• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen May 25th



You are Anon, and you have been sent to a magical land of ponies and mythical creatures. At first, you thought you had everything you wanted. That was, until you realized you were missing something very dear. Something that consumed your thoughts until you couldn't take it anymore.

(someone made this image for me and I thank them for doing that for me)

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 248 )

Good so far will leave a like, but until there is more it will be in my read later.

So…how old is he? like 25? 30? Also, adding magic to the equation I would not be surprise if liver damage can be complete fix with some spell

What I'm surprise is how in at least 9 mounts because they had a baby, how NONE of them even notices he was alone in the bar in ALL of their weddings? Seriously at least Pinkie will had sniff that, on Twilight one.

But wow, he didn't even say goodbye, I don't know what is more hurting? he turning his back on his friends or that is very justify in this case

Also I hope that image means he is going to loss a leg

Sorry I mean HE DOESN'T loss a leg I really hope he doesn't loss it…witch I think the response will be the same, I'm right?

4946266 Yeah, it isn't a BIG part, but it is just another thing to add on the list.

Oh boy, well I still will pray he doesn't loss it…and like they say 'when you hit rock bottom you can only go up' and he reach the bottom long ago


4946223 the sad thing is if he said goodbye they'd beg him to stay and his life would probably just get worse if he stayed

Yeah you are probably right, boy Shy will be the saddest of them and AJ will be kicking herself for not notices until now

I sahll favorite this bad boy and see where it goes. It's certainly piqued my interest. :ajsmug:


4946295 or pinkie will be that saddest but shy will definitely take it worse
and then we'll have them searching for him to bring him back while hes probably thinking they're searching for him

You mean he is thinking they are NOT searching for him?
Also I wonder how their husbands will think, I mean I don't know if they can go now, Twilight is a princess now, and at least 2 probably had a family to think about and…pfffff who I'm kidding!!? they will brush everywhere for him…how will they figure he head for the ever fee forest will be tricky.


4946443 confetti dropped on him from the letter and showed a rough direction he was going in
or they saw the open letter and some foot steps.....

4946600 Give me about 5 minutes and you will know

Then again, Twilight wasn't a princess.

Is this Anon guy stupid or what? Of course she's a princess

4946661 Why do you hate unicorn Twilight?

Well, if she is getting married to Flash. That would mean she is an alicorn. Seeing as that would imply that she went to the EQG universe and brought him back. Unless this is some kind of alternate universe where she went as a regular unicorn, this wouldn't be based on canon.

Just saying. I personally like unicorn Twi better.

I see you brought this story back. I just hope u will continue writing for it.


Except that she didn't bring him back, even in canon. Flash existed in equestria and EQG's universe, just like the rest of them... except twilight for some reason.

Is it that much of a stretch to pretend that she met him while fighting Sombra? :rainbowderp:

unicorn Twilight never met flash sentry she met him after she became princess


Sorry, but this was the first song that came to my mind when I saw this.

A huge drifting fan here.

Looking at character tags, its seems that the possible choices is either Cadance or Luna. But both characters have their 'possible' and 'not possible' factors, so wat?

...The main deviance from the story actually lost a limb,And is broken as all shit?....This...shows promise.

this story really got to me bad and made me cry :pinkiesad2:

Standing over an anvil, hammer held high, was a one legged human. His face was covered in hair and his clothes were torn and worn down. Most importantly of all, he was missing a leg. In its place was a wooden prosthetic

all of the pain he must have felt and the thought that he knew that he could not turn back to his old life. it's like watching a close friend become a homeless man :fluttercry:

Love it. more NOW:flutterrage:...please:fluttercry:


... You realize Cadence is married. And this doesn't seem to be a "Human marries immortal monarch" story.

I remember this. I still have a link to a pastebin with this in it.

Great Story.

Much Love.:heart:


Why would you even mention Cadence, though? @_@

At first, you thought you had everything you wanted. That was, until you realized you were missing something very dear. Something that consumed your thoughts until you couldn't take it anymore.


And so, you kill yourself.


Why not a changeling? They could probably turn into a human or something.

*ahem* Let me sum this up:


Seriously, emo McAnon here was grating on my nerves from chapter one. Hey, buddy - you lonely? Get out of your house on your little lonesome - that means without your clinging fucking friends - and go to a bar ... and get someone you schmuck! But no, he'd rather wallow in self pity. But hey, I can dig that, sometimes you just want to feel bad I guess! But then the 'reunion' here happens where the pity party kicks it up to eleven and drops whatever bass and spaghetti it had all over the floor. This chapter is when you roll your eyes and leave the one legged man to his one handed task - if you know what I mean. Twilight should have said 'well fuck you too' and gone home. Asshole doesn't want help, fuck him.

I know it's some big set-up to get Trixie and Anon together or something but it could have been set-up better. If you're doing this from a greentext story (which I assume you are what with background!Applejack in full effect), well ... you're kinda stuck with the set-up you have. It just kinda sucks. Too much self-pity going on and the confrontation between Anon and the Main 6 made me want to punch this douche (and that's coming from me).

Mechanically, you're ... eh. A bit of 'telling' but what gets me are the really awkward sentences.

Twilight reached her legs around you for a hug. After she was satisfied witht the hug, she let go.

Why ... have that last part in there at all? After I was satisfied with the sentence, I stopped typing. It's a fake resolution to a situation that didn't even need to be resolved. After I was satisfied with the sentence, I stopped typing. It really doesn't even need to be there because the assumption most readers would make at the line 'She ran right into town to spread the news' would be 'she let him go' as an unvoiced part of that entire thing. After I was satisfied with - you get the idea. This is just an example of some of the really awkward bits that are sprinkled here and there.

There are tense changes, missing punctuation, misspellings ... it's not AWFUL with them but there are enough to be noticeable. Run this through some sort of editor and maybe a pre-reader. You might not want to sink so much time into an AiE story though. It's not the worst AiE I've read but it's not ... great. Low end of average because of the mechanical errors. That and the pity-party Anon here is wallowing in.


I don't know why, but your icon makes me want to kick something.

Completely unrelated, but I just realized I've never informed you of this before.

Ah men! it was really THAT necessary to take away one of his legs? men seeing him like that it makes me think he is like in his 50, just please tell me there is really some way to make his leg grow back or something, but its a very tricky spell or a really advance one that only a princess could perform like Celestia and Luna

……yeah that could work, also…Trixie? they want him to cheer him up by bringing him to a performance? Geez now I wonder why Twilight, haven't talk to Cadence this IS her area of expertise THIS is what she is know for, why won't she talk to her?

Oh well I blame that they were just to depress.

And I still wish for his leg back, please, do me that favor at least on the end of the story

4947694 It's weird but I agree with you and disagree with you to a point. I don't think he's fully doing the "I'm so lonely, pity me." bit as he hasn't bitched and whined about it to anyone else, and he did set off on his own to try and find a way to change it so at least he did something. They also mention that he was turned down by a lot of mares but that's where I kinda start to agree with you. We haven't seen any of the rejection that the character goes through so we can't really feel for him. This is the only mention of him being rejected so he was inadvertently built up as a guy that had a problem but did nothing to resolve it properly until now and I think that's where the main issue is, we need to see the rejection he's been through and how much he's tried to properly feel for him. I also agree that the reunion bit is rather dickish. Again, with out seeing what he went through, it's hard to understand how he got to this level of aggression towards the ones he cared about.

"Anon, Flash just proposed! Isn't it great?" You were shocked to hear the news. Twilight and Flash have been together a little over four months, and to be honest, you really didn't expect them to last this long.

this could only happen if twilight was a princess. they never met yet!

You feel Cheese put his leg around you. Pulling yourself into his grasp, you melt into his shoulder.

what season are we in?
pinkie never met him either,

Or in this universe she meet him after her adventure on earth and Flash was a guard at the moment and they bump, don't give it too much though she is just a unicorn in this universe simple as that

Well he say he doesn't want to bring anyone down with him, so after some rejection we saw in this chapter is normal he stop trying because it was to much pain he couldn't take it anymore, and this 'dick like reunion'? Well…yeah it was cold but think of it he try numerous times, to get with mares only to be turn down his friends were more and more happy, now with children, that mean each day the pain was becoming more and more unbearable, and now he do the ultimate escape, its looks like things turn for the worse now that the same happen AND he is cripple yeah…you are asking a kid to smile after he had to shoot his ravish puppy.

At least that its how I see it

Something that consumed your thoughts until you couldn't take it anymore.

My leg?

ahh so much angst stuff on this sight

... I hate having side conversations on story pages but you can't say something like that and not explain it. Why does it make you want to kick something?

Some people are really awkward when it comes to things like a hug. You ever see a person freeze up when they get a hug out of the blue?
Agreed about too much self pity, Plus I don't think the Great and Powerful Trixie would go for the one legged monkey...

Unless Trixie actually is having a dating site and is actually working helping other find that special someone as part of some company Cadence owns

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