• Published 1st Aug 2014
  • 2,522 Views, 137 Comments

How Soon is Now? - LightningBass94

  • ...

...Of Nothing in Particular

"Who am I now?"

Prince Blueblood walked down the long corridor, his mane a dissheveled mess. He held a perfect red rose by the stem in his maw.

"What am I now?"

His bowtie had yet to be tied for the day. As he passed into the castle courtyard, several nobles scoffed at his apparent distress, displayed outwardly by his appearance. He paid them no mind.

"Nothing in particular, I suppose..."

Making his way to the edge of the castle grounds, Blueblood took a right down a cobblestone path. He knew where his legs were taking him, and he had no intention to go, but he saw no reason to turn back now. What good would either decision do? The end result would inevitably be the same.

The path led to a stately cemetary where the nobility and royalty were buried. This was the burial site of his father, and more recently, his mother.

Princess Celestia, diarch of Equestria, passed peacefully in her sleep not but two nights previous. The day and night courts were in a frenzy. Despite having thousands of years to prepare for the inevitable death of the princess of the sun, no one actually had.

There were myriad political issues which kept all Celestia's loved ones busy; too busy to mourn. Not that this concerned any of the nobility. Hay, half of them sat in court with righteous indignation, demanding the throne for themselves.

Blueblood may have been alongside them if it were not for the last words his mother spoke to him ringing in his ears.

"...You are so very wrong, Blueblood; you are not fit to rule." Celestia pouted as she stared up at her son from the cushion she rested on. This was not the first time they'd had this argument.

"I'm never wrong!" Blueblood insisted with a stomp of his hoof. "I would be a perfect king! Give me a castle, and I'll prove it!"

"I can't give you a castle, Blueblood, nor shall I." Celestia gave the prince a deadpan expression.

"What do you mean, you can't?!" Blueblood whined. "Have one of the peasants build one. They're good at that sort of thing."

Celestia glared at her son, already annoyed by his persistance on the matter. "In modern day Equestria, there are no peasants, Blueblood," she spat.

The unicorn dismissed his mother's comment easily with a wave of his hoof. "Peasants, commoners, riff-raff, worms... It matters not what you call them. They're all the same," he told her. "We are their betters, and their entire existences are to make our lives easier."

"They are not worms, and they are not the same, Blueblood!" Celestia argued. "They are as different as the night is from the day, and most of them would be more fit to rule than you! Everything you say is wrong!"

"You shut your mouth! How dare you say that!? I am a prince!" Blueblood puffed out his chest with pride and placed a hoof there for good measure. "You gave the right to rule to a nerdy little bookworm and an orphaned pegasus, but not to your own son?"

"You are a fool!" Celestia stood up to yell at her son, looming over him. Even in her condition, she radiated power in her anger. Years of rule gave her the knowledge to be intimidating when need be. Blueblood needed to know his place. "To rule is to serve, and until you learn that to be true, you will always be a disappointment to me!"

"Serve?! That's what servants are for!"

"How can you lead ponies whom you do not even understand!"

"I understand that you let them get away with murder!" Blueblood spat. "I'd bet taxes are at an all-time low this year!"

"Why you little-!" Celestia began to cough violently, covering her muzzle with a hoof. She was forced to sit by the episode. She'd already been too worked up. It seemed her heart condition was worsening.

"I hope you choke!" Blueblood spat as he stormed from his mother's quarters.

"Wait...dont...!" Celestia tried to call after her son, gasping for air, but he was gone. As she reached a hoof out for him, she saw the fresh bloodstain upon her pearl fur...

"I was a fool," Blueblood muttered. As he traversed the lush grass of the cemetary, he'd made his way to the far end. There stood the largest headstone in the field to date. It was shaped like a large sun, identical to his mother's cutie mark. It was here that he collapsed. His red, puffy eyes that he thought could not possibly construct any more tears began to flow once more like twin waterfalls.

The rose he carried in his teeth was set neatly at the head of the fresh grave he laid upon. The dirt was mucking up his white fur, but he was much too preoccupied to move. In a desperate attempt to be closer to his mother, Blueblood lit his horn and touched it to her headstone. The grooves carved into the stone came to life with his golden aura before puttering out as he slammed his face down in the dirt. "How could I say those awful things to you!?" he wailed. "How could I be so blind as to not see you were sick?"

His breath shook with silent sobs between his very audible ones. "Those...those were my last words to you," he whimpered. "I told you to choke." He shut his eyes tight and took several deep breaths to calm himself, but to no avail. "I don't remember the last time I told you I loved you..."

"She knew, boy." A gentle hoof patted Blueblood's shoulder. He spun around to see Fancy Pants smiling kindly down at him. A simple daisy floated by his head. "Mothers always know."

Fancy Pants set the daisy down upon Celestia's grave gently and sat down upon his flanks next to Blueblood. He stared at the headstone a long time before speaking once more to the white stallion, whom had since straightened up to a sitting position. "They were her favorite, you know: daisies."

Blueblood looked toward Fancy Pants curiously. "How well did you know my mother, sir?"

"Oh, we were fast friends, m'boy. Fast friends. We met nearly twenty years ago at a cheese convention. We both found it absolutely abysmal..." Whatever memory Fancy Pants dug up made him chuckle a bit, but he then looked toward Blueblood for the first time since arriving, absolutely serious. "She called upon me the day of her death, you know."

This got Blueblood's attention, though he didn't look away from the gravestone. "Oh?" he asked, signalling the older stallion to go on. Like most of the higher echelon citizens of Ponyville, Blueblood highly revered Fancy Pants, despite his unorthodox and "down to earth" views on most matters.

"I know what you said to her," Fancy Pants told him.


"She would have wanted you to know she didn't hold it against you."

Blueblood glanced at the stallion beside him, surprised, then back away. "Really?" He attempted to sound nonchalant.

"Indeed," Fancy Pants answered. "In fact, she was upset about what she said to you as well,"

Blueblood hung his head. "She was right, though," he admitted. "I'm not fit to rule anypony."

Fancy Pants nodded his head sagely, staring ahead at the gravestone. "No," he agreed.

The younger stallion looked to him with pleading eyes. "Who am I? I don't even know anymore! I am royalty that is not fit to rule! What does that make me?!" Blueblood could feel the tears coming again.

Fancy Pants turned to face him. Placing a hoof on his shoulder, he smiled warmly. "Son, that makes you anything you want to be. That's all Celestia wanted for you in the first place."

Blueblood cocked his head to the side. "What do you mean, sir?" he asked.

"Be happy, son. Go out and be a stallion you can be proud of. Be a stallion she could be proud of." Fancy Pants pointed to Celestia's gravestone. "That's all any mother can ask for, m'boy." The older stallion got up and brushed himself off before departing, leaving a conflicted Blueblood in his wake. Alone with his thoughts, Blueblood fell to sleep upon his mother's grave.

Several other ponies came by, but they let the sleeping prince be.

Author's Note:

This...this is my worst fear. My mother and I don't always see eye to eye, and I dread having an argument with her and the last thing I ever say to her be something I'll always regret. I love my mom, and I don't want to ever give her a reason not to believe that, especially now that her days are numbered. Thanks for reading. :heart:


Comments ( 134 )

Very nicely done.

Wow. This is a very touching story. How many times I have heard, seen, and read about the last regretful words said to someone? I wish you the best.

4783926 Do you have any constructive criticism to give?

4784091 I know. It's very cliche, but the thought really is frightful. :twilightoops: Thanks for the compliment too. :pinkiesmile:

4784092 Nope, didn't catch any mistakes.

Constructive criticism? Pfft. I saw one tiny flaw: the modern author's tendency to end a sentence like "What good would either decision do" with a period instead of a question mark has long been a pet peeve of mine. That's literally the only speedbump I hit throughout the story.

Now, um... I have so much to say, but I've been trying to write this for an hour and I still haven't figure out how to say any of it. I know you're passionate, but I can't see you ever trying to hurt those you love over something as petty as a disagreement, no matter how big a disagreement it may be. I can't see your mom being the type to let a grudge get the best of her either. Am I reading too much into the fact that you chose Blueblood of all ponies with whom to identify? Quite a compliment to your mum, though.

Okay, words aren't really working for me, so
Time for a group internet hug! *glomps*
Now's not the time for nerves or second-guessing. She loves you, Bassie; an argument won't change that. I know you can do this, hon. Be strong, and be good to her.

A touching story where a character has internal and external conflict with a misunderstanding on whether they have a strong grip on their identity. Meaning, I love this story. :twilightsmile:

4784248 Thank you. :twilightsmile:


Constructive criticism? Pfft. I saw one tiny flaw: the modern author's tendency to end a sentence like "What good would either decision do" with a period instead of a question mark has long been a pet peeve of mine. That's literally the only speedbump I hit throughout the story.

That...was a typo. My bad. :twilightsheepish: Thanks for pointing that out.

Now, um... I have so much to say, but I've been trying to write this for an hour and I still haven't figure out how to say any of it. I know you're passionate, but I can't see you ever trying to hurt those you love over something as petty as a disagreement, no matter how big a disagreement it may be. I can't see your mom being the type to let a grudge get the best of her either.

.....Both have happened. :unsuresweetie: I'd like to point out again that I wasn't always the man I am today.

Am I reading too much into the fact that you chose Blueblood of all ponies with whom to identify?

A bit... :twilightsheepish: I'm really big on metaphors. Also, it fit with the song. Have you heard it?

[And here Bassie forgot that Adda doesn't have audio and almost posted a video. :facehoof:]

Time for a group internet hug! *glomps*

Gha!!! *Is gomped to the floor...hugs back* Lol. You're a dork.

4784521 I'm glad you liked it so much. :pinkiehappy:


.....Both have happened. :unsuresweetie:

The important word here is 'have'. It doesn't mean it has to happen again, and if it does, it doesn't mean you can't make things right.

I'd like to point out again that I wasn't always the man I am today.

And now you are! :pinkiehappy: I can understand why you'd be worried, but I think the man you are today deserves more credit.

Have you heard it?

In fact, I have. I love the Smiths. You're right, he does fit the mood and circumstances rather well. So, did you plan to submit this to deli73's Writing Challenges group or was this just one heck of a coincidence?

Lol. You're a dork.

I'm in good company. :raritywink:


The important word here is 'have'. It doesn't mean it has to happen again, and if it does, it doesn't mean you can't make things right.


And now you are! :pinkiehappy: I can understand why you'd be worried, but I think the man you are today deserves more credit.

Also true. :twilightsheepish:

In fact, I have. I love the Smiths. You're right, he does fit the mood and circumstances rather well. So, did you plan to submit this to deli73's Writing Challenges group or was this just one heck of a coincidence?

:pinkiegasp: I do now. :pinkiehappy:

I'm in good company. :raritywink:

Lol! You sassy bitch. :rainbowlaugh: You're right. I'm a dork. :ajsmug:


You're right. I'm a dork. :ajsmug:

You say that like it's a bad thing. :twilightsmile:

4785263 I said nothing of the sort. :rainbowkiss:

4784517 Internet hug? Don't leave me out of this! :pinkiehappy:

4785422 *Pulls Deli into the now awkwardly long hug* :rainbowwild:


It's only awkward if you make it so.

I can relate to this fear so much. I'm always afraid I'll eventually say something to someone I care about that I can't take back.

That aside, however, I have a major problem with one aspect of this story: Celestia's role in all this. Mostly that it doesn't make much sense. You could have easily made a random OC be Blueblood's mother and nothing would have changed except for maybe having to reword the argument a touch. This is especially weird when you factor Fancy Pants into all this and his "we met at a cheese convention". Ignoring the mere existence of a cheese convention, what was a Princess even doing there? I'm pretty sure she would have had better uses for her time.

Even with the AU tag I don't buy it.

4785467 Thanks. :pinkiehappy:

4785492 Well, it has been going on for 5 hours now. :rainbowlaugh: At this point, the three of us are cuddling. :duck::trollestia:

4785498 I like thinking of my mother as Celestia. That's why Celestia is his mother. The cheese tasting convention was something hoity toity I came up with at 3 in the morning that I thought a princess may need to make an appearance at, just because royalty must make appearances at stupid events like that.

I just want to point out that the cheese industry has conventions just as any other industry does, and they're exactly the kind of business event a business-minded Princess would be expected to attend if they take place in her capital. After all, the Princess must stay up-to-date on all aspects of various industries if she wants to keep the land's economy running smoothly, and what better way to do that than to witness the changes firsthand at the annual or biannual convention?

Read that you dedicated this story to your mother, and saw the 'passing on soon' bit.

Instant faved. Such a wonderful considerate commemoration to your mother. She'd be very proud of you, madam.sir...

4785637 Thanks. :twilightsmile:

...and I'm a dude. :derpytongue2:

4785660 Whatever, you're still cool regardless of gender. :)

Well, I already told you my feeling in my PM earlier, but just figured I'd say that this was beautiful. You're a good man and a good writer Bassie, keep it up, mate :rainbowkiss:


Well, it has been going on for 5 hours now. :rainbowlaugh: At this point, the three of us are cuddling.

I'm okay with this.

4786231 I never said I wasn't. :rainbowkiss:

4786401 This virtual hug is almost real, that's how awesome it is.

You know elsewhere on the internet there are flame wars and people using derogatory terms for insults, here, we hug :twilightsmile:

4787054 Right? I love this site.

4787317 me too :twilightsmile: BRONIES ARE MAGIC :pinkiehappy:

This is homnymous to an upcoming story I've been waiting for months. You can't imagine my happiness when I read "How Soon is Now?" on the popular stories list.

4787630 It's on the popular stories list? :pinkiegasp:

4787471 Damn skippy! :rainbowdetermined2:

4788255 That was a great song, and it cheered me up quite a bit. :pinkiehappy:

4789474 You know, that work even better 'cause I'm Australian

Yes, it is! :twilightsmile:

4789562 true :twilightsheepish: but MY country's animal can box, so bleh :rainbowwild:

4789619 I don't see it. :rainbowhuh: Do you have your mature filter on?

4789849 Yeah? Well... I got nothin' :rainbowlaugh:

4790404 Lol. I assure you a room will not be needed. :eeyup:

4792399 ha ha, score for the aussies :rainbowdetermined2:

Hey I was just wondering, have you seen the new transformers movie? I haven't seen it, but i heard of a certain someone who made a cameo in it, let's just say she makes the movie... 20% cooler :raritywink:

4792501 I'm not a huge fan of what that director has done to transformers, actually...

4793013 yeah michael bay sucks, but that's not the point, Rainbow Dash is in the movie!

4793091 Her voice actor, I presume? :derpytongue2:

4793285 If that was the case I would Ashleigh Ball... or RD/AJ's VA (I love AJ :ajsmug:), but that is not the case, check out this screen shot (from what I hear, she transforms into an assault rifle :rainbowlaugh:)


4793359 Oh yeah! I remember that from the trailer! :yay:

4793413 Our fandom will sneak into everything. EVERYTHING! :twilightsheepish:

4793464 :yay: They really need an evil discord emote.

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