• Published 12th Sep 2014
  • 1,840 Views, 18 Comments

Doofenshmirtz in Equestria - jidbrony

Dr Doofenshmirtz and Secret Agent Perry the Platypus are in Equestria...Enough Said.

  • ...

Fanboy Flashback

Chapter 1

It was a normal day in Danville, the birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and two young boys named Phineas and Ferb were busy building another one of their wacky inventions. However this tale is not about them, it's about their pet Platypus named Perry, who is a secret agent.

Perry tale begins as it usually does, putting on his hat as his theme song plays in the background. Activating the secret entrance to his lair his goes down the slip and slide and lands in his chair next to the big computer where his boss Major Monogram appears.

"Good morning Agent P." Major Monogram said in his deep booming voice. "The evil Doctor Doofenshmirtz is up to know good, apparently he has been sending angry letters to the toy cooperation Hasbro about something and we need you to find out what and stop him. Good Luck Agent P." With a salute Perry was off.

" Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated "

Doctor Doofenshmirtz was working on his latest inator when Perry the Platypus burst into his evil lair.

"Perry the Platypus! Your timing is very accurate and by accurate I mean completely accurate " Doofenshmirtz activated his latest trap and caged agent P inside well... a cage. "I seen you must noticed by now I have my Otherdimensioninator out again, you remember when we went to the other dimension and we fought a eviler version of me, and those two boys who you cared about where there, yeah, good times...good times...anyway, your probably wondering why do I have the Otherdimensioninator out. Well, it all started a few days ago."

Flash back

"You see Perry the Platypus, it was a boring Saturday morning." Flashback Doofenshmirtz is lounging on his chair looking incredibly bored not even wearing a lab coat. "T.V as you know is terrible on weekends. So there I was changing channels, over and over again."

"Oh this T.V is so awful is there anything on." Flashback Doofenshimirtz says, changing the channels.

"Then suddenly, I found it, a show that I never expected to see."

"My Little Pony?" Flashback Doofenshmirtz says as he stopped on the hub network. "Hmm...Well, I remember the original version being dubbed in Drusselsteinian, hmm, maybe it'll be good."

"So I decided to watch this show not knowing that this was the latest version of the show, G4 I think it is, that stands for generation four in case you didn't know. Anyway .I remember the episode well, it was Winter Wrap Up. At first I wasn't sure what to make of it, but then that song was played, and well...

"Winter Wrap up, Winter Wrap up!" Flashback Doffenshmirtz sings as he dances along to the song being played.

"Oh how I loved that episode, and thankfully there was another episode on, so I watched it, then another, then another. I eventually watched all two season worth of it.

Present Day
Perry the Platypus just looks at Doofensmirtz with a eyebrow raised.

"What? So what if I'm a brony, it's okay for me to like shows that aren't meant for me especially if there well made."

Perry just continues to give a look to Doofenshmirtz.

"Don't be prejudice Perry the Platypus, it's the 21st century, what defines cultural norms is changing. Anyway back to the flashback.

" So anyway, I saw all of season 1 and 2 and I was loving the show to a teeth. But then! It happened! The season 3 finale!"

In the Flashback we see Dr Doofenshmirtz wearing a brony T-Shirt, carrying popcorn, soda, and a Pinkie Pie doll, sitting on his chair waiting in anticipation for the Season 3 finale to hit. "You see Perry the Playtpus, Season 3 was doing okay, it lacked a certain something, some of the episodes were okay, I thought Crystal Empire was fine, bringing back Discord was cool, although I'm now nervous since he's REFORMED ,but for the most part it was good, it was good, not to many complaints. But then that finale...they did...something horrible!"


"I was furious! I felt betrayed, they had the nerve to give Twilight wings and change the dynamic. Twilight is a Unicorn, not a Alicorn, and not to mention how poorly paced that episode was. But what's worse, they changed the show! I hate change! You know hard it is to get used to change....very hard Perry the Platypus very hard."

Doofenshmirtz in the past start to cry kicking and screaming.

Flashback ends- Present day
"So you see Perry the Platypus, at first I sent angry letters to Hasbro to change her back, but sadly I was rejected, and by rejected I mean they completely ignored me. Then I tried to complain on MLP forums, like 4Chan, at first many agreed with me...but then...well...things happened and I don't think I'm going back to 4Chan anymore. Lastly I sent angry tweets to M.A Lasrson, but again, I was ignored. But then it came to me, if they can't change Twilight back then I will!"

"I think Twilight becoming a Alicorn is a good thing Sir. It shows character growth and development." Norm the Robot interrupted as he appeared out nowhere.

"Yeah well, no one asked you." Doofenshmirtz retorted

Perry looks at Dr Doofenshmirtz seeming confused..

"Now your probably wondering Perry the Platypus, how would I do this. Simple..." Doofenshmirtz walked over to a device that was covered by a white sheet and pulled it, " by using the Otherdimentioninator, I will find the dimension where Equestria exist and travel there, and if Fan Fiction has taught me anything, it does."

Perry rolls his eyes.

"Oh ye of little faith Perry the Platypus, I have read dozens of Fan Fiction on the subject of going to Equestria, and with that knowledge and the knowledge of the show, I will find Twilight Sparkle and blast her with this!" He pulls out a small sized laser gun. "The TakeTwilight'swingsawayinator! I would have called it the De-Alicornationinator but that just sounded weird to me."

Perry's just gave Doofenshmirtz a deadpanned look, he couldn't believe Doofenshmirtz would come up with such a stupid, ridiculous, unoriginal, to the point of almost petty, of a plan as this.

"Now, finally I will have revenge on the Season 3 Finale and the big wigs at Hasbro for ruining the show for me!" Doofenshmirtz activates the Otherdimentioninator as it activates a portal to a colorful looking world. Perry's eyes suddenly widened in shock.

"What...you don't think I would have made the TakeTwilightsWingsawayinator without checking first that Equestria actually exist did you?"

Agent P then struggles with all his might trying to get out the caged trapped the evil scientist had set for him. Doofenshmirtz adjust the coordinates to insure nothing goes wrong. "Hmm, maybe after this I'll avenge myself on the Equsetria Girls movie, now that was a stupid idea, and the Villain, please, if Sunset Shimmer wanted the crown so badly she should have made a Takethecrowninator or maybe at least a Mindcontrolinator oh oh, or even a Becomeademoninator, now that would have been cool."

Finally everything was ready, Dr Doofenshmirtz walked toward the portal ready to enter. "Farewell Perry the Platypus. Fare..." Perry broke from his cage and kicked Doofenshmirtz right in the face and knocked the imitator into the portal. "My TakeTwilights....oh forget it... my intator!" Doofenshmirtz goes after it Perry grabs onto him to stop him. The two of them tussle all over the room for a brief moment, however the two of them started bouncing around the room and into the portal. Something must have happened when going through, for when they did the portal began to swerve and closed right behind them trapping them in the strange new land.

Doofenshmirtz and Perry broke from one another and landed on lush green grass. Slowly the two of them got up, exhausted by the fighting. As they looked around they saw the calm and piece that surrounded them.

"YES! YES! I did it! I'm in Equestria!... Oh wait, your in Equestria two Perry the Platypus...oh joy."

Author's Note:

Well Doofenshmirtz and Perry the Platypus are in Equestria, what will happen, will it be a drawn out adventure or just a short little tale of comedy. I don't know, you decide, I'll just bee making it up as I go along.

Comments ( 18 )

This is wonderful :rainbowlaugh:, please continue.

I have mixed feelings about this fic.

First of all, your grammar and spelling makes me cringe. I have one word for you. Proofread. If you would have proofread it, you would have easily caught this...

Perry tales begins as it usually does, putting on his hat as his theme song plays in the background.

...and changed it into something more to the tune of this:

Perry's tale begins as it usually does. He puts his hat on as his theme song plays in the background.

Did you really not have the extra time to read it over?

Now here is where I am really torn.

This is an eerily accurate depiction of a Phineas and Ferb episode(Well, the Perry half). You have the entire formula down pat, and I was even reading their lines in their voices. Everyone was in character, and I am actually pretty impressed. However, even though that was good, your English skills still urk the crap out of me.

Pretty decent fic. Remember to proofread. Keep writing.

In the short description, Secrwt and Platypus are spelled wrong, and the long description is lacking in punctuation.

That, and DerpyNate's comment make me hesitant to read this fic, despite this seeming interesting.

normal day in Danville, the

Semicolon, not comma.

Activating the secret entrance to his lair his goes down the slip and slide

*he goes down a slip-and-slide

The evil Doctor Doofenshmirtz is up to know good, apparently he has been sending angry letters to the toy cooperation Hasbro about something and we need you to find out what and stop him. Good Luck Agent P.

Seriously Author. "Know Good"? NO. It's no.
Corporation, not cooperation.

I've seen you must noticed by now I have my Otherdimensioninator out again, you remember when we went to the other dimension and we fought a eviler version of me, and those two boys who you cared about where there, yeah, good times...good times...anyway, your probably wondering why do I have the Otherdimensioninator out.

"Seen you must noticed by now I have my Otherdimensioninator"? What?
*you're probably wondering
* 'Why do I have my Otherdimensioninator out.'

all two season worth of it


Don't be prejudice Perry




You know what? I don't have time for this. I'll continue tomorrow.

I shall be waiting for the debut of agent P.
AKA Pinkie the Pony. Sorry, Perry.

Agent B, Angle The Bunny.:yay:

You need to work on your spelling and grammar, but you got the PNF feel down to a T and have them all in character.

Ok this is just as I expected but please make sure your grammer isn't to noticable. I want this to succeed.

okay now this is good quality crossover worth to watch

"Reads title"

Great, now I HAVE to read this.

This is bloody amazing so far.

needs editing pretty badly, otherwise its ok, please find an editor tho

hahahaha!!! Best ever!!!!!

It's been well over a year, any plans to continue this? :D

I think it should be a tale of comedy.

When I was asleep I remembered what Doof said, "my only friend was the moon, and my neighbor kenny" I just imagined my mom (Luna) watching down on Gimmlstump as a young boy was constantly mistreated and overshadowed by his brother, then grew up to be an evil scientist. Years later, when Luna returned from the moon, She goes into the dreams of Dr. Doof, and Convince him to talk to his brother... (I think this just started a headcannon fic prompt)

The TakeTwilightsWingsAwayanator of course. Hilarious:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

A good start so far. I hope to see more ... eventually.

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