• Published 7th Aug 2014
  • 17,134 Views, 918 Comments

Sweetie Belle and the Tablet of Knowledge - CheshireTwilight

Sweetie Belle finds an artifact of vast knowledge from a long lost civilization. Book I of III.

  • ...

Chapter 2 - I’m not trusting you for a second!

The Crusaders, despite their impatience—or perhaps because of it—stopped as soon as they left sight of the schoolhouse. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had noticed the strange change in their friend and they were going to get some answers.

"Alright, what's goin' on? What is it ya can't tell Miss Cheerilee?" said Apple Bloom as she stopped in front of Sweetie Belle.

"Yeah!" Scootaloo agreed, coming up next to the yellow filly. "You've been weird all day. You've been kinda out of it since we went to school this morning, and I even caught you mumbling something a few times."

Sweetie Belle was pretty surprised by the reactions of her friends. 'Am I really acting that weird?' she thought.

*This device has recorded noted several instances of a lack of attention and "mumbling" when engaging in internal conversations with this unit. While not enough to enforce silence as per the terms of use, they do appear suspici-*

"See you're doing it again!" Scootaloo's sudden interruption causing Sweetie Belle to snap out of the internal discussion. "Are you worried about something? If you're in trouble you should have called an Emergency Cutie Mark Crusader Meeting! That's is what they're for."

She had been getting used to it; maybe too used to the new voice in her head. She had to tell them the truth, if there were any ponies she would want to know, it would be her friends. Sweetie Belle paused, she still didn't know precisely what she could and could not say, 'I'll have to find some way around Tablet's stupid rules,' she thought.

She broke a stick off of a tree behind them and tried to write something out but she found herself unable to get out more that "I am" before her muscles locked and she got a sickly feeling in her stomach. The pressure eased after she decided to stop writing, 'I guess that rules that out,' she thought.

Her friends were getting very concerned now 'Well they know something's definitely wrong, so that's a start … .'

Next she tried acting it out. 'Maybe I can't write it but if I can get them to play charades … .' She lifted her two hooves. 'Two words … mind control.'

"Oh Oh! Charades, ah love that game!" Apple Bloom said. "Uhmmm, two words … excruciating pain?"

Sweetie Belle had fallen over, her muscles held taut. Her pained expression came from trying to get her muscles to respond rather than actual pain. 'Well, that doesn't work either … no talking, writing, or acting is going to work … ,' she thought depressingly to herself. Giving up, her muscles relaxed and she got back to her hooves.

"Heheh … yeah, totally," Sweetie Belle replied half-heartedly, giving a lying face that made even Applejack's look like a poker face in comparison. 'Oh now it's personal,' she thought.

"Well, it had to do with the cave I fell in two days ago … and I guess you could say something is wrong with my head ever since." Sweetie Belle said. She figured she'd just wing it and find out. 'So far so good', she thought.

"Well Ah guess that if ya hit your head or somethin', it would sorta explain the mumblin' and not bein' able to focus … and the excruciating pain. Oh Sweetie Belle, Ah'm sorry Ah thought ya were acting weird! Ah didn't mean it like that! Ya shoulda just told us! Wait … do ya mean Cheerilee was angry about ya hurtin' your head or somthin'?" Apple Bloom asked. She looked much less confrontational than before but equally confused.

"Well not … exactly," Sweetie Belle said demurely. "She thought that I didn't do the geometry question the right way."

"Really?" Scootaloo said, "I didn't even do the stupid triangle question and your telling me we spent fifteen minutes waiting for you after class because you did it a different way?"

"Well … you see; I did it a special way called "integration". Apparently, I made the problem a lot more complicated than Cheerilee was expecting and so she thought I had somepony to do my homework for me."

"Did you?" Scootaloo asked, a grin forming on her face. It wasn't often Scootaloo could find some dirt on Sweetie. She'd never tell anypony … but that wouldn't stop her from teasing her about it for days.

'Does she really think I'd do that?' Sweetie Belle thought.

*Error 4: Insufficient infor-*

"NO!" Sweetie Belle yelled, getting tired of Tablet's annoyance.

"S-sorry Sweetie Belle, I was only kidding around … ." Scootaloo visibly shrunk at her friend's outburst.

Sweetie Belle, noticing she had said “no”out loud, felt guilty and calmed down immediately. Her head fell slightly, "It's alright, I'm sorry for shouting like that. It's just T-T-Tab … this situation's got me all riled up. I just solved a math problem differently, honest."

"Ah believe ya Sweetie Belle. We're just worried 'bout you is all." Apple Bloom chipped in before Scootaloo could get in another word. "Right Scoots?" The pegasus quickly nodded.

'Oh Apple Bloom … I really could use your … anypony's help right now.' Sweetie Belle thought, her head falling further, 'If only I didn't explore that stupid cave…'

Apple Bloom saw the glum look on her friends face and assumed—albeit incorrectly—that she still felting sorry for yelling earlier. She thought a change of topic would make her feel better regardless. "Well, anyway. Why don't we get a move on. Ain't no point worryin' about things we can't do nothin' about. Ah'm sure you'll feel better after we've done some more crusadin' today!"

Breaking out of their sour moods, the two Crusaders joined Apple Bloom as they made their merry way to their clubhouse. The regretful white filly falling only slightly behind her friends.

'Well, I guess telling somepony won't be as easy as I thought. Still, there must be something I can do about this. I've got to find a way to beat this tablet at its own game…'

Cheerilee trotted slowly to Twilight's new castle, officially the "Friendship Rainbow Kingdom Castle". Cheerilee thought a name like that for a castle was pretty dumb but she wouldn't dare say that out loud. Rumor had it that Celestia named it herself. Apparently, she was getting back at Twilight for something called the "Raspberry Truffle Incident" during the Tirek victory party in Canterlot last week. But every time she tried to ask somepony about the specifics they suddenly seemed to become too incredibly busy to talk any more. Delightful confections and parties were at the back of Cheerilee's mind, however.

'Where did Sweetie Belle learn all that math and why wouldn't she tell me the truth?' she thought.

She didn't have much time to think though, despite the slow pace. The Castle was only a few minutes from the schoolhouse. As she arrived, frustrated yelling and the rapid movement of objects could be heard from inside. She paid the noise no mind. Being an avid reader, she visited the Golden Oak library at least once a week so and—although she found it strange and worrisome at first—she eventually got used to the “organized” mayhem that seemed to revolve around the Ponyville librarian. Cheerilee wouldn’t be surprised if Twilight could schedule them, although after a clone army of Pinkie Pies invaded, she doubted she could be truly surprised by anything ever again.

"Twilight?" Cheerilee asked politely while knocking on the large, ornate, golden, double doors at the entrance. This was the first time coming to see Twilight since the old library … exploded. Cheerilee had wanted to give Twilight some space while she got everything back in order and—if the rumors were true—she definitely needed it. As such, she was unaccustomed to the castle. She realized that the heavy doors barely made more than a dull thud from her knocks and she would have to make more noise to overcome whatever was happening inside.

"Twilight!" she yelled, "I need to speak to you!"

The noise slowly died down as a dull "Hold on a minute!" could be heard from inside the crystal tree-house. Cheerilee stepped back as the door suddenly opened inward by magic, the purple princess who opened it was a blur as she immediately left into one of the open doors further in.

"Sorry about not meeting you right away!" Twilight's voice trailed off as she went into the other room. "I'm still very busy putting the finishing touches on the new library but please come in, I'll be with you in a- wait Spike don't put that there, that's the 3rd compendium, you should put it by Illustrious Illusions … ."

Shaking her head and sighing, Cheerilee walked in and closed the door behind her. 'Even if Twilight has been a princess for a while now, Twilight will always be Twilight…' She took a seat and waited on one of the crystal benches near the entrance.

A few minutes later, the back and forth dialogue and noise from the room beyond finally ended and Twilight came through the door. Cheerilee got up and met her half-way.

"Are you still not finished organizing the library?" the teacher asked. "I'm sure you're doing an excellent job but I would have thought you'd have had it done last week."

"Oh and you would be absolutely right, but I've had so many other things to do! I didn't know there was so much work that went into creating an organizing a new kingdom … arghh! Why did Celestia call it the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom! I mean, the Friendship and Rainbow part are okay I guess—got nothing against Rainbow Dash and I am the Princess of Friendship—but do I look like a King?! You don't know how many times I had to change the wording on those new laws. And don't get me started on … ."

Twilight stopped when she say the clearly forced smile on the other mare's face, "Oh, sorry … I don't mean to unload my troubles onto you. Honesty, it hasn't been that bad, really. There haven't been any new world-ending issues thankfully … unless you count the 'Raspberry Truffle Incident' that is … ." Twilight shuddered at the implication.

"Oh no, it's no problem really," Cheerilee said with her usual cheerful demeanor. "After all, I'm coming to you with a problem of my own, so it's only right that you should do the same."

"Oh? You haven't come to me with something since after the CMC … wait, this is about Sweetie Belle isn't it." Twilight deadpanned.

The teacher should have been surprised that Twilight immediately thought the CMC would be causing her Princess-level trouble … but she was not. ‘Why would she mention that typically innocent filly though? She normally is the sane—or rather saner—member of the group.’ Cheerilee thought.

"Yes, that's right," Cheerilee agreed, "although I am curious why you single-out Sweetie Belle specifically, not that you're wrong."

"Well, she did just have that accident with the caves only a few days. You see, her doctor brought up some concerns about her. There were several instances early in her recovery where he could feel magic in her that she should not have had. Unfortunately these magical fluctuations completely went away as fast as they came and I did not have time to check on them personally. They did not have any obvious effect on her health so we both agreed it was probably some anomaly with the equipment. I was planning on giving Sweetie a quick magic scan sometime this week though, just to be safe."

"Well that's fairly … fortuitous. Have a look at this." Cheerilee pulled out a piece of paper and hoofed it into Twilight's magic. "I would recommend you do that scan as soon as possible, today even."

"Really?" Twilight said, looking at the sheet of paper. "I don't really see anything strange about this. This is one of Sweetie Belle's math assignments? She's doing pretty well—not surprising—but … ." Twilight stopped mid sentence as she flipped the page over. Her jaw hung slightly as she continued as she read the filly's Calculus solution, "Wait, there is no way that- I mean it's in a weird format but- are you sure that this was done by Sweetie Belle?"

"I can't be sure but it is likely. I had been thinking that she could have had somepony else cheat for her, but other than you I don't know who could do something like this. She also did a fairly good job demonstrating what she did. She came in with that assignment just this morning though. If what you said about her recovery is true then-"

"Then she somehow learned how to do Calculus in a single night, which is impossible," Twilight replied. "Still, you are absolutely right. That magic scan really can't wait. There are a few spells that give one the ability to learn new information quickly or to make somepony pretend they know something, but they usually have very nasty side-effects and certainly couldn't teach that much knowledge."

Cheerilee looked at her with a concerned gaze at Twilight's deep knowledge of the subject. "I mean … not that I would ever try such a thing," Twilight hastily added, turning away from Cheerilee. Twilight coughed a bit and blushed, she was not convincing anypony.

"Well anyway, she could be in very real danger," Twilight concluded, her expression turned serious again as she turned toward the teacher. "I don't know how she did it, but those spells are designed to teach the caster the proper method and this Calculus is not quite right. Who knows what she's done wrong. We had better get going." Turning back to the open library door, she yelled out, "Spike! I'm leaving early with Miss Cheerilee! Can you put the rest of the books away?!"

The two mares were out the door before Spike could get out a response. 'Well, time for another power nap', Spike thought. 'Twilight would just mess all the books up again anyway.'

At this rate, it seemed Spike would be the only one able to relax today.

"What about Furniture Testing?" Sweetie Belle asked.

The three fillies were sitting in a circle at the center of their clubhouse floor. A list of well over a hundred crossed off activities in the middle in front of Apple Bloom .

" … No we did that … uhh … three weeks ago. Ya know, just after the Equestria Games." Apple Bloom said writing and crossing-off the idea. Twilight mentioned that they should start a list of all the things they've done to avoid doing things twice. After trying—and failing—nest making for what ended up being the third time, they decided it was probably a good idea.

"Oh right … ," Sweetie Belle sighed, "we should have known the pony running Sofas and Quills wouldn't want us back after we accidently poured ink over his quills trying to get our Quill Testing Cutie Mark."

"Whatever. We wouldn't want a lame Sofa Sitting Cutie Mark anyway." Scootaloo rolled her eyes. "What about Water Skiing?"

"Naw," Apple Bloom said writing and crossing-out the activity, "we did that when Spike was doing all that stuff for my sister, remember?"

"Now I remember! Maybe we could do it again? That was pretty fun. We'll get our marks this time for sure!" Scootaloo exclaimed, her eyes glimmering enthusiastically in the bright afternoon light coming in from the windows.

"I don't think that would be a very good idea." Sweetie Belle said, cautiously trying to talk Scootaloo down. "Even my sister was surprised we could get covered in tree sap in the middle of a lake, and we've been covered in a lot of tree sap."

"That wasn't really our fault though." Scootaloo defended, incensed from Sweetie's implied accusation. "That boat should have been watching where it was going. Why would they call those things fir trees anyway? Isn't fur supposed to be soft?"

"Well that makes twenty-eight things we've already crusaded for on the list so far … ," Apple Bloom said. Sweetie Belle hoped she would say something else but the earth pony filly just drifted off.

After that, the three sat in silence. 'What haven't we done?' Sweetie Belle thought absent-mindedly.

*Error 3: More than one possible answer. Would you like a recommendation?*

'Ughhh … can't you leave me alone for five minutes. Wait, you know what? Maybe you can be useful here instead of just being annoying. Do you have any idea what we could do next?'

*Error 3: More than one possible answer. Would you like a recommendation?*

'Really? When I finally get around to asking you a question, you can't answer. Fine, what do you 'recommend'.'

*This device cannot answer a question that has multiple possible solutions. In this case, the question this device find you are likely asking—and which it can answer—is "What task would fillies our age most likely enjoy that has not already been performed for 'Cutie Mark Crusading'"*

'Uh … sure, that. What's would that be?'

*This unit would recommend 'sleuthing': the act of performing deductive and inductive reasoning to solve enigmas. The innate curiosity of youth ensures this task is an enjoyable one.*

'Cutie Mark Sleuths huh … wait. How do you know what activities we've crusaded for?'

*It was a part of the information this device received from your mind when it connected for first-time installation.*

'Wait … not only can you talk to me in my mind but you can read it too!'

*This was only for first-time installation. It was necessary to understand cultural constructs, language, and generate a personal profile for use in fully understanding questions you would pose. The ability to read your mind further no longer exists.*

'Well I-'

"Hey … ah … Sweetie Belle?" Apple Bloom asked, timidly shoving Sweetie's barrel. "Ya were starin' off into space again."

"Oh right … just thinking sorry." Sweetie Belle replied. 'This isn't over Tablet. I'm not trusting you for a second. I'll figure out how to tell everypony about you and you'll be gone for good.'

"Well I guess we'll have to end this meeting early-" Scootaloo started before she was cut off by Sweetie Belle.

"Actually, why don't we try getting our Cutie Marks in sleuthing?"

"Uhh … Sweetie Belle. What's sleuthing?" Scootaloo asked.

"It's a fancy way to say being a detective, I guess … but not just solving crimes and stuff but any kind of mystery," Sweetie Belle replied, trailing off. 'Wait … Why didn't Tablet stop me? What if they discover Tablet while we're sleuthing?'

*This device cannot verify with certainty if this action will result in discovery. The terms of use only specify prevention in case your actions directly result in this device's ruse being uncovered. Otherwise this device would be in violation of Article XII Section 14 Subsection 4 of the Employee Protection Act, version 1.204a.*

'That information is … interesting … ,' Sweetie Belle thought with a conspiratorial smile on her face.

"Hey, that's actually a pretty good idea. Ah bet we could find all kinds of mysteries to solve!" Apple Bloom said cheerfully, ignoring her the white filly deep in thought.

"Jeez, you're such a dictionary Sweetie. Actually, I think you're right you two. I've always wondered how Rainbow Dash got to be so awesome," Scootaloo said as the other fillies rolled their eyes.

"Well you know what that means right?" Sweetie Belle asked, jumping between her two friends.

"Cutie Mark Crusader Sleuths! Yay!" the three said in unison.

"Now hold your horses there, you three!" a voice said from outside.

Twilight and Cheerilee arrived at Sweet Apple Acres. If they knew those fillies, they'd be at their clubhouse. As they walked through the gate they saw a very confused looking Applejack standing outside her barn.

Walking up to her, the Twilight asked, "Hey Applejack what has got you so worr-" A crash from inside the house explained it all. "-Crusaders?"

"Crusaders." Applejack said, her face deadpan.

"What have those three fillies gotten themselves into this time?" Cheerilee said, shaking her head.

"Cutie Mark Crusader Detectives … apparently," the orange mare responded, sighing. "Ah jus' went ta their clubhouse ta tell them it was time they headed on home fer supper when they asked if there were any 'mysteries' ta solve. Now, before ya ask, Ah know no matter what Ah said, they'd 've gone looking fer mysteries anyway. Since Ah wasn't gonna be able ta stop 'em, Ah told 'em ta figure out wha' the reason why ma barn always seems ta be destroyed by the shenanigans that keeps happenin' in town. It keeps 'em here and Ah would really like ta know … Of course, Ah didn't account fer the fact that they might destroy the barn themselves."

"Isn't that dangerous? Shouldn't you be getting them out of there?" Cheerilee inquired, fearing the safety of her students.

"Ah agree. That's why Ah got Big Mac trying ta coax'em out. Trust me, Ah'd like to get them ta stop but Ah fear Ah'd just make it worse. Me an' Apple Bloom got a sisterly agreement goin' on after that time Ah coddled her a mite bit and she ended up in a flaming swamp with a chimera." Seeing Twilight about to speak up she stopped her with a hoof, "Don't ask … That one's in the diary, trust me. Basically, she has more chores and responsibility and apart from that, Ah ease up on ma over-protectiveness. Don't mean Ah can't get Big Mac ta rescue her when she gets in over her head though."

Not soon after that, the Big Mac came out of the barn, carrying three disappointed crusaders on his back.

"Awww come on big brother. Ya could've at least let us walk out ourselves … ," Apple Bloom sighed.

"Eenope." the red stallion responded.

"Well Ah'm awfully glad you three are alright." Applejack chipped in, a look of relief on her face. "Ah know Ah said I would stop naggin' at ya about every little situation ya put yerself in but bringin' a barn on top of yer head, especially our apple barn is where Ah draw the line."

"Ah'm sorry. We're sorry, right Sweetie Belle? Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asked, looking at her friends. They both looked down in mock shame. "See? But we were so close ta figurin' it out! Sweetie Belle came up with this idea that the … umm … ."

"Structural Integrity," Sweetie Belle said.

"Right, the structural thingy might be … ah … ," Apple Bloom continued, trailing off again and looking at her friend for more help.

Sighing, Sweetie Belle continued, "Well, you see … T-T- … my brain told me that while we might not be able to prevent the … natural disasters from going away, but we could solve why the barn kept collapsing by understanding the barn's structural framework. With engineering and research we might glean further insights as to why the structural integrity continues to fail and possibly prevent it from doing so in the future. So we were trying to measure the shear stress of the support beams with the help of Apple Bloom's carpentry skills and Scootaloo's scooter before Big Mac pulled us out of there."

Everypony but the CMC seemed to stare in silent awe at the filly. Even Big Mac, and that was saying something. Shaking her head, Twilight was the first to pipe up. "Wh-where did you learn about all that Sweetie Belle? Actually, where did you learn how to do this too?" Twilight pulled Sweetie's math assignment out of her saddle bag. "I know what Calculus looks like when I see it but the symbols you use are very weird. If you are performing some kind of mind-enhancement spell, I need to know. You could be putting yourself in very serious danger."

"Like I said, Twilight," Sweetie Belle replied, finally glad she was getting through to somepony. "I got it from my brain. It is all coming from inside my head. There are no spells that I'm performing that … ughh … ." Sweetie Belle stopped as a migraine set in. The tablet's metal user interface completely covered Sweetie's vision.

*This device currently finds that your actions may now be directly causing this Tablet's discovery with a sufficiently high probability. This device apologizes for the discomfort.*

'Fine, FIne … ,' Sweetie Belle thought angrily at the Tablet, 'Sweet Celestia that hurts … .'

"I think I might be starting to get the picture Sweetie Belle." The rest of those gathered turned to Twilight as she talked, looks of confusion on their faces, except Cheerilee. "Something happened to you in the metal cave. You didn't have any of these insights before then, to my knowledge. Additionally, magic was fluctuating inside you during your recovery. Most importantly, you can't speak about it, even after I've told you about the serious implications. While I don't know what, there is one thing clear about all of this, something is influencing your mind, isn't it?"

'Yes! I did it! I knew if I did a bunch of really out of character things somepony would figure it out! In your face Tablet!' Despite her exuberance, Sweetie Belle outwardly said nothing. She wanted to speak but the words wouldn't come. She wanted to nod enthusiastically in agreement but her muscles held firm. Luckily she was still able to cry tears of joy. Unbeknownst to her, the tablet could only control limited electrical impulses sent to the rest of the body from her brain and nothing related to the production and regulation of her hormones including the dopamine being secreted through her Lacrimal system.

It was all Twilight needed.

"Alright Sweetie Belle," Twilight said in a rushed tone, quickly nuzzling the filly in an attempt to comfort her, "It's going to be okay."

Quickly taking charge of the situation, she spoke to the other ponies. "I can tell just how serious this is. Everypony, I think you should all go home while I bring Sweetie here to the hospital. There's no telling what magic might be at work here and I'd be worried if this started to spread. Cheerilee, could you get Rarity to come meet me there? She'd want to be there, and Applejack? Could you get Spike to meet us there as well. Something tells me I'm going to need to send a letter to Celestia."

Applejack and Cheerilee shook themselves out of their shock and nodded their heads, quickly heading to town. Big Mac, with a guilty look on his face, took his little sister in his teeth and brought her into the house, kicking and hollering to be there for her friend.

Scootaloo, now all alone with Twilight and Sweetie Belle said, "You might have convinced the others but I'm not leaving my friend for-"

Before she could finish, Twilight took the still frozen Sweetie Belle on her back and flew straight up and away to the hospital, not wanting to teleport her with dangerous magic currently affecting her.

"Oh come on!" she said. She grabbed her scooter from the barn and rode after the pair as they flew quickly out of sight.

Inside the Apple Family house, the sound of crashing could be heard and a triumphant yellow filly burst forth, followed closely by a red stallion, who appeared to struggle with a kitchen tablecloth on his head. When he saw that his sister was gone, he let the fabric fall to the floor, his ruse finished. He made no attempt at following the filly.

'Ain't nopony have ta know … ,' he thought, going back inside. 'There ain't nothin’ that'd get in the way of that filly when her friend’s in danger … and Ah'd do that same thing if it were Applejack.'