• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 51 minutes ago

Zaid ValRoa

"Fanfic [has] been on the decline since the Aeneid." --Anonymous poster 18/03/15

Comments ( 30 )

Not bad. Not bad at all. You captured Pinkie pretty well here. It was nice to see her views across time, correlating to the episodes. I think you may have overdone it with the "I didn't say," thing, but that's probably the main point here. It wasn't bad; I just wasn't a big fan of it.

Let the feels overtake you.

It is the point, though I feel I kinda over did it as well.
I don't know, it felt Pinkie.

Prolly how Pinkie feels now.... :fluttershysad:

But why didn’t I talked to you?

But other than that, great story.

Thanks for the catch, it's fixed. I'm glad you liked my story.

Feel for Pinkie. :pinkiesad2:

This saddened me a little. :fluttercry: I don't like that feeling. :applecry:
Well done, and thanks for writing. :pinkiesad2:

Them feels.:fluttercry:

I mean, you did get a little grazy, but it was a fun kind of crazy, I liked it.


Thanks for the catch, it's fixed. I should spend more than five minutes proofreading what I write.

Thanks for reading my story. :twilightsmile:

4804468 I spend hours doing it and still miss shit. Sometimes you need an outside pair of eyes to find things:pinkiehappy:

I was tearing at the end, she's leaving and she doesn't want it to change.
4800645 Screw you and your alternate endings. It's bad enough I have to finish another play through, a Renegade this time, now I have this to look forward to.

You don't have to do anything dawg. If the endings still piss you off even after two years, then just go play another game.

Fuck, go play Tomodachi Life; that shit will change your life for the better or the worse.

I rarely say this, but that was beautiful. I actually got a little moist in the vision globes there near the end. Nice work, particularly on Pinkie's characterization.

4807708 I scratched my ME1 disc and got a new one in Feb, also got Fallout 3 same day(New Vegas a week later). Guess what I've been playing ever since? Next, Destiny. What is Tomodachi Life by the way?

It's a warm, fuzzy feeling clusterfuck of a game that is filled with chucklefucks, yourself included (your Mii.)

Something tells me that you would prefer action or RPG games over something like this (you need a 3ds too,) so you probably wouldn't like it.

If you are still interested in this... game, just watch mop head here explain it to you.


Sequel? :3

*hads you gun* Alright shoot me I the heart. It's not like need it.

It's alright. I didn't need all that water i lost from al the crying i did. Dehydration is the new craze. :ajbemused::fluttercry:

I hate to nitpick something that's been out for a long time, but about half of your "didn't say" lines are missing periods and one's missing the dialogue-punctuation comma. Other than that it was nicely told. Well done.


Whoops. Thanks for pointing that out.
I'm glad you liked my story.

I'm glad you liked it.
I plan to write more TwilightxPinkie in the future, so I'll be sure to share those.

One more correction for you. "I want you to help me take care of Pound and Pumpking..." This of course immediately brought Jack Skellington to mind. Not the image you were going for, I'm sure, but I know you meant to say Pumpkin.

Now on to what I liked about the story. It was brief, but Pinkie's thoughts are clearly spelled out. Her characterization is spot on with the way her thoughts flow and the dialogue she uses. It gives her feelings for Twilight so much more credibility. All in all, nicely done!

Shoot, there's alway something. :rainbowhuh:

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Not to toot my own horn, but I've made a couple of Twinkie fics aside from this one, they're also sad.

Feel free to check them out if you liked this one.

I definitely will! Can't wait to read them!

I don't know what it is about this particular fic, but I have shed tears over a story maybe once or twice before, this was heart wrenching. Great job! :pinkiesad2:

I'm glad I could make you feel.
Thanks for reading my story.

But then you turned around and the carriage got away. And I realised what it was that I wanted to say, and I cried, because I didn’t tell you, and I couldn’t stop crying, even after the girls tried to cheer me up.

I'm fine. :fluttershyouch:

And I knew that even if I got better, I’ll always have that little empty space inside of me because of what I didn’t say when you were leaving.

I'm perfectly fine :fluttershysad:

“I love you,” I didn’t say.

That's when I couldn’t keep pretending this isn't that sad :fluttercry:

It's a sad story, you characterised Pinkie well and you got the emotions down, but the constant "I didn't say" at the end started to get redundant.

Maybe it's not too late, keep trying Pinkie!

I'll give this an OKAY

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