• Published 19th Jul 2014
  • 9,732 Views, 557 Comments

Prominence - TheOldPonyFromScene24

Twilight has agreed to host Princess Celestia for a three month vacation. When she meets her disguised form, she sees her teacher in a whole new light.

  • ...

A Normal Part of Ponyville Life

“And the mime,” Pinkie Pie snorted, desperately trying to hold back her laughter, “the mime said to the king, ‘hey, you can’t reign on my charades!’” Ponyville’s premiere pink party pony fell over onto her side, rolling with laughter. Applejack and Rainbow Dash chuckled, Fluttershy and Rarity blushed at the off-color nature of the joke, and Twilight quietly shushed Prominence when she pointed out that mimes don’t speak. This picnic was going wonderfully, and they were all so glad that Rarity had suggested it. The weather couldn’t be better. It was the archetypal idyllic day. Sun shining, birds singing, a cool breeze flowing through the air--THOOOOOOOM--Earth quaking, ponies screaming--CRAAAAASH--and houses collapsing.

“What in Equestria?!” Rarity cried, and shrieked as Pinkie spilled a glass of juice on her as the ground shook once more.

“Let’s go check it out!” Twilight called, rallying her friends to action as she took off, flying toward the source of the disturbance. They all moved as fast as hoof or wing could carry them to see what aid they could lend. Prominence quickly fell to the back of the pack, weighed down by her own apprehension. She had felt the tremors, but those weren’t strong enough to cause buildings to cave in. And yet, there were caved in buildings. She could see them. Perhaps the biggest concern was that the ground would rattle like that despite the fact that Ponyville was nowhere near any sort of fault line.

They skidded to a halt as they reached the source of the disturbance.

Twilight stared at the back of a massive, hunched over beast, walking away from a hole it tore in the ground. She glanced about at the panicked citizens of Ponyville, and, more troubling, the ones who weren’t panicked at all, but just babbling incoherently. She’d read about this before. She knew what this was. “IT’S AN UMBER HULK!” She shouted, quickly teleporting herself and all of her friends behind a building.

“Is that a giant bug?” Pinkie asked, peeking around the building. With a face adorned with four compound eyes and two razor sharp clicking mandibles, and with a body covered in a thick carapace, she could be forgiven for her mistake. Twilight grabbed her with her magic and yanked her back to safety.

“It looks like a huge armored gorilla!” Rainbow Dash replied. It swung its massive, club-like arm into the side of a house, buckling support beams and shattering windows, and the pegasus began to fly at it at full speed. Twilight once again pulled an overly curious friend to safety.

“Umber hulks live deep underground! Why would it be coming up to the surface like this?” Fluttershy asked, trembling.

“We can figure that out later. For now, it’s smashin’ the town. Why’d you pull us out like that?” Applejack demanded, staring at Twilight. She trusted the princess, but this wasn’t the time to be chickening out.

“Because, if you look at all four of its eyes at once, you get entranced by a madness spell!” She replied, releasing Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash from her magical hold. “I had to get everypony out of there before they were affected. And speaking of which, those eyes are the first thing we need to take care of...”

“On it!” Pinkie called, reaching just out of view and retrieving two pails, holding one in her mouth and the other in her tail. She hopped playfully out of the alley way and into the chaos and destruction.

She silently climbed up the beast’s back, perching on its shoulder, and unceremoniously dumped the first bucket onto one of its eyes. The umber hulk was reasonably upset that one of its eyes was suddenly covered in glue, and began to thrash about wildly, letting out a horrible roar and clicking its mandibles furiously. Pinkie proceeded to pour the shiny contents of the second bucket onto it, the glue firmly holding the yellow glitter in place.

The monster grabbed hold of Pinkie in its massive hand, pulling her off of its shoulder, and moving her toward its quivering mandibles, its mouth open wide. She reached into her mane and retrieved a bottle, squeezing it. A stream of hot sauce flew into the creature’s mouth, and it screamed out in agony, hurling Pinkie Pie at a wall, which she bounced off of, oddly emitting the sound of a squeaky toy as she did.

Pinkie returned to her friends, panting and forcing a smile. “Ok, so, the good news is, he doesn’t have four eyes anymore. Now he’s just got three eyes and a disco ball.” Everypony exchanged confused glances. “The BAD news is, I think I made him mad?”

Fluttershy’s knees were shaking so bad they were knocking together, but she stepped forward regardless. “I, um, I’ll try to calm him down.” She lifted off the ground and flew over the house toward the rampaging monster. Without having to worry about going temporarily insane from just looking at it, everypony peered around the side of the building to see Fluttershy work her magic.

“Hey there, Mister Hulk?” She called gently, being sure to fly just above its reach. The umber hulk roared at the timid pegasus. “Now, now, there’s no need for all of that...Why don’t you just calm down and—EEP!” she swerved to the side, narrowly dodging a tree. “If you could just--” She dropped quickly to avoid a wheelbarrow. “Stop throwing things and--” A chimney flew through the air. “O-oh, um, ok then.” She began screaming in panic, frantically dodging projectile after projectile.

Seeing that a gentle, diplomatic touch wouldn’t do the job, the others rushed out into the street, ready for a fight.

Applejack ran up and swung both rear hooves into its ankle as Rainbow quickly rose into the air and dove, slamming shoulder first into the back of its head. The creature buckled, falling forward, and Twilight’s magic gathered around its ankles, pulling it back toward the hole in the ground it crawled out of. It dug its fingers into the dirt, pulling itself forward, struggling against Twilight’s magic. Prominence’s horn glowed, a wall of fire rising up in front of the monster, but it would not be deterred as it continued its crawl, eventually breaking out of the fields of magic and climbing back to its feet.

They all scattered as it swung its massive arms at them, roaring in anger and annoyance. Rarity grabbed a curtain out of a destroyed house and wrapped it around the beast’s head, blinding and disorienting it as Twilight once again pulled it toward the hole in the ground. When it finally neared the hole, Applejack and Rainbow Dash each charged, slamming into it and sending it toppling back into the dark abyss below.

Twilight’s horn glowed brightly as the ground began to merge together above the monster, sealing it away. Applejack and Rainbow Dash swung their hips out and slammed their flanks together, laughing and hollering in celebration of their victory. Pinkie Pie hollered and jumped, pulling confetti out of her mane and throwing it into the air. Rarity and Fluttershy smiled proudly at each other. Prominence laughed about how they’d fought a monster. They fought it and they won. She laughed, she threw her forelegs around Twilight, and she kissed her. Twilight kissed back.

Silence hung in the air as all of their friends (and several bystanders) stared in shock. With a sudden flash of realization, both mares pulled apart, ears down, and sheepish, apologetic grins on their faces. Twilight cleared her throat, hoping nopony bothered to make a big deal, and desperately wanting to run and hide. Unfortunately, there was still work to be done. And hopefully, that work would distract everypony from what just happened. “Alright...The hard part’s over, now let’s get to work rebuilding.” She waited as her friends continued to stare at her and Prominence. “…Fluttershy? The beavers?”

“O-oh! Right!” Fluttershy zipped off to acquire some animal contractors to aid in reconstruction. That seemed enough to shake them all out of it. Rarity began cleaning up wreckage, Applejack went home to get some tools, and Prominence decided to get a little bit of distance from Twilight.

She walked up to Rarity, trying to distract herself from the kiss. “You guys really just kind of...Get to work, huh?”

“Oh, we have to, dear. After all, somepony’s home was just destroyed. What sort of ponies would we be if we didn’t try to help rebuild?” She said, not looking up from her work as she gathered up shards of glass, her horn gently twisting them into an elegant sculpture and setting it aside for later decorating.

“But, I meant...Well, you didn’t need to discuss what you’d do, didn’t need to plan, you just...Hop to it.” Prominence replied, doing a bit of cleaning herself.

“Granted, the destruction isn’t usually this bad, but we do live on the edge of the Everfree forest. We’re no strangers to monster attacks. This is just an ordinary part of Ponyville life. I mean, really, just look around, darling.”

And Prominence did look around. And Celestia’s heart soared at what she saw. The strength, the resilience, the unity of her ponies. Everypony who’d fled the monster’s attack was back, with a contented smile on their faces as they all lent a hoof, helping fix whatever damage they came across. None of them even seemed the least bit distressed (though some were still babbling incoherently, but medical professionals were checking in with them). At the absolute worst, they seemed annoyed that their day had been interrupted.

“Wow...Ponyville’s amazing.” She whispered.

“Mostly cuz I’m here,” Rainbow Dash replied, flying past with a saddle bag full of tools, distributing them to the working ponies.

With an entire community, a few beavers, and a lot of magic, the few houses the Umber Hulk had managed to smash were all back to normal by nightfall, and after a day of hard work, Prominence and Twilight headed back to the castle in awkward silence.

They each gave the other plenty of space, walking about ten paces apart. Prominence chewed her cheek in worry as Twilight glanced around, ears flat against her head. They finally made it through the door of the castle and each paused, staring at the other.

“I’m sorry,” Prominence finally said. “I don’t know what came over me. I was so excited...I...I ruined everything.”

“No, no, it’s fine, I just...What do we do now? What do we tell everypony?” Twilight asked, scuffing a hoof on the floor.

“...Nothing, and hope they didn’t notice?” Prominence asked, a hopeful smile on her face. Twilight rolled her eyes. "I could just say I was overcome by the moment. I mean, I was. There doesn't have to be any romantic connection between us for me to be kissing the closest pony because I just fought an enormous monster and lived."

“Maybe. But that’s not the only thing bugging me…” She stared at Prominence’s lips for a moment. “Before, the plan was to not move forward...but now we have to go backward from this.”

Prominence frowned, deep in thought. “...One more?” She asked. “So we know what we have to look forward to?”

Twilight’s cheeks quickly flushed red, her eyes wide, and the tiniest hint of a smile gracing her lips. “I...if you want to?”

“I really do,” Prominence smiled. Twilight slowly and timidly leaned in for her second kiss ever.

Ten minutes later, the two mares laid on the floor, furiously making out as their hooves stroked over one another’s bodies, tender moans rising up between kisses and whispers of each other’s name.

Twilight felt a sharp jabbing on her shoulder. “Mm, careful, watch your horn...” She felt it again on her cheek. “Ow!” She opened her eyes. “SPIKE!” She shouted with indignant fury.

The baby dragon prodded her with the broomstick one last time for good measure, this one falling on her forehead, to the left of her horn. “Dinner’s ready.” He thought for a moment and gave her another poke to the cheek. “What are you guys doing?

Prominence frantically got to her hooves and began straightening out her mane. “Well, Spike, we...That is to say, I...” She couldn’t find any words. “Boy, I sure am hungry.” She chuckled helplessly, looking to Twilight.

Spike stared at her as she remained on the floor, cheeks burning red. A bright flash of magic filled the room as she teleported away.

Spike and Prominence walked to the dining room to find Twilight fidgeting with her place setting, straightening and re-straightening her utensils as she waited for them.

The night wore on with more than its share of awkward silences, and eventually, everypony went to bed.

Twilight was pleasantly surprised that her dream was relatively normal and not particularly erotic, despite the events of the day before. She ate with Spike and Prominence, happily enjoying her breakfast, and when she finished, she walked out the front door for some fresh air.

And that’s when the Princess found herself surrounded by shouting reporters and flashing cameras. All of them were demanding to know more about the mystery mare she had supposedly been kissing.

“I...uh...There was an umber hulk...” She said, stunned by the sudden appearance of the press. “It attacked the village...but we stopped it, and we helped repair the damage we caused...There’s still the problem of where it came from,” She had begun to focus more on her diversion tactic, tuning out the questions. “Umber hulks actually live very deep underground. It’s incredibly rare for them to come to the surface. They don’t really dig up. But this one just came out of a hole into Ponyville. I do plan to investigate this matter personally. I intend to reopen the hole it emerged from, and carefully explore it until I find the cause of this attack. Thank you. No more questions.”

She went back inside, calmly walked back to the dining room where Prominence and Spike were both finishing up their meal, and flopped over onto her the floor.

“We have a problem," She whimpered.

Author's Note:

Guess who's back.
Back again.
Prominence is back.
Tell a friend.

So, this is the first chapter of the revival of Prominence. Now, I realize this is shorter than most of the previous chapters, but trying to hit a certain word count was part of why I got so overwhelmed, stressed out, and eventually took a break from writing, and I realized that a chapter is long enough so long as it has all the events that it needs to contain explained in appropriate detail. Everything I wanted to happen in this chapter has happened. It's long enough.

Now, there is more on the way, of course, but I'm also writing two other fics at the moment, so it may be slow going. But, let's face it, if you've stuck with me this far, you've gotta be pretty patient.

One of those fics is here on FimFiction, The Shadow of Oppression. It's an alternate universe adventure where celestia and luna are mortals, Sombra rules with an oddly relaxed iron fist and is over a thousand years old, and six little ponies are going to try to break free. It's also anthro, but it's not romance focused or clop, which I am to understand is a rarity for anthro fiction.

The other one is a Starbound fic that might not go anywhere and I'm just writing because I discovered Starbound and I'm loving it and there's apparently a shortage of fics with a Novakid protagonist.