• Member Since 21st Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen Yesterday



Why does everyone hate humans? Multiple stories that use humans only seem to list the negatives, or minimize the positives given as much as possible.

A non-plot driven project of mine to try and encourage greater thinking in the writer community and to make them realize that our species isn't so touched in the head, and that Earth isn't such a bad place to live.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 164 )

Sounds good, keep going. I too have noticed the amount of human hate that goes around these fictions.

You have caught my attention. Let's see what else you have...:trixieshiftright:

Well, this could be interesting. I'll put this on my track list just to see what arguments you'll put forth in humanity's defense, and watch as the Conversion Bureau crowd inevitably shows up to froth at the mouth and rage in self-loathing.

In all seriousness though humanity is p. terrible by any reasonable standard. If I were a pony I'd be really racist against humans.

Lol :pinkiehappy:

You do make a point, though. It is a bit tiresome to read "WA! WA! ALL HUMANS ARE BIG MEANIES" all the time. Do people really have so low faith in us? :fluttershysad:

Oh well. Potatoes gonna potate.

One of the negatives is that one of our vice presidents can't spell potato.:flutterrage:


All living beings have their share of good and bad guys. Generalizing everyone in a single category is pretty ignorant, in my opinion: Just because there are a few rotten apples doesn't mean we should throw away the entire basket.

447698 I totaly agree with you. We aren't exactly a likeable species as a whole, for a number of reasons: World War One, World War Two and The Holocaust are a pretty good example of reasons for another race to distrust humanity.

"it is well within our power to destroy our civilization and perhaps our species as well. If we capitulate to superstition or greed or stupidity we could plunge our world into a time of darkness deeper than the time between the collapse of classical civilization and the Italian Renaissance. But we are also capable of using our compassion and our intelligence, our technology and our wealth to make an abundant and meaningful life for every inhabitant of this planet." -Carl Sagan


Check your history books again to see a simple fact of history.:ajsleepy:

For every horrifying act, there are heroes fighting against it.:pinkiehappy:

My grandfather, rest his departed soul, was among he troops that finally took out Auschwitz during WW2, I've got family that risked their lives, and a few that GAVE their lives trying to stop the death and destruction of that horrible war.:fluttercry:

I'll not deign to dragging out the Nazi scum for this debate, but let's face it.:trollestia:

If humanity was HALF as evil as you'd presume, they'd still be in power, rather than a battered and fractured splinter sect struggling to survive the aftermath.:facehoof:

There are heroes in the world.:twilightsmile: Far more than you think.:twilightsheepish:

447809 Yes, I suppose you're right. Heroes do exist in this world. It's a pity there's so few of them.


Like I said. :ajsmug:

More than you realize.:trollestia::yay:

Lol you must be new to humanity.


>discussion of humanity on FiMFiction

I happen to live in a small town that seems to me, in many ways, a lot like Ponyville. It seems funny to say that FiM is paradise while the fairly similar place where I live is some kind of hell. I'm sure my town isn't a typical representation of Earth, but who's to say that Ponyville is typical of the FiM world?

If you want to really delve into the whole HEEP (Humans are Evil / Earth is a Pit) meme, then the Conversion Bureau universe is a good place to do it. It started out as a total HEEP (and there's still a lot of it going around), but but some stories since then have turned that around and balanced it out. Instead of a lone HiE you've got entire worlds colliding, which means you can explore every possible aspect of how they relate.

447710 Man, I don't know about you, but if I take a bite out of an apple and there's a big ol' worm in it I'm not eating any more apples from that basket (I'm racist against worms too)

This is hilarious, it has hardly been two hours since this story was posted and already everyone is ripping each others throats out, and the author hasn't even expanded on his premise yet! Oh interwebz, you never cease to amuse me.

This oughta be good. Tracked. Pinkie Pie + 4th wall breakage = awesome! :pinkiegasp: :pinkiehappy: :raritywink:

I have a feeling Chatoyanche and the other Conversion Bureau fans will be here soon to rip the story apart and start philosophical debates. :pinkiecrazy:

But seriously, Humanity encompasses all parts of the moral spectrum from heroes to villians. And in most places, there seem to be more heroes than villains.

On a side note, I'm not sure why the Conversion Bureau universe attracts so many misanthropes and self loathers. Or why there seem to be so many "Humans are Bastards" type stories.

But humanity has fingers. :raritydespair:

I couldn't follow that. Could you use colors or something and explain what they are in parentheses or something? Because it sounds like everyone else likes it.

Now I feel guilty for even thinking about starting a Conversion Bureau-based story.
Humanity has a place in moderation.
Take the good and the bad and learn from everything.
There are shades of gray that the topic's rarely taken before in the fan fiction community.

447732 ...I don't even know you and I want to kiss you for that one mate.:rainbowderp:

447809 Ahhh... a fellow human supporter, but one that can't see the good in evil as well.

I don't like the Nazis or Hitler any more than you do, but you don't realize that despite the Horror of the Holocaust (which I think is there only real crime beyond starting the war, which could also be turned into beneficial light, as everything else seems to just be regular war time crimes) they were beneficial to Germany, in the fact that they led their country out of their Great Depression. Not to mention the amount of faith they put back into everyone's lives...

447986 ...Wait, is that supposed to be on the good side or bad?:rainbowhuh:

447868 We should make a checklist of things that normally happen on fimfiction whenever humans are involved
> WW2 mentioned *check*
> Global Warming/Pollution *not check*
> Chatoyance *not check*

448153 I've seen the word Chatoyance above in another review, but when I looked it up, I only get something about Tiger's Eye. What is it?

448167 He/she's an author on this site of some Conversion Bureau fics. He/she usually gets involved in these sorts of discussions.

448102 Oh no, no no no. Go ahead go ahead! If you think it'd be a worthwhile read do it. I'd LOVE to see it for myself!:raritystarry:

If you check which groups I'm in you'd notice that I'm a member for the Conversion Bureau group. It just shows another fine example of humanity, about when we face the toughest situation, and how we deal with it as a whole. Sure, they may paint humans in a negative light, but the ones I've read and loved also give great examples of good characteristics. "Last Man Standing" comes to mind.

448003 What do you mean? I can't really understand what you're asking for.:rainbowhuh:

448148 It is a good thing.

448176 So what should I expect from her? A ripping into the story and the very idea of humans being good? Or a calm explination of her views, good or bad?

448209 He/she seems to be a pretty nice person overall, maybe a bit inconsiderate at times, but far from flaming.

This poster accurately depicts my feelings towards you at this time.
Good day to you sir! :moustache:

Favoritracked for impending epic flamewar

448277 Whoa, a little harsh dude. Tone it down a little.:applejackunsure:

448330 Oh great, now you've done it. You jinxed it! :facehoof:

448253 Oh!... Another me then!:pinkiehappy:

A story involving Humanity were we aren't portrayed as completely violent and selfish!:raritystarry:
Just for that you get a moustache.:moustache:
Seriously, what is with the hard-on that people have for writing that.

Interesting choice of co-host, and some sound logic to back it up.
I tried to work out who the co-host was too before I scrolled any further, I came up with Rarity.
Pinkie got knocked out in the second round with one of the reasons being that there might be a problem with going off on tangents and derailing the topic.

I have to admit, this story, however small it currently is, is inspiring. In fact, hearing all this makes me want to retry elements from an old fanfic of mine, which was basically three humans in Equestria; an idealist who thinks humanity is good, a cynic who'd love to rip humanity a new one, and a moderator who felt that humanity, even with all its wars, disagreements, and general chaos, does have redeeming qualities and deserves a shot at redemption. The story followed the cynic, incidentally.

448438 Interesting:duck:... You'll tell me when it's up. Right?:ajbemused:

448383 YAY MOOSTASH!!!:moustache::moustache::moustache:

How'd you come up with Rarity? Explain your thought process, cause as I said, I couldn't think of any significant reasons why she could be able to hold the position. You might be able to point out something I missed.

448364 Can't see it. But I still ask that you tone it down a little. Or maybe let the conversation between the two of you to drag on a little longer before going for the heavy punch.

It's a lot more amusing that way.:pinkiecrazy:

If you want a good insight into the thought process of Chatoyance and her CB cronies, then I suggest you read the discussion thread in this story: The Conversion Bereau: What Would Really Happen. I give you fair warning to bring a barf-bag if you don't have a strong stomach, because the misanthropy in her beliefs (which she does, I'll give her, express in an articulate and "calm" manner) is so strong that even I, who am no human apologist and indeed harbor a disdain for the conduct of the majority of our species, am induced to such blood-boiling levels of disgust that I have to leave my computer lest I commit some awful act of vandalism or self mutilation. Just typing this short paragraph has raised my blood pressure to uncomfortable levels, so I'll leave it at that.

448555 Jolly good show, my friend! Shall we continue this discussion over tea and biscuits?

Sorry, but damn man, you've got such an articulate online voice I just can't help but love it!:pinkiehappy: And loving something for me usually comes with a mild bit of ribbing.

Thanks for the link, and the warning. When I finish up my work outside, I'll be sure to check it myself.

...I just realized, you said she multiple times...:applejackconfused: excuse me one second, I need to go edit a previous post.

448555 Damn, never saw that before, but damn. I especially love how she manages to completely trivialize Minkalkra's own problems in life.

448193 I mean I couldn't tell who and what were talking. I didn't understand what was happening.

448749 Things in between quotes "example" is what is being spoken. Just like in any other story that is worth it's salt.

The text that was like this was to show what was being read online. I used the style of text that I did to help people differentiate between that and the letter he was reading.

The text that was like this was what the letter was saying as he was reading it. The letter was written out in a way that knew he was going to pause at those times and make those specific comments. It'd be like receiving a letter in the mail that explained in detail about things in a conversation you were just having.


Wow. She seems to rely too much on her own utopic head-canon for arguments. And my jaw dropped at seeing how someone could hate Humanity so much. If I didn't know any better, it seems that she wants Humanity to go extinct.

448781 Thank you for taking the time to reply, I understand now.


Yeah, the amount of time it must have taken to Google Image Search that... shocking! :derpyderp1:


The one thing I don't get about the Conversion Bureau... Their idea is that human nature is completely beyond redemption, pretty much, so we have to put science into ourselves to turn into marshmallow ponies. How are those evil humans going to become any better just because they have hooves?

I'm just not sure how a person like Chatoyance starts watching a fun, lighthearted cartoon like My Little Pony in the first place.


Hey, is it just me? Or is anyone else reminded of Sofia Lamb from Bioshock 2 with how Chatoyance is stabing and tearing out the worst parts of humanity in her comments *cough*sermons*cough* and leaving the rest to die from bleedout?

Well that was...interesting. I don't really have any feel for your character or what you're trying to achieve here. Assuming this is going to be some sort of listing of all the positive ways that humans/humanity can be portrayed then there are plenty of good qualities about people. Inevitably though I don't think it's about lack of knowledge on authors parts but the context from where they write and what they experience.

You are more likely to see values that the ponies reflect (ideal/utopian) in smaller groups of well adjusted individuals. Humanity as a whole has...a pretty ugly history. A very LONG ugly history, so it makes sense why they would fit as good villains or representing negative aspects, especially when compared to ponies(not a defense, just an explanation). There's more to it though than just human history/nature vs. pony history/nature (what little we know about it at least).

You also have to look at the authors in general. Did you see the crap that came out of ponyfall from them? A lot of bronies are dealing with some serious issues, and so as an escape mechanism more things are going to come up focusing on the negative than the positive. Sometimes people's stories are no more than an outlet for what they deal with on a day to day basis. HiE stories for this reason have an incredibly high proportion of self-inserts and the inevitable Gary Stu/Mary Sues.

Then just take a look at Humans vs. Ponies. Comparing the two on a simple level really does show us to be horrible monsters at a simple glance because canon ponies are incredibly idealized. They have a benevolent, immortal, magical, philosopher king/dictator that runs their society and has for at minimum a thousand years. They are cheating pretty damn hard in the scheme of things :rainbowlaugh:. This means that if you want to hold up humans and ponies and compare in any sort of fair and honest light you're going to have to actually put a bit of effort into your story, something only a small segment of authors are willing to do in the first place. You've got to be willing to step away from the basic canon and go deeper into the issues at hand; and I think that asks a lot of the writers (rightfully or not).

So I think there are some very good reasons why humans are shown for being a pretty awful lot of creatures. I have no clue if what you're doing will be effective at all. This type of problem, if it is or not, may be suited to a more serious discussion (that said I hope this works, I really do).

Edit: Holy hell that was more than I intended to say. Well you've at least got me thinking about it :rainbowderp:


I'd actually love to hear more about your thoughts on portraying humans fairly using MLP a backdrop since...you know...crazy popular story with humans and ponies.

I have to say I've never read a CB story that I ever could finish, they're usually so shallow and skip over the real issues at hand that I either have to put it down or worry about my eyes rolling so hard they rocket out of my skull. I mean you can have an amazingly good story with why a person would want to give up their humanity and become a pony. A whole host of positive and negative reasons for doing so and there is so much you could explore within just that framework; but they just skip over it and go "Humanity screwed, everyone let's PONY!" It's...such a waste.

Without darkness, there is no light
Without War, there is no peace
Without chaos, there is no order
Without Evil, there is no good
Without turmoil, there is no tranquility
Without contrast, there is no meaning

This is how I deal with people who cant accept that bad things happen. And without those bad things, the good becomes meaningless.

448938 :rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss::rainbowkiss:

I'd go more, but I'd probably run out of room

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