• Published 24th Sep 2014
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The Witching Hour - Chaos is Change - Chaotic Ink

Part 2 of The Witching Hour. Midnight's been in Ponyville for a year and been through a lot already. But, honestly, she and her friends haven't seen anything yet.

  • ...

Ch.15 - There is Another


The sound of the alarm clock's switch being turned to “off” was barely audible but it still made Midnight wince. She knew it was becoming a bad habit and Sapphire was going to get mad at her but she just couldn't help it; cuddling in bed with Sapphire was her new favorite thing in the world. Her closeness, her scent, the knowledge that she wanted to be there with her, it all combined into the best feeling Midnight had ever felt. That and waking up to Sapphire’s bed head every morning. Priceless.

As she settled back down around her marefriend, gently tucking her wing back around her and considering what to make for breakfast, the carefully worked silence was broken by a loud *POP* as a scroll magically appeared on the night stand.

Sapphire jumped and Midnight groaned and buried her face into a pillow. So much for another hour of bliss.

“Wha… what happened?” Sapphire asked, looking around.

“Scroll,” Midnight whined through the pillow, pointing with her wing claw.

Turning to the night stand, Sapphire saw the offending scroll and the royal seal keeping it closed. “It’s from the princess,” she noted as she picked it up.

“Which one?” Midnight growled. ‘I wonder if Twilight is strong enough to move a celestial body?

“Both of them, actually,” Sapphire told her as she scanned the letter.

Okay, well, she's good at organization; she can get two groups of unicorns together without too many problems.’

“They want to see you at the castle as soon as possible,” Sapphire said, turning the scroll to show her.

“Ten it is then.”

“Midnight,” Sapphire warned.

“But Sapphire!” Whined the kirin as she groped at the pegasus, trying to pull her back under the covers.

Avoiding the searching limbs, Sapphire got out of bed. “As a captain you need to go when the princesses need you,” she said firmly. Then she looked at the alarm clock. “It also means you shouldn't be turning off your alarm clock for an extra hour of sleep.”

Midnight grinned sheepishly. Sapphire’s bed head didn't look so funny anymore.


“You’re kidding me,” Midnight said in a loud whisper, hardly believing what they’d just told her was true. Any trace of sleepiness or annoyance at being dragged to Canterlot so early was gone.

The serine smile never left Celestia’s face. Luna, who stood on the dais next to her sister, had a look of controlled excitement. “Never about something like this. We wouldn’t even be telling you if we were doubtful of its validity.”

“But… but another kirin!? You actually found one!? How!? Where!?” Midnight sputtered, her mind revving up from a dead stop to a mile a minute as the news fully sunk in.

“Reliable witnesses who’ve described something very kirin-like living in their town,” Celestia said, raising a folder into view.

“From what witnesses have described, it sounds like a dragon-born kirin rather than a wyvern one,” Luna said, her grin fading a bit. “It doesn’t sound like the child of Lady Eden Rose, however.”

Midnight frowned as the rising bubble of excitement deflated a bit at this news. When they’d first met, Eden had treated her like she was the answer to all her prayers of finding her long-lost son. Now here was another blow to that hope. While she was still unhappy that Eden was using her for her other goals, this was something she sympathized completely with the unicorn.

“While it is sad that the description of the supposed kirin does not match Lady Eden’s son, this is more good news than bad,” Celestia said. At Midnight’s confused look, she continued. “It means that there isn’t two kirins in Equestria, but three.”

Midnight could only blink at this. Three kirins. Midnight shook herself and gently took the folder that was now levitating in front of her face.

Opening it, she found written reports from ponies living in the town of Hollow Shades. Most were written by police officers on night patrol but some were from members of the community who’d been out during evening hours. All of them described a creature slightly larger than a foal Squeaks’ age with a tail and wings similar to hers, draconic eyes, and horns. The last file even had a blurry photograph of the supposed kirin, looking more like an orange-red blob than anything else. Definitely not Eden’s son, who, according to her, was whitish and would be a teenager by now.

“As you’ve probably guessed, we would like you to go to Hollow Shades and personally confirm if there is indeed a kirin living in the town,” Celestia said.

“And what do we do if it is a kirin?” Midnight asked, closing the folder and making to give it back to them.

Celestia waved the folder away. “You keep it, to help with your investigation. As for what we’ll do if it is a kirin... we’re not sure. There are now procedures in place for when a kirin is born but nothing on what to do when one drops down at our hooves.”

“There has been discussion,” Luna added. “However, nothing satisfactory has come of it. That being said, an open search for a kirin by one of their own will cause ponies to talk, which, in turn, might bring any others in hiding into the light by their own volition. Upon your return, successful or not, we believe your input in the matter would be of great importance.”

“Until then, you are our representative on the scene and will have full authority to do whatever is necessary to keep them and others safe,” Celestia said. “A letter will be sent ahead of you to the local police force instructing them to aid you in any way they can, as well as a royal stipend for food and lodging for as long you are out there.” A sealed scroll and a checkbook floated over to Midnight.

“Lieutenant Holly’s efforts have also borne fruit,” Luna added. “Five ponies have been found that she feels would be beneficial in the Bearer Guard. They will go with you on this mission.”

“I hope to be pleasantly surprised,” Midnight told them, stashing away the scroll and book in her saddle bags. “And it’s a good way to bring up why they are here.” All three turned their attention to the three thestrals sitting by the doors to the throne room. They had come in with Midnight but had hung back to let the kirin and alicorns hash out their business. Luna instantly recognized her captain’s sister Night Sky, Star Claw, father of the light-colored thestral colt, and Dark Cleaver, one of the few older teens left with the free thestrals. At Midnight’s nod they rose and moved toward the throne, bowing when they reached the spot next to the kirin.

“What has brought you all before us this morning?” Luna asked.

“Your majesties,” Night Sky started. “We’ve come to request to join the Bearer Guard.”

The eyebrows on both princesses shot upwards. “An unusual request,” Celestia said. “One would think you would all want to join the Lunar Guard alongside your fellow thestrals.”

“And what of your businesses in Ponyville?” Luna inquired. “Surely they have become more profitable by now?”

“They have,” Night Sky assured her, ”but being a farmer is also… dull,” she finished lamely with a shrug. “All of us went through some basic training while the colony still existed and cultivating the crops was considered a necessary punishment. It pays bills and has helped get us on our hooves, but not all of us want to continue doing it forever. The three of us feel the Bearer Guard would be a good place to start, if nothing else.”

“As for why we would rather join the Bearer Guard instead of the Lunar one…” Star Claw started.

“Patrolling the same corridors night after night isn’t a welcome change of pace,” Cleaver said. “The Bearer Guard would be more interesting.”

Star Claw smacked the teen in the back of the head while Sky tried to look sheepish. Midnight and Luna shared a tabled look before the kirin shrugged.

“And your families?” Celestia asked, hiding the upturned corners of her mouth as she spoke. “Have you discussed this with them?”

“Yes,” Star Claw said, “they all support our decision and, like the rest, know to keep the existence of the Bearer Guard a secret.”

“We would also provide something the Bearer Guard has been lacking up until now and would be useful for this situation,” Sky added. “Neither of their current members, nor any current prospects, are nocturnal, so they have nopony reliable for a night shift as of yet. We could fill that gap in security.”

“With your highness' permission, I’m fully willing and ready to induct them into the Bearer Guard,” Midnight said. “They’re reliable, hard working, and each knows at least one Bearer personally. They fit all the requirements we’ve set down.”

Both alicorns’ horns lit up with magic and they began to converse with each other, their voices muted by whatever spell they were casting. After a few minutes they broke apart and the magic dispersed from their horns. “We grant thee full membership into the Bearer Guard,” Celestia announced with ceremony. “Defend our heroes and serve your captain well.”

All three thestrals bowed again, then saluted Midnight when they rose. “Your orders, captain?” Night Sky asked.


“Are you sure about this?” Sapphire asked, shooting a meaningful look at Squeaks and Honey ahead of them.

“I don’t like taking her out of school, no,” Midnight admitted, “but if it’s really a kirin out there, it’s a foal and children often respond best with other children.”


“And Squeaky seems more approachable than other foals,” Windrunner chimed in. “If she doesn’t respond to one of her own kind, then a shy child like themselves is more likely to work.”

“Better than having eight guards descend on them anyway,” Midnight muttered. Arina chirped in agreement. The six of them were making their way back to the train station from the house. Midnight and her entourage had stopped off in Ponyville to switch trains and so that the kirin could collect a few things from home and inform the others of the situation.

The princesses had agreed that Midnight could take her prospects and her new thestral guards on the expedition to Hollow Shades, provided that at least Windrunner stayed behind to watch over the rest of the bearers. With only five to lookout for (AJ being in Canterlot for a rodeo and thus under direct but discrete royal guard supervision) Midnight was sure Windrunner could manage whatever might pop up. If things got truly desperate, she had permission to bring Scarlet into the loop. Sapphire would also be staying behind to fulfill her role as a liaison between the guard and the princesses. If something went wrong, she’d be the one sending notices to the princesses and Midnight while Windrunner and Scarlet could deal with the issue.

Midnight had also sent a scroll ahead to Sapphire, telling her to tell Cheerilee that Squeaks would be out for a few days and to please give them any school work she would be missing so she could keep up with her classmates. Honeysuckle would be coming with them as Squeaks' tutor so as to make sure said school work was done.

Based on her own experience, the idea of another kirin searching for her would have been enough to draw Midnight out. Having somepony her own age who would have seen nothing unusual about her and would have possibly been her friend would have kept her out. She hoped that line of thinking would be the same for this kirin as well.

“I’m glad Holly was able to find you more ponies willing to sign up,” Sapphire said, nuzzling up under Midnight’s chin. “Now you won’t have to do everything yourself.”

Midnight wrapped a wing around the pegasus. “I’m also glad Sky, Star, and Cleaver signed up. I plan to have us keeping a round-the-clock look-out for this kirin. Not to mention our own little walking spy camera.” She petted the spider with a wing claw to a series of pleased chirps.

“You’ll find them,” Sapphire said, this time kissing her cheek. “I’d like to meet the rest of the bearer guards before you leave , though.”

The prospects were standing a little ways away from where the thestrals, Eden, and her personal servants were talking. Midnight nodded at Honey and Squeaks to join them while she, Sapphire, and Windrunner approached the others. “Ma’am,” one of the two sergeants, Wild Mane, said, nodding in place of a salute.

Midnight nodded back. “Sergeant.”

Sergeant Wild Mane, named such as he had a large mop of a mane and tail, as well as thick chest fur, was built along the same proportions as Big Mac with a brown coat and dark brown mane and tail and was also an earth pony. According to the report Holly had made for her, he routinely went head-to-head with the dangerous wildlife found around his previous posting. Far from being reckless, it was to save ponies who’d wandered too far out into the woods. The only blotch on his service record was that he tended to get into arguments with his previous superior over how things were being run. His cutie mark was a furry bear claw.

First Sergeant Hazelnut, also an earth pony, was about normal size with light brown fur and sandy-colored mane and tail. He was good at rallying troops around himself and had a good service record but suffered from the same issue with authority as Wild Mane. His insubordination, however, was less confrontational and more issuing his own commands when getting out into the field. His cutie mark was a pendent flapping in the breeze. Both had claimed that their commanding officers had given them questionable orders, resulting in their reported insubordination, and while the Canterlot brass had sided with them and Midnight was willing to start things fresh, she was also willing to dump them back to their previous postings if they tried the same thing with her.

Corporal Blackberry, the only mare in the group, was a pegasus with a duller light blue coat than Sapphire’s with a dark purple mane and tail and her namesake for a cutie mark. While a model guard, she had a habit of getting either too wrapped up in her work or spending too much time getting to know ponies. A problem at her old post; an asset to her new one.

Private Dandelion was a tan unicorn with a green mane and tail and an open book for a cutie mark. He and Private Spread Eagle, a pegasus with cream-colored fur, red mane and tail, and a hammock cutie mark, the fifth and last on the list, had come from the same outpost and were both considered slackers and sometimes trouble makers. Dandelion liked to tell stories all day while Eagle would lay about in the grass next to him, doing nothing and complaining loudly when they were caught. These two were her biggest concerns. While she felt she could work with Dandelion, she also felt that she’d gotten Spread Eagle because they only came as a pair. One glimmer of hope was that, surprisingly, all five came from the same village, so there was a chance that any of the other three might be able to keep him in line and at his post better than his previous officers.

All five would keep their previous ranks if they passed their trial period and it was also agreed that Night Sky would start off as a sergeant, Star Claw a corporal, and Dark Cleaver a private. It gave them the chain of command that Midnight and Windrunner agreed the Bearer Guard needed.

“I’d like you all to meet Lieutenant Windrunner and our Liaison Officer Sapphire Breeze,” Midnight said, indicating the two at her side. "And my second set of eyes Arina."

The five gave variations of hello and respectful nods.

Sapphire looked up at Midnight. “Liaison Officer?” she whispered.

“Sounds better than the company mail mare,” Midnight whispered back. “And you work for me, right? That makes you part of the guard, too.” She turned back to the others. “Windrunner and Sapphire will be staying behind to keep an eye on the bearers while we go to Hollow Shades to find the kirin.”

“With all due respect,” Blackberry spoke up, “isn’t our job to keep an eye on the bearers? Why are we hunting down a dragon-thing?”

“I need to know I can trust you with that task,” Midnight told her. “Consider this a test. Also, it’s a kirin, and possibly only the third one in Equestria, next to myself and another.”

“Apologies ma’am.”

“So, are we protecting them, then?” Dandelion asked, pointing at Eden, Dancer, Singer, and Puzzle Mixer, who’d just returned from the restroom.

Midnight had run into Eden in the castle as she’d been leaving. Feeling guilty about having news about a kirin that wasn’t her son, Midnight had told her about the expedition. On the spot, Eden had announced she would go as well and would not back down. In the end, Midnight had agreed to wait for her at the train station while she made all the necessary arrangements. She’d met back up with Midnight not an hour later, bringing Puzzle Mixer along with Dancer and Singer. The two had become fast friends ever since the social.

Mixer was over the moon about the prospect of another kirin. “And a foal at that! Now I’ll be able to study the differences of a young specimen versus a mature one! How exciting!” Midnight later cornered him on the train, warning him that if he endangered the search or the eventual meeting for his own agenda in anyway, she was going to provide him that plaster cast of her teeth he’d asked for, he’d just have to pull it from his own hide first. He quickly agreed to her terms.

“No,” Midnight told them, looking the second group over. “We can consider them civilian... consultants for this. Miss Blade Dancer is their security and the fact that we’ll be working with the local police should be enough to deter anything from happening. We’ll discuss this more on the train, but for now orders are that you five are the day shift and the thestrals are the night shift. I’ll be working with both as best as I can. I’d also suggest that you discuss among yourselves your back stories and jobs for when we return; staying undercover is a top priority around others.”

“What cover story are we giving those four?” Hazelnut asked.

“I told Lady Eden Rose that you five are Solar Guards who owe the Lunar Guard some favors. When you heard that several of their relatives are helping me with the search, you volunteered to help.”

The five guards nodded.

Midnight rummaged around in her saddlebags and pulled out the folder the princesses had given her. “These are accounts of locals running across the kirin. Read them over and we’ll discuss how we should proceed later once we’re all settled on the train.”

With a nod, Midnight left them to go over the folder’s contents.

“They seem willing enough,” Sapphire said as they approached Eden’s group.

“Hopefully when all this is finished we’ll be coming back with a kirin and a new, improved Bearer Guard,” Midnight said. “What do you think?” she asked Windrunner.

“A little stiff,” the buffalo-raised pegasus said.

Midnight grunted. “Yeah but the two of us don’t have any formal guard training, nor have we lived the life; that’s why we’re good for this role as it currently is. We, the Bearer Guard, need to have ponies like them who know how a guard is supposed to work. If they can stiffen us up some and we loosen them up a bit, I think we’ll find a good middle ground.”

“I know you said to bring Scarlet into our confidence if something truly problematic happens but I also have to ask about Tight Fit,” Windrunner asked.

Midnight hummed unhappily. The stallion had begun to come with Scarlet to the disguised training sessions they had been holding for her, the hippogriff saying that it would be good for him to push himself now and again. Unable to come up with a good excuse to keep him out, Midnight and Windrunner had allowed him to join. For the most part, they tried to keep away from the inhabitants of the Everfree and the more strenuous exercises they usually put Scarlet through, including the one where they had Scarlet protect a group of dummies similar to the one the Solar Guard had done with Midnight and Windrunner. They’d caved sometimes when Scarlet had been very insistent he do the same exercises as well and refusal would have led to awkward questions.

“If something comes up and there’s no way to avoid it, bring him in as well. He’s not a great fighter but he does help Big Mac with the books; we’ll need a supply officer of our own eventually and he might fit the bill,” Midnight finally told her.

When they reached the others, Squeaks looked up at her mother with wide eyes. "Mom, Mr. Mixer says that the woods around Hollow Shades has even more monsters in it than the Everfree!"

"Does he now?" Midnight asked, eyeing the unicorn darkly.

"It is noted that Hollow Shades has had no reasonable growth since its founding nearly one hundred years ago," Mixer said, slipping into lecture mode. "Many cite the mostly unexplored terrain and creatures who live there as the cause of this stagnation, while Ponyville has only grown despite the proximity of the Everfree Forest."

"Maybe that's because Ponyville has room to expand away from the forest unlike Hollow Shades which is surrounded by theirs?" Midnight pointed out.

Mixer blinked for a few seconds. "That's certainly one theory," he said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

Midnight rolled her eyes. "Squeaks, there's nothing to worry about," she told the filly holding onto her leg. "There's no reason for you to go out into the woods and you'll be with either me or Honeysuckle or Arina the entire time. Besides," Midnight ruffled her mane, "I eat timberwolves and manticores for breakfast; this forest can't be much worse."

"Uh, Midnight?" Sapphire said worriedly.

"I know, but I'm not talking about Ponyville, so it's fine," Midnight said. The train whistle blew and the conductor called for everyone to come aboard. "That's our cue." She nuzzled Sapphire and wing-hugged Windrunner. "Keep safe and don't be afraid to send word if something goes wrong; the kirin isn't as important as you-know-who."

"Good luck," Sapphire told her with another nuzzle. "And we will. Just remember; that kirin is just as important in other ways, too."

Midnight nodded, then herded everypony else onto the train. Taking their spot between the prospects and Eden's group, she, Squeaks, Arina, and Honeysuckle waved to Sapphire and Windrunner as the train pulled out of the station. "Alright, we should be there by nightfall, which means you can get started on your first bit of homework," Midnight said as she got up from her seat.

"Aww!" Squeaks whined but stopped when she saw the look in her mother's eye.

"Squeaky Wings, this was a condition for coming on this trip, so there won't be any more of that," Midnight said sternly. Squeaks had served out her grounding for the love poison incident but that didn't mean Midnight was giving any leniency, for the most part. "Do it without any fuss, and I might just buy you a fruit drink from the trolley. Deal?"

Her eyes lighting up, Squeaks nodded and pulled the books out of her bag.

"Bribery?" Honey asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Positive reinforcement," Midnight clarified, moving to join her guard. "So, does anypony know anything about Hollow Shades?"

"I know a few stories from there," Dandelion said. "Uh, they're all ghost stories, though."


Hollow Shades was... darker than Midnight anticipated. Sure, it was dusk, but she'd been in the Everfree at the same time and it was never as dark. It was like the trees themselves were sucking in all the light so Midnight could only see a few trees in.

"Seems a little dark, doesn't it?" Spread Eagle said.

"What's a'matter mate? Scared of the dark?" Wild Mane teased.

"We're barely back together for a day and already you two are at it," Hazelnut huffed. "Any chance our time out here won't end up in a shouting match?"

"If it does," Midnight interjected, "and the search gets derailed because of it, getting sent back to your previous posts will be the least of your problems."

The two stallions cleared their throats and stood straighter.

"It really is dark," Squeaks agreed, huddling between Midnight and Honey.

"Says the thestral," Midnight chuckled, rubbing Squeaks' back comfortingly with a wing.

"She's right," Sky said, staring hard into the forest herself. "It's... really dark in there."

"We'll worry about that later," Midnight said, cutting off Sky from saying anything else. Dandelion had told his ghost stories on the train and it had given them all the heebie jeebies to some extent. That didn't mean Midnight believed any of it. Not yet, anyway. Right now they needed to stay focused. "Let's get to the inn and get settled first; we can discuss boogie-ponies and ghouls then."

"Excuse me." They all turned to see a police officer coming across the platform toward them. He faltered at the sight of Midnight and the thestrals but quickly recovered. "Are you the ponies sent from Canterlot?"

"We are," Midnight said with what she hoped was a friendly nod. The spider perched on her head probably didn't help.

The officer gave her another once over, then nodded back. "The chief would like to see you as soon as you settle in. He's waiting for you at the inn and he's told me to show you the way there."

"Thank you," Midnight said, nodding. "The faster we get started, the faster we'll find what we've come looking for."

As they followed the officer through the town, they noticed something else that made it unnerving. While Ponyville had wide streets and decent space between houses, the streets of Hollow Shades were narrow and the houses crowded together. It made the atmosphere even more foreboding. Even the officer seemed to be hurrying along in order to get his errand over as quick as he could.

"At least you won't have to worry about moving around in the open too much," she whispered to Arina. The spider shivered in response; she didn't like this place either.

The inn itself was a modest two-story building several blocks away from the train station. The first floor had a bar, tables, chairs, benches, and two fire places. It looked like a regular meeting place for the locals. When they walked in, only a few ponies were left around one of the fire places, not including the barkeep and a mare going around cleaning the tables. They all stopped and looked up at the party as they walked in. Midnight was aware that many, if not all, of the eyes upon them lingered on her and the thestrals, just like the officer had done.

"Are these them?" asked one of the older stallions near the fireplace, more well groomed than the rest.

"They are chief," the officer confirmed.

The stallion nodded. "Rumchata runs the inn along with his daughter Mint Julep; they'll get you settled in." The barkeep nodded at the mare and she beckoned them to a flight of stairs. "Before you retire for the night I'd like to know what your plan is and how long you're planning on staying."

"Of course." Midnight looked over the group. "Hazelnut, Night Sky; we'll talk with the chief. The rest of you head up and get the rooms squared away." There were nods of agreement and the three started towards the fire place when Midnight noticed Eden and Mixer following them instead of the others going up the stairs behind Mint. "Eden?" Midnight asked, authority mixing into her voice. Now that they were actually in the town her patience for games was a lot thinner.

"My group is looking as well, aren't we?" Eden asked. "If that's true then I think we need to hear anything the three of you hear, don't you agree?"

Midnight thought about it for a second, then snorted. "Point," she said, turning back to the fire. A couple of ponies slid back away around their tables from her and Sky as they passed. The two hesitated for a second before joining the others at the police chief's table. The chief, on the other hoof, didn't even bat an eye at them.

"Name's Night Stick," the chief said, offering a hoof. Midnight took it with a hearty shake, as did the other four. "Now, how much do you all know about Hollow Shades?"

"Not as much as we like," Midnight admitted.

"Well, with why you're here, I'm sure you've heard at least a few of the ghost stories about this place. Tell ya right now; take them with a bit of salt but also keep alert at night and when you're near the woods. We might not have ghosts and goblins hiding under every bed and in every closet but the woods sure as Tartarus aren't safe by any stretch of the imagination."

"Anything in particular we need to watch out for?" Hazelnut asked.

Night Stick took a swig of his drink. "Timberwolves and wild dogs for sure but other than that..." He shook his head. "For some reason any time somepony tries to make a home, farm, or whatever past the town limits, it fails, spectacularly. Most of the time they just up and leave; won't say why, just got a haunted look in their eyes. The rest..." he took another swig. "Don't hear from them for a month or two and when we going looking, all we find is their places overgrown like they've been gone for a long time. Whatever's out there, for some reason they doesn't mind the town or the rail line, just don't go past either. If you DO need to go in those woods for any reason, go as a group and NEVER split up."

Midnight nodded. "Hopefully we won't have to go out there. All the eye witnesses said they saw it inside the town?"

Night Stick nodded. "I don't think it's something native to the area. The sightings only began last year and it's too different from other things ponies have reported seeing."

"I'm telling ya, it's some kinda vampire-demon pony!" one of the patrons shouted. "I've even got proof this time chief!" He pointed at Midnight and Sky.

"I'm a thestral," Sky growled.

"Wild Theory, will you, for once, shut up about vampire ponies?" Night Stick said tiredly. "If there were as many of them as you say, then all of Equestria would be over run. Besides, do you really think the princesses would send some here to sniff out another one? Actually, you know what? Don't answer that one."

"And if we're right, then what it is, is a kirin, just like me," Midnight added. "Half dragon, half pony."

The inn was silent for a few seconds.

"How would a dragon and a pony even...?" another patron started.

"So what's your plan for finding it?" Night Stick interrupted.

"We've got two shifts; a day shift consisting of the five guards and a night shift made up of Night Sky and the other thestrals. Lady Eden Rose's group is a private venture that's working to find the same kirin. If it's alright, the day shift's plan is to talk with the witnesses and see if they can get any more details from them. The thestrals will search the streets at night hoping to catch it. I'll be with both groups as often as I can. As for how long we'll be here... I really can't say. If the makers are really kind we'll find it tonight and be on a train out of here tomorrow."

"And if you're really unlucky you'll be here for a nice long while," Night Stick finished for her with a sigh. "Well, here's to luck." He drained his mug. "My police force will do what we can to help. Don't take this the wrong way but I hope you're out of here in a day or two. Ponies are going to be ruffled up enough with you all here as it is." Getting up from the table, he again wished them all luck and a good night, paid Rumchata, and left.

"So what do we do if it turns out the kirin is hiding out in the forest?" Hazelnut asked as they also got up and headed for the stairs.

"We'll discuss that if and when it comes to that," Midnight said. If Night Stick was right, then they'd have to dart in, grab the foal, and bee-line it out of there before they met whatever lived in the forest that was worse than Timberwolves.

"What is their problem?" Sky muttered, shooting a look back at the ponies still around the fire place. "It's like we were back in Canterlot."

"I'd put bits on it that they're spooked of anything that isn't an earth pony, pegasus, or unicorn and already suspicious of outsiders," Midnight said. "Just forget about them; you won't have to deal with them that much anyway."

"What about that Wild Theory?" Sky pressed.

Midnight snorted. "You've met Lyra and he doesn't seem any worse than her."

"But if the locals are unwelcoming, that might make our trying to get information a bit harder," Hazelnut point out.

"Just keep a friendly smile on and make it clear that all we want to know is anything related to the kirin. No ghost stories, no mysteries, no questions about income." They all snickered at that. "Alright," Midnight said as they reached the upper hallway. "Sky, take Star and Cleaver up to the roof and start our first watch; I wasn't blowing smoke about possibly finding the kirin tonight."

"On it." She darted into a room where the other two thestrals were unpacking.

"Hazelnut, brief your team about what the chief told us. First thing I want your group to do tomorrow is get us some maps of the town so we don't get lost."

"Will do." He peeled off into another room with the other four guards in it.

"How are you all going to sleep in two beds?" Midnight asked, looking in behind him.

"Hazelnut and myself in one, Blackberry in the other, and Dandelion and Spread on the floor," Wild Mane said with a laugh.

"We'll take turns ma'am," Hazelnut clarified. "Don't worry about us; we've had worse."

Midnight nodded and went back into the hallway. "Eden," Midnight whispered as the unicorn walked past, catching her front leg. "Please, just keep Mixer reigned in. The last thing we need is for him to scare the locals into not talking to us."

"I know how to speak to townsfolk," Eden assured her. "And I'm quite sure the three of us can keep Dr. Mixer from doing anything foalish."

Midnight sighed, nodded, then turned into the room she could see Honey and Squeaks unpacking in.

"Everything alright?" Honey asked as she entered.

"Yeah, just a quick briefing with the police chief," Midnight said. She already felt exhausted.

"Are you staying up with Sky, Star, and Cleaver all night?" Squeaks asked.

"No baby girl," Midnight said, nuzzling her. "I'll just be up for a few more hours with them, then come back down. In the mean time, get ready for bed and go to sleep; you need to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for your school work in the morning so you can join the search after lunch."


"Right, now, Arina." The spider chirped and saluted. "Your job is to move around town unnoticed. You know what to do if you see anything. You're also the only one I'm going to tell to do this but if you see something suspicious inside any of the buildings, don't hesitate to go in." Arina nodded. "Also, stay out of the woods. No pony goes in there alone and that includes you, understand?" Arina gave another chirp, hopped out of Midnight's hooves, and crawled out the window. "And be careful!" Midnight called out after her.


"So, nothing last night?" Wild Mane asked.

"Nothing about the kirin," Midnight muttered as she sipped her coffee.

She, the day shift, Eden and her group, Squeaks, and Honey were all convening in the town's bakery/coffee shop for lunch. Midnight had just woken up after staying up late with the thestrals and had followed Squeaks and Honey to where they'd agreed to meet with the guards and Eden.

"What DID you learn then?" Blade Dancer asked, noting how Midnight answered.

Midnight took another sip of her coffee. "Well, according to Sky, Star, and Cleaver, there are apparently big owls flying around in the forest."

"How big?" Blackberry asked.

"As big as me, apparently," Midnight said. "I may have some night vision but it's nothing compared to a thestral's." She patted Squeaks on the head. "All I could see of them was dark shapes moving on a dark background. I swear that forest is blacker at night than I am. Anyway, they could see that they were large birds of some kind, easily big enough to grab a foal and carry it off. On top of that they were flying in groups, so carrying off somepony as big as Wild Mane or myself isn't out of the question. I think this definitely puts an end to any serious thinking about going into the woods at night. If we absolutely have to, we'll only go in during the day and only for a couple of hours."

They all nodded.

"Any news from Arina?" Honey asked.

Midnight shook her head. "We linked up briefly after discovering the owls and I told her the same thing. She won't go in the woods now unless it's absolutely necessary. So far nothing seems to come in and out of the town at night, so that's one thing we don't have to worry about." She bit into her blueberry muffin. She would have preferred something with meat but hunting was out of the question with the woods off limits. It would be the first thing she and the thestrals were going to do as soon as they got back. "So, any luck asking around?"

Hazelnut shook his head. "You were right about them not liking outsiders. Most don't want to talk to us about it; seem to think doing so will bring it around again."

"Or talk about it too much," Wild Mane said. "I had this one old lady ramble on for nearly a half hour about different monsters and what you use to ward them away."

"Which is the opposite of what we want," Midnight grunted. "Alright, I guess we'll keep at it. Hazelnut, head over to the police station and see if there are any recent reports of missing pets."

"And what do missing pets have to do with finding the kirin?" Spread Eagle asked.

"It's hungry," Midnight clarified. "Baked goods and daisy sandwiches are good for only so long before we want something more... substantial." She fished a pouch out of her saddle bags and dropped it on the table. "Case in point." Opening it, she pulled out a small gem stone and popped it into her mouth. "I want to save it as a peace offering for when we finally find the kirin but I might end up using it as bait. Missing pets might be how it's getting meat if it's staying out of the forest."

They all looked at her.

"Interesting, interesting," Mixer said, writing something down in a journal. "Is there any personal preference between house pets and strays?"

Midnight let one of her fangs pop out as she grinned. "Strays are more stringy."

"Okay!" Dandelion said, standing up from his chair. "I think it's about time we get back to talking to folks!"

"Any preference between dogs and cats?" Wild Mane asked with a laugh.

"Dogs have more meat but cats taste better," Midnight told him.

"Right behind you Dandelion!" Spread Eagle said, chasing his buddy out the door.

"That's..." Blade Dancer said, looking disgusted.

"You do what you have to," Midnight said, her grin fading to a serious frown. "It would be like you just eating sweets all the time; eventually your body says you NEED some vegetables. Same goes for a kirin when it comes to meat and gems. I got lucky enough to have a mom that could afford to buy me gems. I guess pet food could do as a substitute, seeing how much meat is in those..." She grimaced. "Thankfully mom never got the idea into her head and there were plenty of pigeons and rats in the city that I didn't need to go after cats and dogs very often."

"Speaking of your mother," Honey piped up. "What was that letter you sent her when you first woke up? I thought the dragon fire was only for emergencies?"

"It is," Midnight admitted, "but the forest's bugging me. I think it's the trees themselves that are making it that way. My grandfather was a life-long woodcutter and I just want to know if he ever told mom about such trees."

"It could be a spell placed on the area," Sun Singer offered.

"It could," Midnight agreed, "but I still think it's the trees themselves. Let's just get back to asking around; no matter what it is the forest isn't why we came here."

They all nodded and got up. As they left the bakery, one of Night Stick's officers came up to them. "You're that group from Canterlot the chief mentioned was here, right?"

"That we are lad," Wild Mane said. "What can we do for you?"

"I just thought it would help to let you know that some of us have been finding remains of chickens out near the edge of the forest some nights," the officer told them, eyeing Midnight uncomfortably. "It might just be from some of the wild dogs but I've never heard of them leaving food out like that."

"Hasn't anyone reported them missing?" Midnight asked.

The officer shook his head. "Farms fail a lot out here and that means a lot gets left behind, like chickens and dogs."

"And now there's a chance our mystery kirin has been hunting chickens in the forest. Great," Spread Eagle grumbled. "Please don't tell me we have to go look around in there."

"No, not yet," Midnight said. "Guess we need to keep an eye out for dogs running the streets at night now, too."

"Funny enough they never come into town," the officer assured them. "No idea why."

"It's something to work with." Midnight nodded. "Thank you for telling us this." The officer nodded in return and left. "That explains some of what they're eating, anyway."

"But a whole chicken should last a foal a while, shouldn't it?" Eden asked.

Midnight shook her head. "More than likely they're living on the streets or their pony parent doesn't know. That means that they can't refrigerate the leftovers which means a fresh kill each time. In the city it's easy to just throw the remains in a dumpster or a gutter. Here, though, finding dead chickens would be the talk of the town. Sounds like they're throwing the remains into the forest..."

"Or taking them in there to eat," Blackberry finished. "We might have to go into the forest after all."

"Or worse," Hazelnut said. "If they're living with their parent, then that means they might have heard about us looking for them by now."

Midnight nodded unhappily. "Mom wasn't prone to panic but she would have denied up, down, and sideways that I was there if somepony came looking for me. If it came down to it, she might have even smuggled me out of the city."

"But that would be pretty hard to do here," Eden pointed out. "The train station is out in the open and they would be waiting there long enough for somepony to question them. It would be too big a risk."

"And since that's the case, they'd most likely go to ground and try to wait us out," Dancer said.

"True, but there is one bit of good news in all this," Midnight said. "If they're living alone, they won't have heard about ponies looking for them. If they have a parent, then that means they're sneaking out without permission. Either way, we still have a chance."

Author's Note:

Whoo! Haven't done two chapters within a month for a while now. I'm back baby!
This chapter was cut up into two because in the end it ran to about 17.5k words and I've already said I'm not doing that to you guys any more.

So, finally got more troops into the guard. The five new ponies are all based off characters from the Watership Down TV Series which I think is a great adaptation from the movie and book. I think it's pretty easy to guess which character is which.

Originally I was going to use an original town based off of Trenton, NJ, but I took another look at the map and figured Hollow Shades would be better. That and also an antagonist subplot was taken out because it just didn't feel right in the end. More on that in the next Author's Notes.