• Published 5th Sep 2014
  • 2,616 Views, 30 Comments

Doctor Whooves Adventures with Luna: A Sister's Reunion - CrackedInkWell

On the eve of her 800 year reign without her sister, Celestia gets a visit for the Doctor along with his companion, her sister.

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2: Mrs. Saucer

Author's Note:

Probably not exactly the best, but eh, here you go, and I promise I will give the good Doctor something to do in the next chapter.

Tap Tap Tap Tap!

“But it still doesn’t make any sense,” –Luna said- “for what reason would I be away for this long?”

Celestia shook her head. “I’m sorry Luna, I’m truly am, but as I said, I can’t tell you.”

“Why not?”

“…. Spoilers.”

Luna tilted her head. “Spoilers? Celie, eight hundred years away from being with our own subjects is downright ludicrous!”

“Luna.” She turned to the Doctor who called her name. “You really ought to calm down.”

“Calm down?! I’ve just learned that I have been away for almost a thousand years (for mother knows why to that!), my sister is in tears and you’re asking me to calm down?!”

“Luna.” Celestia put a wing around the younger alicorn. “What’s important right now is that you’re here with me again. And as long as you’re here by my side once again, I’m intending to spend each and every moment I have with you.”

Luna looked up at her in confusion. “Since when have you ever had the time for me?”

“When a time machine had appeared in my room with you in it. Doctor, you and Luna haven’t had anything to eat have you?”

They both shook their heads. Celestia’s horn glowed, candles in the room were lit that rid of the gloomy feel of the room. Next, she pulled on one of the five silk ropes in one corner of the room and tugged at it a few times.

“What are those for?” Luna asked.

“It’s a system that was put into place about two hundred years ago. It’s quite effective. All they are is a rope that’s linked to a bell in a particular room in the palace.”

“And they are?” the Doctor asked.

“One is to the barracks of the royal guards, in case of emergencies of course. One is for my most trusted advisor. Another for my student-”

“Student? Celie, I didn’t know you teach.” Luna said.

“I’ve just taken up the new profession just recently. Anyway, as for the other two, one is for the kitchen, and the one I just rang for was for tea.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Always you and tea, isn’t it?”

“What? I like tea.”

Luna shook her head and turned her attention to the curtains. “If it’s around two, shouldn’t you open the windows to let in some light?” Her horn glowed, but before she could even focus on pulling the curtains away, she found all of them were blocked by a golden aura.

“Lu, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“And why not?”

“What if one of our subjects sees you?”

“I still don’t see why that’s a problem if I had been away for so long, wouldn’t they rejoice at my return? ….Celestia?”

Her older sister didn’t respond at first. She glanced over to the Doctor. They both can list all the reasons and whys, but telling her at this particular stage in life they feared it might bring forth disastrous consequences. Sure, Luna turning into Nightmare Moon is one of Equestria’s fixed points in time; but then again, what would happen if she knew what was to happen in her future?

Their thoughts were interrupted at a few knocks at the door. “Your majesty, I’ve brought you your tea.”

“Mrs. Saucer, is there anypony in the hallway?”

“Uh, no. I don’t see any guards around.”

Celestia unlocked the doors and told her to come in. The door opened up to an earth pony pushing a cart in. It was a maid with a black and white uniform. “We just had Jasmin on hoof,” -she said- “so hopefully there won’t…” Mrs. Saucer trailed off from her train of thought when she looked up to who else was in the room. She was staring at Luna in fear.

“Now Mrs. Saucer-” Celestia started to say, but she was quickly interrupted by her maid.

“PRINCESS!!! GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!! SHE’S BEHIND YOU!!!” This caught Luna completely off guard, except, that is, for Celestia and the Doctor. The maid rushes over to Celestia and tries pushing her out.

“Mrs. Saucer!” Celestia snapped, getting the maid’s attention. “Listen to me. You have absolutely nothing to be afraid of.”

“B-But your highness! I-It’s her! It’s Nightm-”

“No, it’s not.” Celestia interrupted, “I’m telling you it’s not who you think she is. Please trust me on this. She’s not going to hurt you.”


“No buts. I know who she is and I know what I’m doing. In the meantime, would you please serve us some tea?” Reluctantly, she nodded. After cups were spread among the three of them, Mrs. Saucer picked up the teapot by her teeth and poured it to them. When she got around to Luna, however, she was shaking so much that some of the tea was spilled on the floor.

“Eeak! Scorury! Su scorury!” Mrs. Saucer said with the teapot still in her mouth, which she immediately put it down on the floor and used her uniform to clean up the spilled tea. “It won’t happen again, I swear! Please don’t-”

“Mrs. Saucer!” The maid turned to Celestia. “I told you, she won’t hurt you. Now, would you please go to the kitchen and fetch us something to eat.” The maid nodded quickly, taking the cart with her. “Oh, and Mrs. Saucer,” -she stopped in the doorway and looked back at Celestia- “what you’ve had seen and heard in this room, will not, I repeat, will certainly not leave this room. Understood?”

The maid nodded and Celestia let her go. Luna couldn’t help but wondered what just happened. It was clear that the maid was not just afraid, but was completely terrified of her. But something still didn’t add up. Her being gone for eight hundred years explains why Celestia was crying not too long ago. But to her, being gone for that long still doesn’t explain Celestia’s actions to keep her a living secret from outside of this room. Nor does it explain why the maid would be afraid of her. It was very clear that both her sister and the Doctor were hiding something back from her. Something awful no doubt. Yet what could be so awful that it would make her leave Equestria for so long?

“Sister, did we have a fight that made me leave?” Luna asked.