• Published 15th Apr 2012
  • 15,007 Views, 590 Comments

Treasure in the West - DiveBomb

Braeburn and Daring Do team up to find Cunning the Colt's lost and forgotten treasure.

  • ...

Seven - The Meaning of Trust

The enticing aroma of freshly-brewed coffee wafted through Daring Do's nostrils, bringing her life enough to lift her head from the cool surface of the wooden bar. She almost had the energy to smile as the tall bartender paced over to her from behind the bar, balancing a short cup of steaming coffee on the end of his muzzle. The stallion greeted her with an amused grin, sliding the drink between her forehooves. The tired mare gripped the sides of the mug, slowly taking in the sweet aroma. Something about its smell was like a little slice of heaven to the pegasus, especially after such an eventful morning. Suddenly the throbbing pain in her cheek was quelled as she took a careful sip, simply unaware of the scolding heat of the liquid.

There were two bartenders that ran the Final Chance Saloon, and Daring had only ever cared to speak with the one standing in front of her. Shines was a tall, thin stallion with a gaunt face that always seemed to wear a sidelong grin. His dark mane had always been slicked back, giving him a well-groomed look. His coat was a deep shade of brown, reminding her of the color of Thumper's wooden stocks. Unlike the ponies of Dodge Junction, the stallion was clean and dressed in an elegant navy-blue vest and bow-tie. Despite his middle-age, he bore no mark upon his flanks. Daring had always wondered why so many ponies out West simply hadn't found their special talent, such as Deputy Conners. However, none of them seemed to mind at all.

The saloon was completely abandoned, the dusty floor littered with broken chairs and tables. The fight had certainly taken a toll on the place, and Daring wondered how the bartender was able to wear a smile after all that had happened.

Uttering a small chuckle, Shines leaned an elbow on the bar, his trademark grin aimed at the fatigued pegasus. "No cream or sugar?"

Daring set the cup down, sighing in blissful content. "After that mess? I just don't care right now. Sorry about the damage by the way."

"Not at all Daring," he said dismissively, running a hoof through his slick black mane. "You and Braeburn made sure it didn't get any worse. I can appreciate that. Plus, I got that sign put up again last night without spending a single bit. Insurance is a great thing you know."

"Duly noted," she said, smiling meekly as she took another hefty sip. She had only heard half of what he said, her ears still ringing from the close-range gunfire.

"So is there a reason you left your coltfriend to pick up his rifle by himself?"

"Well he wouldn't...wait what did you just say?" Daring exclaimed, almost choking on her coffee. Shines barked out a laugh, tapping a hoof to the wooden bar. The pegasus scowled at the humorous prod, taking another long sip of her drink.

"I almost got away with that one. You're too easy this early in the morning," he grinned. Daring could only groan in annoyance, hiding her face under the brim of her pith hat. "But really, why'd you leave him on his own? He's in no condition to be walking."

"He wouldn't have any of that," she replied, shaking to jibe from her mind. "I told him he needed bed rest, but that stubborn mule just got up and took off."

"Stubborn eh?" he repeated. "Sounds a lot like you."

Daring shot him an inquisitive glare. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

"It's means you're stubborn Daring," Shines answered flatly. "When you came here for the first time, you looked more depressed than a widow on her wedding anniversary. Now most ponies let others help them after fifteen consecutive attempts, but you kept yourself behind a brick wall, and still do. I asked you what you did for a living, and you told me that you were just a simple traveler. Now I understand the preconceived notions of Western pony folk..."

Shines reached under the counter and withdrew a thin novel, tossing it onto the bar with zero discretion. The mare's jaw dropped at the sight of the book. Illustrated on the olive-green cover was a picture of her likeness, swinging on a vine between the jowls of a surfacing alligator, a gleaming blue statuette in her free hoof. It was the first book in the series, an item Daring hadn't seen in over two years. The pegasus felt her forehooves trembling, sending quick ripples through the surface of the coffee in her cup.

"...but not all of us are illiterate, Daring Do."

The archeologist drew in quick, panicked breaths, her wide eyes flickering between Shines and the book. "What...You knew?"

"Like I said, some of us do read," he answered flatly, although not with a small smile. However, she couldn't find solace in his kind demeanor. Daring groaned quietly, letting her face fall into her hooves. "Why so sad? You're the protagonist of the single highest-selling young readers' novel in history."

"No I'm not," she replied, her voice muffled from her hooves. "It's my likeness, and I thought I was able to get away from that by moving here."

"And why would you want to do that?" he asked sincerely.

"Have you looked through the book thoroughly? Nowhere does it say 'based on a true story.' All that blasted thing has gotten me is unwanted, misunderstood attention. Celestia forbid that I could just get away from all of that! But why should I? I was the dolt that signed that darned contract in the first place!" she ranted, temporarily unaware of who she was talking to anymore. With a snort, she flipped the novel over to conceal its cover, pushing the regrettable item away from her view. Shines raised his eyebrows at the flustered mare, leaning forward in interest. "Great, now I have to run away from it again..."

"Now calm down," he chuckled. "I'm the only pony in Dodge who knows about this book. That should seem obvious, or else somepony would have recognized you by now."

"So why didn't you bring this up when I first came in here?" she asked, her tired eyes on the trembling coffee in her hooves. "Why now?"

"You didn't seem in the right mood at the time," he said. "I figured that you would bring it up in conversation eventually, considering your consecutive visits. So now after all this time, you still haven't, and I wanted to know why."

Daring sighed, fiddling with her cup. "Maybe I just didn't want to talk about it Shines."

The bartender rolled his eyes. "Like I said, stubborn."

The pegasus had an immediate retort prepared, but couldn't find herself able to deliver it. Instead, she drained her cup of the steaming liquid before setting it down between them. While she appreciated Shines keeping the books a secret, Daring Do felt her words of thanks catch in her throat. Despite the caffeinated drink, the mare still felt as if she had been awake for days, unable to catch a wink of sleep.

Almost reading her mind, the bartender placed another full mug of coffee in front of her. She nodded in thanks, taking a full swig of the scolding beverage.

"So what have you and Braeburn been doing running around town recently?" he asked, changing the conversation. "That boy moved away from Dodge three years ago."

"If you must know, we're looking for something. Something important," she answered, unwilling to hear of anypony's pessimistic opinion of Cunning the Colt's existence.

"Oh? Is it a lost artifact?" Shines guessed. "Obviously you're a treasure hunter of some kind, having such a likeness made after you."

"You could say that, but that's all I'm going to reveal at the moment," she said.

"More secrets I see."

"But of course," Daring replied, finding a small grin forming on her face. She was immediately rewarded with a painful sting in her bandaged cheek, and she winced with an audible scowl. "Ack! Darned bandit."

"Oh yes, I saw that," Shines commented, his expression turning grave. "Thankfully Braeburn was there."

"That stallion caught me off-guard," she muttered defensively, her pride faltering at the excuse. Shines stood up straight, folding his forelegs with a slow shake of the head.

"Be that as it may, but you didn't see what I saw," he said, drawing Daring's attention. "That boy may not have come in here before yesterday, but I've known him since he was born. And in that time, I have never seen Braeburn Apple explode the way he did when that criminal struck you."

Daring Do raised an eyebrow, her eyes tracing his face to find an explanation. "What are you saying?"

Shines' previous demeanor shifted into something much more serious as he leaned his elbows on the bar, looking her dead in the eye. "I'm saying that stallion has never once showed any sign of anger, but out there...out there, something happened to him. I've seen the distinctive look of anger many a time before Daring, but never in my years have I gazed upon what he had in his eyes at that moment. I'm not even sure if the word 'loathing' can describe it. No, what came upon him was nothing but pure, unadulterated blood-lust. Daring, if that boy had his rifle on him, he would have turned that bandit into a bloody, grotesque mass of pulp. All because somepony hit you."

The entire time he spoke, Daring felt every one of his words impact her soul with resounding force. The pegasus' eyes were wide, her brain attempting to make sense of what he said.

"I won't ask what you two are looking for, or why you chose him of all ponies to help you in your quest, but just know that it's obvious he cares about you," he said, a final note lacing his words. However, he continued on: "And it's also evident that you care about him, judging by your little display of affection out there."

Daring stifled a gasp, mortified that somepony had seen that. She didn't exactly attempt to hide the appreciative gesture, for she simply did it on a whim. The pegasus silently berated herself for being so impulsive, something that had only brought her anguish in the past. As her thoughts wandered, Daring regretfully recalled the many times she had fallen apart that day. What was happening to her? She had successfully kept her emotions in check for years now, only to find that the wall she built around herself was crumbling to pieces, far beyond repair. She cried in the hooves of a pony she had only known for days, and then kissed him on the forehead the same morning. The pegasus couldn't afford to let her emotions run free again. She had every reason to keep to herself, and her past taught her that lesson the hard way.

So why was she simply letting Braeburn in? Who was he to know the real Daring Do? Something about him just made it easy to confide in, but she found that far too easy of an idea. The world hadn't given her a break before, so why should it do such a thing now? Perhaps it was simply Braeburn's personality; his kindhearted aura, his humble mannerisms, or even that warm smile he would always give her. However, her experienced pessimism prevented Daring to accept any of those attributes to be true. Luck had never simply dropped a pony to confide in into her world before, and Braeburn was no different. How could she trust the stallion, having only known him for a few days?

But then again...why shouldn't I? she found herself thinking. What has he done to not let me trust him? All he's tried to do is help me, so...why can't I let him in? Have I become that much of a shut-in? No...I've tried this before, and only ended up getting hurt in the process... But...he saved my life twice now, and if what Shines said was true then...he might actually care about me, so I can trust him right? But why would he care? What have I done for him besides offer this quest? Does he need a reason to care? Does he...wait, does he like me? No, that doesn't make sense. He was positively overjoyed when I called him a friend. Maybe that's just all he wanted; a friend. I guess I can relate to that...just like how I can relate to everything else he does.

Daring Do rubbed her temples with her hooves, closing her eyes and ignoring her coffee. Despite her muddled mind, she found it best to put the matter aside for now, and return her thoughts to the task at hoof. Today was the day she and Braeburn were to finally search for Cunning the Colt's last clue, the final milestone before they could unearth his lost and forgotten legacy. As her mind shifted gears, a grin curled her lips, elated to find excitement run through her veins again. Suddenly the caffeine of the beverage started to stir a fire in her heart, the undying need to find what she had been looking for.

However, her uplifted mood didn't last long. She turned her head at the sound of the bat-wing saloon doors swinging open. Braeburn limped across the threshold, Thumper sheathed securely on his back. The pegasus froze at the sight of the injured stallion, her wide eyes focused on his pained expression. He was in such agony, his body paying the price for his selfless, heroic acts. The beige stallion paced with careful steps, his back arched upward to prevent any further pain. Upon his cheek was the bandage she had applied to quell the flow of blood, although the gauze didn't seem to be doing much at this point. His face had been ground into the jagged road, and the cuts were deep. She couldn't imagine how his neck was feeling, having taken such a crippling blow from a length of metal pipe. Daring's heart sank at the horrid sight, unaware of how she let him walk down the street by himself. With a grunt of effort, Braeburn heaved himself onto the stool next to hers, his gaze fixed on her terrified expression.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked, as if nothing in the world was amiss.

"Look at you!" she exclaimed, worry lacing her voice. "How could I have left you by yourself?! You need to be in bed Braeburn! You're injured, and you're in no-"

"Daring, stop it," he chuckled, holding up a shaking hoof to stop her. "Nothing ya' say is gonna keep me from goin' on, so don't even try."

"But you can't even walk right! Stop being so..." Daring trailed off as she realized what she was about to say. Shines chuckled at her hesitance, wordlessly understanding. He walked away from the bar, disappearing through the back door. The bartender was right; Braeburn was just like her.

"So...what?" the riflepony asked.

"So..." the pegasus whispered as her eyes darted around his pained form. She sighed, unaware of how to combat his stubbornness. "I just don't want you to hurt yourself any more on my account."

"You think it's yer fault Ah'm hurt?" he laughed. "Ah made my own choices, and Ah'm gonna keep doin' just that. Ah've been injured before Daring, and this is nothin'. Naw, Ah'm gonna keep goin' and help you find that treasure. So come on, you've had yer coffee, and it's time to change history."

Daring Do stared at the stallion, whom only returned her gaze with a reassuring smile. If he said he could do it, then she believed him. The pegasus held up a hoof, telling him to wait a minute before she flew over the bar and through the back door behind it. She found Shines sitting on a crate outside, leaning his back on the wall with a lit cigarette between his lips. He regarded her with a raise of his brow, his eyelids low in relaxation. She landed directly in front of him, temporarily ignoring his unhealthy addiction.

"What brings you out here?" he asked, blowing out a plume of smoke away from her.

"Shines...what does a pony do when the world attempts to gain their trust, even after a lifetime of not deserving it?" she asked hurriedly, desperate for an answer. The earth pony seemed to chew on the query for a moment, taking another long drag before exhaling it through his nostrils, the soft breeze blowing the smoke away from them and down the road.

"Well that depends," he said finally. "Is this attempt any different from the past tries?"

"In every way imaginable," she replied confidently. Shines smiled at that.

"Then it looks like you have your answer."

Braeburn drank heartily from a large canteen of water, guzzling its contents. He reveled in the feeling of his dry throat becoming more and more satisfied with every desperate gulp, his dehydration slowly quelled by the cool drink. With a gasp, he slammed the container on the bar top, pain searing his chest with every breath. The stallion panted, massaging his neck with his free hoof, attempting to lull the throb. He could still feel impact, recalling the flurry of stars that had filled his vision. Even now, his mind spun every time he dared to close his eyes. The earth pony hoped to Celestia that he hadn't received any sort of permanent damage to his spine, and that the pain would depart soon. His body cried out in protest to any mere twitch or movement, but that didn't halt his tenacious mind.

There wasn't a thing in Equestria that would stop him now, at least not without a fight. He had waited for what seemed like an eternity already, and his everlasting patience was starting to wear thin. He couldn't let a trivial thing such as pain keep him from finding Cunning's treasure now, after wading through the obstacles of the past two days. It was as if the world was doing everything it could to delay their quest, and the stallion was not going to let it happen again. He knew the dangers of physical activity while retaining such injuries, for this wasn't the first time he had hurt himself. However, even the impatient Daring Do had told him to go back to the apartment and rest. She even said that she would wait for him to heal.

But why would she do that? The pegasus had made it very clear that she couldn't wait another second to find the last clue, so what changed? Injuries such as what Braeburn was enduring would take well over a week to heal, and Daring knew that. The stallion, however, couldn't keep his pain from delaying their search any further. Even the thought of such weakness brought a pang of guilt to his thoughts, immediately rejecting such a selfish idea. No, he would keep going, even if his body couldn't take it. Braeburn arched his spine backward, attempting to crack it in a relieving manner. But as life would have it, he found that his pain wasn't deriving from his bones, but his aching muscles. He cast a thought toward the possibility of the impact pulling vital muscles, something that would take ice and relaxation to properly heal. He cursed his rotten luck, taking another swing from his canteen.

Realizing he hadn't yet inspected the gunsmith's work, Braeburn reached a wary hoof over his shoulder and unsheathed his rifle. Before, Thumper's action had been clunky, being such an old weapon. But now, the lever racked with smoothness beyond Goldstar's newer rifle, a task that he didn't fully understand, but greatly appreciated. He worked the action several times, unable to believe Gunmetal Grey's flawless work. Once he was satisfied, the riflepony laid Thumper out on the bar top, studying the scroll-work etching in the receiver. The gunsmith had even cleared the dirt from the curled engraving, giving the rifle the guise of a brand-new weapon. He brushed a curious hoof over the apple next to the cartridge gate when a memory sprung to life in his mind.

He recalled the day Bullet Thyme had first showed him the weapon. His father told him the story of the engraving, which symbolized the meeting of the Apple Family and his own. The traditional scroll-work represented his family's legacy of producing legendary rifleponies, and the etched fruit symbolized the Apple Family's heritage. It was a mural that held a vast amount of meaning, something only they could understand. Braeburn smiled at the artwork before he loaded the tubular magazine with a hoof-full of rounds from his duster, making sure that the exposed hammer was safely down. With extreme care, Braeburn stretched his foreleg back and sheathed the rifle, craning his neck to crack his spine.

As if on cue, the back door opened to reveal Daring Do, pacing slowly over the threshold and around the bar. He expected to see her eyes alight with excitement, but found that her worried demeanor hadn't changed since he arrived at the abandonned saloon. She didn't immediately look at him, but returned to her seat on his right. Eventually, she cast her gaze over him, visually inspecting his injuries. The only visible wounds he bore were on his chest and right cheek, and her eyes flickered between them with uncertainty.

"How are you feeling?" she asked quietly, her warm tone catching the stallion off-guard. "And don't say you're 'fine,' tell me what hurts."

Braeburn hesitated, but ultimately answered. He couldn't lie to the pegasus; she deserved to know. "Ah think my back is the worst. Sprained muscles or something."

"Is that why you've been arching your back?"

"Well...yeah. That and my neck."

"And you still think you're able to do this?"

Braeburn's smirk returned to his face, ignoring the stinging pain in his cheek. "O' course!"

Daring's eyes half-squinted at his expression, as if to scope out any sort of uncertainty about his answer. Eventually, she let out a sigh, apparently unable to argue any further. She bent down and heaved her saddlebags onto the bar, withdrawing her first-aid kit from its depths. "Well I can't stop you from making your own decisions, but I can at least replace those bandages for you. They're already bleeding through."

Ignoring his initial recoil, the pegasus turned on her haunches to face him, gripping the taped gauze with both hooves and tearing it off quickly. Braeburn winced as his fur was pulled, feeling a fresh flow of blood trickle down his cheek. Daring immediately stopped the flow with a dry cloth, preparing a fresh bandage with her free hoof and teeth. With a tired, almost apathetic expression, she scrubbed the remaining dirt she had previously missed from his wound, redressing it with a new patch of gauze.

"Where'd Shines run off to?" he asked, distracting his mind from the pain.

"Nopony's coming back here today, not after what the sheriff said. So he called it a day and went home," she answered quietly, tearing off the bandage from his chest. He grit his teeth as the air seemed to tear at the gash, a flow of crimson running down his stomach. She quickly caught the trickle of blood with her rag, repeating the cleaning process on his chest. Braeburn felt awkward at her touch, having never been taken such care of before. Braeburn was certain he was capable of redressing his own wounds, but felt that debating that with the pegasus was an idea in vain.

Silence filled the empty saloon, save for the occasional grunt of pain uttered from Braeburn's lips. To his despair, the stallion couldn't think of a word to say, desperate to distract his muddled mind from the mare's touch.

"Braeburn?" she asked suddenly. "Can I trust you?"

The earth pony tilted his head at her. The question was in no way prompted, but didn't come out of nowhere either. She had something on her mind, that much was evident. Instead of returning her query with another, he replied: "O' course ya' can."

Daring exhaled through her nose, patting down the tape that held the gauze in place. However, she didn't remove her hoof from his chest once the deed was done. She merely kept it there, pressed lightly against his coat with her eyes focused on nothing in particular. "I guess...I guess I know that..."

"Then why'd ya' ask?" he replied, mentally fending off the blood rising to his cheeks.

The dark-yellow pegasus curled her lips into an uncertain expression, retracting her foreleg. "Because life hasn't given me the privilege of being able to trust anypony...even the nice ones like you."

The pegasus looked away from him, leaning her elbows on the wooden bar with her monochromatic bangs veiling her eyes from view. Braeburn could only stare at her, his mouth slightly open. His thoughts raced, trying to find a reason for her question. Hadn't he given her reason enough to trust him? Perhaps whatever happened to her in the past was simply that traumatizing. But who could have taken her ability to trust anypony? Who could have scarred such a kind, innocent mare like that? A wave of sympathy overtook the riflepony. Braeburn leaned forward, wrapping his forelegs around her shoulders. She made a small noise of surprise, before ultimately relaxing in his embrace.

"Ah don't know what happened Daring, or who hurt ya', but just know that Ah would never do such a thing to you."

The mare seemed to hold back a sniff, resting her chin on his foreleg. "I...I trust you Braeburn."