• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 9,370 Views, 479 Comments

Metal Gear Spark: Peace Zero - GreenS21

Metal Gear Solid crossover. Princess Twilight returns to Equestria after vanishing, but what story does she have to tell?

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Déjà Vu Mission

Shining Armor stood at the railing on the Crystal Palace balcony, his right hoof resting on top of the railing as he stared up at the night sky. He remained silent as he looked at the stars above, seemingly not hearing the hoofsteps approaching him from behind. A pink alicorn soon stood at his side, her head turned to look at the white unicorn for several moments before turning to look at the crystal ponies down below, some of them heading home for the night while others weren’t as quick, either finishing up whatever they had left to do or planning to stay out for a little while longer.

Princess Cadance turned her attention to the night sky and looked at it for a few moments before she and asked, “Beautiful night, isn’t it, Shining?”

The white unicorn was startled out of his thoughts by his wife’s voice, but he brought his right hoof down and turned his head to look at her, saying, “Yeah. Luna’s done a great job as usual.” He then turned his head forward, looking off into the distance.

The royal couple shared a moment of silence before Cadance turned her head to look at him and asked, “You’re thinking about Twilight too, aren’t you?”

Shining nodded, “I… Yes. It’s been a week since Princess Celestia sent us that letter saying she’s been found and is in the hospital.” The worry was apparent in his voice as he went on, “Why haven’t we heard anything since? What happened to Twiley that’s caused her to be bedridden and unconscious for a week?” He looked down sadly, “What if… what if she never wakes up?”

Cadance placed a hoof under his chin and turned him slightly hard to look at her. “Don’t say that. You know what sorts of things she’s gone through since she moved to Ponyville. Yes, there are some things she probably should have never had to deal with, but they’ve made her stronger. She WILL wake up, and I’m sure we’ll be receiving word from Aunt Celestia soon.”

As Cadance let her hoof drop, Shining replied, “I know all that, and I do have faith in Twilight. But…” He looked down and off to the side, “What Princess Celestia mentioned in her letter, about Twilight’s injuries… She’s been through some crazy stuff for sure, but this sounds serious. Way worse than anything she’s described. We have no idea what she’s been through in one month.”

Cadance sighed softly and said, “That’s true. Even when she first moved to Ponyville and then started learning how to fly, she never seemed to get as badly hurt as Celestia described. Still, she’s back with us, and until we receive word otherwise, we can assume she’s still unconscious but doing well. I’m sure her friends are just as worried, and I’ll bet Fluttershy has written to Discord about Twilight.”

At the draconequus’ name, Shining Armor scowled, “If she did, I wouldn’t be surprised if he burned it or did something ridiculous with it. When Twilight wakes up, he’d better not show his face at that hospital.”

Cadance looked at him with concern, “Shining, I’m sure he regrets believing Tirek and helping him, and based on what Twilight’s friends said, he gave Twilight the final key to the chest from the Tree of Harmony. I’m sure he’s just as worried about how Twilight is doing as the rest of us are.”

Shining grunted, “He can tell me whatever he wants. He’s still not getting close to Twilight anytime soon.”

Cadance said, “You’ve been moping and moody about this ever since Twilight disappeared, Shining Armor. Are you ever going to let bygones be bygones?”

Shining answered, “Only if Twilight says she forgives him, and even then it won’t be right away. I’m glad he helped stop Tirek in his own way, but Twilight has still been missing for a month partly because of him. Based on what you said, she was hurt pretty bad by his betrayal as well, and I’m not going to let that go easily.”

Cadance sighed and shook her head before saying, “The advisors say there’s nothing left to take care of for today. Why don’t we just turn in for the night? If Twilight does wake up tomorrow, we should be on the first train to Canterlot.” Shining Armor nodded and the royal couple walked back into the palace, heading for their royal chamber.

As they walked, Shining asked, “Are you sure we’ll be able to leave for a few days or more? The crystal ponies will be able to handle everything without us?”

Cadance replied, “I’ve made sure that the schedule is clear and that the Crystal Heart will protect the Crystal Empire while we’re away, and the crystal bard has agreed to keep an eye on Lex and the other palace staff. I think we can manage a short vacation from being rulers.”

Shining Armor nodded, “Okay.”

Cadance could sense his returning apprehension and said, “Shining, don’t worry so much about Twilight. She’ll be fine.”

The white unicorn was silent for a moment before saying, “I want to believe that. But what Princess Celestia mentioned in her letter about Twilight’s injuries… What could she have been doing? Twiley’s been a lot of things: a monster tracker, a magic student, a savior of Equestria, but what Celestia mentioned sounded like something a soldier might go through. And aside from occasionally being curious about what I was studying when she was a filly, I’m pretty sure Twilight has never been a soldier.”


Twilight Sparkle breathed through her nose softly as she used her forelegs to crawl through the grass around her, slowly making her way towards the city of Canterlot under the cover of night. She was clad in her sneaking suit, both her and her suit looking to be in perfect condition, no burns or tears at all. She was wearing a pair of goggles in front of her eyes that immediately brought to mind Pinkie Pie’s night-vision goggles (except Twilight’s pair only had one tube on the front) and a pair of saddlebags that had a third bag on the alicorn’s back, above which was a holster containing a sharp knife. Though not visible at the moment, there were several pouches on her front that were dragging across the ground as she crawled. Her tail poked out of a hole in the rump of her suit and her wings poked out of a pair of holes on the suit's back, but the latter were folded tightly at her sides.

After crawling for a short distance, Twilight came to a stop, remaining on her stomach as she took a moment to situate herself. She then raised her right hoof to her ear and spoke, “I’m in front of the city.”

A voice that was distinctly male soon answered back, “Excellent, Twilight. Looks all that training is starting to pay off.”

Twilight raised herself up a second later, sitting on her haunches and lifting her head up to look at Canterlot. She then raised her left hoof to her goggles and moved them up, revealing her amethyst eyes. “Kept you waiting, huh?” she remarked before flicking the goggles back off of her head, using her magic to drop them into her middle bag. She then stood up and focused her gaze on the city, now moving on hoof towards the nearby buildings.

As she pressed herself against the wall of one of them, the voice came through her ear again, “Twilight, I’ve uploaded some photos to your iDroid. Take a good look at them. The mission here is to find the locations shown and recreate the moments they depict.”

Twilight nodded and reached into one of the pouches on the front of her sneaking suit, pulling out a device that looked like a walkie-talkie a moment later. Using her left hoof to support it, she clicked a button on the upper-right corner with her right hoof, the device lighting up and projecting a screen in front of her. She scrolled through it for a second until she found the aforementioned photos, looking at them carefully as she flipped through them. “A lone statue… A lone book under a tree… A ruined ballroom… A giant hourglass and a library… A hidden athenaeum… A mysterious mirror, and… huh? The last photo is blurry…” she murmured.

“Hmm… There must’ve been a lot of movement when that one was taken. You’ll have to figure out what was going on in that photo to recreate the memory,” the voice said.

“Understood,” Twilight replied before putting her iDroid away.

The voice said, “As usual, this is a solo sneaking mission. Weapons and equipment OSP. This is a top-secret black op. I’ll let you decide the best COA. We’re counting on you, Twilight.”

Twilight nodded and, turning her attention to the nearby street, said, “Commencing déjà vu mission… now.”


Spike sighed sadly to himself as he sat on the sill of one of the windows on the ground floor of Fluttershy’s cottage, resting his head in the his claws as he stared out at Ponyville in the distance, more specifically at the crystal castle/tree near the town’s edge. After Twilight disappeared, Fluttershy had taken him in, unable to bear the thought of the baby dragon living all by himself. It was a good thing she did, since Spike didn’t know what he would do otherwise. He’d seen the flag that was waving from that castle; he knew who it was supposed to belong to, and he didn’t think he would be able to handle living by himself with that reminder every day.

Unnoticed by the dragon, Fluttershy was rounding up the last of her little critters, ushering them into the homes she had made for them and cooing them to sleep. Once she was finished, the shy pegasus noticed Spike sitting at the window and walked up behind him. She was quiet for several seconds before placing her left wing on his back him. Spike was startled by this action, but was calmed when Fluttershy withdrew the wing and whispered, “Come on, Spike. It’s time for bed for us too.”

Spike looked at her quietly for a moment before looking back out the window and asking, “When is Twilight going to wake up, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy admitted, “I don’t know, Spike. Soon, I hope. I really want to see her again. You do too, don’t you?”

Spike said, “I want to go see her right now! Even if she is unconscious, why can’t we just go see her for ourselves?”

Fluttershy answered, “I… I don’t know, Spike. But I’m sure it’s because we’re all very busy, the Princesses and Shining Armor especially. For us, we can’t… it wouldn’t be practical to have to go back and forth between Canterlot and Ponyville every day. I’m sure Princess Celestia wants to make sure we’re able to spend as much time with Twilight when she wakes up as possible; I think that’s why she said she wants us all to make sure that we’re able to leave Ponyville for a while so that, well… trouble doesn’t come up.”

Spike sighed as turned his head to look out the window again. “I just… want to know for sure that she’s really back. We haven’t had a lot of them, but we’ve come across ponies who claimed they’d seen her, only for it to lead to a dead end. I know it’s been one month, but it still feels like we’ve been searching forever. And I trust Princess Celestia when she says that Twilight has been found, but…” He trailed off as his gaze turned downwards.

Fluttershy extended her wing again and held it close to him before saying, “I know, Spike. After all this time, you just want to see that she’s back. So let’s go to bed; if Princess Celestia sends a letter tomorrow, you don’t want to have your sleep disturbed by it.” Spike was sure that if the Princess did send a letter, sleep would be the last thing on his mind at that moment, but he wasn’t going to argue with Fluttershy. So he stood up and hopped down from the window sill, following Fluttershy as she went up the stairs.

Upstairs, Fluttershy tucked Spike into his new basket with his new blanket, both of which she had bought, before climbing into her own bed. While she got comfortable under her own blanket, Spike thought for a moment before saying, “I wonder what Twilight’s been up to this last month. Aside from looking for her, we really haven’t done a lot; even the Cutie Mark Crusaders have managed to stay out of trouble.”

Fluttershy nodded, “It seems like we’re always able to get into something when things are calm.”

Spike nodded and rolled over onto his side, murmuring as he started to settle down, “Yeah. Like the whole Future Twilight and sneaking into Canterlot thing. That was wild…”


Twilight was sneaking through the dimly lit streets of Canterlot, her iDroid held aloft by her magic close to her head. She occasionally glanced at it, quickly flipping through the pictures before looking up and looking around again. So far, she hadn’t been able to recreate any of the ‘memories’ show in the photos. She also hadn’t seen a lot of guards on patrol, which was strange because the report from the Intel Team indicated there were plenty of patrols tonight.

She soon came across a park, and as she got closer, she spotted a unicorn guard approaching. She flinched and quickly looked around, trying to find a place to hide. She soon spotted a nearby statue that looked like it had enough space on its base for a pony to stand on. She quickly ran over and hopped on it, slipping her iDroid back into its pouch and taking one last look at the guard before muttering, “I hope this works…” She then struck a pose, holding still as best she could.

The guard soon walked past, and as he did, something was triggered in Twilight’s brain. An image appeared in her mind’s eye, showing a similar scene, except she was wearing a tight-fitting black suit and an eyepatch over her right eye, and she had a bandage wrapped around her forehead. She also saw a baby dragon and a pink pony wearing similar suits also striking poses. They seemed familiar…

After the guard passed by, Twilight relaxed and, while thinking about what she just witnessed, muttered, “What…?”

The voice from earlier suddenly crackled in her ear, “Just what I’d expect from Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight asked, “Was that…?”

The voice answered, “Yes. You recreated a memory. You only needed to recreate one, so I’m marking the goal on your map. If you want to search around and try to recreate the other memories as well, that’s up to you.” Twilight thought for a moment before looking towards the nearby park, memories starting to stir up within her. Pulling her iDroid back out, she checked the map to confirm her location before putting the device away and continuing on into the park.

As she made her way past the trees in the park, Twilight had to watch her step, as unicorn guards with lights coming from their horns were patrolling the area. When she got close to the center of the park, she spotted something underneath a tree. It was hard to tell exactly from where she was, but it looked like a book. A very familiar book…

Looking around, the alicorn saw two guards patrolling the area around the tree, their searchlights occasionally falling on it. After taking a moment to look at her iDroid to make sure the guards she had marked earlier were keeping to their routes, Twilight looked back at the pair of guards near the tree, watching their patrol carefully. When she saw an opening where it looked like she would have enough time to retrieve the book, she took it, running towards the tree and slowing to a stop as she got close to the tree, grabbing the book with her hooves.

As she touched it, a wave of nostalgia washed over her, an image of her reading the very same book and learning that the return of a being sealed away a thousand years ago was nigh coming to her. She remained still for several moments before shaking her head and murmuring, “I can’t quite remember…”

She heard the voice in her ear again, “That’s another memory recreated. Nice work!” It snapped her back to reality and, upon seeing the guards coming back, she quickly slipped the book into her left saddlebag before sneaking towards one of the guards, slipping past him by going behind him.

After sneaking out of the park, Twilight found the castle building containing the Star Swirl the Bearded Wing, where she found the hourglass that was in one of the photos, triggering a memory of being in the same wing and frantically trying to find something. After leaving the wing, she decided to head back to the Canterlot streets and head to the castle to search. On her way, she came across patrols in the street and managed to evade with a complicated series of moves and teleportations, causing her to remember singing a song while doing a similar series of moves and magic, which, according to her iDroid, was the scene in the blurry photo.

Arriving at the castle, she found the front entrance heavily guarded and, after checking her map, decided to sneak in through the castle gardens, keeping low and sneaking amongst the plants to avoid being seen. She soon reached what looked like an alternate entrance to the castle, though there was no cover between where she was and the doors. After thoroughly checking to make sure she could make it, she leapt out of the bushes and ran as fast as she could towards the large wooden doors, using her magic to open them.

Inside, she found what looked like the castle ballroom and felt something in the back of her mind. It almost looked familiar… She looked towards one of the large statues atop a nearby pedestal and felt an urge to knock it over. Taking a moment to think it through, she ran over to it and, turning around and raising her back legs, bucked the pedestal as hard as she could. It did the trick as the statue began to wobble from the impact and soon fell off the pedestal, creating a big mess that triggered a memory of the same ballroom being wrecked in Twilight’s mind.

“Yes!” she whispered.

“Yes! You’ve recreated another memory!” the voice praised her. Twilight didn’t have time to revel in the moment however, as the sound of the statue falling caught the attention of guards both outside and inside the castle, all of them coming to investigate. Twilight spread her wings and took off, flying into one of the castle’s hallways and silently cursing the fact that she did not have an essential piece of sneaking equipment with her, seriously hoping that the guards wouldn’t look up as she flew.

Luck seemed to be on Twilight’s side, as she managed to avoid detection and find a safe place to land. Soon afterwards, she came across a large pair of metallic doors leading down into what seemed like a cavern carved out of Canterlot’s mountainside. Twilight didn’t need to search the cave long before she found a sign that directed her to the athenaeum she was looking for, the library full of not only books but also valuables from other worlds.

Thanks to the memory that was triggered by the athenaeum’s discovery, she found a slide hidden behind a sliding wall panel and used it to get back into the castle proper. From there, the throne room was a hop, skip, and a jump away, where she found the mysterious mirror in the final photo, the reflection of a familiar-looking unicorn appearing on the reflective surface for a moment as she stared at it and remembered what was on the other side of it.

As Twilight stared at her reflection in the mirror and processed everything she had seen, the voice spoke to her again, “Great – you recreated every memory. Now head for the goal. You can check its location on your iDroid.” Snapping back to the present, Twilight moved around the mirror and went over to the wall next to the throne room’s doors, pressing against it before pulling out her iDroid to check the map. After determining that the goal was located in a nearby tower, she put the device away and left the throne room to make her way to the tower.

After some more sneaking across the castle grounds, Twilight reached the tower and headed inside, finding a winding staircase inside and walking up the steps to the top. There, she found herself in a library, books lining every shelf. As she stood there looking around, the voice spoke to her again, “Home sweet home, huh? For your sake, I hope it lasts. Just remember: you can erase the markings, but the memories will always be with you. They’ll live on inside of you…”

Twilight was confused by this and asked, “Miller… what are you saying? Your voice sounds a little different; are you feeling all right?” Suddenly, she noticed that the library seemed to be getting darker, the books, walls, windows, and even floor soon disappearing under a layer of black. “Miller, what’s going on? Why is everything getting dark here? …Miller, are you there? Miller?!” Twilight began to look around frantically, a sense of dread growing within her. Suddenly, a light began to shine above and she looked up at it, the light coming closer as she stared. She shut her eyes as it came close enough to envelope her completely…


A prolonged groan escaped Twilight’s mouth as she slowly opened her eyes. Her vision was blurry, but she was able to see the ceiling above her. She blinked several times, having no idea that she’d had a bandage wrapped around her eyes or that they were still tinted red. Attempting to move her legs only caused spikes of pain to shoot up them, but she was able to move her head, so she looked around the room as best she could.

Is this a… hospital room?” she thought to herself as she looked around, seeing cabinets over a counter in the corner of the room across from her and a storage cabinet in the other corner. Suddenly, she heard a door opening to her left and turned her head to look. A pink unicorn was coming into the room, a nurse Twilight guessed from the hat she wore. She was pushing a cart into the room, turning it a bit so she could stop it at the foot of Twilight’s bed. “Uh… hello?” Twilight softly asked when the nurse let go of the cart, the alicorn’s voice sounding raspy like she had a terrible cold.

The unicorn was startled by the question, but she calmed slightly when she saw it came from Twilight, though she was shocked again when she realized this. “P-Princess Twilight! I’m sorry, I… I didn’t know you were up. I’m sorry if I awoke you,” the nurse apologized.

“No, I was… already up. That’s okay,” Twilight replied. She tried to sit up, but she let out a sharp exclamation of pain from this action and fell back again.

The nurse gasped and moved to her side, using her magic to fix the bed and Twilight’s position as she said, “Please, Princess Twilight, you must try to stay still! You have to heal!”

Twilight groaned, “Ugh… sorry.” Once she was in a comfortable position again and her body stopped screaming at her, she asked, “Where am I?”

The nurse replied, “You’re in the hospital in Canterlot, Your Highness. Princess Celestia’s guards brought you here when they found you. You were in a terrible state when they brought you in; you woke up once in the operating room, but until now, you’ve been unconscious.”

Twilight looked at her and asked, “How long have I been… unconscious?”

The nurse hesitated for a moment before answering, “You’ve been here for… about a week, Your Highness.”

Twilight’s eyes opened wider in shock at this, but she wasn’t able to express her shock as she only rasped out, “A week? Oh… uh…”

The nurse became concerned when she started coughing and, when she stopped for a moment, asked, “Is there anything I can get you, Your Highness?”

Twilight let out a grunt and said, “My throat feels like it’s on fire. Can I have some water, please?” The nurse nodded, using her magic to grab a glass off the top of her cart and taking it over to the sink, filling it with water. She then brought it over to Twilight and helped her drink it slowly. She went back to the sink for water several more times before Twilight uttered, “Thank you… Much better…”

The nurse replied, “I’m glad to hear that, Princess. I was coming in to put fresh bandages around your eyes, but your eyes look better, so maybe that won’t be necessary now. I have to let the doctor know and he’ll decide.”

Twilight nodded, “Okay.”

The nurse asked, “Can I get you anything else, Princess?” Twilight shook her head, so the nurse said, “Try to get some sleep, then. I’m sure you’re very tired right now.”

Twilight groaned, “Definitely…”

The nurse went around to the other side of the cart; as she was about to start pushing it out of the room, she remembered something and turned back to Twilight, saying, “I just remembered. Princess Celestia wanted to be informed right away when you regained consciousness. Is it all right if the doctor tells her?”

Twilight thought for a moment before saying, “Yeah, that’s fine.” The nurse nodded and started pushing the cart towards the door while Twilight relaxed her head on her pillow, sinking into it. The nurse looked back at her one last time to make sure she was all right before quietly shutting the door behind her, leaving the young alicorn alone.

As she sank back into the world of dreams, Twilight heard a familiar-sounding voice say, “Not yet, Twilight! It’s not over yet!

Despite the more comfortable position she was in and the blanket covering her on the outside, Twilight unconsciously shivered at that.

Author's Note:

Well, enough people have asked for it, so here you go, guys! I'm changing this story's status to "In-Progress" and I'm going to continue it. I've still got a lot of other stories to update, but this story will continue.

Anyway, about this chapter. As you can guess from the title, this chapter is a reference to the Déjà Vu Mission from "Ground Zeroes". The reason for all the italics is because the entire mission takes place in Twilight's subconscious. As for the reasoning behind it... well, in addition to the injuries mentioned in the previous chapter, Twilight has also suffered blunt force trauma, especially to the head, so when it became clear that she was going to be waking up soon, her mind created this mission to help her recover her memories so she wouldn't wake up with amnesia. For anyone wondering, I was thinking of "Psychonauts" and "Earthworm Jim 3D" when I was writing this chapter.

Since "Ground Zeroes" recreated moments from the original "Metal Gear Solid", here are the moments recreated in this chapter:

"A lone statue" - Twilight, Spike, and Pinkie posing as statues to avoid being detected in "It's About Time"

"A lone book under a tree" - Twilight reading about the legend of Nightmare Moon at the beginning of the first part of the pilot

"A ruined ballroom" - The ballroom of the Canterlot Castle after Twilight's friends ruin the Grand Galloping Gala in "The Best Night Ever"

"A giant hourglass and a library" - As mentioned, the Star Swirl the Bearded Wing as shown in "It's About Time"

"A hidden athenaeum" - Star Swirl the Bearded's hidden personal library as shown in the "Reflections" arc in the comics

"A mysterious mirror" - The mirror from "Equestria Girls", back in the throne room in Canterlot Castle

"Blurry photo" - Part of the "I Wasn't Prepared" song sequence from the first part of "The Crystal Empire"

Also, the goal is located in the castle tower Twilight went to in the first part of the pilot after reading about Nightmare Moon.

I admit I was watching one of the trailers for "The Phantom Pain" when I wrote the ending sequence in the hospital.

I can't say when the next chapter will be written, but I'll try to do it soon. Next chapter will have the other characters coming to see Twilight and her starting her story!