadow was cast over them. Suddenly, blue magic had gripped them, making them levitate. Luna dropped out of the sky, landing beside them.
"Aw, you caught us." Snips complained. The three fillies and colt watched from the safety of their tree. They laughed a little, and then went silent and continued to watch. Luna smiled; her horn began to glow brighter. Suddenly, Snips and Snails began to shrink until they were four inches tall.
The two colts screamed in panic. "Pr-Princess please let us go, this is too scary!" Snails pleaded, but Luna ignored them. She levitated the two close to her muzzle, and then opened her mouth, revealing lines and webs of saliva. Luna placed the two colts in her mouth and closed her maw gently. She kept them in her mouth for a moment, and then swallowed; showing a lump that traveled down her neck and vanished into her rib cage.
She gave small hiccup; the feeling of the pair of colts traveling down her throat was quite enticing. She smiled a bit as felt the struggling in her stomach, which really only caused the night princess a pleasant sensation. She smirked and went to find the other foals. Princess Luna unfolded her wings and took off into the air, vanishing in the night, not knowing that there were three foals who had been shocked by what they had seen. The foals began to whimper and cry with a question buzzing through their heads.
“How could Princess Luna do this?” Scootaloo was now shaking with nervous sweat along with Sweetie Belle. Both Pipsqueak and Applebloom's faces turned red and then their eyes started to water and tear up.
"So she r-really dose gobble up ponies." Pip sobbed.
Sweetie Belle swallowed, her voice shaking, like she wasn't very confident in what she said. "L-let's not jump to conclusions, guys ..."
"WHAT?! What are talking about, did you not just see what happened to poor Snips and Snails?!" Scootaloo roared at the white unicorn with tear soaked anger eyes.
"G-guys pl-please don't shout." Pipsqueak whispered in a shaking tone. Applebloom and Pip held on to one another in what looked like a tight hug.
Sweetie Belle swallowed. "I'm just saying it may not be what it seems like. This could just be a Nightmare Night trick."
"That didn't seem like a trick ta me." Applebloom spoke on soft tone, still worried if the night Princess was lurking nearby.
"Maybe we should go tell Twilight..." Scootaloo paused; she started to shiver when the sound of flapping wings could be heard outside the old tree.
"Eee!" Sweetie Belle yipped, holding her hooves to her mouth. The fillies and colt huddled together, shaking in fear and trying to stay silent. All they could hear was the sound of crickets chirping and owls hooting. The four of them were paralyzed with fear, the slightest sounds out of the ordinary making them jump. Pip was starting to shake and sob, the little colt began to turn bright red till tears were flooding his eyes and he started to cry.
"Pip you gotta be quiet." Applebloom held Pipsqueak close to her, the little colt started crying into her shoulder in hopes his cry would not alert the night predator they were hiding from.
"I-I'm sorry Applebloom." Pipsqueak sniffed. Pip had managed to control his loud emotions and the night grew silent again Scootaloo managed to sneak a peek from her cover, looking for any sign of Luna and finding none.
"Maybe we should try making a run for it?" Pipsqueak whispered. Scootaloo shrugged in confusion.
"I dunno ... maybe?"
"We should at least try, it's better than waiting for Luna to gobble us up." Sweetie Belle poked her head out of the tree, not seeing anypony. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle slowly walked out from the tree.
"It’s all clear." Applebloom whispered to Pipsqueak and Scootaloo. The two nodded, slowly exiting the hollow tree and joining their friends out in the open.
"Does anypony know how to get out?" Pipsqueak asked.
"Yeah, don't worry; we know our way around hear." Applebloom patted his back, hoping to keep the little colt calm. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were leading the way while Applebloom and Pip took up the rear.
"This is got to be pretty hard for Pip." Scootaloo whispered.
"Yeah wasn't Luna his favorite princess?" Sweetie Belle looked back to a sad looking Pip with Applebloom staying by his side, obviously trying to cheer him up or at least trying to console him.
"Poor kid." Scootaloo slowly shook head left and right. The four did their best to move quietly towards a more safe location.
"Well, it seems I've found you."
The foals jumped and turned to see Princess Luna floating above them. She giggled at them, showing her bright, white fanged smile.
"Pr-princess." Pipsqueak whimpered.
"Quick, run for it!" the four foals began to run as fast as their tiny legs could make them. They dodged upcoming trees in the way, the hooves clopping against the ground loudly. It was already too late for them, though. Princess Luna could easily catch up with them at this point.
The four foals continued to keep running in hopes of losing the princess. Scootaloo came to sudden halt, making the others stop right behind her.
"What's wrong?" Applebloom peeked over the pegasus to see an old bridge that was covered in mold and moss. The wood was wet and chipping off, the rope looked dried. Any sudden vibration would make it snap.
"I don't think we should cross this." Sweetie Belle nervously gulped. The sound of heavy flapping wings made the foals jump
"We have to." Applebloom said nervously. Taking her first step on the bridge, it made a crackling sound. Applebloom carefully took a few more steps "Come on." Scootaloo, Pip and Sweetie Belle slowly followed the Earth pony filly. The sounds coming from old bridge began to get louder and louder with each step they took.
The sound of flapping wings made them sweat as they saw Luna flying out from the forest just floating above them.
"It's Nightmare Moon!" Sweetie shouted. The foals began to panic; they started to pick up speed making the bridge shake.
"Neigh children, wait!" Princess Luna shouted, sounding concern for them. The four didn't seem to pay heed to her cry of concern, more concerned about preserving themselves. Scootaloo panicked, trying to speed up her crossing. The bridge started to rapidly shake, the sudden sounds of snapping rope rang in the foals ears as they panicked their way to the opposite end from the bridge.
Applebloom and Pipsqueak made a leap, making it safely to the other side.
"Hurry! Hurry!" Applebloom shouted. Scootaloo flapped her small wings in panic her hooves clopped over breaking planks as she dashed with whatever speed she had at hand, knocking Pip and Applebloom aside, leaving only Sweetie on the bridge.
Sweetie stumbled, trying to keep her footing and run at the same time.
"Hurry Sweetie Belle!" the three foals yelled for their friend. The last few ropes on the left side snapped.
"AAAH!" Sweetie Belle screamed for her life as the bridge tilted down, making the little unicorn lose her balance and fall.
"SWEETIE BELLE!" her friends shouted as they watched her falling to her death.
"AAAH!" Sweetie screamed as she flipped through the air, tears floating out from her crying eyes. Suddenly, to all or their surprise, Princess Luna dashed down, flying under Sweetie Belle and catching the filly in her arms, then placing her on her back, making them all gasp. The four felt a collective relief that Sweetie Belle was safe, then a collective fear that Luna would surely swallow her as well. Sweetie Belle held on to the alicorn's neck, shaking in fear of what her savior might do to her and to the white unicorn's surprise, Luna flapped her wings, floating up to the side where her friends were. She stopped and remanded flying just inches away from the frightened foals who watched in fear of their princess.
Luna's horn glowed light blue, Sweetie Belle was then levitated off Luna's back placed with her friends who rushed to her side, hugging her tight.
"I'm so glad you’re ok," Applebloom sobbed into Sweetie's shoulder.
"If it wasn't for me, the bridge wouldn't have.." Scootaloo cried, hugging Sweetie. The white filly pushed her friends off so she could breathe.
"Guys, it's alright. If it wasn't for Luna..." they all suddenly stopped with their eyes wide and mouths hanging open.
"LUNA!" the three fillies looked over to see Pipsqueak watching Luna fly to the other side of bridge.
"Well, you four better get moving if you don't want me to catch you."
As the foals ran, Scootaloo was falling far behind her friends who were too busy running to notice the orange pegasus slowing down to catch her breath. Scootaloo huffed and wheezed, seeing her friends almost vanishing into forest. Scootaloo wiped the sweat from her forehead; her werewolf costume was steaming inside. She let out an annoyed exhale then pulled off her wolf head. Scootaloo could see her friends running back towards her, she smiled but then out of nowhere, Princess Luna dashed out of sky; scooping up a screaming Scootaloo. The three let out a scream of surprise as they saw the night princess flying off with their friend.
Luna smirked playfully as she flew off with Scootaloo, finding a clearing far enough away from the initial group and setting her down on the ground.
"Oof!" Scootaloo let out as she looked up, seeing Princess Luna landing beside her. The young pegasus panicked, backing away from her still laying on her back. "Please Princess, don't hurt me, please." she begged, tears dripped from her face as Luna stepped closer and closer to her.
"Don't fear young Scootaloo, everything will be fine." her horn glowed, casting a magic aura around Scootaloo, making her shrink to the same size as Snips and Snails.
"No! No! No!" Scootaloo screamed, trying to fly her way out but to no effect for the poor pegasus as she was levitated towards Princess Luna's open, saliva coated maw.
Scootaloo was then placed gently inside Luna's mouth. She smiled as she pulled the tiny pegasus into her mouth. Scootaloo tried grabbing a hold of Luna’s bottom lip and pulling herself out, but then Luna’s red, spongy tongue slipped under her, parting the pegasus from her lip. Scootaloo slipped backwards on the slippery tongue and began to head right towards Luna’s open throat. Luna’s maw closed, sealing the filly in darkness. After a brief inhale, she tilted her head and gulped her down; she smiled as she felt the filly being pushed down her throat and into her eagerly awaiting belly. Luna licked her lips, she rubbed her belly; feeling the movements of other ponies she had captured. She then took to the air, in search of the three foals.
The other three were searching in fear for the forest's exit, but not finding anything. They were still doing their best to stay close to each other. Pipsqueak started to sniff loudly; he huffed a few sudden times till his eyes were becoming watery. It wasn't long before he started crying again Applebloom swallowed.
"Sshh ... I know it’s hard, but we don't want her to find us.”
Sweetie Belle swallowed hard. "Scootaloo would probably yell at us to pull ourselves together." Pip grimaced he didn't need to hear that.
"I-I… I'm so sorry... S-sorry." he sobbed, Applebloom forced a smile.
"I-it’s not your fault, Pip." warm tears dripped from the colt's eyes, he rubbed them away but to no avail as he continued to sob.
"I wish I had never made friends with her." he sobbed as quietly as he could bring his voice down.
"Let’s just focus on getting back to town." Applebloom swallowed, the young earth pony knew she had to keep her friends together, she had to keep them calm and find a way out of this forest and get help.
The sound of heavy flapping echoed the air, making the three jolt suddenly. Sweetie Belle squeaked. In defense, she looked for something she could throw, like a stone or branch.
"Oh no." Pip whimpered as the sound of heavy flapping started to get even louder. In a panic, Sweetie Belle picked up her projectile, a decently sized rock, and threw it in the direction of the flapping as Luna floated above the foals. She didn't notice the rock heading right for and striking her on the neck. She let a loud grunt as the three continued to flee.
Sweetie looked for something else to throw, making the filly stay while her friends were running. She could at least fight the princess back.
Sweetie Belle levitated some broken sticks and rocks, then blasted them at the alicorn. Luna shielded herself with her wing as the sticks and rocks bounced off her wing, flopping to the ground.
Luna folded her wing then stared the little filly down, her horn glowed a blue light, casting the aura around Sweetie, levitating her in the air. She kicked and screamed, waving her front hooves in the air.
"Sweetie Belle, please calm down." Luna spoke in a gentle tone. Sweetie Belle was feeling a mixture of pure terror from her current situation and confusion as to why she was trying to calm her. Either way, she didn't want to be gobbled up by Nightmare Moon and began struggling. "Don't worry Sweetie you'll see your friends again." Luna closed her eyes, making her horn glow brighter. Sweetie Belle began to shrink down to the size of all the colts and fillies that had been gobbled up by Nightmare Moon. Sweetie Belle panicked, flailing around, kicking and swatting. Luna stared at the little unicorn, smiling at her. She levitated the unicorn to her muzzle, and then opened her maw wide enough for Sweetie to fit inside.
Sweetie Belle was placed in Luna's mouth, then placed gently on her soft tongue. Luna closed her mouth, keeping the little unicorn in darkness
"Please Princess Luna! Please! LET ME OUT!" Sweetie Belle pleaded as the aura vanished around her. She crawled on the spongy flesh to the line of shut teeth and tried to part them open. "PLEASE LET ME OUT!" Sweetie Belle was then lifted up by the massive slimy tongue, coating her in saliva. The tongue curved up, making Sweetie slide to the waiting throat of the alicorn.
"Don't worry Sweetie Belle. Everything will be fine, I promise." Luna's voice echoed around the slimy cave. Sweetie let a scream as she slid into Luna's throat.
Luna tilted her head and swallowed, the two remaining foals watched in horror as Sweetie Belle was swallowed. Applebloom slowly backed up before taking off as fast as she could. Pipsqueak followed behind her, galloping alongside her as they ran. Pip's eyes started to water. Pip sobbed loudly, tears floated in the wind as they ran. The tired foals ran as fast as they could, they could see the town way off in the distance. They were nearing towards the ravine, running across the wooden bridge.
"Come on Pip, we can make it!" Applebloom shouted. The foals ran faster and faster as much as they could. They were inches away from the bridge. A sudden shadow casts over them, and then Princess Luna dropped from the sky, landing right in front of them, making the foals make a sudden stop, grinding the ground under them. Both Pip and Applebloom gasped as the alicorn stood in front of them.
"I'm sorry children, the game has ended." Applebloom and Pip tried to make a quick run for it, but were stopped by Luna's magical force field. Pip began to sob loudly the little stallion felt her magic surround him, then an intense sensation of vertigo as the world around him began to grow. He looked around and noticed that Applebloom was shrinking with him, a look of fear and worry on her face. Luna paused, seeing the look of her friend and the Apple filly both sobbing and screaming.
"Pip, Applebloom I want you to understand no harm will come to you."
"You’re lying, y-you you monster!" Pipsqueak shouted with tears streaming down his face as he stared into the face of his once hero with red eyes.
This struck the heart of the alicorn, she was called 'monster'. Luna looked away in disappointment, she knew she taken this game too far and she knew she had to explain.
"Pipsqueak, Applebloom, everyone I've gobbled tonight is alive and well." Luna frowned when she saw them still sobbing their eyes out. They clearly didn't quite believe her. Not yet, at least.
"H-how can I trust you?" Pip sobbed.
"Because we,.. I would never bring harm to my subjects, especially children. I would rather die than harm you." Luna said to Pip while Applebloom stared into her eyes. The little filly didn't take her stare away from the giant alicorn, she saw a look in her eyes that looked to be of honestly, she couldn't see any hint of a lie.
"Pip she's telling the truth." Pip swallowed a bit, trying to think of what to make of this. He couldn't comprehend eating somepony without bringing harm.
"If we wanted to bring harm to you, would we not risk our life to save your friend's life before gobbling her up?" Luna asked the little foals, they had to admit this was a good point. But there was still the fear of the situation. She'd have to show them first hand that it was safe.
"C-can you prove it?" Pipsqueak asked.
Luna closed her eyes and nodded her head gently, she looked towards her stomach, keeping Pipsqueak and Applebloom flouting in her magic aura. Her horn glowed then there was a bright flash and a confused Scootaloo with a Nightmare Night party hat on her head appeared floating in front of the shocked Pip and Applebloom.
"Aw Princess Luna, the party isn't over already is it?" The two looked at her in shock.
"S-scootaloo?" both Pip and Applebloom gasped.
"Hi guys, she finally caught you." the orange pegasus cheerfully waved at her friends with a big smile on her face.
"How are you alive... and why do have a hat on?" the confused Pipsqueak asked.
"Oh, Princess Luna is having a Nightmare Night party in her tummy."
"So is everypony okay?" Applebloom asked.
"Yeah, everypony is having a great time down there. She has punch and lots of candy too."
Applebloom couldn’t help but let out a slight chuckle at this. She slowly looked back up at Luna who gave a warm smile at the little filly then to Pipsqueak who still looked a little confused.
"I promise I would never hurt any of you." Luna levitated Pip towards her giant face; making the little colt give out a slight yell. Luna pressed the colt against her blue cheek. "It's alright Pip." Pipsqueak felt the warmth from the alicorn's face; Luna gently placed a hoof on the tiny child's body as if to hold him in place.
Pipsqueak looked up into the alicorn's eyes; she didn't take her stare off the little colt. Pip was starting to feel like he had his favorite princess back, he gave a small smile then snuggled into Luna's soft blue fur. Applebloom giggled a bit at the cute spectacle while Scootaloo made some fake gagging noises. Luna blinked then stared down Scootaloo, making the orange pegasus smile nervously. Luna gave an evil smile then sent a floating Scootaloo to her opening mouth.
"Ah come on! Not again!" She said as she was sent past Luna's teeth, then plopped onto her spongy tongue. Luna closed her maw, swallowing her a second time.
Applebloom and Pipsqueak gave an awkward silence, staring at a nervous Luna who hoped she didn't just scare them again, but after a bit, Applebloom let out a light chuckle.
"Poor Scoots." Pipsqueak giggled along with Applebloom, then soon after, Luna shared her laughter with the tiny foals.
"So you’re not afraid of me are you?" Applebloom looked up at Luna and was going to say no.
"Nope, you’re the scariest princess ever." Pipsqueak smiled, looking proud of what he said.
Applebloom became nervous, hoping that Luna wouldn't be offended but to the filly’s surprise, Luna gave a big smile.
"Good, that's what I like to hear." Luna nuzzled little Pip with her massive snout.
"So ... are we going to join them?" Applebloom smiled a bit.
“Well of course, that is, if you two are not scared, are you?" Luna asked, they shook their heads.
"We know we're not in any danger now." Pip replied.
"Good, well then I suppose it’s time to join your friends." Luna smiled then opened her maw, giving the foals a great view of her open mouth.
The two foals looked into her mouth, peering into the gaping abyss that was her throat. Applebloom and Pipsqueak were gently placed in the center of Luna's soft moist tongue, the tiny filly and colt stared in amazement at the princess's mouth.
Princess Luna’s teeth were a perfect white, Colgate would be proud of her, no cavities seen anywhere, especially in her back teeth.
The inside of her mouth were a dark red. Saliva soaked the surface, the walls and dripped off of her top rows of teeth and the back of throat and her uvula. Pipsqueak stood up and took notice that his little hooves sunk deep onto the moist tongue.
"Whoa?" he lifted up his hoof then placed it back on the tongue making a squishing sound. Applebloom stood up as well; looking around the night princess' mouth in amazement. The little filly pressed her hoof in Luna's tongue.
"Yuck." Applebloom pulled her hoof back, wiping off the saliva. She stepped back then slipped backwards, landing on soft surface. Pip giggled a bit at this. Applebloom gave an evil smile then pulled on Pip's leg, making him fall face first into Luna's tongue, making a squashing sound. Pip was dumb founded, but gave a big smile and laughed. Applebloom joined in on the laughter, the two playfully began pushing each other over, making Luna giggle from the feeling.
Applebloom playfully chased Pip around Luna's mouth, jumping off and on her teeth and bouncing on her spongy tongue. Pip dashed from the left then slipped under the tongue, making Luna giggle as the two played in her mouth, letting them have their fun. Applebloom and Pip had stopped playing and relaxed on Luna's soft tongue, both of them resting together between the soft center of the fleshy hills of the alicorn's tongue.
Luna felt the tiny foals take rest on her tongue. Luna looked up at her horn; she made the tip of her horn glow then shoot out a tiny spark of blue and white light. The little spark floated from her horn then into her open mouth. Luna then closed her mouth, sealing the foals in the darkness, the only light viewable was the tiny spark that hovered over Pip and Applebloom, which then glowed bright, giving the foals night light in her mouth.
"Thank you Luna." Pip hugged the soft tongue. Luna smiled and nodded.
"You're quite welcome. Just let us know when you are ready to join your friends." Luna reminded. Applebloom took noticed of the warm breeze coming from behind them she turned her head to see the motion of her throat moving as Luna breathed in and out. Applebloom saw the uvula moving back and forth, she smiled and tapped Pip on the shoulder.
"What?" Pip looked at her in confusion. Applebloom pointed at Luna's uvula and smiled evilly, Pip looked at the uvula then showed his own evil smile. Luna giggled as she felt the two stopping.
"What are you two doing in there?" Applebloom and Pip walked across the slimy tongue to edge of the alicorn's throat, Pip looked at the slow swaying uvula in amazement.
"This is gonna be fun." Pip reached up and touched the bottom of the uvula then drew his hoof back. "This is like being in a sea monster's mouth." he laughed.
"Or maybe in a whale's mouth." Applebloom added as she pressed her hoof on the uvula, making it swing. Applebloom and Pip backed away as the uvula slowly began to stop swinging and resort back to its normal motion. Applebloom and Pipsqueak looked at themselves then nodded.
"Ya ready?" she asked.
"Yup." Pip and Applebloom took four steps back, then raced to the uvula and leapt up, both grasping hold of the uvula.
Luna giggled as she felt the two playing with her uvula. "Oh, you little troublemakers." the two foals laughed as they swung on Luna's uvula.
"Hold on Pip!" Applebloom cheered and giggled as her and Pip snuggled in the soft uvula. Luna giggled as she felt the two hanging from the dangling flesh.
The uvula swung back then swung forward to the front of her mouth, both Applebloom and Pipsqueak were flung onto the spongy tongue, making a squishing sound. The two foals laughed. Even if they were covered in saliva, this was the most fun they had on any Nightmare Night.
"Princess Luna, thanks for everything." Applebloom giggled Luna smiled warmly.
"You're quite welcome, little filly." Pipsqueak hugged the tongue and snuggled into it.
"You’re still the best Princess ever."
"I'm glad to hear that." Luna replied. Pip walked across the tongue back to Luna's throat, he stopped at the edge then stood up and hugged the uvula. She smiled a bit. "Are you both ready now?”
"I am." Pip cheered standing at the edge of the throat.
"Yah, so am I." Applebloom said standing next to Pipsqueak. Luna smiled and nodded, then tilted her head back, sending them into the entrance of her throat.
Pipsqueak entered into the fleshy tunnel first, and then followed behind by Applebloom. The slimy muscles closed, then opened around the filly and colt, pulling them down into the esophagus. Luna smiled, following the bulge they made in her throat until it disappeared into her chest. The two slid down the slimy, tunnel laughing in joy as they traveled downward. Luna smiled as she felt the two plop into her belly. Applebloom and Pip landed into a soft wet floor that bounced them up and down like a trampoline. Pipsqueak wiped his head from the saliva sticking to him. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo walked up to them with party hats on their heads and holding cups of punch.
"Hey you guys made it." Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo offered the cups to Applebloom and Pip.
"Yeah we were worried you wouldn't make it." Scootaloo patted Pip on the back.
"We were worrying the same thing about you guys." Applebloom and Pipsqueak both chuckled.
"Well no need to worry. Now come on, let's show around." Scootaloo took the lead as Applebloom and Pip followed behind. As the four walked, their hooves made a squishing sound on the ruby red floor. They walked around a fleshy corner to see the full chamber of Princess Luna's stomach, the walls and floors were a light red, just like the color of a ruby. The walls were made of lumps that slowly motioned and dripped with saliva. They saw all of the colts and fillies that were swallowed by Luna, even Snips and Snails. Everypony was here and safe. Applebloom and Pip smiled when they saw tables with cups of punch and bowls of candy.
"Happy Nightmare Night Everypony!" Pinkie Pie popped out from the bowl of candy, making the two gasp. Pinkie dived into the candy and suddenly appeared behind them, both of them sharing in a big laugh. Princess Luna rubbed her belly gently with smile on her muzzle. She walked through the Everfree forest. Finding her statue, she looked up at her statue and noticed the pile of candy. She levitated the candy then shrank it down to size, her horn glowed white, making the candy teleport into her stomach.
"Yahoo! More candy!" Pinkie Pie cheered along with the fillies and colts.
"Thanks Princess Luna." she heard Pipsqueak's muffled voice hearing all those cheers made her smile. She relaxed beside the statue, laying next to it and looked up at the night sky.

The End

Author's Note:

I have two good friends who helped me with this story so please go check them out thanks guys :)

Comments ( 29 )

It's very rare to find a story that, whilst being fetish material, can also work as it's own story AND, more importantly, actually tries to make the characters and setting feel true to the source material. This one really tries to do that. So it gets my upvote. :D

5075540 :scootangel: Thank you I'm so glade you approve me and my friends worked very hard staying to the actual characters I try to take vore as a very kind approach keeping the one who's eaten safe from harm within the belly of his/her eater. I really hate it when someone writes vore fanfiction and makes the characters curl :applecry: and not stay into character. :fluttershysad:

Thank you so much for the kind words :twilightsmile:

You're welcome.

Dat grammar.

I could definitely see this as a real episode.

5087214 Thanks I'm glade you think so ^^

yay let the smexy nightmare night fics roll on out!.....

though i don't partake in vore , still a decent fic nontheless....

5088875 Um thanks and uh I never attended it to be sexy thow

5089412 but it's fetish fuel......

Hey, that was good. If Twilight were a unicorn it would've been perfect.

5092676 That's not what I attendant it to be either :trixieshiftleft:

5096913 Well I wanted it to be in season 4 at least before Tierk poped up

5106092 Had you actually gone with the conclusion of the fourth series I wouldn't have even clicked the 'Like' button.

5106087 lol that auto spelling correction.....

Good story. I always imagined Luna taking the legend of Nightmare Moon and turning it into something more positive and fun :twilightsmile:

5106145 So you don't like the story cause its in season 4? (sorry I'm just a little confused)

5110040 I always saw it like that too

5116307 The only reason I hadn't favourited it on account of Twilight being an alicorn is because the episode where she becomes one directly harkens back to the beginning of the third series and the end of the second series.

I have a blog that might make the issue a bit more clear if you're interested.

Really liked it. Good job.

Brilliant job! I hope you make more

Every vorephilic's dream! Let me take the place of Pipsqueak!

I can't read this. I mean, I seriously can't read this. I tried, but…

Luna took a dive into a nearby well all; the ponies watched as a bright lime green light shot out with steaming fog out of the light and a swarm of bats took flight, then Princess Luna emerged from the well, making all the ponies near shout with glee and cheer.

This sentence hurts. And it's just one of many. Auto-correct is not a proofreader, and if you had an actual person pre-read it, never use them again.

New cover?

7368206 Yep its on my friend on Deviant did he didn't make for me. I just asked him if I could use it cause it fit the story.

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