• Member Since 12th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago



You love a certain white unicorn and she loves you, but why does it scare you so much to commit? You've done everything together, so why is it so hard to think about marrying her? It's not like you don't want to, but just the thought is enough to send you into a panic attack. Will Rarity be able to help you overcome? Or will everything just... Fall apart?

This is one of the works I've been commissioned to do by a certain fan who wanted to see a sequel to my previous story "Freudian Slip". In this story, there's going to be twists, turns, shockers, and show stoppers. Just wait and see and prepare yourself to laugh, be afraid, cry, and d'awww. This is going to be 10 chapters long, 6000 words each. I'll try to update it regularly with the rest of my work, but things have been pretty erratic lately. Wish me luck!

Chapters (11)
Comments ( 170 )

You had me at "Work in progress". :scootangel:
I'm exdcited to see how this turns out, but I do have a question though.

Wasn't "Role Reversal" originaly gonna be the name of a Celestia/Luna x "You" fic you had a plan to do eventually?

And to think, I just re-read Freudian Slip last night!
This turned a somewhat boring intro to portfolio morning class into something awesome. This looks to be great.

No, that fic has yet to be named. >.>

Wow...kinky psychiatrist that's afraid of commitment. I'm gonna go ahead and chalk that up under 'new' in my book of story plots.


447950 We really need more Celly shipfics that don't involve Twi, Discord, or heaven's above, Luna. They're practically non-existent!


Well, it was sort of a mix... You'll learn a little later that both "you" and Rarity had an impact on the other in quite a few ways... And it's an IRRATIONAL fear of commitment, remember. "You" don't have any idea what causes it.


Rational or not doesn't matter. The fact that this is a plot point is new. It's something I've never seen before in fanfiction. Which is saying something, since I read a lot of fanfiction.

I love it and I laughed so hard at the end of this chapter when he fainted, that dream of his is like the shit you see when you take Ambian. So a Psychiatrist with commitment issues and I love how Bones just has the worse timing. I can't wait for more dude. The concept is great(Role Reversal), he took care of her mental health in Freudian Slip and now she has to take care of his mental health.

This how I feel when reading this:


I think your fics need a badge on them that has the Gentleman Creeper seal of Approval,

"Will Rarity be able to help you overcome?"
Nope, she's going to stab you in the stomach with a rusty hatpin and leave you to die! :twilightsheepish:


Ah, if ONLY you'd remembered the safety word!

Really really like this, definitely an interesting story so far very eager to see where this is going! *Tracks & Thumbs up*

You finally posted something! :D

Pretty awesome beginning, I can't wait to see what happens next.

Just a second, why is German called Mecklesh, but English is still English? :derpyderp2:
I much prefer when fics call it Equestrian anyway, as there's usually no reason for them to call it English.:derpytongue2:

"Role Reversal"... Because "I", the shrink, am having irrational fear of...
Ooo, I get it.

As always, the quality of the writing is outstanding. Keep up the amazing work, GentlemanCreeper.
And keep being a gentleman.
...And creepy.

I just want to note:

“Nachdem Sie, mein Fräulein.” Is an incomplete sentence. If you want him to say after you as in you go first it'd be "Nach Ihnen".

Danke, I'll fix that as soon as possible.


Not the only error in the German parts.
“Nachdem Sie, mein Fräulein.” -> Nach hnen, mein Fräulein
“Oh, es war nicht so schwer. Es half, dass ich einen guten Lehrer gehabt." -> oh, es war nicht so schwer. es half, dass ich einen guten Lehrer hatte.
"ocktoberfest" -> Oktoberfest
“Gesprochen wie ein wahrer pervertieren.” -> gesprochen wie ein wahrer Perversling / gesprochen wie eine wahre Perverse

Since I'm German these mistakes really put me off when reading.
If you want to I could help you translating into German.

I just might... I've been using google translate and it's the best thing I could find given the circumstances save kidnapping a german person. But now I don't have to! If you could actually go through the german parts, correct them, and send me the corrections, I'll be very happy. ^.^

This goes for any other german speaking bronies who want to help out; just send me the corrections and I'll use them. Just make sure to put an english version next to it so I, the english guy, knows what you're saying. :derpytongue2:

the second the kinky stuff came in i was whent :rainbowderp:...especially the part about the wax:twilightblush:

HUZZAH! SEQUEL! *Waits patiently for the next chapter*

I love this, and its going on SFG if I can figure out how, if I can put it there.

After the dream, Rarity calls "Breakfast!" but her next line she calls “Darling, dinner’s ready! Are you going to come down and eat?”.

I look forward for the next chapter, faking patience as best I can.

...I had a really derpy moment there. :derpyderp2:


"I'll speak english if you want me to"

"I'll speak english"



Okay, this is one that everyone argues a lot about... English, Equestrian, Common... I really don't know what to put half the time when I'm referring to the native tongue of Equestria. I thought about just calling it Equestrian and moving on, but griffins speak it, dragons in their native home speak it, the changelings speak it... It didn't make sense to think that Equestria had it's own language system that everyone used, especially outside of Equestria. I wanted to call it Common like in Dungeons and Dragons, but it didn't make sense either and I might write a paper about that in the future... So, I decided to go with English until I find something I like to call the native tongue of Equestria.

Although, I call the language of Mecklenburg 'Mecklesh' for obvious reasons.




I get where you're coming from. I just consider it an oddity since in the perspective of ponies, the word "English" to term the general language just comes out of left field. :derpytongue2:

I read the original, and now I'm onto the sequel! I think I deserve a pat on the back.

Anyway, it's always an interesting concept (to me, anyway) for the doctor that heals having the need to BE healed. I find it refreshing and worth while to read, and I look forward to this one's plot.

Looking forward to seeing what happens next. I am engaged with this story.

Love it already.

Not meaning to bug or anything but.... .WHENS THE NEXT CHAPTER COMING UP???

Oh my ... you made me laugh so hard with that little cold game :rainbowlaugh:
You also totally managed to describe his expressions ;)

Heh, sorry mate, but I didn't write that little bit... Coffeebean suggested an ice scene like that, but I was having trouble writing it, so he jumped in.

Personally, I wanted something a little more... Intimate and naughty... But it didn't seem appropriate.

1155531 Oh it's alright, everyone might need help sometimes, huh AJ ? :applejackconfused:
Anyway, you both did great in this story (in Freudian Slip too, totally enjoyed it :pinkiehappy:)

Now if you'll excuse me I've some diamonds to find ...

Huzzah! More of this story!


“Hello Miss Careheart.Ddoing well I take it?”

Half way through, only major error I spot.

ICH LIEBE ES! Just sent you the payment for the next chunk of this, I look forward to see where this is going!

<3 German-speaking Rarity!


No, just a bad mental image. It made me sad. >.<

Haha. Thanks. Unfortunatly I hve yet to read chapter two, but let me tell you, I'm digin' it.

Quick question, have you been to Neuschwanstein? I loved visiting there as a child. Still have this vivid memory of going there during the rain and watching the large horses that were pulling the carriages causing the water to evaporate just as it hit them creating this smoke like veil around them. It was supremely awesome!

I'm happy to see an update to a great story. I do like that bit of added realism where Fritz is strangling himself, most psychiatrists suffer from some kind of mental illness or have unresolved issues themselves; it ties back to the story's predecessor where he says, "there is no such thing as perfection." As for that bit where Sweetie Belle gets sick, as being from the tropics myself there is a ton of shit down here that can make you sick; hell even the climate can screw you up because of the high humidity. That's the thing about this and your fics in general, there are bits and pieces of things that people can relate to from they're daily lives.

Sleep Tight = Ambien? That stuff will cause some weird ass dreams.

Reaction to seeing the return of The Gentleman Creeper!

Five. Months. Update this faster next time. Please.

1391041 erm... do you have someone to translate from english to german? because google translator gives reaaaaally strange translations, for example it let Fritz say once that Rarity is a guy and other stuff.

“Was ist falsch mein geliebter?” Google translation WTF :rainbowhuh:
(Translation: What’s wrong my love?)

From Fritz` point of view it would be "Was ist los meine Liebste".

Please remember that this is a commissioned piece. If you want to help me get it written faster, then join me in throwing money at him! :P

Frankly, I'm happy to wait for quality.

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