• Published 23rd Sep 2014
  • 1,284 Views, 10 Comments

Words Unspoken - wille179

These are the last words that were never said. Birdshot.

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Opalescence to Rarity:

Thank Bastet, I'm finally free of you!

The warden gazed enviously up upon the elegance of Her Imperial Majesty, Ruler of Everything Glorious and Feline - Opalescence to the mere mortals - as she sat on her high throne of soft fabrics. Did that worm really believe that she, Her Imperial Majesty, Ruler of Everything Glorious and Feline, would be tempted by kibble and tuna? The feisty feline chattered quietly to express her irritation.

The irritation quickly grew to righteous fury when thee warden's hideous facial protrusion ignited with atrocious blue-white light and proceed to envelop her in the same Bastet-awful light. With a hiss, Opalescence tried to fight her way to freedom even as the light yanked her off her perch and to the peasant's floor below. The moment that disgusting energy released her, she bolted out the door as fast as her graceful legs would carry her, while of course taking every effort to maintain the level of dignity of one of her position. She was nothing less than perfect, after all. Even the cat goddess Batset was merely Opalescence's equal in all things.

She stopped running a short distance later, when she knew she was free of pursuit. Her stomach made its insurrection clear, worryingly displeased with Opalescence's wise and proper decision to avoid sullying her body with tuna and kibble. Her despairing thoughts were put to rest when the tell-tale squeak of a mouse graced her velvety ears.

She turned in place, predator mode activated and senses on overdrive. Opalescence crouched, easily spotting the scrumptious morsel scuttling under the cabinet. One step, then two, and a third.

She pounced.

The feline only had a second to realize that she had plowed right into the wooden wardrobe before a large bolt of fabric, wound tightly around a wooden rod and no longer precariously balanced on top of the furniture, violently announced its arrival. Her Imperial Majesty, Ruler of Everything Glorious and Feline, never discovered what, exactly, dense wood did to the mind of a cat, but she had a pretty good impression of it.