• Published 2nd Nov 2011
  • 2,116 Views, 9 Comments

Iron Mare - PurpleProse

Ponified Marvel Cinema Universe Story, Set in Equestria. Epona Stark is Iron Mare. First of Many.

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Part One: Epona Stark

Picture, if you will, a scene of violence and carnage, very atypical for a peaceful land such as Equestria. A stagecoach lays on its side on the hard, dry desert ground, its wooden frame riddled with holes. Military ponies lay in slumped heaps, their bodies and the hard-packed dirt riddled with holes from gunfire. Craters from small-scale magical explosions mark the landscape.

An earth pony stands out among the military stallions. She lays on her side, her now-tattered black dress and butter-colored coat stained slightly with blood. Her black mane and tail are dirty from eruptions of sand. She gasps for air as she lays on her side. Her eyes are wet with tears and her heart flutters in panic, knowing that she’s likely going to die. Not from a bullet, but from the spell laced into the crystal shards now embedded in her barrel and along her ribcage.

This pony is named Epona Stark.

Many Hours Earlier…

The Zenith Awards were, in a lot of ways, a way for the Royal Academy of Science to pat itself on the back. A night of glitz and glamour for the elite of Canterlot to honor individual ponies who had advanced the cause of science and technology. Banners with the official seal of the Academy were hung alongside the much sleeker, more streamlined logo of Stark Enterprises. The assembled celebrities and socialites chattered quietly at their tables, waiting for the ceremony to begin.

The small talk dwindled and fell quiet as music began to play, carefully overshadowed by the announcer.

“Fillies and gentlecolts, welcome to the Zenith Award Ceremony. Please join me in welcoming the presenter of this years award, Her Royal Highness, Princess Luna.”

The applause was loud and echoing as the navy-colored alicorn strode onto the stage, her glittering black gown fluttering about her as she smiled at the assembled ponies, then paused as she fumbled with a small, rolled-up scroll which she smoothed out onto the podium. She glanced in irritation at the microphone, then flicked it off with a touch of her magic.

“It has been a while since we have addressed our subjects in such a venue.“ Luna’s voice echoed out, as clear as a bell to everypony in the audience. “Do forgive us if we decline to use the microphone.“ A faint chuckle ran through the crowd as the night princess put on a smile and began her speech.

“Thank you all for coming to tonight’s presentation of the Zenith Award. As all are aware, every year the Royal Academy gives this award to the pony who has made the greatest contribution to our kingdom in the fields of science and technology. Such a prestigious award is not given lightly.”

“This year, the academy honors one of the most magically talented earth ponies in our country, the influential CEO of Stark Enterprises. Her story is well known to its members; daughter of the luminary Doctor Merry Stark, a graduate of the Academy when she was barely a full-grown mare, crafter of magical marvels for both the industrial base and military of our kingdom, and nationally recognized leader of one of the most powerful magical technology companies in Equestria. We feel it is our duty to recognize one whose contributions are so many and varied as hers..”

With a soft hum, the small gold and silver trophy hovered up beside Luna. “On behalf of the Academy, we now present this year’s Zenith Award to Miss Epona Stark, accepted in her stead by her business partner, Mr. Obsidian Stone.”

Cheerful music began to play as the gathered crowd began to applaud. Luna smiled, looking out into the crowd as a pony stood up, carefully winding his way through the crowd. He was an older stallion, his dark gold mane streaked with bands of white, his black coat standing out against the gray suit he was wearing. The bulky black unicorn stepped up to the podium, bowing politely to the alicorn before turning to the crowd as the microphone turned back on.

“Princess, gathered fellows of the academy… As it should be obvious, I’m not Miss Stark.”

Another polite chuckle.

“I can assure you, Epona is honored to have been given such a prestigious award. And I’m proud of her as well, both for living up to the legacy of her mother and the expectations of the organization. If she were here tonight and not in a meeting, she’d likely thank everypony here for their admiration. She is, after all, a rather humble mare.”

Another polite chuckle, this one a bit more generous. Obsidian shook his head.

“Of course, Epona’s best quality is also her worst quality. She’s always busy with some new project…”


Lieutenant Colonel Dusty “Roadie” Roads was used to putting up with many things: surly superiors, untrained recruits and the occasional prank or two. Little got under his thick hide or lit his long-burning fuse. After all, one did not rise to his position in the service of the Princesses without getting used to eccentric ponies.

However, few tested the pegasus’ patience like Epona Stark. The earth pony seemed to take great delight in teasing him. That he could handle. However, it also seemed that the mare had an almost boundless talent for avoiding responsibility, and an equally bottomless hunger for stroking her own ego.

Which was why he was at the Mountemare Club, one of Canterlot’s more prestigious dens of inequity, where the young, rich and stupid tended to congregate to indulge themselves in fine wine and rich food, among other things. The well-polished chest plate he was wearing gave the club’s security pause, allowing him into the main floor of the club unmolested. As his eyes scanned across the room with its low green couches, he spied his target ringed by a group of well-dressed young nobles, laughing uproariously as they poured from bottles of wine.

“You. Are. Unbelievable.” The pegasus couldn’t help but let a little irritation enter his voice. “This was the important business meeting you had to go to?”

“Oh, hi Roadie.” Epona grinned, lounging back in her seat as the youngsters turned to look at him. “You’re just in time. The boys and I were discussing how to effectively automate a wet bar.”

“Fascinating, I‘m sure.” Roadie firmly stomped his hoof and glared at the well- dressed young scoundrels. “Okay boys, party’s over, I need to talk with Miss Stark on official crown business. Off with you.”

Roadie shooed the nobles away, ignoring the glares and dirty looks as they scattered to the rest of the club’s floor. Epona, meanwhile, simply stretched out and got to her feet. “Do you really have to spoil my fun like that Roadie?”

“Ruining fun is one of the first things they teach us officers, Epona. I can’t believe you skipped the Zenith Awards to booze up with a bunch of rich idiots.”

The butter-yellow earth pony rolled her eyes. “I’d have been doing the exact same thing at the ceremony, except the wine wouldn’t have been as good and the company would have been a lot more boring. It’d be the same things I heard last year Roadie: ‘Congratulations Miss Stark,’ ‘Well done Miss Stark,’ ’You’re a credit to your mother Miss Stark.’ ‘Are you looking for an investor in your next project Miss Stark?’” Epona snorted and shook her head dismissively. “At least here the boys are more interested in screwing me in the bedroom than the boardroom.”

“That doesn’t mean- hey!” Roadie began to trot after Epona as the mare began to walk away. “That doesn’t mean you can just skip a ceremony like that! Princess Luna herself was there to give you the award.”

“Luna’s a sweetheart, I’m sure she’ll understand. And please, don’t start giving me the whole spiel about ‘You need to be responsible Epona,’ I get that enough as it is.” Epona nodded to the doormare, who floated her cape over to her. Epona fastened the pin at the base of her throat and turned to look at Roadie. “I can assure you, Roadie, that I can be responsible when I want to.”

“I’m sure you can,” Roadie grumbled. “After all, you’ve proved that you can be so reliable in the past.”

“That hurt Roadie,” She sniffed. “But I’ll, of course, forgive you for that. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I really should be going. I don’t want to be late for our train ride tomorrow.”

“Just make sure you show up on time, alright?” Roadie called to her as she stepped out of the building. The chocolate brown pegasus then turned as he felt a hoof tap him on the shoulder. “Yes?”

An elegantly dressed stallion with a thick mustache presented him with a slip of paper. “The tab, sir.”

Roadie felt his teeth grind together. Again. This was the second time she’d pulled this stunt on him, and he’d fallen for it again. With an angry growl, he dug into his uniform’s pocket for his wallet.


Epona couldn’t help but laugh as she trotted towards her carriage. Roadie was going to be fuming tomorrow, but at least he was off her rump for the time being. It was a shame, though; Roadie had interrupted before she could pick a stallion to take home with her. Oh well, at least the night hadn’t been a total waste.

Her automated carriage was waiting for her at the circle drive outside the club. She started to climb up into it when she heard someone shout.

“Miss Stark!”

Please don't be Roadie, she thought to herself as she turned. A mint-green stallion in a long jacket galloped up to her, his short brown mane fluffed under his press fedora, his brown eyes intent on her. “Papa Razzi, The Manehattenite. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions real quick?”

Hmmm… She mused for a second. He’s cute. A bit smaller than my usual tastes, but beggars can’t be choosy.

“Of course.” She smiled as he pulled out a little recorder and slid it into a pocket attached to his fetlock.

“Miss Stark, you decided to send Obsidian Stone in your stead to the Zenith Awards this year instead of attending yourself. Why is that?”

Epona’s voice was calm and practiced. “Sadly, as much as I would have liked to attend the ceremony, I was pulled away by a meeting with certain individuals who wished to meet with me.”

“These individuals wanted to meet with you here at the Mountemare Club? Can you identify these individuals?”

“I certainly can, and at quite a distance too on a good clear day.” Epona smiled.

Papa Razzi frowned, but continued. “What do you say to the papers that refer to you as ‘The Mother of Invention?”

“It’s a ridiculous title. I don’t even like children.”

“And what about your other nickname, ‘The Mare of Murder?’”

Epona covered a mental wince at that, but kept a smiling face. “That’s clever. Nice alliteration. Definitely appealing.”

“So you don’t deny that that nickname is appropriate, given your line of work?”

“I have many lines of work, Mr. Razzi. Designing weapons is just one of them. I have a special talent for making things, for making things that work like magic.” She gestured over her shoulder at her cutie mark, a blue-white gear with six-pointed spark in the center. “So if ponies want to call me the Mare of Murder, I don’t care. I’ll just keep doing what I’m good at.”

“Wow,” Papa Razzi’s voice was layered in sarcasm. “You don’t seem too beat up about that.”

“Mr. Razzi.” Epona’s voice dropped the playful tone. “I can understand that you don’t know about our other projects, considering The Manehattenite is a glorified gossip rag, but my company does do more than make weapons. We make magical batteries that provide stable power for years. We’ve built automated railway systems that no longer need teams of stallions to pull...”

“And yet you still make tools of war.”

“Equestria is assaulted within and without from monsters that could probably swallow a whole pony in one bite. I would be remiss in my duty if I didn’t help fight off those threats, just like my mom did in the Diamond Wolf War so many decades ago.”

“Alright Miss Stark. Just one more question… how well do you sleep at night?”

Epona grinned and wiggled her eyebrows. “Quite well. Would you like to see for yourself?”

That seemed to take the stallion aback. “Are…are you trying to seduce me, Miss Stark?”

“I don’t know, is it working?” Epona opened the carriage door and climbed in. “How about you ask me some more… in-depth questions back at my place?”

Papa Razzi swallowed nervously, then climbed in after her.


The first thing to wake Papa Razzi up was the sunlight streaming in through the window. The news pony groaned, shading his eyes with one hoof as he pulled himself to his feet. He was in a big bedroom with thick carpet and big, wide windows taking up most of one wall.

His body ached, and his head felt about as fuzzy as his memories from last night. He had climbed into Epona Stark’s carriage. There had been wine, which he had drunk copious amounts of at her insistence. She had drunk plenty as well. Then there was the flirting. Then they had arrived…somewhere, where he had stumbled in through the front door. A lot of fumbling and pulling off of clothing had followed from there.

A soft fizzing noise caught his attention: a glass of bubbling water had been left by the bed on the bedside table, smelling of faintly bitter flowers. He pulled the glass over and drank the seltzer, then stumbled to his feet with a groan as his head began to clear.

He had been seduced by Epona Stark. And he was in her bedroom.

He was in her house.

He felt a grin split his lips, though his head still ached. What luck! Admittedly, he hadn’t expected his impromptu interview to go this direction, but here he was in the sanctum of the infamous Epona Stark. Who knew what secrets lurked in here?

He stumbled along, slowly regaining his footing as he walked into the foyer. The house was spotless and sharp, all smooth edges and metal and white stone and curving dark rugs. There was something almost clinical about the decorations, like they’d been designed by a machine.

No matter, he wasn’t here for some home décor magazine. He was here for a scoop. And a scoop he was going to get. One of the doors had to lead to Epona’s private office, and once he was there, he’d have all the information he could desire. He wondered, briefly, what lurid secrets could be buried in Epona’s files. He reached towards the first door, inhaling in anticipation.

The door opened before his hoof touched it., and soon he came eye-to-eye with a pony-sized reptile, its blue-scaled face calm and its red spines glittering in the sunlight.

“Oh, you’re up,” The dragon noted, sounding almost bored. “Sleep well?”

“AHHHH!” Papa Razzi screamed, rearing up in panic before backing up rapidly. A dragon! Epona had a dragon?!

“I see you’ve met Sparks,” Another voice called out. A russet-coated unicorn mare trotted down the stairs towards him, dark red mane and tail fluttering slightly as she walked. “He handles the domestics and helps Epona with her work. Don’t worry, he won’t hurt you.”

“If you don’t mind Pepper Pot, I really should finish getting Miss Stark’s luggage packed.” Sparks glanced at the nervous looking pony, then shrugged and walked off upstairs.

“Now, if you’re done cringing in blind terror,” the russet-colored pony continued calmly, “you’ll find your hat and coat on the rack beside the front door. There’s a carriage waiting outside to take you wherever it is you want to go.”

Papa Razzi shook himself violently, then turned to face the new speaker


“Pepper Pot.” The pony nodded towards her flank, which bore the image of what looked like a pepper grinder…or was it some sort of chess piece? She was cute, if a bit…masculine.

“As in Epona’s personal assistant?”


Putting a smile on his face, Papa Razzi leaned in. “So, Miss Pepper Pot.”

“Mister.” Pepper Pot’s voice cooled tremendously in those two syllables alone.

A deep chill ran up Papa Razzi’s spine. “I-I’m sorry, I thought…”

“I know. I look way too much like a mare. The name doesn’t help. You‘re not the first.”

“Oh…um…right…so, uh, Mr. Pepper Pot. Do you have anything to share? Anything you‘d like to tell The Manehattenite‘s readers about working for the infamous Epona Stark?” He ventured curiously, trying to salvage the conversation.

“Mr. Razzi,” Pepper Pot’s voice could have frozen seawater, “I do a lot of things for Miss Stark. I balance her books, I schedule her meetings, I take her calls. And sometimes, like this morning,” the effeminate stallion glared at Mr. Razzi, “I take out the garbage. I think you can see yourself out? Without trying to peek around the house?”

Papa Razzi swallowed, backing away from the irritated stallion until his rump hit the front door. Clumsily, he pulled on his hat and coat and, with a mumbled apology, showed himself out.



The comfortable thump of bass complemented the almost hypnotic state Epona was in as she worked in her garage. Admittedly, ‘garage’ was a bit of a misnomer for the prototype-filled, magically-enhanced machinist-shop-cum-laboratory that it really was, but it was easier just to call it a garage.

A large, half-empty cup of coffee sat in hoof’s reach as Epona stared at one of the many sketches that covered her drawing desk.. The design was sound enough, assuming she had the right materials to work with. If she could actually get a functioning prototype working, she’d pretty much be a shoo-in for another Zenith, at least.

Six grams of CrystalLine material, formed into a ring for the primary generative chamber, focused by a symmetrical array of multi-faceted focusing crystals to maintain the etheric resonance cascade. Functional capacity at one-point-six…

Epona blinked as the throbbing beats of DJ PON-3 suddenly dropped off. She turned around from her bench to look at an irritated-looking Pepper Pot, a folder of papers and a cup of coffee floating in his magical field.

“Why’d you turn my music off? You know I don’t like it when you turn my music off when I’m in the zone.”

“And I don’t like it when your dates sneak around the house before I run them off.” Pepper Pot floated the folder over and onto the bench. “A member of the press Epona? Really? And somepony from The Manehattenite?”

“He was cute, eager, and you know I can’t resist a pair of big brown eyes.”

Pepper Pot sighed heavily. “It’s like you’re trying to make me go gray before my time. Usually you have better taste Epona. You know; socialites, business ponies, academics, fellow drunks. But a snoopy little newscolt? Really? Are you trying to stir trouble up or are you just that horny?”

“Well, I’ll make sure to run my next potential one-night-stand by you next time, if it makes you feel better.” Epona smirked and picked up her mug of coffee, making a face at the now-cold contents. “Let me guess, he thought you were a mare?”

Pepper Pot sighed. “Is it that obvious?”

“Well, it is one of the few things that makes you this grumpy.”

Pepper Pot gave a heavy grunt. “Speaking of grumpy, you shouldn’t even be here right now. You should already be on your private train heading to the Moponi Desert right now.”

“I was working on something. I had an epiphany this morning that I really needed to get down on paper. Besides,” Epona stretched, trying to get a crick out of her neck. “It’s a private train. It sort of defeats the purpose of a private train if it leaves without me, doesn’t it?”

“You also promised Roadie that you’d meet him at the station two hours ago.”

“Well, then I’ll make sure to make it up to him sometime. Now what’s in the folder?”

“Some stuff that Obsidian wanted your signatures on and a memo from Roadie. Also, the Royal Foundation for the Arts sent me a note earlier asking about your annual donation. What should I tell them?”

“They’ll only get it if they name a building after me. How does ‘The Stark Museum of Art’ sound?” Epona skimmed over the writing before she scrawled her signature onto the documents.

“Egotistical and narcissistic?”

Epona chuckled softly. “Yeah, it’s a bit much. Tell them I’ll have the funds sent to them as soon as possible.”

“I will. Now, you have a train to catch if I’m not mistaken.”

Epona frowned. “What’s got you in such a hurry Pepper? You got plans or something?”

“As a matter of fact, Miss Stark, I do have plans.”

“You? Have plans?” Epona smirked playfully.

He frowned. “Believe it or not, Miss Stark, I don’t spend every waking moment trying to anticipate your whims. I’m allowed to have plans, especially on my birthday.”

Epona paused, the smirk faltering. “Today’s your birthday?”


“…Huh.” Epona paused. “Happy Birthday, I guess?”

Pepper ducked his head and gave a resigned sigh, eyes closed. “You forgot again, didn’t you?”

“Yeah…” The mare shifted uncomfortably. “Tell you what, use my expense account and get yourself something nice, alright? And dinner, wherever you like in Canterlot. On me.”

“I already did.” Pepper tried to recover a little, but the frown was still present.

“You did?”

“Yes. And it was quite nice. Thank you, Miss Stark. It was exactly what I wanted.”

The two ponies looked at each other for a few seconds, the air taut and uncomfortably silent.

“So…um…yeah. Train. Catch. Packing.”

“Yeah, you should be going Epona. Have a nice trip. Say hi to the generals for me.”

“I will. Enjoy yourself while I’m gone.”


Roadie paced back and forth on the train platform, once again in uniform, and once again in a very bad mood. It wasn’t bad enough that Epona had stuck him with a sixty bit bill for her wining and dining last night, but now she was late. Two hours late, if the station clock was accurate.

She has to be doing this on purpose. Roadie’s thoughts turned moody as he paced, his ears pulled back tight and his primaries fluffing up. She has to. When that filly gets here I’m going to give her a piece of my mind. When I get my hooves on her…


His thoughts were interrupted as Epona trotted up towards him, followed close behind by a luggage-laden Sparks. Roadie inhaled deep, starting to open his mouth. “You’re-”

“Late, I know. I was up all night doing a piece for The Manehattenite and time just slipped away from me. Silly pony, I know.”

Roadie gritted his teeth, “You left me here waiting-”

Epona bowled right over him, “Well, I’m here now, so now I’m waiting on you. Sparks! Hurry up with the luggage!”

The blue dragon gave Roadie a shrug as Epona trotted nonchalantly into the train car. Roadie gaped, then followed the pair onto the train. “Epona!”

“Yes?” The mare was seated comfortably, smiling serenely as he tromped over and sat across from her.

“Don’t ‘yes’ me. Not after you stuck me with your bill from last night!”

“You’re still saddle-sore over that? Here.” Epona pulled out a paper-wrapped roll of bits from her purse and set it on the table. “There you go. Sixty bits, and a few bits extra.”

“That doesn’t make up for the stunt you pulled.” Roadie grumbled, but swept the roll up as the train began to move. “And I’m still mad that you’re late. It’s like you’re deliberately trying to aggravate me sometimes.”

“Refreshments, Miss Stark?” A white-suited stallion asked.

“Do we still have any of the Chateau LeCroix Blanc available?” Epona glanced up at the waiter, ignoring the fuming Roadie.

“Yes, but at the moment it’s not chilled, Miss Stark.”

“Oh darn.”

“You’re not listening to me, are you?” Roadie grumbled.

“Of course I am, but I told you, I was busy and couldn’t get away. Make it two hard ciders and a large salad if you don’t mind. With croutons. You like cider, don‘t you Roadie?”

“Cider? Yes I like ci- no! We are not going to start drinking!”

“It’s lunchtime Roadie. Besides, just one cider isn’t going to get you drunk. It’s just a nice buzz.”

“We’re working. Besides, it’s never ’just one drink’ with you. There’s no way I’m going to show up at a presentation before Princess Celestia herself with a hangover.”

That caught Epona’s attention. “Princess Celestia’s coming to the presentation?”

Roadie gaped. “Didn’t you get my memo? I sent it to your assistant.”

“I…might have skimmed over it?” Epona grinned nervously.

“Skimmed.” Roadie buried his face in his hooves. “Skimmed it. Of course you skimmed it. Why am I not surprised? Skimmed it! Ugh! Celestia give me patience.” He sighed, resting his hooves on the table. “Look,” he began, his strained tone of voice stressing the seriousness of what he was saying, “Celestia has taken an interest in this new weapon system of yours, whatever it is. You did promise it’d be the sort of weapon that could end battles in an instant, after all. So, Her Highness is going to take time out of her extremely busy schedule to personally attend your demonstration tomorrow.”

Bits began to dance in Epona’s head as she grinned. “Oh really?”

“So, as your liaison with the Equestrian military, I’m going to ask you to be on your best behavior.” Roadie clapped his hooves together in a pleading gesture. “Please, please, please be a good pony. Don’t be sarcastic, or flippant, or arrogant, or mocking, or drunk. Please?”

Epona hmmed softly, then nodded. “I promise I won’t get drunk in front of the Princess.”

“…That’s as good as I’m going to get, isn’t it?”

“Yup.” Epona smiled as the waiter walked over, setting down the tray carrying their food and drink.

“Fair enough.” Roadie sighed heavily as Epona began to serve the salad.

“Don’t be such a sourpuss Roadie. Come on, cheer up. Smile a little.”

“I’m not being a sourpuss, I’m being serious. This is my serious face.” Roadie waved a hoof around his muzzle, munching on a bit of lettuce. “The problem is you’re completely incapable of taking anything seriously.”

“I take plenty of things seriously. I take my work seriously.”

“That’s about the only thing you take seriously. But, hey, if you want to act like a filly, I’ll be happy to get you a bottle and change your diaper for you.”

“Oooh.” Epona leaned in with a grin. “Was that a joke? Did the big serious military stallion just tease me?”

“Ha ha. I’m still mad at you.” Roadie couldn’t help but smirk a little. “You are a horrible, horrible mare Epona Stark.”

“And I don’t deny that. Cheers.” The mare held up her glass in both hooves and drank.


The Moponi Desert was a vast, arid plain, the dirt hard and cracked under the sun’s bright light. Anything that wasn’t dirt or cactus was taken up by large outcroppings of stone. Not exactly ideal for anything but the most hardy of creatures, such as the native Buffalo tribes. It was, however, an ideal place for things like testing weaponry, which was why it had been selected for the test site.

The generals representing the three branches of the Equestrian Military (Ground, Sky and Magic) had met Epona and Roadie at the station, expressing a great eagerness to see what Epona had in store for them From there, a caravan of stagecoaches pulled by military ponies wound its way along the rocky terrain towards the testing site, the staging area being a low, rocky mesa overlooking the desolate expanse.

Epona adjusted her sunglasses as she stepped out of her coach, followed soon after by Sparks. It was a bright, clear day with minimal wind, almost ideal circumstances. She did her best to ignore the heat, even with the lightweight black dress she was wearing. She peered out over the range towards the ostensible targets, a set of large rocky outcroppings.

Yes. Perfect. Couldn’t ask for a better set-up. She smiled, quite satisfied as other ponies trotted around, getting things ready for the demonstration, including the tent to ward off the heat. All that’s missing today is the guest of honor, assuming Roadie wasn‘t pulling my tail.

Almost in response to her thoughts, a trumpet fanfare rang out from the sky. The ponies on the mesa stopped their work as a gold and white chariot descended, pulled by a quartet of white coated pegasi guards.

Epona knelt, as was proper, as Princess Celestia dismounted from her transport, her wings folded against her sides, her golden crown, necklace and hooves glinting in the desert sunlight.

“Please rise everypony,” She said, allowing the military ponies (and Epona) to get back to their feet. “Go about your business, please.”

A tiny thrill ran up Epona’s spine, filling her with a chill despite the heat as the reality of the situation set in. She was here. Princess Celestia herself was here, about to see her work demonstrated first-hoof. If the Aurora was a hit with Celestia, it would basically guarantee the weapon system would adopted by the military.

The thrill, however, quickly turned to fear. Princess Celestia was a peace-loving, benevolent ruler. She wasn’t exactly known for being warlike or in love with bloodshed, nor did she particularly approve of unnecessary violence.

This was going to be difficult.


“Yes, ma‘am?” The blue-scaled dragon glanced at his employer.

“Scrap the speech.”

“The speech?” He blinked, then frowned. “Ma’am, I thought you liked the speech I wrote…”

She tuned to face him, whispering hoarsely. “Princess Celestia’s here. The usual approach isn’t going to work. So I‘m going to have to improvise.”

“Improvise? Is that a good idea ma‘am?”

“It’d be better than boasting about ‘destructive capabilities’ and ‘potential catastrophic damage’ in front of a monarch whose last major war was a defensive war.”

Sparks frowned. “Very well ma’am. Understood.”

“It was a nice speech, though.”

Epona inhaled slowly. You’ve got this Epona. You’ve got this.


Epona was the star of this little show. She stood facing the assembled military and royalty, her back towards the target zone. A tiny breeze made her mane flutter slightly. Every eye was on her, both from the assembled generals and Princess Celestia.

“Members of the Equestrian Armed Forces, your majesty,” Epona began, “I have a question for you. What is the best way to end a conflict? To demonstrate my answer to this question, I’d like to present the newest and most powerful weapon system ever devised by the hooves and horns of ponydom. This will be Equestria’s first wide-area directed-force-and-energy weapon and the first to incorporate Stark Enterprise‘s proprietary CrystalLine ambient energy conduction technology.”

She shifted her stance slightly as ponies began to drift among the gathered dignitaries, offering vision protection as Epona continued. “The best way to end a conflict is to end it quickly, and with overwhelming force, before any ponies on the ground get harmed. And I can guarantee you, that the second any enemy sees the power I’m about to demonstrate today, they’ll crawl back into whatever hole they came from and wish they‘d never thought of attacking Equestria. Fillies and gentlecolts, may I present to you, the Aurora.”

She pointed a hoof towards the device in question. It certainly looked impressive. The machine was a large, cannon-like device, the traditional barrel replaced with a quartet of humming, tuning-fork like tines. Cradled among the tines was an oil-drum-shaped object, covered in dozens of large gems. The entire device slowly turned, aiming upwards and towards the staging area before it fired with a loud, thunderclap-like boom.

The projectile sailed through the air, becoming a large glittering speck of light before it exploded outwards into dozens of smaller glittering specks. The glittering specks lit up as a second thunderclap rang out, the specks turning into long, sweeping beams of light in a dozen different colors. The stone outcroppings were carved up like warm butter, several of them falling into tiny pieces as the beams cut them apart.

Epona glanced back at her prospective buyers. The military ponies were gaping in awe, several of them whispering excitedly amongst each other.

Celestia’s expression was also one of gape-faced shock, but as Epona watched, the expression shifted from shock, to an almost disappointed frown.

“Ahem…there should be refreshments underneath the canopy over there. To peace, everypony.” She smiled thinly as she headed in that direction herself. She needed something to get rid of the dry feeling in her mouth and the nervous butterflies in her stomach. Something cold, wet, and preferably alcoholic.


The invitation came after her third glass of Chateau LaCroix. She could see the guard approaching through the faint golden sheen of the white wine, almost matching the royal guard’s armor.

“Miss Stark?”

“Yes?” Epona wasn’t drunk. She had made sure of that. It took more than three glasses of the stuff to get her to that point. She had a nice pleasant buzz now, just enough to fortify her spine.

“The Princess wishes to speak with you. In private.”

“Does she now?” With a quick tilt of her head, Epona swallowed the contents of the wine glass in a quick gulp before setting it down. “Lead the way then, good sir.”

The guard nodded and walked off, Epona only a few steps behind. Celestia was standing apart from the military personell, looking out over the newly created piles of rubble, her flowing mane hiding her face.

“Your Majesty, Miss Stark is here.”

“Very good. Please make sure we’re not disturbed.”

“Ma’am.” The stallion saluted and trotted off, leaving Epona alone with the alicorn.

“That was a very impressive presentation, Miss Stark.” Celestia’s voice was soothing and calm, the sort of voice that sent nervous shivers up Epona’s spine. “Though I admit, that’s the first time I’ve seen an aurora turn solid stone into gravel.”

Epona swallowed. “The designation is only its working name, your Majesty. If you wish, I could have the name changed.”

“It’s not the name that bothers me, Miss Stark.” Celestia turned, looking down at the mare with a gentle frown. “What bothers me is that you’ve made a weapon of mass destruction. What bothers me more is that you‘re trying to pass it off as a deterrent.”

Epona shook herself and drew herself up. “With all due respect your Majesty, sometimes weapons like this are necessary for the defense of the nation.”

“And how, exactly, would this be used in a defensive capacity?” Celestia’s frown deepened slightly. “Or, in fact, any capacity other than attacking hard targets like towns or castles?”

“I…it’s…well, if there’s a massed invasion or an occupation…” Epona felt herself struggle slightly. She felt like a filly again, called up in front of the headmaster to account for herself.

“It would be excessive against all but the most heavily armored of targets, and even then it‘d likely destroy necessary infrastructure. Do you disagree?”

“No.” Epona exhaled slowly. The butterflies were back.

“Equestria doesn’t go to war, Miss Stark. While I appreciate your company’s work in helping to modernize the military, we are not warmongers. You seem to forget that sometimes.”

Epona felt a bit of bile rise in her throat, drowning the butterflies in a rise of acidic anger. “With all due respect, your Majesty, but I’m well aware of what my company does and what we make. I don’t deny that I like designing weapons, but I won’t apologize for building something that I think can help the country.”

Celestia shook her head. “You’re a brilliant mare, Epona. But there are more ways to help Equestria than making weapons. Your mother helped create things that inspired and enhanced the lives of many ponies…”

“Well, I’m not my mother, am I your Majesty?” Epona growled, glaring up at the Princess.

Celestia looked down at the pony, her disappointment apparent on her face. “No. You’re not. Tell me Epona, do you think what you’re doing is right? That what your company is doing is right?”

“If it wasn’t right, I wouldn’t be doing it in the first place Princess.”

Celestia sighed softly and nodded. “You may go about you business Miss Stark. Have a safe trip home.”

“Your Majesty.” Epona curtly nodded and began to walk off, leaving the alicorn at the edge of the mesa.


Epona’s mood was dark as she walked through the encampment, ignoring the calls from the other ponies. She didn’t trust her tongue right now. Best to remove herself from the situation, immediately.

My mother. My mother was an inspiration, my mother was a genius, my mother was a saint! Ugh! She clenched her teeth as her head swirled and ached. I’m a grown mare and I’m still stuck in my mother’s shadow. What do I have to do, build orphanages and hospitals? Raise the dead?


Epona stopped as Sparks stepped in front of her, resting a hand on her shoulder, a small frown creasing his snout. “Ma’am? Are you alright?”

“Just fine. I’m going back to Appleloosa.”

“What? But ma’am, the generals! They‘re still interested in the Aurora...”

“You can handle them. Sun and moon, you helped me design the thing. Besides, I don‘t feel like being social right now.”


“Sparks.” Epona’s voice came out in an aggressive hiss. “I want to be alone right now. Alone. As in not here.”

“Ma’am, are you alright?” Sparks’ frown deepened. “You’re not usually like this…”

“Sparks, hands off. Now.”

The blue dragon slowly removed his hand from her shoulder, wincing slightly at the pony’s glare. “If you insist, ma’am. I’d still prefer to come with you.”

“I want. To be. Alone.” Her head butted against the dragon’s snout with each clipped phrase, her eyes glaring into his. The dragon stepped away as Epona walked off, a pair of military stallions hitching themselves to a coach as she climbed in.

“What the hay was that about?” Roadie glanced at Sparks as the coach began to pull away. “Did Epona just leave?”

“It looks like it. I guess her meeting with the princess didn’t go smoothly, but she usually doesn’t get so upset.” Sparks rubbed his hands together nervously.

“Ugh. Of course.” Roadie rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry Sparks, she’s just being herself, as usual. By the time we get back to Appleloosa she’ll have drunk herself into a stupor and found some farmhand to plow her field.”

“I’m still worried.” Sparks sighed, his ear-frills drooping. “At least if I’m around I can keep an eye on her.”

“You’re too good for her Sparks. Let her be for a while. I doubt she’ll get into too much trouble on her own. Come on, I think General Thunderclap wants to know about the Aurora’s anti-air capabilities.”

Sparks sighed as he watched the coach disappear along the road before he turned to follow the pegasus.


Being left alone with one’s thoughts is hardly pleasant. Epona lounged in the coach, shifting slightly as she tried to get comfortable.

Obsidian’s going to be grumpy when he hears about this. I should have known Celestia wouldn’t have approved of the Aurora. That’s always how it works; I get so enthusiastic about a new project that I forget about anything else. Well, that’s a bunch of bits flushed down the toilet.

She snorted as the stagecoach gently rocked. Maybe we can recoup some losses. The Aurora’s beam technology can be modified. Surely there’s a use for high-intensity force-and-energy-projection weaponry outside of tearing up the battlefield. Yeah. I’ll run it by R&D later.

Epona paused in thought before realizing that the stagecoach had pulled to a halt. She leaned over, sticking her head out of the window. “Hey! Why’ve we stopped?”

“Sorry Miss Stark!” One of the military ponies called back, the sound of leads being unhooked. “There must have been a small landslide or something. The path is blocked. We’re going to try to move the rocks so we can get through.”

A landslide? Epona looked further along. Sure enough, the road was clogged with piles of rocks and dirt. “What in the hay could cause a landslide out here?”

Almost in response to Epona’s question, there was a loud, whistling noise. A large tube struck the ground beside the coach, followed by the loud, hollow FOOM of a magical explosion that threw the coach onto its side, tossing the mare inside against the wall.

Epona’s ears were ringing, but even through that she could hear the tell-tale pok-pok-pok of saddle-mounted gun fire. She struggled to her hooved feet and gave the door (now situated above her) a firm buck, knocking it open. She winced as she heard whinnies of panic from the military stallions. Of course, as she peeked her head out of the doorway, the whinnies were silenced.

Come on Epona. You need to move. Run. Get to cover or something… She grunted, pushing herself out of the doorway, her front hooves on the edge of the stagecoach’s step-up.


Her eyes went wide as a projectile knocked a hole in the coach’s wall, embedding itself beside her. It was about the size and shape of a small football, attached to a large rocket engine. The thing began to beep rapidly, tiny crystalline barbs popping up from its main body, almost hiding the stylized ‘SE’ for Stark Enterprises emblazoned on its shell.

Her brain screamed MOVE!

Epona scrambled, managing to climb out of the stagecoach and tumbling onto her side, landing with a thud, the stagecoach step tearing a chunk out of her dress as she fell. She climbed to her feet as she heard the beeping become a long, loud whine.

Inside the stagecoach, the missile exploded. Dozens of tiny crystal barbs flew in every direction, punching holes in the wooden walls and ceiling of the conveyance. The barbs would have probably shredded anything inside. Epona, however, wasn’t quite so lucky.

A scream caught in her throat as a half-dozen of the barbs stabbed into her side, lacing her ribcage and barrel with glittering jewels, half-buried in her flesh and muscle. She toppled, her legs kicking and pushing her along, her eyes wide with panic. Her skin felt cold, and her heart fluttered as she felt something very much like a jolt of magic.

I’m going to die. I’m going to die, alone, in the middle of the desert, killed by one of my own weapons. Her eyes went blurry as she sobbed, the irony not lost on her. Her blurry vision went darker as somepony stood over her, his face silhouetted by the sun.

“Yup, it’s her,” The one standing over her said.

“Horseapples, she’s hit,” Somepony else cursed.

“Told you we shouldn’t have used the Heartbreaker! Come on, get her up! If we don’t bring her back the boss is going to have our hides!”

“Just hope that mutt we have can fix her up.”

Epona’s head swam as she was picked up, her heart thudding heavily in her chest. A lance of pain from her forelimbs drove her into darkness.


Many thanks to Jack of Games for getting me onto this project. [/1]