• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 8,723 Views, 106 Comments

History Forgets - Rainedash

I have heard ponies say that living so long would be a curse. That it is a burden. That it can break a pony's mind. There is some truth to that, but it's not the whole truth.

  • ...

But I Won't

I was just about ready to leave Celestia's palace for the day. Brushing? Check. Preening? Check. Crown? Check, though I still wasn't used to wearing it. I supposed that's just something that comes with time. There was just one thing left, three... two... one... A flash of light appeared above me and down dropped a green and white fluffball onto my back.

“Princess Twilight, you weren't going to leave without me, were you?” Sapphire Surprise whined, following it up with a pout and lost puppy eyes. It was downright unfair how cute she can get. The worst part was, I think she knew the effect it has on others.

“I wouldn't dream of it.” She stayed on my back, like she usually does. I remember before that she said the world looked more interesting when riding a princess. A foolish notion of course, but if it made her happy I wasn't going to complain.

“Where are we going to anyway?” asked Surprise. “Oh, do you have some big important meeting?”

“Nothing like that. I'm just visiting some old friends.” That seemed good enough to sate her curiosity for now.

“Can we get breakfast before coming back?”

“Sure. We'll get anything you want.” We left through the front gate and followed a path around to the back of the palace to a place called The Heroes' Garden, a plot of land dedicated to honor heroes of the past. By now I had the route memorized and could probably walk there blindfolded, assuming any guards walking around would know to stay out of the path of a blindfolded princess. There were many statues of famous ponies from bygone eras, all casting long shadows from the morning sun. Sapphire Surprise read the plaques as we passed them. It didn't take long to get where I was headed.

We reached it, a group of six statues clumped together with a sign in front reading: The Bearers of Harmony. Each one were in a dynamic pose designed to attract attention. I almost laughed at the Fluttershy one when it was made. She would have gone from yellow to bright red in an instant if she knew she got the hero treatment after death. However, it would seem that I was not alone in visiting them this morning. An old, orange and purple pegasi sat, looking up at Rainbow Dash's statue. She turned to me as we got closer.

She waved at me. “Hey Twilight, it's been awhile.”

“Do you know her, Princess Twilight?” asked Sapphire.

“Oh, I know her alright. She did things that I will never be able to forget.”

Scootaloo laughed, only to be cut off by a hacking cough. “You do a couple dumb things like setting a princess' castle on fire and you never hear the end of it.”

Sapphire loudly gasped and pointed at her. “Are you a criminal?!”

“Actually, you set my castle on fire twice.”

Sapphire gasped again. “Are you a double criminal?!”

Scootaloo and I could only laugh at her reaction. “Sapphire, this is a friend of mine, Scootaloo. Scootaloo, meet Sapphire Surprise.”

Sapphire teleported away and appeared in front of Scootaloo. “Hiya!” she said and waved.

“Er, hi.” Scootaloo cocked her head to the side as she looked at Sapphire, and then to the other side, while tapping one of her hooves against the ground. “Why does that name sound so familiar?”

“She's Pinkie's youngest granddaughter, and my new student.”

“W-wait, she's Pinkie's granddaughter? Really?”

“Yep yep yep!” Sapphire hopped. “You knew Granny Pie? That is so cool!”

“So, what are you doing here, Scootaloo?”

She shrugged. “Just thought I should see her statue one last time before it's my turn, you know.”

“You shouldn't talk like that. I'm sure you have a few more good years in you.”

She rolled her eyes. “Twilight, I haven't been easy on my body. I know I probably won't live too much longer. It is what it is.”

“Right.” It wasn't worth arguing about and I admit, she's probably right. While her body didn't look too bad for its age, I knew first hoof how far she has pushed it. I got closer to her and looked up at Dash's statue. It had that same confident grin she had in life. I think she would have liked it. “How are Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom doing?”

“I think Sweetie Belle's mind is starting to go, kinda like Rarity's did near the end. As for Apple Bloom, she's actually pretty healthy. I swear she knows some potion that slows her aging. I just wish she'd share it.”

“Eh, you know earth ponies age well. Especially members of the Apple family.”

“Zecora and her did some weird rituals. Apple Bloom would tell us that she wasn't allowed to say what went on. I'm just saying, it wouldn't surprise me if she learned how to make something like that.”

“I suppose it's a possibility.”

We both looked at the statues in quiet for a moment as Sapphire ran around behind us. As the shadow of a cloud passed over us, Scootaloo spoke up, “Hey Twilight, how do you handle it?”

“Handle what?”

“Losing all of them. It hit me pretty hard when Rainbow Dash died and I can't even think about what I'll do if Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle go before me. I'd probably go crazy if I knew it could be thousands of years or more before I got to join them.”

“...follow me for a second.” I turned, placed Sapphire on my back, and started walking. She was right behind me. Near the edge of the Heroes Garden, we reached the oldest statue there, one that was even older than the city. It had been brought over from Celestia and Luna's old castle when their palace was being built. It was of a pegasus in old fashioned armor, like the kind the pegasi wore before the three tribes were unified. “Do you recognize him?” I asked.

“No, but I know the name.” She read the named carved into the base, “Lightning Strike. We learned about him in history. He helped to fight off some dragons that attacked Equestria.”

“That's correct. Roughly ten years into Princess Celestia's reign when six dragons attacked Equestria and demanded that we handed over every gem we had. Lightning Strike came up with the idea to separate them. Him and a small squad taunted them and got three to chase him, letting the princesses and the rest of their guards handle the three that remained. His quick thinking might have saved hundreds of lives.”

“Yeah, that's what Cheerilee told us.”

“Did you know that he was an awful cook?”

Scootaloo blinked a couple times as she turned from me to the statue and then back to me. “...what?”

“Yep. He couldn't make anything without either burning it or undercooking it. One time he had a date with a beautiful mare, but he was nervous. He couldn't get a reservation at a good restaurant and he knew if he tried cooking a meal for two, it could ruin his chances. However, Celestia came to the rescue. She told him that there would be a romantic dinner for two waiting for them at the dining hall in her castle. A little way of paying him back for his service.”

“Uh, thanks for the history lesson and all but... what does that do with anything?”

“A decade ago, I asked Celestia the same thing you asked me, how she could handle going through what I did with my friends so many times. I've only had to watch one generation pass, she watched hundreds. So, she brought me out here and told me that story. She said that I would eventually understand, but at the time I was just as lost as you are now.”

“Did you understand?”

I nodded. “It took me awhile, but yes, I figured out what she was trying to tell me. History is full of legends and stories, but not of actual ponies. The ponies behind legends, the true ponies, are always forgotten.

“Take Rainbow Dash. In time, all that ponies will know of her is that she was one of the fastest pegasi in history, she did a sonic rainboom while saving the lives of her future teammates, and that she was a fearless captain of the Wonderbolts. The legend of Rainbow Dash will live on for centuries. However, the Rainbow Dash that almost lost the competition because of how nervous she was, the Rainbow Dash that once quit the Wonderbolts because she thought they were promoting unsafe flyers, the Rainbow Dash that always made time for her little sister, the Rainbow Dash who was always so caring to her pet tortoise will be forgotten in two or three generations. Everything that made her a real pony, the pony you and I loved, will be stripped away. Only the legend will be left behind.

“The same goes for the rest of my friends. To others, they will just be legends and stories, but not to me. I get to be the one to carry on the memory of all of them. Their dreams, their flaws, funny jokes they told, and times they argued, all of it.” Memories of them swirled in my head: arguing with Dash over how Daring Do would act in certain situations, Pinkie pranking me, Rarity demanding that as a princess I need to take better care of my mane and tail, Fluttershy looking after Owlowiscious for me when he got sick, and Applejack teaching me how to bake a good pie. “As long as I'm alive, the memory of who they really were lives on. I'll even get to tell future generations how a singer, an alchemist, and a daredevil once terrorized the town of Ponyville because they didn't know how cutie marks worked.”

“W-wow, I never thought of it like that.” She caught me off guard with a sudden hug. “I'm really going to miss you when it's my time.”

“Me too, Scootaloo.”

She broke the hug and said, “I should probably be leaving. I don't want my kids getting worried about me.”

“How long are you going to be in Canterlot?”

“A couple more days.” She told me the address of her son's home, where she's staying while in the city.

“I'll send a messenger tomorrow to invite your family to the palace. We can have dinner and catch up a little more.”

“Sounds good.” She turned and walked off. Seeing her as an old, wrinkled up mare was odd. Whenever I thought of Scootaloo, it was of the young filly riding around on her scooter. I wonder if she still has it.

As I pondered that question, a second hug came, this time against the back of my neck. “Princess?”

“Yeah Sapphire?”

“Could you tell me a story about Granny Pie?”

I turned around and looked back to Pinkie's statue. “I've got just the one, the time Pinkie and I solved the mystery of who took a bite out of a special cake...”

Author's Note:

Twilight is like that relative who tells embarrassing stories about you, except she'll still be telling them hundreds of years from now long after you're dead.

There's a ton of sad and bittersweet stories about Twilight's possible eternal youth, so I thought I'd show a different side to it, a good side of it. Anyways, if you enjoyed the story please like, fave, and/or comment.

Comments ( 106 )

This story was great way of telling story with Twilight having eternal youth. The pace for this story was done great. I was hoping for a sequel when I got to the middle of the story, but I reached the end I was left with not being sure about whether this story should have a sequel or not. It didn't leave room for that, making it just one great Twilight short story read.

I like it as it is anyhow. Thanks for sharing.

Very, very well done. Outliving people is something mortal people do, and then they move on, so it's good to see an immortal Twilight who's not all mopey. Beautifully done.

Nicely handled. Nice to see a positive outlook on the whole immortality thing for once.

Honestly, the story felt like there could've been more to it. But it was still good. And it's only a generation or two in the future - I wonder how much different Twilight's thinking will be in a half dozen or more? So many more fond memories of ponies to keep going.

I'll admit, you caught me a bit by surprise when I read the synopsis. Personally, I'm a firm believer in the Curse of Immortality, but what you write here, what Twilight thinks, makes quite a bit of sense. There's a silver lining to everything, and the one to Immortality is remembering, knowing who they really were as opposed to knowing only that legends that overshadow the pony/person themselves.

Even today, with so much recorded history, we are still prone to picturing a historical person as having only a few certain traits. For lack of better example, so many people remember Adolf Hitler as a monster, an evil man who murdered millions, but next to no one knows of the artist behind the image, and the flirtatious man he could be.

I've never thought of Immortality like this, but I can see where you're coming from. A good story (if having a bit of problem with the past & present tense here and there, you might wanna take a look at that), that is also original. It's only in the Popular Box at the moment, but I'm hoping for a feature. You certainly do deserve it. I'll do my part to help.

Thanks. I'm glad you liked this take on the whole, eternal youth thing.

That was excellent. I had to scroll up and upvote for "double criminal" alone, but the rest of the fic was equally deserving of it.

Short but absolutely perfect as it is. That is something very rare around here. Be proud of what you have done author. Bravo *golf clap*

Nice work on this one author. You managed to warm my heart without pulling out "Mega-In-Your-Face-Feels RX® " :yay:

I especially like the way that you avoided blatant use of literary devices to emphasize emotional points as is done by so many longer pieces of work (albeit to great effect). Here we have scenes that flow organically, like a story doled out via word of mouth. Although, I feel like more sensory information could have been yielded, it may have gotten in the way of other aspects.

There is however, a small problem:

(paragraph 7 (I think))

Sapphire Surprise read the plagues as we passed them. It didn't take long to get where I was headed.

Surprise read the plagues as we passed them. It didn't

read the plagues

Otherwise, excellent work, keep being awesome!

*claps heartily*

Well done - while I suppose the story could have been a bit longer, it also feels like it managed to say all of what it wanted to say by being relatively short and to the point, without getting too caught up on details.

And I have to thank you for focusing on the positive side of immortality, there aren't nearly enough stories exploring the upsides of eternal life. For someone like me who never quite agreed with the whole "immortality is a curse" shtick - which feels a bit too much like pushing the limited human capacity and perspective forcibly on to the subject (As with all the things that we ourselves can't really understand or experience, the instinctive reaction is to fear, avoid and shy away from the unknown - humans fear what they don't understand, and no one can claim to understand what it means to be immortal), so something like this is a breath of fresh air as far as immortality focused fics go on this site.

Thank you for a short and very much enjoyable read.

(sorry just watched jump street)

Aw that's sweet. There are too many stories about how much it must suck for Twilight to be immortal. It's nice seeing one where she's not bummed out about it.

Simple story, not too complicated... but to the point and natural in feeling.

And frankly, I feel it tackle the issue rather well. I do believe that immortality is ultimately something good but it does demand a change in mentality, in how one perceive life and well, the mind take time to change. The reason I tend to dislike 'immortality is a curse' stories is because they assume that friendship and happiness are only fleeting while sorrow and despair are eternal. For obvious reasons, I dislike this greatly.

Regarding this story's take on it... what I find interesting it address it. It isn't merely about the memories of Twilight's friends empowering and making her happy, it is her teaching to countless generations who they were and in turn preserving their own memories. Though ponies die, through her their lives are forever remembered. And it also bring forth an interesting aspect: she will forever know new ponies. Not legends, new friends with their own little quirks and in turn, she'll teach their children who their predecessors truly were just as she'll remember them too.

An interesting approach to say the least.

Damn it. I put a g instead of a q. It's fixed now.

Thanks, I agree. While immortality definitely has its downsides, there's no need to always focus on that side of it. I kinda wish more stories would show the good sides to it as well.

To me, that's the single best part of having immortals and very long lived people around, they're like living history books but far better. There's so many interesting and weird parts of history and the ability to talk to someone who lived through it first hand would be amazing.

I feel like this story really should have included Spike in some way, as he'll be going through many of the same things that Twilight will (only
If you have a dragon's long life expectancy as part of your headcanon and obviously sans the actual immortality).

I thought about including Spike but decided that having another person there might make the scene too cluttered.

Nice and profound, without being overly melodramatic. Somber and sentimental without being sappy or sobby.

It's best read while listening to 4everfreebrony's Chant of Immortality.

Seeing here as an old, wrinkled up mare was odd.


There's a ton of sad and bittersweet stories about Twilight's possible eternal youth, so I thought I'd show a different side to it, a good side of it.

I still find it sad, but not quite as sad as others. There will no longer be memories to be made with those 5 ponies. Hopefully there is someway for her to have and eidetic memory.

While the whole question of whether Twilight is immortal is pretty much dead (she's not gonna live forever), this was still beautiful. Outliving people, especially those you've grown so attached to, is something that'd utterly destroy an emotionally weak person. It just goes to show how strong (this story's) Twilight is, which, to be honest, isn't too far from canon Twilight in that regard.

Have a fave and a like. :twilightsmile:

Even if Twilight's not going to live forever in canon, she will in my headcanon... just saying. :pinkiesad2:

5065010 Noooooo, the statement was deliberately ambiguous: Twilight Sparkle will not outlive her friends.

That can mean either she is still mortal, that something super ultra powerful will kill her before the rest (which, given the show's target audience is rather seriously unlikely), OR... they will all become immortal alicorns.

5063041 Sociopaths have an easy time with immortality since they don't give a crap about anyone! :pinkiecrazy:


"immortality is a curse" shtick - which feels a bit too much like pushing the limited human capacity and perspective forcibly on to the subject

I've been saying this very thing for years.

There's also a 'fox and grapes' element to it; the tendency to decide that something apparently unattainable is not desirable as a mental defense against the fear of failure.

5065827 She. Isn't. Immortal.

If not for the fact that she lacks the ethereal mane/tail, then because Celestia would never force immortality on Twilight without her consent, lest she be OOC.

5065859 We don't actually know anything for sure since it's never been touched on in the show. Also, didn't Twilight more or less ascend herself by finishing that spell while Celestia merely guided her through it?

Anyway, I applaud you on effectively using this argument in a positive light. I've seen/read basically the same thought process, that in x years/generations, my friends/family will be remembered, but only for y/z reasons, but read like this, it's more of a negative than a positive. So, great job! :yay:

5066286 Celestia is the one that sent her the book, so, yeah, it was all her doing.

5065859 Ah... but Cadance doesn't have the nebulous mane and tail either!

And when Luna was freed from the Nightmare, she was temporarily reduced to a pony with a normal mane and tail too!

Neither Discord nor Tirek have flowy aurora borealis hair, but they are exceedingly long lived/immortal as well!

Therefore, nebulous manes and tails are not a prerequisite indication of unnaturally long life in Equestria, but rather may indicate a higher tier of connection to something, such as the Sisters' connections with the Sun and Moon.

5066499 Yes, but they aren't ponies, either, so my point still stands. And besides, like I said, Celestia would be OOC to force immortality on somepony.

5066526 Well, she already 'forced' Twilight to become an alicorn Princess, sooooo.... :trollestia:

5066632 That's a pretty weak argument, dude. She wouldn't need Twilight's consent for making her an alicorn because there aren't any negative effects to doing so, whereas immortality is something she'd, with absolute zero doubt, give both Twilight and Cadence the choice of having instead of forcing it upon them.

True. Celestia definitely would have talked about the whole immortality thing if it was going to happen while inside that weird pocket dimension place. Though it wouldn't shock me if Twilight herself did something to stop her aging. She's devoted enough to Celestia to want to stay at her side, and she'd want be around for Spike, plus it would give her all the time in the world to study magic.


I don't think I'd want to be remembered that way.

but then she'd make it her goal to defeat death for everyone

5066972 I have a feeling most people would be at least a little annoyed if someone transformed them into anything without asking.

5071121 Who in their right mind wouldn't want wings/a horn/super strength?

Not my favorite but has a very true aspect to it, not many see in this light. some see glass half full, some half empty. mine is that it is completely full of both air and water.:pinkiecrazy:

5071178 What if you looked like the one eyed one horned giant purple people eater?

5073125 Show me proof such a thing exists.

5073958 It's about as real as alicorns are.

People also didn't know that he really liked dogs, along with how good an artist he was.

Nicely done story! It's a refreshing change of pace to see a positive spin on Twilight's immortality.

Only one tidbit stuck out to me for possible correction:

arguing with Dash over what Daring Do would do in certain situations,

Here you have "do" repeated twice in close proximity. Now, "Do" is a proper name in use here, but it still reads a bit awkward. May I suggest, "arguing with Dash over how Daring Do would act in certain situations"

Still, a nicely written piece. Good show! :pinkiehappy:

5071178 But Twilight didn't even get to ask about the DOWNSIDE!!

The immortality ANGST!!! Watching everypony she knows DIE!!!

Eh, who am I kidding. I'd be laughing. :trixieshiftright:

I really enjoyed this story and liked the positive spin with Twilight keeping the memories of her friends' true selves alive. A follow-up story where Twilight has seen a number of generations come and go and how her perspective may (or may not) have changed would be interesting but certainly not required.

One tiny chronological nitpick: the statue and story of Lightning Strike. He lived in a time that was: *only* 10 years into Celestia's reign, before Canterlot was built, and shortly after the tribes were united - yet the lousy cooking story stemmed from his inability to get a reservation at a good restaurant? Seems like it may be a bit early in the Equestria timeline for fancy dinner reservations. (Or perhaps my head cannon is off - in which case please correct me.)

Well, I guess fancy by that time's definition of it. Pretty much every time period had some places that were considered fancy and for the upperclass of society. And considering what we saw of Unicornia, that definitely seems like a part of their culture that they would bring to a unified nation.

That too. Heck, I betcha 90% of the people on the internet don't know just how much he did for Germany before everything went to hell... But anyway, let's change the subject!

Great Dane, or Golden Retriever. Which would you pick? xP

Heh, to use some less polarizing examples, just imagine talking to someone who personally knew men like Alexander the Great, Caesar, Genghis Khan, or Newton.

Great Dane. Golden retrievers are actually...really hard to train. Plus, I love big dogs, and really tiny dogs.

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