• Published 1st Aug 2014
  • 2,584 Views, 30 Comments

Life of Sin - Thyrai

Rainbow Dash keeps a short diary after she returns to Ponyville.

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I’m a genius. I mean, I might not be an academic genius, but holy smokes, there’s no doubt that I’m still as awesome as ever when it's about coming up with crazy ideas that sometimes actually work. I don’t recall ever breaking the law in a major way in the past, but I did twice this week. I even had two accomplices, so if someone rats me out I’ll know it was either a little purple dragon or a mischievous Sun princess.

I had a couple days to prepare by the time I got back from Canterlot. It was plenty of time, especially since not a whole lot needed to get done. The only big problem was getting access the materials. A little while before zero hour, I informed Spike of my plans, and he was eager to help. He used his resources to distract Twilight so I could sneak into the crystal tree palace thing and root around her stuff for a bit in order to steal everything I needed. After a couple quick flights to get everything in order, we were ready for the main event.

Last night, I kidnapped Princess Twilight Sparkle. It was just as awesome and thrilling as it sounds. Spike played his part perfectly as I waited like a tiger ready to pounce right outside the library. He told Twilight that she had a bit of food stuck to her chin. He offered to help her get rid of it while keeping one hand behind his back, a hand that clutched a little present from Celestia. As he reached up with a napkin, he quickly switched hands and slid the inhibiting ring over her horn.

I shot through the window in a flash, masterfully wrapping my hooves around Twilight’s waist and rocketing back outside with my surprisingly heavy purple prize. She squirmed, kicked uselessly at the wind, and ordered me to put her down. She even pulled the princess card, saying that she could have me thrown into the dungeon if I didn’t un-kidnap her. That bluff might have worked on somepony that didn’t know she didn’t actually have a dungeon, but I was steadfast in my mission. Even with her wriggling, I had no real trouble keeping her in my grip since she’s not nearly as strong as I am without magic. It was only a two or three minute flight to the outskirts of town, so thankfully she didn’t suffer the trauma of being abducted by some anonymous pegasus for too long.

I let her down in the field and she looked a bit scared until she recognized me. Then she was furious. She told me she had all kinds of work to do, and that I frightened her half to death. I did my best to apologize as I waited for her to turn around and see the things I’d taken from her home and set up in the field. I took all three telescopes I found in her storage closet, since I didn’t remember which one she used those years ago. I also took a bunch of astronomy books and star charts. What I was most proud of, though, was that I brought lots of paper, notebooks, and ink and organized everything neatly, just like Twilight likes.

She looked confused, but her confusion made her forget her anger. I told her she wasn’t allowed to leave. She tried to defy my command until I showed her a paper with official orders from Celestia. They told her that she had to take a mandatory break from all princess activities effective immediately. I explained how I remembered seeing her on this hill every Sunday, and I wanted her to have it back. She looked like she wanted to yell at me some more, but then she started sobbing.

I knew she knew what I’d done by that time. I wasn’t sure if she was crying because she felt betrayed and now hated me, or because she didn’t and was relieved. I wanted to comfort her in some way, but I hesitated in risking it, since I wasn’t really in the mood to die if she was actually mad. She answered my nonverbal question shortly after by hugging me and getting my shoulder all wet.

She said some stupid crap about failing Celestia and Equestria and whatever. I told her that she did fail. She failed by thinking she could do everything on her own. I told her that even though I’m the most awesome and most fastest flier ever, I wouldn’t have been worth half a bit without my teammates. That helped her settle down. I guess she’s not the only one good at super intellectual lectures.

Twilight asked me if I brought any quills, and it took everything in me to keep from smacking myself across the face. I offered to pull out one of my feathers, but she said feathers needed to be specially treated before they can be used for writing. It was super embarrassing, but she couldn’t stop giggling, and I much prefer giggling Twilight over crying Twilight. She said it would be more than fine to just watch for the night. She was even okay with me staying!

She showed me how to use one of the telescopes, and I can’t even describe in words how cool it was to see the moon firsthoof in so much detail. I tore myself away from the lens a while later when Twilight pointed to a big bright star in the sky and talked about its history and how it was important to early navigators. It was actually really interesting to a beginner scientist like myself, but I couldn’t really concentrate. It was nearly summer now, but Twilight’s voice was like gentle snowfall that bucked all the rules. I wanted to roll around in it, ball it up into a snowpony and sit quietly while I listened to the silence of the white blanket that draped over my world. The only thought that I could focus on was how good purple and white look together. Maybe that’s why I think Twilight’s eyes are so pretty. She’s got deep violet irises surrounded by the eternal blizzard of the snowy whites of her eyes. I think I might have been drooling a bit.

We’d been there for an hour or so when I felt a little nudge at my side. I realized I’d spaced out and Twilight was now leaning against me. She looked a little sleepy and gave me a little smile when I looked at her, and I felt my heart jump in my chest. Then she wrapped her wing around me. I have no doubt that she saw me blushing, even though the darkness. We stayed like that for a long time. Her wing was ridiculously comfortable and warm. She thanked me for everything and nuzzled my neck. I thought I might have a stroke from all that touching, but I think I managed to stay pretty calm and collected.

That night I caught a glimpse of the Twilight I’d fallen head over hooves for, but never had the guts to tell her so. A little thought struck me about how easy it would have been to let her know. If she responded positively, I could have leaned over a little and kissed her. I didn’t do either. This was her night, not mine. Will I come clean someday soon? Absolutely. She drives me nuts in all the right ways, and it’s time to be proud of that. I’m sick of being ashamed of my feelings. I’m sick of being afraid to show them. I’m Rainbow Dash, and I’m not ashamed of it anymore.