• Published 16th Sep 2014
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Yaerfaerda - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury continue to fly east.

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Hello There, Desolation, My Only Friend

Rainbow Dash didn't know how long she had been awake. All she knew was pain.

She lay in the warm sun, her body bathed in sand and grit.

Eventually, after much stirring, she moved her limbs. Her legs and wings appeared to be intact. Fighting a stiff ache, she shuffled forward in the first direction she could. Only after tilting her head up did she notice Yaerfaerda, and she pivoted her weary figure in its direction.

She opened her eyes, spotting a dull sky of brown hues wafting overhead. Maybe it was evening... or morning. Maybe it didn't matter.

With a groan, Rainbow Dash reached back and fiddled through Arcanista's pack. She tried pulling out the canvas tent, but only fumbled ineffectually. At last, sighing, she simply yanked the blanket out and threw it over herself, collapsing back to the stone and lying dead still.

Night stretched over the Grand Choke like a dark ceiling.

Rainbow Dash started trotting an hour ago. She stumbled eastward, limping. Her hooves pulled her forward, but did little more to ease the passage. She winced from her bruises, wavering left and right.

She tilted her bleary eyes up. Something bright loomed in the sky, drowning out the stars with its light.

With a parched breath, Rainbow slithered to a stop. She sat in place, lungs heaving and muscles aching. Raising her hoof, she stroked her fetlock across her pendant. The lightning bolt glowed as she tilted her neck up, aiming it at the bright orb in the sky.

Moonlight glinted off the golden bands surrounding the Element. It brought a glittering shine to the center of the Choke.

Rainbow sat and sat some more.

Nothing happened.

She blinked. She ran her hoof over the pendant once more. The lighting bolt glowed, then dimmed.

All was silent, save for the howling winds blowing in and out of the narrow chasms all around her.

Rainbow Dash panted and panted. She lay back completely, spreading her limbs as she arched her body up, practically thrusting the pendant towards the sky.

All was empty and dead.

Rainbow squinted at the moon. She bit her lip, pondering that perhaps it hadn't completely waxed yet. So, with a shudder, she pressed onwards, shuffling east, though she hung her head the whole time.

Rainbow Dash sat on the edge of a canyon, squinting against the morning light. She held a Heaven's Slice to her muzzle, nibbling on it with dull motions of her teeth. Her eyes swam circles around the distant Yaerfaerda symbol.

Dirt and sand clung to her feathers, but she didn't make any attempt to shake the sediment loose.

She smelled like sweat and mud, but her canteen was half-full and her nostrils burnt around the edges. She continued sitting in place, anchored by her sighs and the dull taste of the Val Roan delicacy.

She considered inhaling some Nebulum, but changed her mind. She had to preserve her precious resources... although she was starting to wonder why.

It was night again.

Rainbow Dash sat on a cloud.

She held her breath, tilting her neck up at the bright moon in the sky.

Her pendant stopped glittering.

Panting for breath, she reached a hoof up and brushed it again.

The ruby bolt glowed, shone, and dimmed once more.

Rainbow cursed under her breath, giving the Element another brush.

All the while, the moon lingered above, cool and bright, reflecting the pegasus' tear-streaked cheeks.

Rainbow Dash glided east, her goggles reflecting the rising sun.

She clenched her jaw, watching as the etched canyons finally coalesced into large valleys and dipping ravines. And—just like that—the Grand Choke finally ceased being an immaculate plateau of untouched stone. The entire plain dissipated, replaced by craggy hills and jagged peaks of stone.

The horizon had become uneven. Everything was erratic and unpredictable. Rainbow's eyes caught multiple layers of geological strata—shimmering in the rising sunlight.

She was so concentrated on the jarring change to the landscape that she didn't notice she was descending. Suddenly, the mare saw the tops of small mountains slicing at her belly. She gasped, flapping her wings harder to ascend the summits.

She rose into the sky, but with great difficulty. Rainbow's sweaty brow furrowed as she flapped her wings harder. Perhaps it was her imagination, but it seemed as though it was taking twice as much effort to keep herself aloft.

She shuddered slightly, panting for breath. Clenching her jaw, she ascended high enough to throw her body into an easy glide, allowing the winds to carry her aloft as she scaled ravine after ravine, chasing Yaerfaerda.

Rainbow Dash tilted her head up.

The moon loomed in the sky once more.

Under the cool kiss of night, she held her breath and lifted herself up towards the clouds.

The ascent was slow and cumbersome. She nearly threw her lungs out with the sheer effort of flapping her wings. At last, however, she reached the clouds. Her eyes caught the misty beds glimmering in silver reflections of the lunar orb. Exhaling in relief, she touched down.

And her body plunged through the clouds.

Rainbow gasped, falling, flailing. She flapped her wings, angled herself out, and glided back to an even level.

The mare's heart pulsed through her neck and veins. Wincing, she flapped her wings again, pulling herself up onto another cloud bed. She touched down slowly this time, keeping her wings spread and her muscles poised.

Sure enough, as soon as her hooves made contact, they sank through the wispy material.

Rainbow's eyes narrowed. She levitated in place, swirling her fetlock through the cloud. The vaporous bits of water parted ways, dissipating upon her pegasus touch. Try as she might, she couldn't grip a single strip of the foggy material. It simply refused to obey her hoof motions.

Fidgeting, Rainbow chose instead to glide towards the nearest mountain summit. She landed awkwardly, but managed to keep from slipping downhill.

With a wheezing breath, she tilted her neck up, aiming her pendant at the moon once again. She swore it was the brightest she had seen the heavenly body in over a month.

And yet, as she stroked the ruby lightning pendant and activated it's glow, there was no connection whatsoever. No silver glow of enchantment. No ethereal voice rolling off her fuzzy earlobes.

Rainbow breathed heavily... and then she started to hyperventilate. She gnashed her teeth, rubbing the pendant harder and harder. For hours, she struggled to form a connection, hissing under her breath with each concentrated effort.

At last, with aching muscles, she gave up, slumping to the rock bed beneath her and trying to collect her thoughts.

It was no use. Her mind was racing a million miles per second. She darted her eyes between the moon, the desert, and Yaerfaerda.

She bit her lip, feeling a lump form in her throat. Exhausted and drained, she closed her eyes, but Yaerfaerda still haunted her.

Sniffling, the pegasus fought hot tears, and it was the effort alone that finally lulled her to sleep.

Rainbow Dash woke to a hissing noise.

The pony's first thought was of changelings... chaos dragons... quarry eels.

In a frantic burst, the mare awoke. She jerked to her hooves, staring fitfully across the dawn-drenched valleys of the Grand Choke.

The hissing continued, growing louder, sharper in pitch.

Panicking, the mare spun around.

The hissing was behind her now.

She twirled and looked east.

The hissing now came from the west.

Rainbow Dash's brow furrowed. Then, with a nervous breath, she turned to look at her packs.

Steam was venting out of Arcanista's satchel.

Rainbow's heart skipped a beat. Instantly, she stripped of her packs and squatted atop the jagged summit. She fumbled through Arcanista's bag, opening it up and pulling contents out. At last, she winced, eyes quivering.

The Heaven's Slices were dissolving at a rapid pace. One by one, they vented their enchanted essence, turning charcoal black until only five or four of them were left.

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