• Published 30th Oct 2011
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Two's Company, Three's a Crowd - Lithe Kamitatsy

One night of fun for a certain musical pair will leave their lives upside down.

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Chapter Forty-Eight

Vinyl and Octavia sat on the front porch of their apartment, watching other ponies pass by as they waited for the mover's to arrive. "Today's the day," Vinyl said.

"It sure is, Vinyl...I find it so hard to believe how much our lives have changed in the last month and a half," Octavia said. "To think that on top of the baby, we now have a pet in our family." She then looked over at Vinyl, who had Unts slung over her shoulder, the iguana dead asleep.

"Unts really is the coolest pet. It was awesome watching him maul Neon like that. I don't think I've ever seen him run away so fast," Vinyl laughed.

"Too true...he deserved everything he got, and I still do not think he has gotten ALL that he deserves," Octavia said. "Ah well, his former marefriend already did to him what I would like to do."

"What'd she do?" Vinyl asked, turning her head to face Octavia.

"To put it simply Vinyl, he received a hoof that had an iron shoe in his 'family jewels,'" Octavia said.

"Oooh, sounds like something I wish I could've been there to see," Vinyl said, wincing slightly. "How'd you find out about that?"

"Well, before I arrived at the bar before we made up, I bumped into her. She told me the whole story, as well as her 'parting gift' to him," Octavia chuckled.

"I REALLY wish I coulda been there to see that," Vinyl said sadly. "I would've made sure he coughed up his 'family jewels' as well as roughing him up a bit."

"Now, now Vinyl. I do not need my child growing up with a parent in jail. You got me into this, so the only option you have is to see through being a parent until the end," Octavia smiled.

"When do I start?" Vinyl grinned.

"In about nine months," Octavia said.

"Not soon enough," Vinyl said, leaning in and giving Octavia a small kiss. To their surprise, Unts had woken up from his nap and crawled up Vinyl's side, made his way over to her head, and used her head as a springboard to hop on Octavia's. "Ha, I think somepony's a little jealous," Vinyl laughed.

"...This will definitely take some getting used to..." Octavia shuddered as Unts got comfortable, taking his usual spot between her ears. He let out a satisfied grunt, and fell back to sleep.

"Octy, you have no idea how cute you two look. I gotta admit, I'm a bit jealous," Vinyl laughed.

"Well, as much as I like Unts, I still have a fear of reptiles. I can only hope Gummy is as friendly as Unts..." Octavia said with a shudder as she thought back to the site of Gummy latched onto Pinkie's mane.

"I can totally see Gummy and Unts starting a bromance," Vinyl said.

"A 'bromance?' What in Equestria is a 'bromance?'" Octavia asked, confused. She jumped slightly when she felt Unts tail brush the back of her neck.

"A bromance is kinda like a really close friendship between two guys, but it's not like a relationship like the one you and I have," Vinyl explained. Octavia merely stared at her, still trying to make sense of it.

"I...suppose that makes sense..." Octavia said, giving up.

"You know Octy, you never did tell me why you have such a huge fear of reptiles," Vinyl said, curious to know.

"It happened when I was a filly. My father was busy tilling our barley fields, and I was just playing in the grass not too far from him. I remember hearing a noise, then I got up to follow it. When I found it, it was a snake. At the time, I had no idea that it could bite me or hurt me, so I started poking and prodding it...until it bit me on the ankle. I remember feeling its teeth going into my skin, and I could feel the poison flowing into me. I immediately began to feel weak, and my head felt like it was spinning. My vision went blurry, and it was hard to breathe..." Octavia explained as Vinyl listened intently. "...the next thing I knew I was waking up in the hospital, my mother and father sitting on both ends of the bed. The doctor told me what had happened, and that snake bites can be fatal. Ever since then, I have had a fear of reptiles," Octavia finished.

"Wow, Octy...I just gained a lot of respect for you," Vinyl said.

"Why is that, Vinyl? I do not see how being afraid of reptiles is worthy of garnering respect," Octavia asked.

"Well, you got bit by a snake and you survived. That's pretty awesome Octy," Vinyl grinned.

"I suppose. The only current exception to the rule would be Unts, seeing as he has shown no signs of wanting to hurt me...in fact, I find him rather cute. You know, once you get past the spines and the scales..." Octavia said, looking up.

"Yes, he is a cutie, isn't that right Unts?" Vinyl said as she gently rubbed his forehead with a hoof. Their conversation was cut short when the moving carriage pulled up outside their apartment, a pair of burly stallions moving around from the front to find the girls.

"Are you two the ones moving to Ponyville?" The taller one asked.

"Yes we are, our possessions are ready to be moved," Octavia said.

"Good. C'mon, Heave. We've got work to do!" he yelled as he moved past Octavia and Vinyl.

"Comin', boss!" The other stallion said, following close behind. Octavia and Vinyl watched the two stallions carefully move their furniture out the front door and onto the carriage. A few moments later, the land-lord pony walked up to them, smoking a cigarette.

"Sorry to see you two go. As much trouble as you two caused, it definitely kept the place interestin'," he said as he stood in front of them. "You two got the key?"

"Oh, yes of course," Octavia said. She fished through her saddlebags and retrieved the key, hoofing it over to the land-lord. "It has been a pleasure living here, sir. Take care, and give your wife my regards," Octavia said with a smile.

"Sure thing," the stallion responded. Vinyl simply stared at him, unamused.

"I still think you're a jerk," Vinyl said flatly.

"I still think you're a nuisance," he responded just as flatly.

"Good, then we're on the same page," Vinyl said.

"I'm so glad," he growled.

"Alright! That should be everything! You two did a good job packing up your stuff!" The lead mover said.

"Come along Vinyl, we must be going-" What Octavia saw next shocked her. Vinyl turned to leave, but at the last second, whipped a rear hoof back and planted it right on the land-lord's knee, causing him to topple over.

"Augh! My knee! YOU LITTLE- AGH!" He yelled.

"V-VINYL! What was-?" Octavia started.

"Octy, just shut up and move before he gets back up!" Vinyl said as she hurried past, Octavia doing the same. The two hopped into the carriage, and watched the apartment complex shrink away as the land-lord got back up, cursing and yelling obscenities at them.

"Vinyl, why in EQUESTRIA did you do that!?" Octavia asked.

"He was being a jerk, and that was for all the times he milked tickets out of you. I know how tough it is to make money through sales, and free tickets really hurt your business, so I gave him a 'freebie' from me," Vinyl winked.

Octavia simply stared at Vinyl, and sighed. "You truly are a special one, Vinyl..."

"But you love me anyway," Vinyl grinned as she leaned up against Octavia.

"Yes, yes...I suppose I do..." Octavia chuckled as the two shared a kiss. Yet again, Unts found his way between them, gently scratching Octavia's ear for attention. "Unts, stop that! That tickles!" she laughed.

"Aww, he wants your attention, Octy. Well go on, give him some loooove~" Vinyl said, making pretend kissy-faces.

"Oh, be quiet!" Octavia said with a blush as she reached up to pick up Unts off her head. She then held him in a foreleg, and began to scratch his belly. Unts gave a small smile and one of his legs began to twitch involuntarily. "How cute..."

"Do you have any idea how cute you two look, Octy?" Vinyl laughed. "I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship."

"Maybe so, Vinyl...maybe so," Octavia smiled as Unts climbed his way back up onto Octavia's head, satisfied with the attention he had received.

They then stared out the window of the carriage, watching as Canterlot shrunk in the distance.

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