• Published 4th Sep 2014
  • 2,388 Views, 15 Comments

Sisters who came closer. - SadisticFluttershy

In awakening of an accident involving Dashies little sister. She realized just how important Scootaloo really is in her life. She doesn't want to lose her.

  • ...

Sisters who came closer.

Sisters who came closer.

It was a cold morning in Ponyville. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo planned a day for fun in the snow.

"This day is going to be so awesome!" Rainbow Dash happily said.

Scootaloo smiled. "Yeah! I've been waiting for a long time to spend this winter with you Rainbow".

Rainbow hugged her sister, "Heh, me too squirt. The Wonderbolt Acadamey has been real rough on me but you know I'm tough as a mountain!" Rainbow said, laughing.

"So, what we going to do first?". Scootaloo asked.

Rainbow thought for a moment and looked around spotting a nearby group of kids having a snowball fight.

"Oh oh! How about there?" Rainbow said, pointing her hoof at the group of kids.

"Snowball fight? Sounds like a plan Rainbow".

Scootaloo and Rainbow joined the group and broke up into teams. To make it easier, they agreed with names; Team Rainbow and Team Scootaloo.

"Okay kids, for whichever team wins is the most awesomest team in all of Equestria!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"You're on!" Scootaloo said confidently.

Somepony said "Yeah! Let's do this!".

The snowball fight begun. First shot was thrown by Rainbow, she missed. "Darnit!" She shouted.

Scootaloo laughed and fired back. Rainbow pleaded. "Not the mane not the mane!" The snowball hit Rainbow square in the face.

Scootaloo burst into uncontrollable laughter, "Haha I got you good! I think you got some..." Scootaloo fell on the ground into a histerical laughter "some white stuff on you, bwhaha!".

Rainbow gave an unamused look with a smile. "Nice shot kid, but let me show you how it's really done".

Rainbow put together enough snowballs where shots would never stop. Rainbow put a snowball inbetween her feathers and threw them all at once like a gatling gun, hitting Scootaloo like bullets.

"Ow ow ow.. Rainbow stop!" Scootaloo cried out.
"You alright squirt?" Rainbow asked.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Just.. don't throw them so hard, okay?". Scootaloo asked.
"Ofcourse, I don't want to hurt you".

"Alright, Timeout!" Rainbow said. "Let's take a break shall we?".
Everypony agreed. Everypony walked over to a nearby table selling hot chocolate.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo sat down next to each other while they drank their hot chocolate.

"Enjoying your hot chocolate Scoot?". Rainbow asked.

"Mmmmm" Scoot replied.
"Hehe, I guess you are". Rainbow said, taking a sip from her drink.

Scoot put her drink down next to her. "Rainbow?".
"Yes Scoot? What's up?".
"Today so far has been fun, I really appreciate you coming out today to hang out with me". Scoot said.
"It's no problem Scoot. You're my little sister. That's what I'm here for. To spend time with you".

Rainbow and Scootaloo shared a hug. "Thank you, Rainbow. Ready to continue the snowball fight?".

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, after I finish my hot chocolate".
"Alright.. me too". Scoot said.'

A lightbulb appeared above Rainbow's head. She had an idea on how to obliterate her competition.
Rainbow looked over at to see Scootaloo who was just finishing the cup of joe.

"You ready?".

Scootaloo nodded. "Yep".

Together they returned to their groups. They each had five minutes to come up with a game plan.

"Alright everypony, discuss strategies with your team mates and make sure everypony that was on your team is back together!".

Rainbow gathered her team up and started to come up with a plan.
"Alright kids, I have a plan". Everypony listened closely.
"I'm going to build the most gigantic snowball you will ever see. I need you guys to distract the enemy team while I put it together". Rainbow explained.
"How big?" A small colt asked.
"Big enough to make the ground rumble like it's the end of the world!". Rainbow said with an evil smirk.

Everypony agreed, It was a plan. "Huddle your hooves guys". Rainbow demanded. Everyone put their hooves in the middle. "On the count of three, we say break. One, two, three, BREAK!" Everypony yelled out.

While Rainbow was gathering as much snow as she can to surprise not only her team mates, but the opposing team as well. Her team is going to distract the enemy team while she put the plan into action.

Rainbow looked around and found a pile of snow, about three feet tall and five feet in length. "Perfect". she said under her breath.

Scootaloo noticed that Rainbow was nowhere in sight. "Did she give up?" She looked around again, but was starting to be suspicious that Rainbow may be up to something.

Rainbow grabbed enough snow to craft it into the size of a parade float. She then put the massive snowball on her back. She made sure it was solid enough where it wouldn't break on her back.
A few minutes later, Rainbow flew over the battlefield with the biggest snowball that she's ever made in her life.

Scootaloo and her team mates looked up with a expressionless face. They're mouths were agape. "Quick everypony fire at Rainbow before she throws it!".

It was too late.

"INCOMING!!!" Rainbow shouted.

Scootaloo's ears folded back "Uh oh, not good! Prepare for impact!!".

The massive ball of snow hit Scootaloo and the rest of her team mates causing the ground to tremble violently. Few moments later, the rumbling stopped.

Everypony poked out their heads out from underneath the snowball, except Scootaloo. Rainbow was confused and a bit frightened. "Where's Scootaloo!?"

Everyone shook their heads. "We don't know" A young filly said. Rainbow figured that Scoots might be up to something, that would be just like her.

"All right squirt, you got me. You can come out now". Rainbow said. About half a minute past and no sign of Scootaloo.

"Scoot, this isn't funny!" Rainbow said, her voice shaking.
There was a noise coming from under the snow, it sounded like bubbles.

Rainbow looked over shoulder to find the pile of snow that she dropped on her sisters side was sinking into a hole.
Rainbow was beginning to realize that where that hole was where exactly Scootaloo was standing on was ice and that the heavy artillary
that she dropped on her was enough force to push Scootaloo to fall right through the ice. It hit Rainbow that Scootaloo needs help now.

'That's where Scootaloo was standing' Rainbow thought 'She must of been hit so hard from my gigantic snowball that she must've fallen through the ice!'

Rainbow's expression was only to be one of terrified and sadness. "SCOOTALOO!". she shouted. With a burst of energy, she flew into the air as high as she could, held her breath and hit the water with a splash.
The cold water didn't effect Rainbow as years of working on the weather team had conditioned her to rapidly and drastically changing temperatures. From the outer icy layers of the atmosphere to the warm lower air closer to the ground.
Rainbow looked around trying to focus her vision as the water was dark and murky. Rainbow went back up the surface, took a deep breath then went back down again.

'I'm coming squirt!' Rainbow said in her thoughts, she pushed herself deeper and deeper until she saw a blurry orange pony sinking to the bottom. It was Scootaloo.
It's now been half a minute since Rainbow dived in into the freezing water. Another thought ran through her mind 'If I don't get her and myself out of here and fast, both of us are going to die'.
As Rainbow got closer and closer to Scootaloo, she grabbed her by her right hoof; she put her sister on her back and began to swim to the surface. The group of ponies above were hoping that Rainbow and Scoot would make it out alive.

Seconds later, Rainbow came up. The group of ponies that were watching helped Rainbow and Scootaloo out of the frigid waters.

"Quick, somepony get help, fast!" Somepony said. A nearby pegasus heard the cry for help and rushed to the hospital to get help.

Rainbow and Scootaloo layed next to each other. Rainbow tried to standup but somepony ran over to her; "Don't stand up! Sit down. Don't worry, someone is getting help".

Rainbow shook her head. "No! I need to help Scootaloo!".

She ran over to what seemed to be a lifeless pegasus. Rainbow was prepared for this situation. She took a lifeguard training class last spring to be prepared for the winter. If anypony were to fall through the ice when they were ice skating on the lake
and not make it back to the surface, anyone that was trained to save lives of others were to resuce them. She also learned CPR(Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation). It was necessary for trainers to learn that technique to help those that were unconcious
to begin breathing on their own again with the help of those who are certified.

Rainbow checked for a pulse, there was none. She placed both hooves on Scoot's chest. Pressed down on it 5 times, she opened Scoots mouth and breathed in a couple times.
She put her ear next to the pegasuses mouth, no breath could be heard. Rainbow again put her hooves on her sisters chest and pressed down 10 times.
Breathed into her mouth a few more times, but with deep breaths and again put her ear next to her mouth. *Cough cough cough* She did it, Scootaloo was alive. Water came out from the pegasuses mouth. She didn't open her eyes yet.

"Scootaloo, are you alright?!" Rainbow asked. She didn't get a response, but she didn't need it. Scootaloo was alive and that's all what mattered right now.

Few minutes later, Ponyville medical team arrived. One of them asked "How long were they in the water for?".

"A couple minutes. Rainbow did CPR on Scootaloo. She's breathing now, but can't move". Somepony answered.

The medical ponies nodded, placed Rainbow and Scootaloo on stretchers putting them in the back of a hospital carraige and took off to the hospital.

-(Ponyville Urgent Care. 10 mintues Later.)-

When the doctors rolled in with Rainbow and Scootaloo, they rushed them into the ER. They needed to be treated for Hypothermia and fast.

In the ER there were two beds next to each other where Rainbow and Scoot would be placed. The nurses got them hooked up to a heart monitor, oxygen machine, and were placed on life support.
What the nurses planned to do is to warm up the core temperature of their bodies to the appropriate temperature with thermal blankets.
They were prepared for this kind of situation. Minutes in frigid waters can lead to hypothermia and even death, so they had to work quickly.

Doctors were having a hard time getting Scootaloo stable, they found out that her body temperature was way below normal. She was in critical condition.
She couldn't move, had a hard time breathing on her own, and could barely speak and started to look like she was starting to have a seizure. Rainbow looked over to her sister, all she could do was pray that she stays alive.
Herself was also wrapped in a thermal blanket and was getting just the amount of care she needed, but never thought that her sister would need all this attention. A tear rolled down Rainbow's cheek.
"Please save her, please.."

Several hours past. Doctors finally managed to get Scootaloo into a stable condition. Because of her age, she is much more difficult to work with. Rainbow however is older, although her body was able to warm itself back up again.
Doctors wanted to have her in thermal blankets to be safe. Rainbow was already placed into a room in the private wing while the medical team was working with Scootaloo to stable her enough so that she could heal on her own.
The nurses rolled Rainbow's sister into the room and placed her next to her.

Nurse Redheart was one of the ponies who rolled Scootaloo into the room. She walked over to Rainbow's bed.
Rainbow woke to a soft gentle voice. "Mrs.Dash".

Yawning, Rainbow answered. "What is it Nurse?".

"Just thought I'd let you know that we rolled your sister into the room. She's been stabilized and is now recovering. She's quite a fighter Rainbow. She was very lucky to have you there
when it happened".

Rainbow scratched the back of her head. "Yeah, well ya know. That's what big sisters are for right?".

"Well.. yes Rainbow, but you have to understand that it's a natural instinct to save a ponies life. And because Scootaloo is your little sister, you had to go into the water to save her and yourself".

"Myself?". Rainbow answered.

"Yes Mrs.Dash, even yourself. Scootaloo is younger than you are. You see, her small size with hypothermia can kill her in a heartbeat. But since you were giving physical body contact with her, your body heat
was transferring to her which kept her body warm enough to survive. On the other hoof, you are much older. Your body is capable to warm itself again because you were only in there for a minute or two. Scootaloo's
body hasn't developed enough to where it can do such a thing on it's own. It needs medical treatment, including you".

"Well.. Yeah Nurse. Thank you for helping us both. We truly appreciate it".

"And I'm happy that you saved her life and that we were able to take care of the rest. If it weren't without you, she wouldn't be here right now".

That statement hit Rainbows emotions hard, but fought back the tears. "I- I know".

Nurse Redheart noticed Rainbow's mood change. "You okay?".

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you".

"Alright Rainbow, I'll be back in an hour to check up on you both. Let me know if you need anything at all".

Rainbow nodded. "Thank you".

With that, Redheart left the room, leaving the two alone together.

-(Ponyville Urgent Care. 1 hour later.)-

Rainbow Dash heard a knock on the door, "Come in".

Came in Nurse Redheart who was going to do a check up on Rainbow and Scootaloo.

"How's she doing nurse?". Rainbow asked.

"She's fine Rainbow. The blanket has warmed her enough to where her body temperature is high enough to sustain itself. I've taken the blanket off and put a normal blanket over her so that
she can rest more easily".

"Howcome she hasn't woken yet?".

"She's under medication. While we were working to stabelize her, we had to have her completely still. So we injected her with a special medication where she will be unconscious for a day. That was about 7 hours ago.
There's still another 16 before it wares off".

"Oh.. okay nurse". Rainbow said.

"Are you doing okay Rainbow?". Nurse Redheart asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm okay".

Redheart smiled. "Good. Can I get you anything?".

"I haven't eaten all day. Can I get something to eat?".

"Sure, what would you like Rainbow?".

Rainbow thought for a moment. "How about soup?".

"Alright. Soup it is. I'll get a bowl of soup for you from the cafeteria. I'll be back in a few minutes".

A few minutes later, Nurse Redheart returned to Rainbow and Scootaloo's room with a warm bowl of soup.

"Knock knock Rainbow Dash. I have what you asked for".

Rainbow gave a small smile. "Thank you kindly".

The nurse placed the bowl of soup on the night stand next to Rainbow. "I'll be back in a few hours. Let me know if you need anything".

Rainbow nodded.

Rainbow began to dig into her soup. "It's.. it's not bad". She hesitated. She had an un easy feeling in her stomach.
"I'm not really hungry". Rainbow put the soup onto the night stand and got up, pacing around the room. 'I can't get this guilt past me'.
She thought. 'I brought my sister within an inch of her life and I feel horrible for it'. She walked over to her sisters bed side and examined
her thoroughly. 'She's so cute when she's asleep'. Rainbow thought. Tears started to flow from her eyes.

"I'm so so sorry Scoot. I'm sorry that I caused all this. I understand if you hate me, I deserve it".

Rainbow continued to look at her sister for hours, waiting for her to wake. It felt like forever to her.

Rainbow had no idea how long she's been sitting there next to her sister cause she woke up to a sunrise and a knock at the door.

Came in was Nurse Redheart. "Good morning Mrs.Dash. How'd you sleep?".

"I slept okay". Rainbow said wiping her eyes.

"I'm here to check on Scootaloo and see how she's doing. Temperature's normal, heart beat's normal, if all goes well
You and Scootaloo will be out of here sometime tomorrow morning". Redheart said with a smile.

Rainbow nodded "Alright nurse. Thank you".

With that, the nurse left the room.

It was only a few more hours until the medication would wear off, and Scootaloo would finally wake up.

Rainbow sighed. "Come on Scoot, wake up!". She was getting impatient. It's been almost a day and she knew that it wasn't much longer
until the medication wore off.

-(Ponyville Urgent Care. 4 hours later.)-

Rainbow's nap was interrupted by a waking orange filly that layed on the other side of the room.

Stretching, Scootaloo said "R- Rainbow Dash? What.. what happened?".

Rainbow's eyes widened at the sound of her sisters voice. She was relieved that she was finally awake. She got up and walked over to the
waking filly. She knew she had a lot of explaining to do.

There was a long silence between the two. Rainbow was thinking on how she could answer Scootaloo's question. Finally, she broke the silence.

"There was an accident Scoot".

"An accident? What do you mean?". Scoot asked.

Rainbow Dash sighed. She sat down next to her little sister on the bed. "Listen Scoot. It was more than just an accident. It was a life threatening accident".

Scootaloo was confused. "How was it life threatening Dash?".

Rainbow knew this wasn't going to be easy. "Let's just say, I would've lost you forever if I hadn't rescued you".

Scootaloo was confused. "What do you mean dash?".

Rainbow wasn't sure on how to break the news to her little sister who nearly lost her life, including her own. She had to figure out how to say it without giving much emotional attention.
Dash sighed. "Listen. What I mean is..." Rainbow tried to fight the tears. "My life would've changed forever if I was told that I lost you. That you died and wouldn't be coming back home to
the loving home that I gave you. I would be a broken mare without you".

Scootaloo was surprised to hear this. Afterall, Rainbow Dash is one of the toughest mares out there, never would she think that out of all mares, Dash would be a mare of such words.
"Dash..". Scootaloo muttered.

Rainbow was lost in thought of just how much of a life change she would experience if she lost the one pony that she could call a sister, a sibling. To watch her grow up and become an adult
and maybe follow in her hoofsteps. She just couldn't bear those thoughts. Dash began to cry as hard as she could.

This only began to make Scootaloo cry also. "Dash... Dash stop crying! you're making me cry too!". Scoot hugged Dash in a tight embrace and never let go. Dash returned the embrace and the two
cried together for what seemed to be an eternity.

Later that same night, the pair of ponies crying was slowly coming to a hault. They were still in the embrace. Dash let go of her little sister, but she refused to let go.
"Scoot, give me some space would ya?".

Scootaloo muttered "okay" and let go of her sister.

There was a silence between the two. Moments later, Dash said; "I'm sorry about all that squirt. It's just the thought of losing the one pony that I love so much, more than my friends in which by the way if you ever tell them I said that
you are going to be in SO much trouble". Dash said, letting out a chuckle.

"It's... okay dash. I know you didn't mean to cry like you did. But, I still don't know how I ended up here, or how you ended up here with me. Tell me dash please?!". Scootaloo said.

Dash breathed in and exhaled slowly to get herself ready to explain the events previously. "Remember the snowball fight we had with your classmates?".

"Yeah. I do".

"Well, right after we finished the hot chocolate in which I have to say, it was freaking amazing. We went back to the game to come up with a game plan to see which one of us would win.
I know you saw me up in the sky with a gigantic snowball in which I thought was totally harmless, and believe me they are. As soon as I threw it at your entire team, I was clueless to what
you were standing on. I couldn't tell if it was ice or grass or anything like that. You were totally buried with your team. When I saw everyponys head pop out except yours I was really getting
scared Scoot. I saw the pile of snow sinking into the water and that's when it hit me that you were pelted hard enough by my stupid snowball that you fell through the thin ice of the lake".

Scootaloo's eyes were wide like bowling balls. "Is.. is that why I'm here?".

Dash nodded. "Not just you. I was brought here also. I took action to save your life. I'd sacrifice my life if it meant saving yours. You’re not ready for death to come take you away.
He's just not ready for you kid. Heck, he’s not even ready for me also. But when I jumped into those waters, it was the most painful thing I've ever experienced. However, I had someones life on the line. When I saw you sinking to the bottom of the lake completely unconscious, I knew that if I didn't get you and myself out of there soon,
both of us were going to drown and die".

Scootaloo had no idea on how to respond to this. She began to cry again.

“D- Dash!”. She sobbed out hugging the cyan pegasus.

Rainbow Dash returned the embrace, trying to calm her down as best as she could.

“Shhh, it’s okay squirt, you’re safe now. I’ll never let anything like that happen ever again. I promise”.

Author's Note:

Not sure if I'm gonna write a second chapter to wrap it up.

I'll think about it. Hoping this was a good read. This story was WAY past due. Like... Months and Months.

Comments ( 15 )

Id highly appreciate responses and criticism on the story. Im likely going to write a epilouge?

At least their both still alive. :pinkiehappy: Nice story, you've earned a fav.

:rainbowdetermined2: LOUDER!!

But in all seriousness, great job. Can't wait to see the epilogue :pinkiehappy:


*Breathes in as much as possible* "Yay!!!!!!!!!!".

Another story is on the way. Stay tuned.
Soon for the last chapter of this story to be made.

4956085 Can't wait! :pinkiehappy: :raritystarry:

*Breathes in as much as possible* "Yay!!!!!!!!!!".

P.S. That exchange is one of the best in the series, if you ask me. :rainbowlaugh:

4959021 Y'know, where two characters exchange bits of dialogue?

Hey readers!

If you read my story, I'd highly appreciate opinions, criticisms and anything else you have for me!

Thanks for liking and faving the story! :)

Also, don't be shy and share the story around to other bronies. I would love for the story to be a success.

May I point out a few inconsistencies, First of all. When they get out of the water you first say that they are lying side by side, in the next paragraph though dash 'runs over to her'. There are others making it really hard to picture. I love the story, but it is obvious you are a young writer. Keep up the good work.


Waaaat. I didn't even notice.
Ty for pointing that out. Maybe I should fix that

4970824 i thought it was awesome :pinkiehappy:

5245917 Thanks.

I've been too lazy to finish the story. An Epilouge was supposed to come out a long time ago... I just don't have the time.

5246193 you don't need an epilogue its fine where it is as long as Scootaloo doesn't die from hypothermia I'm OK

One hell of an awesome story:heart::heart::heart::scootangel::ajsmug::pinkiesmile::rainbowkiss::twilightsmile:

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