• Member Since 31st Oct, 2011
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Z -- Coming 2022


Applejack is struggling with her feelings for a certain speedy Pegasus but when she admits them Rainbow Dash is reminded of her school years where she was bullied. Can Applejack help Dash come to terms with her past and embrace who she is? or will Dash never recover from her minds slow slip into the past.
Cover art Done by: http://cosmicwaltz.deviantart.com/ Please check him out!
The fifth chapter is now remastered with grammatical and spelling fixes, enjoy!

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 78 )


Jokes aside, a seriously sad story(:fluttercry:) that I enjoyed.

brohug man. brohug.

21645 I'm glad that you enjoyed it. :yay:

21646 right back at ya bro :heart:

very good story but i would have had a part where Rainbow met with her parents and talked with them in a emotional moment, I also would have had Rainbow finds Skyfire and they have an emotional moment but thats just me, maybe that will come up in CSaDL I don't know, still it was a very good story thank you for writing it.

21748 Well I'm glad you liked it! As for rainbow meeting her parents and skyfire, I'm sure they will come up at some point in CSaDL ;)

Cause I just need to find everyone EVERYWHERE! Gah, seriously, too many places to track xD

Sir, :moustache:
Your life is on the raise again, treasure it and make the most of it!

Nice story btw:twilightsmile:

22501 I plan to! And thank you very much :yay::rainbowkiss:

21848 cool can't wait till it comes out.

So this story was very good and i look forward to the next one. i would also like to say it was brave of you IMO to share your own story i know what its like to be bullied and feel like there is nothing good in this world ,i will also admit i didnt have to go through nearly as much as you did. Its nice to hear what you have done to pull your own life around. so stay strong and keep up the good work in life and in your writing.

25589 Thank you. Yeah I was hesitant about posting my personal story, but decided that it would be better to get it off my chest.

I'm pretty sure bullying affects everyone in this day and age, it's sad to say.

I plan to!

I already read this story on deviantart, but I wanted to leave a comment here.

I really enjoyed this story from start to finish. In way your story is kind of comes across as the Appledash version of The Party Never Ended. Now I'm not saying that your story is the same (in fact outside of few things your story is quite different), I'm just saying how much your story reminded of that one, which was one of my favorite shipping fics for awhile.

The only thing that kind of bugged me was. . . what exactly happened to Rainbow Dash at the beginning? I mean, I understand that she feel into a dream state after her memories began coming back to her, but why? Do all ponies enter dream comas when confronted with childhood trauma and conflicting emotions in this universe? Is it because of her status as a bearer of an element of harmony? Is it secretly a plot point for your next fic?!Theses are answers i must have!:twilightangry2::pinkiehappy:

In all seriousness though the story was so good that I was able to ignore that little plothole. I look forward to the sequel, and any future endeavors. :twilightsmile:

33591 Yeah I can see where you get that connection, only my story is nowhere near as good as TPNE.

That is a very great question which I do have an answer to! Well I had that scene planned out, but for some reason I didn't write it. I know what happened, but since I didn't write it you guys don't. I will however make that scene and put it in, just because you reminded me of that, because as I look back at it now I realize, yeah wow that is a big gap of what the hell just happened to her type thing.

Well I'm glad you found it that good, the first part of the sequel is up if you haven't seen it yet, check it out!

Thanks for the feedback!

This is the 2nd story that has been pretty much inspired by the author's past.
The only other one had Octavia, Lyra and Bon Bon with it, Octavia being used as a sorta Author's persona to convey emotion.
Aye, I had some traumatic moments in my life, but none compared to yours.


I know some people who have gone through the same thing, Its tough to swallow when someone you were hanging out with and talking with one morning, has tried to kill herself the next. I never see her anymore, becuase she doesn't remember who I am. the attempt left her with amnesia, i decided that it would be best if I didnt see her anymore, so she wouldn't have to remember wha happened.

But, i really enjoyed the story. ponies really changed my life too.

I use this a lot but... F*yay*ing BEAUTIFUL!! Btw I used to be bullied and teased as well... One time I tried to suffocate myself with a blanket... Didn't work. But honestly, I think I should thank my bullies... They were unrelenting but they taught me to be silly and myself, and the lest I cared about what they said, the more they gave up. I remember one time, in grade 5 I had two bullies on me, a girl and a boy, and the girl was not only teasing me but was insultingly father as well, saying he was a mutant and that HE was the one pregnant with me, and that the doctors had to proceed with a scissarian to get me out. What a stupid insult!! But it got to me nontheless, and probably the best thing happened, the boy bully told her to stop... Saying that I had had enough... Simply amazing... That just taught me that not all people are as terrible as they are most of the time, that there is still some goodness in their hearts... Hmmm...

Dear Princess Celestia...[\i]:twilightsmile:

Fking iPhone...
Insulting my father**

Well would you look at that, I'm surprised that you actually corrected some of it. Must have taken slot of time from your hands. I'll be sure to re-read it!

Cough for the 5th time cough.


i never imagined aj as a crybaby

she is more likely to get really depressed (:ajsleepy:) like this

so itsted of sobbing, she would whisper, so be like "derp-a-derp" aj said gumly. as opposed to 'broke down sobbing'

my point being aj dosnt sob

she sheds a single tear then moves on

Applejack collapsed, sobbing heavily. She would stay that way until she drifted into another dreamless sleep.

ahm tellen u bro

aj dont sob

40546 oh my that's so sad, I'm sorry for you and her. :fluttercry:

I never comment on fics, but I just had to for this one! This was the first one I've read that actually moved me to tears and gave me some legit heartache...at some point during Chapter 5, I had to go take a walk, I couldn't even handle it, haha. So, needless to say, totally awesome job. Definitely one of my all-time favorites ever, thank you so much for writing it. :heart:

41000 and thank you for the awesome comment!

Well then fuck you lol :twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2:

Great story. I managed to read it in four hours and loved every word of it. I'm so sorry that so many of the people in the comments section have been bullied and wish I had some magic spell to give someone a hug through the internet.

Amazing and very well written story, I liked the Angle of AJ exploring Rainbow's psyche ^_^ and glad that it was NM who had been giving those puzzles. I thought those where an excellent touch ^_^. I have also had to deal with lots of random abuse, but mostly because of my beliefs and small geeky stature. Though I got passed it by having fun ticking the bullies off. I have always felt I was a better person for not fighting back. Not stooping to their level. When I got angry, I didn't take it out on anyone. I played Dynasty warriors... LOLZ. I'm also glad to hear your continuing the story ^^ Please let me know when you start that one up ^_^.

41370 I already posted the first chapter to the new story here on fimfic, you can find it under my profile. "Cloudy Skies and Distant Lands"


I feel strangely happy :rainbowkiss:

OH LUNA I CAN'T STOP CRYING :applecry: :fluttercry: :pinkiesad2: :raritycry: :raritydespair: :fluttershysad:

I told a girl that I watched mlp and I'm a brony she thought I was a creep she was the friend in my life everyone else just ignored me but I showed her this fix she's my gf but my life is like yours but no friends just a gf we live in different houses but still you and mlp showed me a lot about life so I thank you so Mitch your the one who got me on track and showed me never give up so you changed my life forever and again thank you for helping me out of depression and all of your problems :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::raritywink::raritywink::heart::heart::heart:

I told a girl that I watched mlp and I'm a brony she thought I was a creep she was the friend in my life everyone else just ignored me but I showed her this fix she's my gf but my life is like yours but no friends just a gf we live in different houses but still you and mlp showed me a lot about life so I thank you so Mitch your the one who got me on track and showed me never give up so you changed my life forever and again thank you for helping me out of depression and all of your problems :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::raritywink::raritywink::heart::heart::heart:

I was a bit rushed at first so i had to rush through chapters...or tried to unsucessfuly. But anyway it's a good story and i like your personal story. Me..well my story... When i was younger i was bullied a lot as well. I think cause people thought it was fun, cause i'd always react and was weak at holding tears.:fluttershyouch: i used to have friends, all female (I was in like..3rd or 4th grade so it was before guys started to like girls in that way) I even had one very good friend named heather, she wasn't the slimist around but she was nice. I lost all my firends as i moved schools, but i didn;t care then... and truth be told never did even to this day. I'm a lone wolf, and don't care what others think... least not anymore. But anyway, I was bullied alot in schooled, and i hated it all. I was picked on for being weaker and diffrent...ugh... i'm geting irrataed just remembering it all...i was hit, mocked, made fun of... they never stoped. And i had no one to tell it to.

My faimily comes from mexico, yet i was well raised in the USA, and infact hate mexico and truth be told don't even like religion... least not the one we have. HOwever my parents never got that, so i could never express myself. They say if you got nothing anyone wants to hear, leave it unsaid. That's what i did... i was mute and could....can never really express my true self. i have had times where i wanted to kill myself.. but never did cause i didn't have a good enouh reason. I tried to choke myself once... still managed to breath no mater how tight my grip was.(Though i'm not sure if i was tring to kill myself there since that would only make me pass out)

Later in 9th grade... i just closed myself up. I responded to nothing and let nothing get to me. It worked, people stoped bulliing me soon enough... and things got better... but, i never really got a true friend, least in real life. No one in real life understands me, cause i'm diffrent in ways you can hardly imagine; nameing just a few examples I hate rap, i find porn revolting, and i like things that poeople would mock me on,(least at school) and i plan to stay who i am no matter what others say or think, and refuse to stick my head up my @$$ just to be concerted an adult in socity or be be like others, espicaly ones i don't care about.

I have had friends only in internet.. mostly, i have friends in real life, but we onlt hang out, i could never discuss my fellings. I've felt the sharp pain of betrayal...and since 9ih grade i spend most time learning and looking at life more posatively, but now that i think of it... i rarly noticed how lonely i am...

I never notice bulling in my school, only people just joking about sex in their usural dumb maner. Corse just cause i see no one being bullied doesn't mean it's great... those who are diffrent are left out and no one cares about them(look at this thing! It's so GAY. {you know what did gay people ever do to you anyway?} Huh?). I became hardened and used to it(Lone wolf again, it even says it on my horoscope, wich is a pitty, it also says my types are greatt friend to those who open up to us), but still... I always wanted to make the world a better place. I never got the amusement of making other suffer..in fact when i hear of others suffering i have to close myself just to stay solid like i must. I even wrotte writtings of how i wanted people to change people ...here's one of the two http://soriokink.deviantart.com/art/Unjust-Emotion-256985296

But yeah i think i've rambled on a bit to long... all in all great story, and i'm sorry to hear about what happened to you before, i'm sure many people can relate

40688 maybe she's so deeply in love she can't stop crying she feels emotional herself
(even though that's not norm for her)

dude, you and your great stories. one guy sayd you also wrote 'black and white', which if thats true, youre amazing. i read that and it inspired me to write my first fanfic. that might not be very impressive, but im still thankful cause i havent written in so long.. and i missed it. :P so thanks :pinkiehappy:

I normally steer clear of sad fics but this involves 2 of my most favorite pony's :ajsmug: :rainbowdetermined2: so i must read it but can i get a hint saying that will this be able to make me shed tears? (P.S. i literally started sobbing when reading "My Little Dashie" what i am a softie when it comes to this kind of stuff :fluttercry: )

43131 well if you are a softie there is a high chance of shedding tears.

I can tell you've never been close to losing somebody you truly loved.
Doesn't matter who you are or how you act, you're going to cry.

just finished your stoy, amazing :pinkiehappy: i cant wait for CSaDL :twilightsmile:

43496 Thanks, I have the first chapter of it posted here! head over to my page and give it a view!

Great story, I'm looking forward to reading the sequel. :ajsmug::rainbowkiss:

As for the story of your life: All of my brohoofs! It's great that your life is turning around for the better :yay::pinkiehappy:

43731 Thanks, I am working on the sequel right now. The first chapter is already up here!

Thanks man, things are looking much better now!

Many feels bro. ::brohoof:: Great story! :pinkiehappy:

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