• Published 9th Oct 2014
  • 9,219 Views, 83 Comments

The Human Side - White Dragon

The villains of Equestria are tired, tired of losing. So Discord in all of his brilliance set a fail safe, if he were to lose a clone of him was to find the being closest to him in terms of chaos, and give that being his powers. He found me.

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THS 1: Well this is new...

The Human Side

By: White Dragon



Chapter 1: Well this is new…

Discord could only watch in horror as the rainbow beam of *blegh* harmony descended towards him. He snapped his claws, time slowed down,

“Huh, still not enough chaos for me to just stop time is there?” Discord mused to himself, as the beam slowly started to pick up speed. He then gained a evil smirk as a very bad idea came to his head, he snapped his fingers and a second Discord appeared. “Hello Discord 2,” said Discord. The rainbow beam sped up even more.

“Hello Discord,” said Discord 2.

“Your goal is to find a being as chaotic as me and give him our powers, our knowledge and our good looks, then transport him here, got it?” asked Discord. Discord 2 gained a evil smirk.

“Right away!” The second Discord said as he saluted and teleported away. The original Discord began laughing like a madman as the rainbow beam resumed it’s normal speed. The last thing Equestria heard of the draconequus was his evil chuckling as he was slowly turned to stone. Across equestria, all ponies felt a chill go down their spine, regardless of whether they could hear it or not.

Earth, North America, 12:09 AM

Discord 2 slowly drifted around the Earth to find a being as chaotic as him, when he started to feel strong amount of chaos emanating from one person. Discord 2 started slithering through the sky towards the strong amount of chaos. He came to a blue, second story building on a street corner. Looking through a second floor window, the doppelganger of Discord laid his eyes upon a 16 year old human male. Discord 2 snapped his talons together and teleported inside the room scaring the only person in the room. The human looking up at him in surprise.

“Question for you, why do you not scream?” asked Discord 2 confused. The teenager looked up and spoke in a hard voice,

“You're cool looking.” responded the teen. Discord 2’s eyes widened in surprise, then a sharp smirk formed.

“I have a proposition for you, Mortal,” said Discord using an age old voice. The teenager grinned,

“I accept.” Discord 2 was about to continue when he realized what the teen had said, he then gained a look of confusion, then he slowly gains a grin, before snapping his fingers as everything goes white. And the last words you can hear are “oh this is going to be FUN!”

Equestria, Canterlot, Royal Castle, 12:10AM

The extensive party for the harmonious recapture of chaos was still going on. Six particular ponies could not help but notice a brewing sense of unease from within themselves. The Princess of the Sun noticed their unease and walked over to her prized student, Twilight Sparkle. Putting a large white wing around her, and her white fur hand on her shoulder, the two walked towards a vacant balcony to talk.

“You seem uneasy.” Celestia noted in her motherly tone. The two looked at each other, Twilight’s eyes filled with discontent. Twilight lifts her hand to rub the back of her neck, grimacing slightly and swaying slightly. “Perhaps sharing your unease will help.”

“It’s Discord. When we froze him, he was laughing.” Twilight says, unsure about herself. Celestia gains a concerned expression at this.

“Twilight we all know that Discord is insane, so he may have been laughing while in pain and was about to get turned into st-” Celestia stops as Twilight interrupts her.

“The thing is Princess, it wasn’t a sad laugh, or even a pain filled laugh, the laugh was…. well happy,” Twilight was unsure, then scared as a look of horror fills Celestia’s face. She quickly opens her wings and heads down towards the gardens where Discord’s statue resides. When she lands Twilight teleports to her and runs over to where Discord’s statue sits, Celestia quickly pulls back her hand and forms a fist and is about strike the statute when a beam of light erupts from the Everfree Forest. Celestia’s fist connects with the statue and destroys it, finding it hollow.

“Oh no, no, no, no, no, no,” Celestia stutters as she falls backwards. Twilight looked on scared,

“Princess what is going on?” asks a shaky Twilight. Celestia shakes her head, standing back up to her regal pose with cold glare and a hard voice says,

“Go gather the other Elements,” Celestia says. “Discord has managed to escape again.” As Twilight sprints off to gather the others, Celestia glances toward the everfree forest. “I knew it wouldn’t be so easy.”
Equestria, Everfree Forest, Outside of The Castle of The Royal Pony Sisters, 12:21

“God damn! That hurts!” I yell as I feel my body changing, information being thrown into my mind as blood slowly drips from my mouth and back as I feel things getting added and changed. I slowly drag my body over to a pool of water a few feet from me were I kneel up and take a look at myself.

Well first out of the way I am completely naked, and all of my hair is white and I have wings attached to my back which seem mismatched, one being a bat wing and another being a large bird wing. On top of my white hair, there is a deer antler and a bluish horn. My eyes have changed color from normal, the whites of my eyes changed to yellow and my iriss changed to red, I also gained a large pointed tooth in my mouth, below my mouth I had a nice goatee. On my chest I have the word CHAOS burned onto my chest. My left hand has changed to a talon and my right hand has changed to what seems like a lion’s paw. Right above my ass I seem to have gained a red-goldish tail.

After staring at myself for a few more minutes, I remember what the Draconequus did to do stuff so I snapped my talons together wishing for some clothes and low and behold some did appear, out of thin air no less. I put the brown colored jacket with an checkerboard inside on with the collar popped. I put the pants on with one side being yellow with an black and white stripe going down the pant leg, the right side of the pants were green that slowly turned to red at the spiked bottom with three arrows on it. I also have some wraps and wrap those around my feet and somewhat of my legs.

With that I finally look around at the place I crashed at. There is a lot of trees, like a lot, also a castle… oh look, a castle! I keep an even pace while I try to get my wings to work, I finally manage to get off the ground and move quite a bit faster towards the castle.

I hear the sound of a horn in the distance and look towards the night sky to see a lot of white and gold shapes moving towards my location. I quickly assume this is a bad thing. I start towards the castle faster and get situated inside. I summon up a throne for my self in the dusty stone castle, that in my opinion has seen better days. I sit on my evil looking throne with deer antlers on top and wait for the guests.

Celestia quickly teleports in front of her sisters door and slams it open scaring her nude sister who appears to just came out of the shower. She screams and drops her towel before she realizes who it is that just barged in and sighing.

“Tia, it would be appreciated if you would stop barging into my room,” Luna says with a tinge of annoyance while looking for clothes.

“Discord has escaped again, sister,” Celestia said in a somber tone. Luna’s annoyed face slowly turns into shock then anger. Luna quickly flashes her horn and after the light has dimmed can be seen a scaled wearing silver armor with blue cobalt going down the center and along the sides and back. The armor has the appearance of scales, she has spiked shoulder pads with a horn coming out of them, while the rest of the outfit is very much the same as the chest piece. Luna then raises her hand holding a huge black and silver with two holes near the base and a wooden handle. Luna can be seen walking out of her room with some floor tiles breaking along the way. Celestia sighed at how much that was going to cost. She made her way out to the court yard where both Day and Night guards were gathered along with The Elements of Harmony, Shining Armor Captain of the Day Guard, Luna, and Lunar Might Captain of the Night Guard. Celestia quickly lit up her horn and a set of the armor Luna was wearing but gold with some purple metal appeared on her along with a silvery-blueish rapier with a small handle with a large ring going around the grip. Celestia goes up to the front of the guards along with her sister, as the guards salute the Princesses.

“As many of you may have heard, Discord The Lord of Chaos and Disharmony escaped today, then was beaten and sealed back to stone by The Elements of Harmony,” many of the guards nod at this, “That was a trap.”

At that many of the guards gained a shocked expression at this while Luna follows up, “there was a major spike of chaotic energy in the Everfree Forest, around our old castle, we will separate into five groups and surround the castle. I want 20 Unicorns, 20 Pegasi and 20 Earth Ponies in each group,” the guards quickly sort themselves out as Luna continues, “Guards Move out!” Luna shouts the final order as the guards in yellow and purple armor move towards the carriages or start flying in the air as they wait for the signal to go. As the Solar Sisters board the uncovered chariot along with the mane six and the guard captains. Luna’s hand raised and then fell as the signal to go. Luna’s and Celestia's horn lit up as they cast orbs of light towards the Everfree Forest both their respective colors. As the guard heads towards the old castle, Celestia turns towards the group as Luna puts up a shielding spell to protect them from the wind.

“Girls,” Celestia says with a stern tone while addressing the six mares, “I want you to no matter what, I want you to stay close to us, no matter what you see, we have no idea what Discord has done,” as she gives the order her tone leaves no room for argument. As the small army moved closer to the old castle a large amount of light suddenly shot up into the sky moving back and forth as spotlights. You could feel the tension in the night air as the guards tensed waiting for anything to happen. The guards approached the ground as the carriages jostled as they hit the ground as the ponies braced themselves with their hands. When the chariot stopped shaking and the girls sorted themselves out of they left the chariot with Celestia leading. As they looked around the area were they and the guards had landed the girls could see a camp slowly starting to take form. Luna walks into the middle of the camp as the guards stop what they are doing to salute her.

“I want ten unicorns to stay behind with some pegasi, to protect the camp from the monsters in this forest,” Luna says to the assembled guards. With a little shuffling about 17 guards got out of line and moved to the side of the group. Luna starts to move towards the old castle with the spotlights that were shining on them in the sky, surprisingly they had originated from the castle. While Luna slowly made her way towards the old castle, Celestia turned towards the girls and lit up her horn, with a flash the box that contained the Elements of Harmony landed in her hands, she used her magic to slowly open the box to show the gleaming necklaces and one tiara. Celestia floats the Elements over to there respective ponies.

“I want to make this absolute, you are to not move away from me or Luna, you froze Discord once already he is likely to take revenge, also do not take off your Elements, Discord’s magic can still affect you, but it will most likely reduced to a great amount.” Celesta warned. The six girls nodded to the princess as Celestia teleported them up to Luna who was still in front of the guards.

When they reached the front of the castle they noticed a small sign put above the doorway surrounded by blinking lights,

‘Now Showing: The Past of The Sisters’

Celestia and Luna just glanced at the sign as they went into the dark and windy castle, while the six girls stared at the sign a bit longer, wondering what it could mean. As they entered the castle a door suddenly sprung up from nowhere to block the entrance. Rainbow Dash started flapping her wings and got airborne as she shot towards a window, where she bounded back as a invisible wall covered the windows and holes in the wall. Rainbow just sighed as she landed visibly disheartened. As the group continued to get closer to the middle of the castle, the floor get better and the castle started to look not abounded. Once they got to the throne room Luna and Celestia stopped, stock still. The girls looked past them and stared shocked at what they saw.

The castle was full of life, there was ponies scurrying everywhere, setting up a table in the middle of the throne room, and on the throne was the two ponies that made Celestia and Luna stop in there tracks, “M-mother…” Celestia stuttered as she started to cry,

“F-f-father..” Luna could only utter as she started to break down, along with her sister. Twilight just stared as the two most powerful ponies she knew were crying and breaking down in front of her.

“P-princess?” Twilight asked concerned, thinking that they were in trouble, from Discord’s tricks. The King of Equestria’s Head turns towards them, with love in his storm gray eyes. The King Alicorn stands up from his throne and slowly descends towards their group. He stands before the table and kneels with his arms outstretched and smiles as two tiny alicorns run up to him and jump into his arms as he closes them for a hug. The fillies giggle as the King kisses them on the forehead,

“Me and your mother love you both so much,” as he kisses the white alicorn on the head, “Celestia,” then he kisses the blue alicorn on the head, “Luna.” He smiles and the scene fades and a counter shows up in the middle of the room as the years on the counter go by faster and faster, until it stopped 200 years later when the throne room moved back into focus. The room had not cheery feeling no happy music or lights. In fact it look like it was dead. At this Luna started crying even harder, while Celestia tried composing herself. When Twilight looked at her quizzically Celestia point at the colored window on the wall and and the girls gasped when they saw what was there. The was the king and the queen and a very familiar creature fighting a red and black centaur with large horns and an orb of magic between the horns.

“That, is Tirek, one of the only creatures capable of stealing magic came to our land and hated ponies.” Celestia stated, “Tirek stole our parents magic making them weak to his might. Until Discord came and used the last of his powers to defeat Tirek.”

“But that would mean that Discord is a hero, why is he all evil?” Pinkie asked Celestia. Celestia just looked back at the window,

“Twilight what is the 1st Law of Magic Conversion.” Celestia asked, still looking at the window. Twilight looked at her in surprise, and searched around in her head for a bit before she responded with,

“The 1st Law of Magic Conversion is ‘Magic cannot be destroyed, simply converted, like when a pony dies, it’s magic is either put into the earth, if it is too much then it is put into the next living thing closest to the source of that magic,’ so that means that..” Twilight gasped and started to tear up, as the others looked on in concern.

“Um… Twilight what is wrong, if you don’t mind telling that is” Fluttershy asked in her meekness. Instead of Twilight responding Celestia did it for her,

“You all know how magical me and my sister are correct?” Celestia asked, upon seeing nods she continued to talk, “Discord was at our level then, when our parents were 100 times more powerful than me and Luna put together, for our Father controlled Time while our Mother controlled Space.” The ponies were shocked to hear such power existed.

“But why is he all meany-wenny?” asked Pinkie Pie in her bubbly way.

“You all know how more power is harder to control, like when Twilight was a filly she was so powerful she turned her parents into plants, which is hard for most unicorns that have studied magic all their life. Now Twilight let say a 70 on the magic scale while myself, Luna and Discord back then where at least a 180 each, while my parents were around a million. So after Terik sucked there magic and got beat where did that magic go?” The ponies had a look of confusion on their face before they slowly gained a look of understanding. “When Discord absorbed all that magic, his mind snapped it was simply too much to handle. His mind needed to get rid of that magic fast so he did the fastest thing he could to get rid of it. He caused chaos.” With that said the room disappeared and quickly showed Discord in the castle getting frozen to stone, with Celestia and Luna older now crying at their friends defeat. It switches to a hallway that shows Luna slowly making her way to her sister’s room. They were all surprised to hear Luna start singing,

“Now the hour has come at last

The soft and fading light

Has crossed the west horizon

And has bidden us goodnight

And what a lovely night it is

To walk a moonlit field

To see the softer shades

That are by starlight now revealed”

Luna looks at the sun setting with an angry scowl.

“So why is it that now,

When all is quiet and at rest

When candles glow and all the world

Is at its very best

The ponies of Equestria

Should lock themselves away

To shun the moon and wait instead

For Sister's sunny day?”

In umbra Luna est (the moon is in shadow)

Luna enters her sisters room still singing, while Celestia looks on confused.

“Am I so wrong to wish that they

Would see things like I do?

And am I so wrong to think

That they might love me too?

Why shouldn't they adore me?

Is it not within my right?

I'll not be overshadowed!

Mine is not the lesser light!

I've waited long enough now

For them all to come around

And though the Sun may plead and threaten,

The Moon will stand her ground”

At this is shown to she Celestia crying and asking her sister to stop when they notice Luna’s feet and legs starting to turn black.

“And all will know the wonder

Of my dark and jeweled sky

When all the world is wrapped

In an eternal lullaby

So say goodnight at this,

The final setting of the sun

Tomorrow dawns in darkness

The nighttime has begun!”

And with the end of the song Luna turned fully into Nightmare Moon, and started fighting her sister while destroying the castle in the process. The vision quickly cleared as the old throne room came into sight, with its rotting tapestries and cracked floors. Twilight turns to Celestia, with a look on her face,

“Did Discord do anything helpful after he turned mad, Princess?” Twilight asks wondering if the monster did any good. Celestia turns to Twilight only to be cut off by another voice in thee room,

“Why, yes Twilight he did, he used the king and queens bodies and souls to make The Elements of Harmony.”

Author's Note:

XD the amount of comments are dumb. Why would Celestia say that was helpful? SHE DIDN'T! Also the music and the lyrics are there for you to enjoy, I put in lyrics because you might want to read along with the story/ song.