• Published 1st Aug 2014
  • 12,662 Views, 112 Comments

Legend of Spyro: Dawn of Friendship - Shadicbro Brony

This story is a continued sequel of MLP season 4 and Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon. Spyro and Cynder have ben sent to Equestria to stop Malefor from taking over and cause chaos. They learned the secrets of friendship and must now rely on it to stop him.

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Chapter 6: Darkness and Salvation

Before the story begins, I want apologize to you all for all of you having to wait for so long for this chapter. A lot has been dragging me back from 2014. But now, A new year has been born, and I'm ready to get back to this story. I'll try not to have you all wait too long for the next chapter to be up, and try to focus a little more on the story. I went through 4 solid hours to get this chapter done. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and thank you all for being patient. You all rock.:pinkiehappy:.

Chapter 6: Darkness, and Salvation

The six ponies and three dragons circled around the night princess, who was for some reason out.

“Who could have done this?” Twilight asked.

“I-is she okay Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

“I don’t know. I hope she is.” Twilight responded looking at the blue Alicorn.

Spyro and Cynder took a closer look at the Alicorn to see the problem. Then, something caught Spyro’s eyes. A black crystal was puncherd deep in her side. He knew exactly is was the dark crystal created by Malefor himself.

“Cynder.” Cynder nodded, “Girls, you all need to stand back now.” Spyro ordered.

“Why darling?” Rarity asked.

“Trust us. We know what we’re doing.” Spyro responded in a serious tone.

They didn’t know what was going on, but they all stepped back as told. Cynder and Spyro stepped forward toward the princess. Spyro raised his claw quickly grabbed the dark crystal. Already, the dark, negative energy began to enter his body, giving him severe pain. Cynder was about to help him, but Spyro gave her a look to tell her not to come forward.

“What in tarnation are you doing?” Applejack asked the purple dragon.

“There’s a dark crystal punchered deep in your princess. The crystal is created by our nemesis, Malefor, known as the dark master. To those who are possessed or harness the crystals dark energy, can lead to severe consequences...or even death.” Cynder explained.

The group gasped by the information, “Spyro or I are the only ones who can handle the crystals power. The crystals has to come out, before its dark magic takes its effect.” Cynder explained.

Spyro grunted as he tried to handle the crystals dark magic. Finally, with enough willpower and magic, Spyro quickly ripped the crystal out and destroyed it. The princess of the night screamed in her unconscious state when the crystal was no longer in contact with her. Spyro and Cynder quickly summoned a red and green spirit gem.

Spyro harnessed the red crystals power, while Cynder harnessed the green ones. The two gently placed their claws on the Alicorn and sent the gems power into Luna. Bit by bit, the wound started to heal up, and Luna’s magic started returning. When the light subsided, Luna started to slowly open her eyes and groaned.

“LUNA!” The ponies cheered hugging the night princess.

Luna was taken back by the sudden hug, but then smiled, “Fear not my little ponies, I’m alright.”

They all broke the hug and smiled at her, “What happened to you?” Twilight asked.

Something in Luna’s brain snapped, “TIA!” She quickly got up, but the pain she received by the dark crystal still made her weak, “Easy Princess. Don’t push yerself.” Applejack said helping her up.

“I’m sorry, but I have to get back to Canterlot immediately.” Luna said.

“Why?” Rainbow asked.

“A large Purple dragon named Malefor has My sister prisoner. I have to help her.” Luna explained.

“Malefor is too strong for you to handle alone Princess.” Spyro said.

Luna turned and looked at Spyro and Cynder. Her eyes widened, “Who are you two?” She asked.

“My name is Spyro, and this is Cynder.” Spyro greeted.

Her eyes widened again, “So you two must be this Spyro and Cynder Twilight mentioned in her letter.” Luna said.

“What letter?” Spyro asked.

“We’ll worry about that later. Luna, why did Malefor has Celestia prisoner?” Twilight asked.

“Malefor wanted the information on the strongest power source of Equestria. I believe he was referring to the Elements of Harmony.” Luna explained.

“The Elements of Harmony?” Cynder asked.

“They’re six magical gems that create the magic of friendship. However, we had to give them back to their birthplace, the Tee of Harmony, to prevent total destruction in Equestria.” Twilight explained.

“So far, me, the girls, and the princesses know their location.” Rarity added.

Suddenly, Fluttershy screamed, “Fluttershy what’s-” Twilight went wide eyed with fear by what she was seeing. Hundreds of black creatures that looked like bugs, but covered with green fur in some places, and holding weird black weapons were heading for them.

“What are those things!?” Rarity asked frightened and disgusted by them.

“That’s Malefor’s dark army.” Spyro answered, “Stand back. Me and Cynder can handle this.”

“Are you crazy!? How can you two beat them!? There’s a hundred of them, and only two of you!” Rainbow shouted.

“Don’t worry, we’ve handled them before. Trust us.” Spyro said calmly while smiling.

They wanted to retort to them, but they were running out of time. They all nodded in improvement.

“Let’s go Cynder.” Spyro said to his mate.

She nodded and the two flew to the army of darkness.

“Are you sure these two can stop all of them?” Luna asked.

“Spyro did say he is powerful as he said as he is in his homeland, and if anypony can stop them, it’s Spyro and Cynder.” Twilight said.

Luna nodded, “I hope these two know what they’re doing.” Luna thought.


Spyro and Cynder flew closer to the dark army, “Are you ready Cynder?” Spyro asked.

She nodded and the two sped up and charged. They rammed into the army and started to attack. They two swiped their claws and tails to pull off combos. Ten dark army creatures surrounded Spyro, “ICE!” Spyro spun at high speeds and created an Ice tornado, destroying them in the process.

A few surrounded Cynder on both ground and Air, no way to escape….or so they thought. Two from the ground and the air charged at Cynder, “SHADOW!” Cynder dived into the ground and disappeared into the shadows. The dark army creatures collided into each other and became dizzy. Cynder emerged from the shadow from behind, “FEAR!” Using her fear element, she made her opponents afraid of her and started to run, but Cynder was far from done.

She charged and slashed at the creature and made them disappear. Twilight, Luna, and the others watched in awe at the battle, “I never knew these two were so powerful.” Luna said.

“Did you see what Spyro just did? He has the power of Ice. That’s so cool!” Spike said admiring Spyro.

“Cynder has control over the shadows? I never knew she could do that.” Twilight said in awe.

“Just by screeching at those varmints, they’re running like a bunch of scared dogs.” Applejack said.

Spyro and Cynder continued to press the attack, and finished off 70% of the army.

“Cynder, Let’s finish this.” Spyro said.

Cynder nodded and prepared for their finishing combo, “WIND!” Cynder created a small wind tornado and the dark army was thrown into the cyclone.

“ELECTRICITY!” Spyro shot out a powerful lightning strike at the cyclone and the attack made contact. The wind cyclone then became an electric Hurricane, giving off extreme damage to the dark army.

The group had their jaws dropped, “Spyro had the power of electricity!? What else can they do?” Rainbow asked.

“Cynder can create wind! YAY Cynder!” Pinkie shouted jumping up and down like crazy.

The final dark creatures were destroyed and the two dragons began to relax. They breathed heavily by using a lot of energy. They looked at each other and smiled. The ponies and Spike ran up to the two, “Are you two alright?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, we’re fine.” Spyro answered with a reassuring smile.

“That was so cool! I knew you two were strong as you said, but I never knew you two were that strong.” Spike said beaming.

“Gotta say, you two did a great job.” Applejack said tipping her hat.

“Y-you two did good out there.” Fluttershy whispered.

“Even with the stakes stacked against you two, you two came out on top. Well done.” Rarity said smiling.

The two dragons smiled at their thanks.

“I hate to break this up, but I must return to Canterlot. Tia is still there, and I’m sure Malefor is still there as well.” Luna said looking in the distance of Canterlot.

“If Malefor is involved with this, let me and Cynder help.” Spyro said.

Luna nodded, “Very well. You two have proven to be powerful allies. I believe you two can help us in any way possible.”

“We promise by our ancestors, we won’t fail you.” Spyro vowed.

Luna nodded again, “Alright then. Off to Canterlot.”” She started charging up magic in her horn. Suddenly, it stopped, “What? Why isn’t my magic working?” Luna asked confused.

“A dark crystal was implanted within you. I had to get it out of you. The crystal also drained all your magic, and it’ll be a while until your magic returns. Me and Cynder were able to get most of your magic back, but it’ll be a while until all of your magic returns.” Spyro explained.

“Guess we’ll have to get there by flight.” Rainbow said pumping her wings. They all nodded in agreement.

“How are me, Pinkie and rarity supposed to get their by flight?” Applejack asked.

“Pinkie can ride on my back, Cynder with Applejack.” Spyro said, “Luna, is it okay to carry Rarity?”

“Not a problem.” Luna answered.

Pinkie got on Spyro, Applejack got on Cynder, but gently, not to try to give too much pain while the egg was still in her, and Rarity got on Lunas back.

“Alright everypony, off to Canterlot.” Twilight said as Spike got on her back. Nyx quickly got on Rainbow’s back, and they all took off at high speeds to the Castle.

“Tia, I hope you’re safe” Luna thought.


“You’ll never get away with this Malefor!” Celestia shouted.

Celestia and Malefor were in the throne room. She was surrounded by Dark crystals to prevent her from escaping. Malefor chuckled evilly, “My dear Celestia, I’ve already have. Now, if you value your life, you’ll tell me where the power source of this planet is.”

“Never! Luna has escaped and she’ll come with help!” Celestia spat.

Malefor laughed, “Hahahaha! You believe that blue horse will come back? I’ve punched her with my own dark crystal, before she escaped. Even when she does come back, the dark crystal will slowly drain her power and life force. Soon...she’ll be no more.”

Tears started to form in her eyes, “No….Luna…”

“Also, I’ve decided to let my dark army have a little….fun wit her….by finishing her off. Hahahaha.” Malefor laughed.

“No...No...LUNA!” Celestia yelled while tears fell from her eyes.

Malefor chuckled, “Now, I’ll ask you again. Where is the source of power of this world?”

Celestia looked up at him with pure anger in her eyes while tears continued to fall, “I’ll never tell you anything.”

“Very well. I’ll let the crystals slowly eat you away then.” Malefore said snapping his dark claws.

The crystals moved closer and started draining away Celestias magic and life force.

“Hmhmhmhm, No one in this pathetic world can stop me. With you gone and that other blue horse, this world will be mine.” Malefor chuckled.

“Better get those eyes checked Malefor!” A certain voice shouted.

“WHAT!?” He turned and saw Luna, no longer wounded and has six other ponies with her. he can tell she was extremely pissed. Celestia looked up and saw her sister, alive and well. She smiled as tears of joy ran down her face.

“Lulu…” She whispered feeling happy she’s here with Twilight and the others.

“Tia..” Luna whispered looking at her sister, “RELEASE HER NOW!” She shouted using her royal canterlot voice.

Malefor laughed, “Well, I never expected you to still be alive, and I don’t know how you were able to fend off my army, but it still doesn’t matter. Your precious sister will slowly die. She’ll watch as I kill off every single one of you, and then I’ll find the source of this worlds power, and I’ll become it’s new ruler. HAHAHAHAH!!!” Malefor laughed.

“Not while we’re here Malefor!” Shouted a familiar voice to him.

Malefor stopped and went wide eyed, “No...It can’t be!”

“But it is.” Said a female voice.

Spyro and Cynder landed in front of the ponies and started at Malefor with great anger and determination. Celestia went wide eyed by the sight of the two dragons, “The young one looks like Malefor, but….I can sense goodness in him, and hope to us all.” Celestia thought.

Malefor growled, “I should have known you two would be here. I see now how these fools were able to survive my dark army’s attack.” Maleafore spat.

“Release Celestia now, or we’ll have to release her by force!” Spyro shouted.

Malefor growled, “Never! Arise my dark army. RISE!” Malefor shouted opening his dark wings.

Shadows dripped from his wings, and the dark army began to emerge from the shadows. Spyro and Cynder got into their battle positions, but then Cynder grunted in pain.

“Cynder?” Spyro asked worried about her.

“Don’t worry about me….I’m alright.” Cynder responded with a bit of sweat pouring from her scaly face.

Spyro knew the pain was returning. She needed a green and red spirit gem now, but didn't have time. Spyro hopes she can last until this battle ends. Spyro looked back at Malefor and the dark army.

“KILL THEM!” Malefor ordered. The dark army charged forward toward the two dragons.

Spyro and Cynder charged as well. They jumped into the air and dived into the army. ike before they pulled off combos and attacks with their claws and tails. One punched Spyro in the face and sent him flying into the wall.

“SPYRO NO!” Cynder shouted. A dark army minion appeared and tried to stab Cynder, but Cynder barely dodged. A second one appeared in front of her and punched her in the face as well, making her fall to the floor.

“CYNDER!” Spyro shouted. One minion jumped into the air, raising it’s dark weapon, and was aiming for the spot where the egg was. Rainbow saw this coming.

“I refuse to let this happen again!” Rainbow thought.

She quickly dashed forward to the fight, “Rainbow, what are you doing!?” Twilight shouted.

“Dashie, come back!” Pinkie shouted.

“Don’t play the hero darling!” Rarity shouted.

Cynder looked up and saw the dark minion closing in. She was in sever pain, and doesn't have the energy to move. She closed her eyes and waited for the blow.


A sound made her open her eyes. She looked up and saw Rainbow between her and the dark army, “You wanna get to her, you gotta get through me!” Rainbow shouted staying close to her.

“Rainbow…” Cynder muttered. She couldn’t believe she was actually protecting her, she also saved her and her young. Rainbow looked at her and smiled, “You alright?”

She nodded and tried to get up, “Why did you do that?” She asked.

“I never leave my friends hanging. I’ll protect you, no matter what it takes, and I still owe you for what happened back at Twilight’s castle.” Rainbow replied smiling.

Cynder became so happy that Rainbow is risking her life to protect her. She smiled as a single tear fell from her eye, “Thank you Rainbow. You are the most loyal pony I’ve ever met.”

“Hehe, well, I am the Element of Loyalty after all.” Rainbow replied.

Spyro walked up to them, “Thank you for protecting Cynder Rainbow, even if it meant putting your life in danger.” Spyro thanked.

Rainbow smiled, “ENOUGH!!” The three looked back at Malefor, who was very angry, “If you wish to join their fate, then so be it!” Malefor shouted charging at them.

“MOVE!” Spyro shouted. The three jumped out of the way before Malefor hit one of them.

“EARTH!” Spyro curled into a ball and an earth barrier formed. It sped up and was heading for Malefor. Malefor opened his mouth and a fireball began to form.

“FIR-” He was cut off when a rainbow blur hit him. The earth sphere collided with him and he fell to the ground, badly injured. Spyro broke out and jumped in the air again.

“FIRE!” He shot a fireball at Malefor, which made contact.

Malefor growled and got up and shook off the earth and fire. He quickly turned but then, “POISON!” A glob of poison made contact with his eyes and he yelled in pain. Cynder smirked.

“Cynder tag team?” Rainbow asked.

Cynder smiled, “Let’s do it!”

Rainbow smirked and she started spinning around Malefor with great speed. Soon, a rainbow tornado began to form, “WIND!” Cynder gave Rainbow a boost with her wind and increased the speed. Soon, Malefor was beginning to rise from the ground.

“POISON, FEAR!” She used both her fear and poison element again and added its power to the tornado, causing Malefor to become confused.

“SPYRO, NOW!” Cynder shouted.

Spyro nodded and focused within his very soul and power. Purple aura began to form around him, and he rose from the ground. The ponies, Luna, Celestia and Spike looked in awe by what Spyro was doing. Spyro shot open his eyes and opened his mouth. Purple energy began to form and grew stronger.

“Feel the power of the true Purple Dragon Malefor! Fury’s Convex Assault!” Spyro shouted. He then released a beam of purple energy and shot at the tornado, which it completely vanished when the beam hit Malefor in the chest. Malefor shouted in pain as the attack made contact with him. The ponies looked in shock and awe by the power of the attack and how much power Spyro was using. Malefor was then engulfed in the light. It was so great, the ponies had to cover their eyes, As the energy spread, the dark crystals surrounding Celestia started to shatter and fade away.

When the light faded, the ponies and dragons opened their eyes. Malefor was on the ground, completely hurt, while Spyro stood in front of him, completely drained of his power and magic, breathing heavily, and sweat pouring from his face. Celestia was on the ground, but was still conscious.

“I never knew these dragons could posses so much power.” Celestia thought looking at the tired purple dragon.

Malefor weakly got up and looked at Spyro and Cynder. He growled that they won, again, “This isn’t over fools. Mark my words, I will return!”Malefor shouted as he returned to his shadow form and disappeared into the floor.

“Get back here!” Rainbow shouted bursting after him, but Cynder stopped him, “Let him go Rainbow. He will return, but we’ll be ready for him.” She said as the last of Malefor vanished.

When Malefor was gone, Spyro collapsed onto the floor, completely weak. The girls gasped and ran up to him. Cynder got on one side while Rainbow took the other.

“Are you alright?” Rainbow asked.

“Y-yeah...I’m just completely drained by using that fury attack.” Spyro said.

“Fury attack?” Rainbow asked.

“We’ll explain everything later.” Cynder said.

She focused within her white crystal and summoned a red, blue and green spirit gem. Celestia and Luna went wide eyed by what they saw. Spyro weakly got up and harnessed the gems power. Some of his strength returned, but still needed a full recovery. Cynder summoned a few more gems to heal herself. She harnessed the last of the gems power and walked over to Celestia.

“What are you-” Luna was cut off when the girls got in front of her, “It’s okay Luna, Cynder’s gonna heal up Celestia.” Twilight explained.

Luna looked up and saw Cynder healing Celestia. Red aure swirled around her and her wound started to heal up.When her wounds were healed, Celestia slowly got up. She then looked at Cynder and smiled, “Thank you young one.” She thanked in a motherly tone.

Cynder smiled and nodded.

“TIA!” Luna shouted as she gave her a bone crushing hug. Celestia returned the hug and the two cried.

“I thought I would never see you again.” Luna whimpered.

“I thought I lost you Lulu.” Celestia whispered.

The ponies and dragons smiled at their reunion. When 5 minutes passed, the two princesses broke their hug and smiled at one another. Celestia then looked at Spyro and Cynder and smiled.

“I cannot thank you enough for what you two did.” Celestia thanked.

The two smiled, “It was nothing your highness.We only did what was right.” Spyro said bowing to her. Cynder bowed as well.

Celestia smiled, “You two save my life, along with Luna and all of Equestria. I should be the one who should be bowing to the two of you.” She then kneeled and bowed her head.

The two dragons were taken by surprise by this. Luna smiled and bowed as well. The mane six, Spike and Nyx smiled and bowed as well. Spyro and Cynder didn’t know how to approach to this. No one ever bowed to them before. Eventually, the two looked at each other and smiled.

“We appreciate this Celestia, thank you.” Spyro thanked.

Celestia and the ponies rose and smiled, “It’s the least we can do after what you two did for all of us.” She said.

They smiled. Cynder looked at her stomach, and Spyro smiled. He nuzzled her with passion. Celestia and Luna went wide eyed by the action, “Tia, does this mean the two are…”

“Yes Luna, Spyro and Cynder are a mated pair. I never knew that.” Celestia said with surprise.

“What’s surprising about us being a mated pair?” Spyro asked.

“Dragons in Equestria only mate and move on with their lives. It’s extremely rare to see two dragons together as a mated pair.” Celestia explained.

“Cynder is also pregnant!” Nyx blurted, but then covered her mouth by what she said.

Celestia and Luna went wide eyed once more, “Is this true?” Celestia asked.

Spyro and Cynder both blushed but nodded shyly. Celestia and Luna smiled once more, “Well, allow us to congratulate the two of you.” Luna said smiling.

“Thank you Celestia, Luna.” Cynder thanked.

“How long until the young one comes?” Celestia asked.

“Just days away.” Spyro answered.

“Well, I’ll be looking forward to the young ones arrival. If you don’t mind, I would love to give it a special gift.” Celestia said.

Spyro and Cynder smiled and nodded.

“We want to give it presents as well!” Pinkie said happily with the girls nodding in agreement.

The two dragons chuckled by her smile and attitude, “That's very kind of you all. Thank you.” Cynder thanked.

“I still need to know how you know Malefor and who you two really are.” Celestia said to the two dragons.

“We’ll worry about that later Tia, for now, how about we put it aside for right now and try to get some rest.” Luna said.

“As much as I want to tell you all as well, I’ll have to agree with Luna. I need rest. I still need to regain all my strength. Me and Cynder will explain everything tomorrow.” Spyro said yawning.

Celestia nodded, “Very well, for now, we’ll all relax for the time being. You’re all more than welcome to stay in Canterlot for the time being.” Celestia said.

They all smiled and thanked her. Spyro and Cynder’s true journey in Equestria has now begun.

Author's Note:

I Want to thank you all soooo much for waiting very patiently for this chapter. You guys are the best. I'll try not to take to long when i upload the next chapter. Thank you all again, and I'll publish the next chapter soon. Peace out my friends.:twilightsmile:

Comments ( 44 )

Baby Shower Party!!!!

Thanks for the update, but I felt that this chapter was rushed. I did love the fight scenes. I can't wait to read the final chapters coming up.

"Luna, why did Malefor has Celestia prisoner?”

Silly Twilight, you can't use past and present tense in the same sentence.

“Cynder can create wind!

That has multiple meanings...

Luna thought.
“You’ll never get away with this Malefor!”

There is a line break button for a reason...

Fury of Faust’s Convex Harmonic Assault!”

As awesome as this sounds, I just can't read it without facepalming.

“Cynder is also pregnant!” Nyx blurted,

Wait, where did she come from? I never seen her mentioned previously in the chapter... Or maybe I just overlooked?

So now finishd with the newest chapter here some advise. describe the world more. it is like they are on a blank page and in some moments we have some background where they are. if you do this it will take more time to make a new chapter, but it also will make the chapter longer. And it is more enjoyable. It feels more real with more descriptions.

Characters improved a bit. at least they don't feel sorry for beating malefor.

See you next chapter.

5418796 next chapters please I want to read more

Good story when is the next chapter

Legend of Spyro has a pretty good storytelling and this one really hype me up. Keep up the great work! :pinkiehappy:

5875174 come on add another chapter I want to know what's going to happen next

6735629 thank you. Sorry if I haven't updated in a while. I have other stories to work on. EHS is my #1 top story to work on of the moment. I fi ever get any time, I'll try to work on the next chapter.

Ok I will do my best and wait for the next epic chapter of Legend of Spyro: Dawn of Friendship.

It is really sad that this story has kind of gotten put on the shelf and collecting dust. I read your other story the one you are currently focusing on and your writing have improved so much from what it was in the latest installment of this one almost a year ago. I love Spyro crossovers and especially one's with Cynder (God i love her so much...just..aaaaaaaaah! :raritystarry: ) But yes, i wonder how much this story will improve with your current skill of writing right now. And Cynder x Spyro is a ship that not only while canon deserves to be extended and explored like this one is currently doing, especially with an egg on the way now aswell. And i am eager to see more in depth developments with spyro, cynder and the world they are currently residing in. Not to mention what Malefor has for new ambitions now. Since last time he was stopped he seeked the destruction of the very world as everyone knows it. Just to build a new one in his image on the still warm ashes of the one before. I think you captured his character really good. However me personally would want to see him more merciless and scheming. In his core Malefor is a sociopath, wich is one of the reasons why he is so likeable. His past is also worth having in the equation since he used to be kind and caring much like Spyro when he was younger. While he is powerful he trusts more to his trickery and planning then brute strenght wich is just his last resort. Also he believes what he is doing is right, wich in his eyes kind of make him sort of a Anti-hero. While cruel he dosen't necessarily do all he does for the cruelty itself. I am very excited in what you may have in store for this story. And now with your experience of nearly another year on the belt. The anticipation of what you could do with this is palpatable. I just hope you'll start on this one again soon. Maybe get a schedule of releasing a chapter for this and afterwards working on the next one for EHS. And then you try and go back and forth like that. I would also reccomend you make chapters for stories you do not update in a long time to be a bit longer. But anything is good so long as you feel up to it. I am eagerly tracking this and i hope it pops up soon in my list as updated! Keep up the great work :twilightsmile: Also dat cliffhanger on EHS's tho.. :trollestia:

6735654 ok but please hurry

Can you do more please

6735654 Please, I beg you continue this story.

6735654 it's been a very long time when I left the last comment to this story how r u doing my friend and how is the next chapter coming along I and a few others r wondering when u r going to upload the next chapter to this awesome story u have written I and the others have been waiting for a very long time to read even more of this awesome story I've been reading this story like 18 times so far and I'm still reading it over please try to hurry and add more chapters I can't stand the cliffhanger any longer:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy: heh hehhehhehheh. sorry :twilightblush::ajsleepy::applejackconfused: I kinda lost it there:twilightblush: please forgive me SQUEE!!!!!!! so please hurry

7727293 thank u my friend


Well this is one of the most longest wait on the chapter but maybe it is worth it and farly long. But that's if the story is still continuing.

Please add a new chapter please please PLEASE

So, when will the next chapter be ready?

More chapters please

He will make more chapters soon

I can't wait to read next chapter. So publish soon.

Spyro could gain new elemental powers soon like Water and Light. Malefor wouldn't be able to do that.

I have a question, did you find the cover art online, or did you make it yourself?

I still didn't forgot about this story yet :)

Please update soon.

I wish to see new chapters too :)

Hello. It's just me, but I want to write my own sequel to this! Why I want to, it's because I love this fanfic so much! I won't because you might not appreciate it, but I'm really feeling like I should. It's all up to you. I was also thinking of adding Wings of Fire, but whatever.

I hope u'll continue this story. I love this MLP & Spyro the Dragon crossover. I wanna read what happens next in the next chapter

Love this story, I can see Nyx Getting along with cynder Real well both done things they’re not proud of. Please continue this one.

Keep going... I LOVE IT!!!

....and never let anything stop you untill you finish :)

I still didn't forgot about this story) Still rereading it from time to time.

Hey when do you think The next Chapter come out ??🤔

When is the next chapter😒

I can’t wait for the next chapter to come out.

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