• Published 1st Sep 2014
  • 29,118 Views, 10,582 Comments

The Sparkle in his Eye - Tatsurou

Ratchet balances saving the galaxy with being the father to a purple alicorn foal. Adorable shenanigans and explosions ensue.

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Arsenal: Metropolis

As they came in for a landing on Planet Metropolis, the invasion had already begun. Tyhrranoids were racing around everywhere, and ships flew back and forth dog fighting. Explosions echoed nearby.

"It's already started," Ratchet said in shock. "We'd better stick together. Dr. Nefarious has gotta be around here somewhere...and I'm not losing anyone else. Stay close, Twilight."

"Yes, Daddy," Twilight replied, priming her weapons, along with a new one.

Ratchet glanced over. "That looks a bit like the Rynocerator."

"I made some tweaks," Twilight replied. "Instead of firing out all those energy beams to create an explosion, each energy beam now seeks out an individual target. It takes a bit to rev up before firing, but each beam should have a great deal of destructive capacity behind it." She leveled it towards the invasion force. "Lets see what this...RYNO IV can do, shall we?" She held down the trigger.

There was a brief, high pitched whine...and seconds later, half the weapon's ammo was depleted...along with half of the invasion force.

Twilight's eyes went wide, and she quickly hid the weapon behind her back. "Not sending these plans in to Gadgetron," she whimpered. "In fact, I'm going to destroy the prototype, split the holo-file of the plans into 13 pieces, and use a random scatter teleport spell to scatter the pieces throughout a completely different galaxy."

Ratchet stared. "...not a bad idea."

Elsewhere in Metropolis, Nefarious was staring at the vid screen in horror. "L-Lawrence?" he stammered.

"Fresh trousers, sir?" Lawrence offered nervously.

"Indeed," Nefarious replied. "And fire up the Bio-bliterator immediately...just as soon as she's destroyed that weapon and scattered the blueprints."

"Agreed, sir. That delay would be most wise. No need to give her a reason to keep it intact."

With so much of the invasion force obliterated, Ratchet and the others had a clear path through a good portion of the city. This gave Twilight plenty of time to obliterate the RYNO IV down to the subatomic level. It took her a bit longer, as she rode on Ratchet's shoulders, to set up the tele-scatter spell for the 13 segments of the plans...and to make sure that only all together would the plans allow anyone to reproduce the entire weapon with how she fragmented the data.

Once the plans were scattered and lost to the ether, Twilight sighed in relief, hopping back down to the ground. "Well, that's a load off my mind."

At that moment, a massive orange and grey sphere rose up to float above the city. "Is...is that the Bio-bliterator?" Ratchet asked.

"In all likelihood," Clank pointed out.

As it charged up, Ratchet quickly pulled the trio behind a wall as Twilight threw up a magical barrier. A wave of energy washed over the planet from the device, turning all organic beings it touched into machines. However, the wave wasn't able to penetrate Twilight's magic.

Staring out at what had happened - and at the large number of robo-Tyhrranoids now in their path - Ratchet swallowed convulsively. "Say, Twilight...out of curiosity, how long would it take you to recover those plans? Or rebuild it from scratch?"

"...about a year," Twilight offered worriedly.

"Kinda figured," Ratchet allowed. Sighing, he primed his weapons. "Well, let's see what we can-"

A wave of missiles blasted past him to obliterate several enemies.

Twilight hefted the RYNO II Ratchet had picked up in Bogon. "A bit low on ammo, but this still works."

Ratchet grinned. "Do you still have the original RYNO you used on our first adventure?"

Twilight shook her head, tossing the RYNO II to him. "Gadgetron confiscated it as being too dangerous to the wielder if misused," she replied. "Still, I've got plenty of other good weapons to use." Grinning, she pulled out her Flux Rifle. "This, for example, is especially useful from the air now that I've attached the inertial dampening mod to the stock." She then took to the air.

Ratchet grinned widely. "Let's go!"

Between the two weapons, very little was able to stand against them in their advance. The only difficulty each had was the limited ammo, but the pair did their best to be conservative. When Twilight ran out of ammo, she switched to her old standby of aerial dropping of bombs from her bomb glove, while using her lava gun to deal with aerial enemies. The lava that missed also happened to rain down on enemies below, so that was a plus.

When Ratchet ran out of RYNO II ammo, he switched to his new Qwack-O-Blitzer, which Twilight had received from Gadgetron for and upgraded during her Annihilation Nation rampage when delaying meeting with Courtney Gears. With a flaming bird flying around behind him and others exploding on the bad guys, Ratchet was easily able to advance, especially as it used no ammo. Twilight had given the weapon to him since she'd already managed to master a spell weave that created the same result.

Following the Bio-bliterator as it floated through the planet/city, the trio eventually reached Dr. Nefarious, who was on a hover train.

"Look Twilight, Clank!" Ratchet called out. "It's Dr. Nefarious!" He then gestured to Lawrence. "And that butler guy!" His gaze turned to a laser cage which - apparently - held another Clank. "And they've got Clank!" He glanced back at Clank. "They're...holding you prisoner. How about that?"

Twilight and Clank both let out a chuckle.

"I don't suppose there's any chance he's the duplicate?" Ratchet asked, pointing to the Clank in the cage.

Grinning, Twilight pulled out a remote and pressed a button. The eyes of the Clank in the cage went dark, and it fell to pieces.

"What?" Nefarious demanded in shock.

"I found your duplicate of Clank in Courtney Gears dressing room after I stunned her," Twilight explained. "After disabling it, I attached the transmitter that let you communicate with it to the real Clank, and put Courtney in her getaway vehicle with a remote Clank drone I'd had Derek Tovid make as Clank's stunt double, after messing with Courtney's internal chronometer so she didn't realize she'd been stunned." Grinning, she removed said transmitter from Clank, tossing it back to Nefarious.

"But...but that's straight out of episode 27, Double Agent Clank!" Nefarious shouted. "That's exactly what you did to sneak Clank into the Headquarters of the Deprogrammers of the Insomniac nega-verse! The forums laughed at me when I said it was realistic! They claimed no one would ever fall for something so obvious!" He scratched his chin. "I don't know whether to be tickled pink that I can now tell them it did work for real...or infuriated that it worked on me!"

Twilight merely smirked.

Nefarious glowered at them all. "I must say...Qwark did indeed choose well when he made you three his successors. I look forward to seeing just how far you will go...before you fall to me as he did!" As the Bio-bliterator passed overhead, Nefarious and Lawrence vanished in a teleportation beam. Twilight knew better than to try to hack this one.

Ratchet growled at the retreating ship. "Come on," he grunted. "Let's get back to the Phoenix and plan our next move."

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