• Member Since 14th Dec, 2013
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(Insert witty comment here)

Comments ( 44 )

a race of creatures called humans lived alongside their pony cousins in peace and harmony.

...Distant cousins I hope; unless anthros are just the missing link or something. Then again, maybe if humans and ponies were cousins, they'd stop having so much sex... Or we'd just have a bunch of three hooved ponies and humans with twelve toes.

Anyway, on the story so far. Well, once again, ponies are going to get the worst impression possible as Twilight follows Sasuke on his murder streak, all the while missing out on the embodiment of friendship that is Naruto, (seriously, that kid makes Twilight look like Diamond Tiara) so my heart weeps a little. Hopefully Twilight doesn't go and think badly of humanity just because they fight like she did with the story, that was seriously annoying of her.

Speaking of which, that tree of life was a complete moron. What the hell was it thinking? Did it seriously not realize the shit storm it was going to create with the one fruit crap? For what amounted to a god, it sure didn't have any foresight.

And now onto the subjects of gods, I absolutely despise any story that puts the princesses into that category. It's the worst thing this fandom has ever made. There's no way Luna and Celestia could be eternal, multi-milleniam living, all powerful gods, and be as pathetic and stupid as they are always shown to be. They couldn't even handle some tentacle vines or realize Cadance had been replaced with a horrible actor for crying out loud!

And that's not even mentioning all the canon stuff your going to have to work around in this, like the old castle and the princesses' diary; I was under the impression that these two were children at the beginning construction of the castle of the pony sisters. I mean, who else but a child would want their castle be a fun house?

All in all, you are walking a slippery slope here, and this story can easily fall either way. I don't believe in casting my vote until after the first 15000 words have been published just in case something turns out better than expected or trips up after the first ten yards, but I'm letting you know I'm leaning towards a thumbs-down. That being said, you still have 10792 words left to convince me with, so good luck.

Oh, and be careful of those mistakes, they weren't to abundant, but I still noticed a few.


Have you read the latest manga yet? (So I don't run the risk of spoiling anything.)

No, but go ahead, I don't mind spoilers. I mean, my guess for the end is Naruto and Sasuke team-up, save the day, and they all live happily ever after.

And because I wish for this comment to be more than just an answer to a query; Hey Twilight, we may kill each other, but at least we don't argue over pies. Ponies are the most immature being imaginable, it's like a world of screaming five-year olds. Also, what the fudge was with that? What kind of circumstance leads to that anyway? Unless the baker stole the cherries, I see no reason for the farmer to come along and demand for the pie made with cherries he probably sold to the baker who bought them for the sole purpose of baking them. It's a good thing ponies don't have violent tendencies or they'd be killing each other way more than humans do.


In the way of the manga your kinda right, but in this case their fighting said god tree which is the jubi. Obito and then Madara U. who become the 2nd and 3rd jinchuriki of the jubi respectively and the infinite tsukuyomi is cast but in the most overdone way for a plot twist, Madara isn't the true villain as the black zetsu he "made" betrays him and reveals that Madara didn't make black zetsu but the sage of the six paths mother did and proceeds to use Madara's body to revive her, kaguya (the sage's mother) then proceeds to go on about how the earth is her "nursery" like a hippie activist who's drunk on power and she fights team seven, obito and kakashi. She then reveals that only she should have chakra along with the stereotypical crazy villain tendencies. She also created the white zetsu's, who are basically what's left of those trapped under the infinite tsukuyomi genjutsu. So basically the zetsu's are once living humans turned into plant soldiers.

Basically we have inuyasha's ending all over again, just without an evil jewel and with a crazy tree hugging lady who has a god complex greater than madara's.

I'm still pissed off that that's how they decide to get rid of madara. At least kaguya's defeat is going to be imminent and probably very enjoying to read


I wouldn't be surprised if kaguya herself is manipulated by black zetsu, perhaps unknowingly, there is some evidence there if you look into it, black zetsu might be an experiment out of control.

I gave this one a like just because the image of Sasuke riding twilight made me bust a gut.

4601744 you might be right but their is the issue of black zetsu being an extension of kaguya's will although he could be lying about being an extension of kaguya's will seeing as how he lied about being an extension of madara's will when he punched a hole through him from behind. (Still mad that that is how kishimoto decided to kill off Madara uchiha.)

Dunno who this human characters is, but story ssems interesting. W8ing for a moment when they fwill force Twilight to kill something.

i can already picture it...
Pinkie and Dash find Naruto...
so much chaos happens that not even Discord could add to it...
the multiverse is screwed

How, Interesting. I tentatively give you a thumbs up. As a reader i tend to focus on ideas and potential there of rather then sentence structure and the like. but your story flows. you convey the emotions and ideas of your story well so thumbs up. i look forward to seeing if you continue to hold my interest.

Who was it? Who was it!? WHO WAS IT!!!???

But seriously great chapter, I can't wait to see what happens when they find out the true nature of whats happening.

Also I guess Cadance.

DAT CLIFFHANGER.....:raritycry::raritydespair::raritycry::raritydespair:

but seriously...gread read. :twilightsmile:

Whoa I really love this so far. Most stories revolve on Naruto meeting the ponies this is a nice change of pace. Poor poor sweet naive Twilight, then again Sasuke wasn't clear on his goals. I can't wait to find out how this will turn out, are you going to have whoever was summoned stick around long enough to meet Naruto and hear his declaration of fighting and dying with Sasuke? Or are you going to do something different?


You know what you could to is have Ashura/Naruto have a dragon summoning scroll with the leader being thousands of years old, but slept for all his/her time in Equestria in order to watch the human world and wait for the day the Child of Prophecy appeared.

Wait do Celestia and Luna know about the Bijuu and the Prophecy about Naruto being the mischievous blue eye boy that will bring them together? Or did they leave before then or did they dismiss it? I wonder how they'll react when they hear that Indra began the feud that prolonged the conflicts and delayed their return home. Also I really want to see how you'll have Naruto meet with the Royal sisters and the Mane Six, cause he is practically the embodiment of the Elements of Harmony when you think about. Loyal to Sasuke and Leaf even though they betrayed and forsaken him. Kind to even his enemies especially when he finds that they suffered the same pain he had. Honest about his feelings and ideals. Generous as he gives his all for the sake of his friends and others. And he makes others laugh and easy or forget their problems. And that's his magic, his power which changes people and bring them peace.

I really look forward to seeing how that'll turn out.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOL, this is gonna be fun.

I really hope the ponies get to meet Naruto soon and this isn't going to be one of those stories where everything that can go wrong will. It's already happening with Luna being called into battle, Karin bad-mouthing humanity (and ponies aren't really known to let all the facts come in before they come to conclusions, so Karin probably just doomed everything) and Luna missing the good humans by just a few minutes.

This chapter was... interesting, I really enjoyed it, but why in the world did you kill Karin, do you just not like her? Her death doesn't seam to serve a purpose from my perspective.

Overall I'm very mixed on this chapter.

:rainbowlaugh: Whoa that is going to be a real awkward conversation between the group. I was kinda of disappointed that Naruto didn't meet Luna though and I'm a little curious as to why Luna's magic didn't seem to agree with Naruto though.

But why did you kill Karin? I found her rather amusing even though Sasuke at moment doesn't care for her at all. I just don't see the point in killing her off but it's your story. Although it seems like The Sisters and Mane Six are going to get involve with the war since Kaguya and the Juubi are going to return.

What happened to Jugo and Suigetsu ?


The bit about Naruto not liking Luna's energy may be due to the fact that she fought the ten tailed beast. Just a thought.


Oh I'm liking this. I can't wait to see the ponies reactions to 2 hat the Shinobi world is like. Oh, and Pinkie and Naruto need to meet at some point... They're prankster soul mates.

Well Naruto was using Sage Mode, which is Natural Energy or Natural Chakra AKA the Shinju/Juubi's chakra so I guess you have a point.

Also I forgot to address this last time about whether or not the summoned alicorn would be there to see the canon confrontation between Naruto and Sasuke. But it didn't happen and now Naruto is left with the uncertainty of what he could do for Sasuke as his friend and having to bear the burden of the truth about the Uchiha Massacre. Seriously a lot of Danzo's solutions just end up making more trouble the village he wants to protect! Nagato, Kabuto and Sasuke! That guy was a prick and I'm pretty sure that the Kage 5 would be more lenient on Sasuke if they knew the truth, hell if Sasuke didn't kidnap Killer Bee then the Kage wouldn't have come together in the first place!

But I digress back to Naruto.

I'm curious to see how this will affect him as the story progress, is he still going to get that prophecy about him fighting Sasuke OR did the toad sage mean Obito?
What did the Alicorn Sisters think of Ashura? Did they leave before his true power awoke? Do they know about the Bijuu? If not how will they react to them? How will Sasuke handle being in Equestria or better yet when he meets Pinkie Pie? I really look forward to more of this story.

Man, the tree of life is a total dick. Also, "distant cousins"? Ponies aren't even from the same biological order.

Nice work. This is the best Naruto/MLP cross on the internet, hands down. Far to many people flanderize Sasuke's character into something unrecognizable.

Has anyone read the latest manga chapter? What was foreshadowed like a couple hundred chapters before is about to go down. We all knew this was coming and all but still. :facehoof:

4680027 Amen to that brotha it's stories like those that really ought not be so common, why can't there be reason?

Ummmm... I don't think that Obito knew about the Indra and Ashura thing and by having Zetsu say a fact that Madara couldn't have known, like the Ponies and the names of the two sons wouldn't that mean that he should confront him on it?

Obito probably doesn't care or sees it as that big of a deal only caring about the Eternal Tsukiyomi. Probably doesn't want to cause a conflict with the one who's helping him meet Rin again. And I think Obito did know about Indra and Ashura being reincarnated. Although I'm not sure.

5033423 It's clear Madara didn't know about the reincarnation of chakra and he made the damn plan (before Black Zetsu grafted himself onto a white Zetsu) and Obito could only have worked off of what Madara told him while he was alive.

don't tell me the storys dead:raritycry:

5033690 He could have been aware or felt Indra's presence within him or something, like Naruto and Sasuke felt the presence of Ashura and Indra. Whether he knew or not didn't matter, if anything it would reinforce his views of the world.

Also because of the two that they were just using each other and both were aware of this fact Obito knows that Madara and his "will" Black Zetsu wouldn't tell him everything concerning the Eternal Tsukiyomi and the Juubi's history. Cause remember only the Rinnegan could decipher the writing on the Sage's tablet, with the Sharingan and it's higher levels only reading parts of it.

So Obito might confront B.Zetsu on the matter to learn how big of a threat it might prove. We'll just have to see how it plays out in the story.

5048286 God I hope not. This is one of the best Crossover with Naruto stories I've read so far! He might be waiting to see how the current manga events play out, maybe see if we get a glimpse of Indra and Ashura pasts or personalities and work that it into the story.

5049676 you and me both brother this is one of the greats.

In response to the latest Naruto chapter.
I don't know how to post videos in my comments like others. Old video got deleted/removed.

Just read chapter 698 and I loved it. However the last page made react like: 0:33-0:40 of
If you seen it then you would understand why. Just two more chapter plus a movie before NARUTO is over.

you should update this masterpiece :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Crepusculo deleted Oct 29th, 2014

Go look up Naruto 699!! I found some spoiler raw scans and I feel Stewie from Family Guy when he found out Peter was taking him to DisneyWorld.

I just read the final two manga chapters and my reaction was more or less like this:


Now I'm looking forward to the movie, rest of the anime and the third part mini-series.

A shame the story was abandoned, I would have really liked seeing what happened next.

5938616 So it was abandoned, then? Dang...


Wait, really? Damn. It was going so damn well... *manly tears*

I’m assuming they intend to summon us to open negotiations.”

Wow, Twilight is REALLY letting her own preconceptions interfere with her logic. And now she's spreading those preconceptions to others....when Sasuke is most assuredly about to pull one of into a combat situation that none of them will be prepared for!

This next summoning is going to be...eventful.

Dammit!! Just as it was getting good!!

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