• Published 25th Sep 2014
  • 933 Views, 5 Comments

Celestia's Resignation - Saffron

Celestia leaves Equis after ruling for over a thousand years.

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The day started like any other, but that was going to change. Celestia awoke from her sleep. Today was the day she was going to tell her little ponies the truth. She entered the royal kitchen and made some eggs. She really liked eggs for breakfast. Then she began writing a letter to Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle

I have been here for far too long. This planet is not my own. I was sent here over one thousands years ago to protect pony kind, but now with discord reformed he can protect you all. Luna will stay behind for another five hundred years making sure all is well. Now that you are a princess you will be taking over my position as ruler of Equestria. Luna will teach you and Cadence to raise and lower both the sun and moon. I know this may be surprising to you but do not worry. I will come back once every century to see you. The reason why I am telling you this first is because I trust you will tell your friends. I wish we could see each other once more before my departure, alas we cannot. My ship will arrive in three hours. Well it was nice knowing you. Farewell dear student see you in one hundred years.


Princess Celestia

With that out of the way Celestia sent the letter. She then called for a meeting for all of Canterlot. She was going to break the news to the public.

Two hours later.

Celestia reached the castle balcony. When she reached the ledge she cleared her throat. The crowd below her soon fell quiet.

“My little ponies, I have been waiting for this day for more than one thousand years. I am resigning from my position and putting Princess Twilight Sparkle in my place as ruler of Equestria. This is my resignation.” Celestia said

The Crowd below her started to get louder. Some of them were panicking some started crying and others just stood there with their mouths opened.

“I also need to inform you all of one last thing. I am not from this planet and I will be leaving Equis to go home. Most of you will never see me again. That is all I needed to say.” Celestia then walked into the castle the noise from the crowd behind her slowly going silent as she continued to the castle garden. She waited there for nearly thirty minutes before her ship arrived. It wasn’t anything fancy. Just a simple drop ship. As she reached it several castle guards bowed one last time to their princess. She got on and the door closed. The ship then slowly took off. In a matter of minutes Celestia was looking over what was her home for the past thousand years. She let out a sigh of relief that she was finally leaving, but sadness filled her heart for the reason why she had to go. Her mother died and she was needed to take her place as queen.


Two hours earlier.

“Twilight I got message for you.” Spike said.

“Who is it from?” Twilight asked.

“Its from Princess Celestia. It might be important.” Spike said.

Twilight took the scroll from Spike in her magic. She opened it and began reading. As she started reading her smile quickly turned into a frown. She read it once more to make sure she wasn’t seeing thing. Once she finished she put the scroll down.

“Spike get me a quill and ink please.” Twilight asked politely.

“Sure just a second.” Spike said. Spike rummaged around a near by drawer where Twilight keeps all her note taking supplies. “Here you go Twilight.” Spike said.

“Thank you spike.” Twilight said.

Dear Princess Celestia

Are you serious? Do you really expect me to believe this, it is just absurd. One, aliens are not real, and two, I think I would have figured it out if not somepony else that you were an alien. Is this some kind of joke? Also I would like to think of myself being able to rule Equestria but I just became a princess last week! As seeing how you are joking I would just like to inform you it is not that funny.

Signed Princess Twilight Sparkle

“Spike send this letter please.” Twilight said.

“Okay.” Spike said with that he sent the scroll.

Twilight waited about five minutes before Celestia sent Twilight a reply. Spike handed it to Twilight and she began to read.

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle

This is not a joke. I wish you could understand. I am an alien and I am leaving. Luna will help you with all that you need. I wish I could stay longer and teach you myself, which was my original plan, but something has come up on my home planet. My mother has died and it is my duty as princess to take her role. I know you will do a good job ruling over Equestria. Cadance will be with you as well. I know how you love spending time with her. You will also have your friends since you are the princess of friendship. If you have any questions please send them to Luna. Goodbye for now.

Signed Princess Celestia

Twilight finished reading the letter and promptly began freaking out. Celestia was leaving and she was going to be ruler of Equestria. She began panicking while spike did his best to calm her down.

“Calm down Twilight, its probably just a joke, or maybe discord wrote the letter.” Spike said.

She knew it wasn’t discord because Spike had sent the letter directly to Celestia, and if it was Discord he would have popped out of some hiding spot by now laughing. ‘Why didn’t Celestia tell me this before now? Did she not trust me to keep this a secret?’ Twilight thought.With that she did what she normally does when something goes wrong. She began freaking out even more. She immediately took off and headed to Canterlot. Her mind was in a haze, she was barely paying attention to anything except for the castle in the distance. She was about two and a half hours away by flight. ‘Maybe I can make it to the castle before she leaves.’ Twilight thought. She flapped her wings harder and harder quickly gaining speed. However she forgot one thing, if she continued flying like this she would eventually drop from exhaustion. She flew for another twenty minutes before her wings began tiring. As she was flying and not paying attention she didn’t notice Derpy and flew right into her knocking both of them out of the air. They both fell to the ground with a thud. Derpy quickly recovered while Twilight was out cold.\

---------------------------------------------About two days later.---------------------------------------------------

Twilight woke up slowly in a hospital. Her head was wrapped in bandages. It took her a moment to collect her thoughts. ‘Was that all just a dream?’ she thought. She slowly sat up making sure she wouldn’t get a head rush and become dizzy. After about a minute she got out of the hospital bed and walked to the door. Before she opened it she saw a newspaper on a chair next to the door. On the front cover the title of the article was “Celestia’s Resignation”.
She picked up the paper in her magic and began reading.

“Celestia resigns from her position as princess. She was reported leaving in a flying ship of some sort. She has left Princess Twilight Sparkle ruler of Equestria.” Twilight stopped reading and her heart sank, it wasn’t a dream. She didn’t need to finish the article.

Author's Note:

Something I came up with during school.
Also I have rewritten the ending.