• Published 13th Dec 2014
  • 11,513 Views, 384 Comments

The Poisoned Barb - ManlyDerp

A mother, reborn into the mirrored world of her daughter's bygone years, desperately tries to find purpose in her second childhood. This is Barbara's journal.

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The Beginning {RE-EDITED}

… It kinda feels weird being bored now after the kind of morning I just had.

That’s what I am though. Bored. The home/spire is clean from top to bottom. Books are back in place, pillows fluffed, kitchen clean… you know, the usual. Everything’s swept, everything’s dusted, and the windows are so dangerously clean that a pegasus might accidentally crash into them... again!

Yet Dusk’s still not back.

“What to do what to do?" I spoke to myself as I thumb through my latest romance novel. I don’t really want to start a new chapter of my journal yet out of fear that my pony friend might come running back in at anytime. I had picked up my latest fictional book from out of my basket and began reading it not too long ago, but I was too nervous to concentrate on it; nervous about the rest of today. I’ve relived this day about a hundred times in my mind. Though my memories are still a bit foggy on minor parts and details, I still remember the overall structure pretty well.

Twilight reads book, Twilight has Spike send a letter, Celestia acts the usual troll I now know she is and tells Twilight to go to Ponyville. Twilight runs into Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy in an order I’ll eventually remember, Nightmare Moon appears, friendship happens, day is saved. The End.

Thrilling storytelling but, hey, it’s my life… I think. There is the slight possibility that, with Twilight being Dusk in this universe and me being Spike, things might be different... But after my encounter with Solaris today? I’m not worried, not worried in the slightest.

… Well I’m slightly worried about dying (again) out of boredom at the moment, but that’s minor in the grand scheme of things.

“Wish I had something better to do though,” I grumble to myself, unable to pay attention to the novel I had, at one point, been enjoying. Say what you will about candy-colored equines, they sure do make mean romance stories. “Just wish I could enjoy it,” I groan next, snapping the book shut and then setting it down roughly on the table next to me.

A wrapped red present suddenly falls off of the small stand when I do, landing softly on the ground. I stare at it at first before, with a start, remembering what exactly it was.

“Oh shoot!” I say, jumping to my feet and picking the item up in both of my claws. “I totally forgot to deliver this!”

It was my gift for Lunardanseur! I got it at the same time I got Dusk’s book with the last of my allowance! I was supposed to drop it off at his party at the castle while I was there today! Nuts! I hope I have time still to…

… Wait... This is Dusk we’re talking about here! Hehe, silly me; of course I’m going to have time! He likes to take it nice and easy with his readings when it comes to forced days off. It’ll probably be another hour or so before he gets to the important part.

“Which means,” I snicker to myself, heading towards the spire’s entrance with a smile on my face. “I probably have more than enough to stop by the party, say hi… sample a few of Donut Mary Joe’s goods on the way back, hehe…”

My lips are salivating just thinking about it. That pony can make a mean desert! With crushed sapphire sprinkles… Ahhhh~ Yes please!

With a tune on my lips and a new skip in my step, I happily make my way towards the doors with my present in my outstretched claws. I hope Lunardanseur likes it! I know he collects adorable things like this. Unafraid of his masculinity; a stallion after my own hea-



Having been knocked back a good five feet into the flipping air, I crash rather harshly back down to Equestrian terra firma in a powerful daze thanks to the door’s abrupt assault. Ow…

“Barb?! BAAARRRRBBBB?!” suddenly cries out a masculine voice, seeking my attention. It's through blurry eyes that I make out Dusk Shine as he continues to call out my name. “Barb…?” He shouts one last time before spotting me laying there in a heap. “There you are,” notes the purple unicorn with the pink highlights as he dashes right on past me and into his personal library. He didn't even offer me a hoof to get back up with. Ugh… Dusk, you make it so incredibly hard for me to justify my decision to stay by your side some days…

“Quick,” he soon demands as I follow him into his main study. I nurse the new bruise on the back of my head with the slow soothing motions of my claw. “Find me that old copy of Predictions and Prophecies!” orders the young stallion as he ran this way and that between the shelves… only to stop actually, if briefly, to look at me. His eyebrow rose as he did. Slowly he points a hoof my way. “What’s that for?”

Confused as well, I turn my body... and find my now ruined gift to Lunardanseur completely lanced through thanks to my stupidly spiked tail.

“Well,” I start to explain with a huff, pulling the ruined box off of myself. “It was a gift for Lunardanseur, but…”

With impeccable timing, the now destroyed stuffed bear falls out of the wrapped box and onto the floor, delivering one last ironic squeak.

“Oh Barb,” Dusk scolds me angrily as he use his muzzle to knock over the piles of research books I had set aside for him like he asked. Jerk. “You know we don’t have time for that sort of thing!”

'That sort of thing?' What? Talking to ponies? This colt can be so insufferable some days. “But we’re on a break!” I try to argue, only to be ignored as the unicorn lit up his horn in a magenta light and starts tearing books right off the shelves. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why this pony needs an assistant. He’s only a neat freak when he feels like it.


“No, no, no,” Dusk grumble himself as each book fails to be the right one. I think I know where the one he motioned is... I quickly scamper up a nearby shelving latter in the hopes of procuring the book before this unicorn literally explodes… again. “No, no, no! Urgh! Barb!

“It’s over here!” I yell, waving the tome in my claw in the air for him to see. I take a look at it for a moment, to make sure it's the right copy…

… only to then meet the floor face first as I'm roughly yanked along with it down to Dusk’s level via levitation magic. “Ah,” he spoke simply as he takes it from my grip over to his desk, promptly ignoring the pain he had just caused me.

“J-jerk…” I whimper, pulling myself up and rub my now bruised nose. Is it bleeding…? It’s not bleeding. Good. “What would your mother say if she knew you were treating a lady this way, Dusk?” I plead as I tiredly start to pick books up from off the floor. I just cleaned up around here too...

My words are spectacularly ignored as the young stallion delves right on into his book, flipping through pages rapidly. He was probably looking for something that caught his eye. Typical.

“Elements, elements,” he mutters to himself as he searches. “E, E, E, E… Aha! Elements of Harmony.”

The world around me suddenly freezes. I remain where I stand on my latter as my claw stays outstretched in the process of balancing a pile of books in need of being reshelved.

“See… The Man in the Moon?” Dusk whispers to himself, completely unaware how in shambles my brain is right now thanks to the realization that ‘Oh crap! The cameras are rolling!’

“... The Man in the Moon?” I eventually ask from my latter, not looking Dusk in the eyes. The lines… the lines were… were… “I-... isn’t that just an old ponies' tale?” That's right, right? That’s what Spike said in the episode himself… right?

… Does it even matter anymore? I didn’t realize that this conversation, that this whole scenario right now, was the first one from the show! I didn't realize until just, freaking, now.

A chill ran up my spine as I keep on shelving. My mind is elsewhere as Dusk keeps on talking. Something about the Nightterror, something about the Elements of Harmony; I'm not listening to a single word he's saying. My mind is completely gone as I suddenly feel the eyes of thousands upon me. Good lord, I-I hadn’t thought of it until just now… but are people watching us? A-are they watching me?

Suddenly the world is just as big and scary again as it had been when I first hatched.

“Barb! Do you know what this means?”

“No…” I say honestly, continuing to shelve robotically. People might be watching me right now… I-I’m being watched... I’m being watched I’m being watched I’m being wat- “W-whoa!” I wail abruptly, having lost my balance on the ladder completely. With an “Umph!” I soon find myself deposited across Dusk’s back, him having rushed over to break my fall... just like Twilight did.

Oh my God, such déjà vu!

All my memories of this whole stupid episode are flooding back into my mind as we speak! I can almost see Spike from the audience's point of view now! Next Dusk is going to thrust a scroll and quill into my claws, try to get me off his back, and then he'll tell me to write to Solaris tha-

“Are you okay?”

Knocked right out of my dangerous thoughts, I blink blankly as I turn my head to look at Dusk from my position atop his back.

“... What?” I offer dumbly, my brain retracing the past and trying to remember this scenario from the cartoon show.

“That was a nasty fall,” Dusk points out plainly, gesturing his head towards the latter. “Just wanted to make sure my number one assistant hadn’t hurt herself.”

I resume blinking blankly.

I… I don’t remember that line from the show. I don’t remember it at all. Is it just because it's been too long and I don’t remember it properly anymore… or…?

I decide to test the waters a little. “Er… no more than the last fall did, Dusk, or the door…”

The result of this was the sight of a unicorn cringing.

“Oh… Right…” the young stallion admits meekly, cheeks bright red. “I, er… S-sorry… I-I’m just so excited though!” he explains, bouncing back to his usual self. “I think I’m on to something big here, Barb! Big! Like, the world-is-about-to-be-covered-in-eternal-darkness big!” His eyes then became the beacon of determination I had come to expect from the brilliant, unstable and occasionally insane, unicorn. “And I need you to take a letter to the Prince, please.”


Numbly I soon find the scroll and quill I had been expecting being levitating over to me, along with Dusk’s short tail being held straight in order for me to dismount from him safely out of this reverse saddle I was now in. I stare at both items for a second, then Dusk Shine…

… before gripping them both in my claws and jumping off of him altogether with the aid of his pseudo springboard tail. “Okie dokie!” I chime happily as I land, my earlier fearful moment having subsided completely.

Yes this is repeating the same events as the show; yes Dusk is still Twilight and I, it would seem, am still Spike. The scenario, the dialogue, and even the characters might all remain the same… But this is my Dusk, my Equestria, and my life. I shouldn’t be scared to flub a line or two, or fear a crowd I’m never going to meet. All I should focus on is living this life my way and no one else's.

“My Dearest Teacher…”

Haha! "Enough about that though," I muse to myself. "No time to mourn the past or fear the future!"


"Lets instead do the human thing and enjoy the hell out of the now."

Let the show begin.

Author's Note:

Though marked complete we've only just begun! To be Continued in: The Poisoned Barb's Tale.

Thank you all for your support and I hope to see you next time!
