• Member Since 26th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Ron Jeremy Pony

What to say about me... I'm a novelist, I enjoy writing Fanfiction (seriously I like it. Although I mainly do Justice League or Highschool of the Dead), and thanks to Dr. Whooves I found FIM.

Comments ( 38 )

I take it this isn't canon to the main universe.

Comment posted by Azreon deleted Sep 1st, 2014


Exactly. This isn't cannon to the Vogonverse. This is a strictly fanbased/Custom Order. Unless it's in the cannon folder it shouldn't be considered cannon.

You kinda y'know fucked up the first word in your description. That kinda turns off a bunch of readers. So yeah fix it and the probably numerous errors in your story. Idk what universe this is in so I won't read it, but that is my advice.


Thank you No fu.... sorry, fucks ungiven. The error with the description is fixed. Have a real nice day.

4938964 Well if it's any consolation, I was stereotyping. Most writers who don't check the description also don't proofread their work. You might be the case where I'm wrong, but as I said I'm not gonna check because idk what this universe is about so any references/jokes/characters will all be lost on me.


Believe me it's fine. Normally I check and double check my work. Having a degree in English makes me a little anal about proper grammar and sentence structure. Of course I was trying to get this thing up for a while, and it was something someone requested.

Anyway, thanks, as for the universe... If, and only if, you want to learn about it you might go read I See Pink. It's the beginning of this universe. Of course it's story line really wouldn't do much more than just set the basic idea about the world in general and the company.


4940812 I was wrong. Really wrong. This is a cool futuristic universe that you have going on, and in this case I really did judge a book by its cover. I read the first chapter of I See Pink, and I can't wait to read more. Seriously sorry about being a dick earlier didn't mean to come of like that it's just really annoying having people post stories and not even look them over. It's like I know we aren't Equestria Daily, but come on. Shit posting needs to be left to 4chan.

Also would Vogon Biotech be made up of brony scientists?


Well, without giving too much away I can say that Vogon is very pony oriented. I'm also going to suggest paying attention to how he checked out.

4941437 Damn more questions. But thanks for the hint I'll check it out.

4941437 One more thing. Idk if it's my screen or not but the first word of the story is still wrong. Instead of "Like" it's should be "Life" right?


It is. I thought I fixed it earlier, but it must not have saved. Looks like it worked this time though.

before i begin to read this story im curious about something what do you mean by giants like how big are they compared to a say regular sized person ,um lets say by using my height 5 foot 1 would they be a couple feet taller like 12 feet tall or bigger? please elaborate

4951557 50foot anthro Aged up CMC

Grabs Sweetie Belle because she's still available


Sweetie and Babs are still available. This story... isn't cannon. It was requested, and I don't mind doing it, but yeah... This isn't going into the cannon Vogonverse. I don't really want to have any of the Vogonverse ponies do some of the things that are being requested that the CMC do in this fic.

Not saying what, just don't want to have them do it.

4960084 Yeah, I was aware of that. Is Scootaloo still available?


She's still yours. And if you want to write a story over Sweetie as well the with the exception of Babs the CMC have been claimed. (Since Apple Bloom is with her sister and everything):pinkiehappy:

4962620 I was actually thinking of doing one story with both Scootaloo and Sweetie. It will be quite chaotic.

You should really include a link or something to whatever this is based on, as it is I have no idea what the hell is happening.

Will there be a second chapter

4976142 It's undergoing some heavy revisions. Originally I was going to post it on Saturday, but it just wasn't ready.

I can't wait till they start with the live meals!:pinkiehappy::heart:

What's a Custom Order? Will this affect my Babs story?

Babs are still available.

NOT ANYMORE! :pinkiecrazy:


Nope this is not cannon at all. If anything you can think of this as a parallel universe...

How much longer must I wait for more

5067465 it will be soon and I'm excited too.

I need so much more of this story! Where do I stuff my money?

Very nice set up. This should be a good series.

I knew the voice actors had all went on to do amazing things, but the characters were forever stuck as children.

The voice actors for the CMC are in collage or younger.

EDIT: Well, I guess that means they... nevermind. :rainbowlaugh:

There was a well of natural gas that I had piped up to the huge stove I had built. I led them into the house and they looked at it. Scootaloo saw the stove and grinned.

Well, it seems this is dead......fun while it lasted I guess.

When is the next chapter coming out?

When's Chapter 3

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