• Published 22nd Jun 2014
  • 2,593 Views, 38 Comments

Telling 'Shy - Vexy

Rainbow Dash tells Fluttershy about her relationship with Dumbbell.

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Telling 'Shy

“We’ve got to tell her.”

“Fluttershy?” Dumbbell asked as he and Rainbow Dash walked through Ponyville. “We’re talking about the same pony, right? Wouldn’t she have a heart attack if you told her?”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “She’ll be fine… I think.”

“You think? Are you sure this is a good idea?”

“Look, I’ve got to tell her,” Rainbow Dash replied. “I mean, she’s gonna find out sooner or later. She’s my best friend.” She turned round to look Dumbbell straight in the eye. “Wait, are you nervous?”

Dumbbell stopped to snort and scuff his hoof into the dirt. “Of course not! Besides, we both know how she is. She's a total pushover, but I'm sure she still hates me."

Rainbow Dash smiled wryly and stopped a few yards ahead of him. “See? You don’t know Fluttershy,” she said. “Fluttershy doesn’t hate anypony.”

“I still think she hates me,” Dumbbell grumbled as he hurried to join Rainbow. “I don’t see how anypony could hate nopony.”

Rainbow shuffled her wings, shrugging in response. “She manages it, trust me,” she replied. The two continued to walk along the road to the edge of town. “Listen, just leave it to me. I’ll convince Fluttershy, and I’ll tell you how it goes later.”

“What will there be to tell?” Dumbbell snorted. “Tch, you’ll get more out of a brick wall!”

“She talks to me,” Rainbow said. “You just need to know what to say.” As the houses gave way to sunny pastures and tall trees, she turned around to face Dumbbell. “Don’t worry about a thing. I got this.”

“Will I see you later?” Dumbbell asked.

Rainbow couldn’t help but smile at his sudden change in demeanour. “Maybe,” she answered with a toothy grin. “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll come see you later. Normal time?”

Dumbbell nodded. “Awesome. I’ll probably be around.”

The two stood in silence for a few seconds. Dumbbell scuffing his hoof into the dirt was the only noise that broke the quiet.

“I’ll see you later then?”


Rainbow Dash smiled and walked up to him and awkwardly kissed him on the cheek. The two broke apart with violent blushes on their faces.

“Later!” Rainbow Dash called, already several yards away and flying at maximum speed. She giggled smugly to herself by how flustered Dumbbell had been. “The look on his face…” she chuckled to herself.

The good feeling slowly disappeared, however, as she realized what she was about to do. She had to tell Fluttershy what was going on between her and Dumbbell. She’d left it far too long already. They’d had too many close calls where Dumbbell was forced into a closet or something equally ridiculous to hide him from her closest friend.

Some ‘best friend’ I am…

There was good reason not to tell her, though. Rainbow let out a huff as she flew, acutely aware that she was slowing down. Dumbbell hadn’t exactly been Fluttershy’s best friend when they were foals.

I’ve got to tell her, though. She deserves to know.

With renewed vigour, Rainbow continued towards Fluttershy’s cottage, the small hamlet swiftly zooming into view. As per usual, animals littered around the garden. They were idly milling about or searching for food. How so many animals could live in one house was beyond her. Every time she visited her friend’s house, it was always teeming with life, abuzz with all the different animals. It was also never quiet, which probably wasn’t so great for such the serious topic of conversation that was preparing in her head.

All too soon, she landed at the front door and prepared herself for what was to come.

It’ll be fine. I’m her best friend. She won’t freak out or anything…

She bit her lip and raised a hoof to knock on the door. Already, possible scenarios were playing through her head. She did her best to block them out as her hoof collided with the door.

She wouldn’t run off if I told her, would she?

Before Rainbow Dash could consider the answer, the door opened. Several squirrels ran past her hooves as Fluttershy poked her head out the door. When she saw who it was, she opened the door wide.

“Rainbow Dash!” she gasped. “I wasn’t expecting you. Would you like to come in?”

Rainbow smiled. “Sure.”

The yellow pegasus stepped aside and welcomed her inside. The cottage was indeed alive with various critters and wildlife, although it probably wasn’t wild if it was native to Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Would you like some tea?” Fluttershy offered.

Rainbow Dash nodded, bristling her wings eagerly. “Yeah. I didn’t really get a good night’s sleep last night.”

“You didn’t?” Fluttershy asked in concern as she trotted over to get some tea. “Why not?”

“Well it was more to do with the fact that I didn’t get much napping done this week,” Rainbow replied sheepishly, biting her cheek as she remembered why she hadn’t been napping.

“Oh dear,” Fluttershy said sympathetically, carrying a teapot on her back. She carefully set it down on the table and smiled at Rainbow. “I hope you’re not missing your naps just to see me.”

Rainbow laughed despite herself. “No, it’s not like that, ‘Shy. I just wanted to… drop by and say hey.”

Inwardly, she cursed as she found her subconsciously dodging the issue.

“Thank you, Rainbow,” Fluttershy said with a beam. “You know you’re always welcome here.” As she spoke, Dash noted that she was avoiding eye contact.

“Fluttershy?” she asked, a frown tugging at the corners of her mouth. “You alright?”

“Hmm? I’m fine, of course.” Their gazes met. Rainbow searched Fluttershy’s eyes for any sign of doubt. She was a good actor.

Rainbow nodded and walked over to one of the couches, crashing onto it. She hadn’t realized how much she had needed to sit down until she had crashed onto the sofa. As soon as she did, the day caught up with her. She may have done a little too much racing with Dumbbell.

“Has the weather work kept you busy?” Fluttershy inquired.

Rainbow cracked open an eye and studied her friend carefully. “A little,” she answered diplomatically.

“I’ve not seen you out much lately,” Fluttershy said slowly. She took a seat next to Rainbow Dash and poured her tea. “I was worried you had gotten sick. I was thinking about flying to your house later today to check up on you.”

“No, I’ve been fine,” Dash quickly interjected. She sat up straighter to make a point. “Just been, well, busy… with stuff, heh.”

Fluttershy didn’t appear phased by Rainbow’s questionable explanation. She blinked once before nodding sagely. “Well as long as everything is fine.”

There was another pause, an uncomfortable one where Dash could practically hear the gears churning in her head and feel the every subtle change in her friend’s mood. She stared down at her empty teacup. Her ears flicked every time she heard Fluttershy take a sip from her own drink. At their current rate, the silence would be enough to start her confession off on a bad hoof.

“I was thinking maybe we should do something soon?” Fluttershy suggested. “You’ve been so busy, I’m sure you must want some time to relax.” She paused. “I know you don’t like the spa, so perhaps we should do something you’d like to do sometime.”

Rainbow considered the suggestion. “That sounds cool,” she said with a genuine smile. “I’d like that.”

The two lapsed into silence again. Was it usually this quiet when they talked? She was sure that it was different, but whatever was different, Fluttershy didn’t seem to notice.

“That’s good,” Fluttershy replied softly. “Rarity was telling me the other day that she’d seen that Cheese Sandwich pony around town again. I think he was visiting Pinkie. And he had an inflatable bouncy castle with him for some reason.”

Rainbow couldn’t help but giggle. “That sounds like Cheese alright.”

Fluttershy smiled warmly but did not laugh.

Now’s probably better than never to tell her. Or worse, in a few minutes when I say something stupid.

She paused for a moment as she tried to rehearse her words a final time. “Listen, ‘Shy, I came by because I’ve got something really important to tell you.”

Fluttershy’s ears visibly perked up at this. “Something important? My, it’s not a secret, is it?” she asked.

“Not really… well, actually I suppose it is.” She paused, organizing her words. “No! What I mean is that it shouldn’t be. I want to tell you.”

“You know you can always trust me with anything, Rainbow,” Fluttershy replied warmly. “I Pinkie promise not to tell anypony.”

“You can tell other ponies, it’s alright. I just wanted to tell you first.”

Fluttershy was leaning forward curiously, her eyes fixated on Dash’s own.

“I… I…”

Dash’s well-prepared speech turned to dust on her tongue. What was she saying? What was she saying? What was Fluttershy going to say?


“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me, Rainbow,” Fluttershy reassured her, although the look in her eyes spoke volumes on the contrary.

“No,” Rainbow asserted. “You’re my best friend, Fluttershy, and I want to tell you. It’s just that I’m not sure how you’ll take it.”

Fluttershy cocked her head to the side in confusion.

Rainbow sighed. “I just don’t want to say something you won’t like.”

“I Pinkie promise not to be offended by whatever you have to tell me,” Fluttershy promised, smiling comfortingly.

Rainbow hoped she kept to that promise. “Okay.” She took a deep breath and prepared herself. “You remember Dumbbell, the colt from flight school?”

If she had blinked, she would have missed it, but an unmistakable shudder ran through Fluttershy’s body.

“Yes,” she replied softly.

Rainbow fidgeted with her hooves guiltily, debating whether to continue or not.

“Well… I kinda saw him again… a couple of months ago…”

“Oh…” Fluttershy furrowed her brow. “What did he do?”

“He didn’t do anything!” Rainbow said quickly. “W-well, nothing bad, I mean. We actually hung out.” She gulped as Fluttershy’s ear flicked and her wings arched slightly: irritation. “He’s not actually that bad. He’s not… not like he used to be.”

“He’s not?” Fluttershy asked. Doubt layered her voice like thick tar.

“No,” Rainbow continued, her confidence growing. “He’s actually a really cool guy now. I mean, once you get past the surface, he can actually be pretty sweet.”

Fluttershy’s eyebrows twitched. “Sweet?”

Heat rushed to Rainbow’s cheeks. “Yeah, we started hanging out a few months ago. That’s who I’ve been spending all my time with."


Oh. Rainbow watched as realization crossed her face, followed by horror, and finally by disappointment. Rainbow gulped as her friend wrestled with her facial expressions. “Y-you’re…”

“We’re dating,” Rainbow stated. “Well, sorta.” She grinned goofily. “I don’t actually know what to call it. But it’s… nice.”

“I see,” Fluttershy said slowly. “I’m… I’m so happy for you.” She smiled happily.

Rainbow Dash frowned. She could see straight through Fluttershy’s facade. She’d seen that smile many times before. She was pretending to be happy for the sake of a friend. Again.

“I know it’s probably not what you were expecting… or what you wanted to hear—”

“Oh no!” Fluttershy protested. “I really am happy for you, Rainbow Dash. I’m sure Dumbbell is… is… a nice pony.”

Nice. A favorite word of Fluttershy’s. Neutral, yet still positive.

“ ‘Shy…”

“You don’t need to cancel your plans with Dumbbell just to see me,” Fluttershy said softly.

Aw, c’mon. That’s just too far!

“Look, Fluttershy. I’m not trying to replace you or whatever—”

“I didn’t mean it like that,” Fluttershy squeaked, retreating behind her mane.

“I know,” Rainbow sighed in frustration. “I just wanted to tell you that he’s not like he was before.”

“How do you know?”

The question caught her off-guard, for some reason. It felt like such an obvious question, yet Dash found herself struggling to justify her claim.

“He… he just is. He’s different. We were just foals back then.”

“What about at the Young Flier’s competition?” Fluttershy pressed. “He hadn’t changed then. He was still as… as mean and… as hot-headed as he was then.”

Rainbow bit her lip. She had a point. And in truth, he wasn’t really that different.

“It’s not like that. I mean, if you imagine an apple: sometimes the skin is bruised, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad apple all the way through.”

Had she just pulled out the metaphor card? Yes. Yes she had.

No regrets.

“An… apple?” Fluttershy asked, raising her eyebrow in confusion.

So many regrets…

“Doesn’t matter about the apple,” Rainbow groaned. “Listen, he’s not like that, ‘Shy!”

“How would you know?” Fluttershy asked quietly. “He was never mean to you like he was to me.”

“I-I get that." Rainbow gulped. “You Pinkie promised you wouldn’t be mad…”

Fluttershy broke eye contact for the first time in several minutes, looking away guiltily. “I-I’m not mad.”

Rainbow nodded slowly. It didn’t sound like a lie.

Silence swiftly engulfed the room. Rainbow Dash swallowed hard as Fluttershy continued to sip her tea. Rainbow realized that tea was probably just the thing she needed right now. She leaned over, poured herself a cup and brought the steaming liquid to her lips. Taking a shallow sip, the hot tea burned her tongue, but it at least solved the dry mouth problem.

Still Fluttershy said nothing. Rainbow looked up at her. Something outside seemed far more interesting than anything else all of a sudden as Fluttershy stared longingly out the window. Rainbow looked back down at her tea, the steam blurring her vision as it swirled in her face and into her eyes.

I should probably say something. C’mon, Rainbow. You’re screwing this up!

“Do you like him?”

It was Fluttershy who had asked the question. She was looking straight at her, her tea back on the teatable.

“Well… yeah,” Rainbow replied slowly, unsure of whether she was saying the right thing or not. “Of course I do.”

Fluttershy nodded sagely and looked away again. “I’m not mad,” she repeated. “I just… I suppose I’m just worried you’re leaping head first into things. Again.”

Rainbow chewed her cheek nervously.

“And I know maybe it sounds a little… selfish of me,” Fluttershy admitted. “But I just don’t understand.” She looked Dash straight in the eyes again, her gaze piercing into Dash’s soul. “Why him?”

“What do you mean?”

Fluttershy sighed. “I mean, why did you choose him and not somepony else? There are so many ponies out there who would do anything for you, Rainbow—” Heat rushed to Rainbow’s cheeks at the unexpected compliment. “—and I don’t understand why you picked him.”

“Well, just because he bullied us when we were kids—”

“It’s not that,” Fluttershy interrupted her. “You’ve achieved so much! You’re the only pony in Equestria to pull off a Sonic Rainboom, you’re set to join the Wonderbolts, and you’re the Element of Loyalty. What has Dumbbell ever done—” Her voice cracked. “What did he do to deserve you?”

Rainbow felt her eyes grow hot. “W-what do you mean?”

Tears shimmered in Fluttershy’s own eyes. She lowered her voice. “I mean… are you sure this is best for you, Rainbow Dash? Are you sure that this… that this is what you want?”

“ ‘Shy…” Rainbow whispered.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered back.

Rainbow Dash put her tea back down on the table and gave Fluttershy a hug. “I didn’t know, I swear.”

Fluttershy squeezed back tightly. “I know.”

Rainbow smiled and ran her hooves through Fluttershy’s mane, enjoying this one opportunity to be so close with her friend. “About whether it’s what’s best for me,” she said quietly, “I don’t really know. But I think I’m willing to give it a try.”

“But what if you get hurt?” Fluttershy whispered back. “Promise me you won’t get hurt.”

Rainbow chuckled despite herself. “I can’t promise that, ‘Shy. But I don’t want to do something that’s gonna hurt you.”

Fluttershy chuckled along with her. “That’s not what I’m worried about, Rainbow Dash.”

The two broke apart, the fur beneath their eyes damp with tears. Rainbow quickly wiped her own dry. She wasn’t actually crying, after all; somehow, some dust had gotten into her eye.

“Rainbow Dash…” Fluttershy started. “Don’t feel like you have to change for me. If you think that this isn’t a mistake,” She took a deep breath. “then I’m happy for you.”

Rainbow Dash smiled, relief washing over her. “Thanks, ‘Shy.”

It was over. No more secrets. No more hiding. No more lying.

Why did I ever doubt Fluttershy?

The thought was enough to bring a smile to her muzzle. She’d been worried over nothing. This was probably letter-to-the-princess material, but right now, she just wanted to enjoy the time with her best friend.

“Hey, ‘Shy? Can we doing something together? Just you and me?”

Fluttershy didn’t even bat an eyelid at the request. “Of course, Rainbow. I always have time for you,” she said. “What did you want to do?”

“Something ordinary,” Rainbow Dash replied. “Probably something we never do?”

“Do you want me to braid your mane?”

The mere suggestion would ordinarily have had Dash laughing uncontrollably. This was an extraordinary matter, however, and instead she nodded her head. “Sounds cool. You’ll have to show me what to do, though.”

Fluttershy beamed warmly. “That’s fine. I’ll do yours.”

Rainbow Dash never usually let anypony near her mane. Nopony except Fluttershy. She turned around and let Fluttershy get to work on her mane. She felt gentle hooves combing through the messy strands. For once, she regretted not taking better care of her mane. She sighed, however; the action of hooves running through her mane was incredibly relaxing.

“You know, I didn’t think you’d be interesting in the whole dating thing,” Fluttershy said, breaking the quiet. “I mean, you were never really that interested in it.”

“Neither did I,” Rainbow admitted. “I dunno. It just sorta… happened, y’know? It’s weird because we don’t even talk about how it happened. Me and Dumbbell, I mean. We just talk about normal stuff.”

“What do you talk about?” Fluttershy asked as she gently separated strands of Dash’s mane.

“Just… stuff. Like the Wonderbolts. Or what’s going on in Cloudsdale. Or what we’ve both done that day. What we still want to do. That kind of stuff, I guess.”

Rainbow couldn’t see her, but she knew that Fluttershy was nodding.

“What about you, ‘Shy? Surely there’s somepony out there for you?”

“I—er, I don’t know,” Fluttershy stuttered, slowing down her braiding. “I guess I’ve never really thought about it that much.”

“C’mon. You can’t be telling me there’s nopony out there you’re interested in. Not even Rarity? Or Applejack? Or her brother? What about Spike—”

“Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy complained. “I don’t think I’m ready for that kind of thing.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled. “Yet.”

She wasn’t met with an answer, which only made the whole thing more amusing. The pair lapsed into a calm silence once again as Fluttershy gently wrapped each strand of hair around each other.

“Have you come up with any new tricks?”

“Nah. Not in a while,” Rainbow replied. “Flying’s taken a back seat with the whole Dumbbell thing.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that,” Fluttershy murmured.

“Used to what?” Rainbow asked.

“Used to you… and Dumbbell,” she said softly.

“Hey, maybe you could come meet him sometime?” Rainbow offered.

“Maybe,” Fluttershy said, although the uncertainty that had crept into her voice was unmistakable. “There,” she said as she tied an elastic band into the mane, securing the large braid, and laid the braid over Rainbow neck.

Rainbow got up and inspected it in one of the nearby mirrors. It kind of reminded her of AJ’s mane, but way cooler. The colors swam around each other as they flowed past her neck.

“Fluttershy, this is amazing,” Rainbow gasped, impressed by Fluttershy’s handiwork. “Where did you learn to do this?”

Fluttershy blushed. “My mother used to braid my mane all the time.”

Rainbow nodded. “It’s weird seeing my mane like this, but it’s kinda cool!”

“I’m glad you like it.” Fluttershy beamed.

Rainbow Dash grinned. She normally didn’t care much for her mane, but she couldn’t but help but smile seeing it in a new style.

“We should do something like this again soon,” Rainbow Dash said suddenly. “Just you and me.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I’d like that. You’re welcome over anytime you like.”

Rainbow chuckled. “You’ve already told me that like ten million times.”

“I know.”

The pair smiled at each other, a silent exchange of words.

Rainbow Dash lifted a wing towards the door. “I should probably get going. Applejack usually looks for me at this time to kick me out of a tree. And I kinda promised Dumbbell I’d go see him."

“Oh, okay.”

Rainbow Dash frowned.

This could take some time.

Fluttershy still didn’t seem too eager about Dumbbell, but at least they had ironed out the root cause.

“I’ll come see you tomorrow?”

Fluttershy perked up again. “I’d like that.”

“You’ll always be my best friend, Fluttershy. Even if I don’t say it a lot.”

“Oh, Rainbow.” Fluttershy beamed.

The two headed over to the door to Fluttershy’s cottage, the critters on the floor scurrying to clear a path for them. Rainbow Dash opened the door and stepped out into the sunlight. It was getting late into the afternoon. Dumbbell was probably wondering where she had gotten to.

She turned around to face Fluttershy. “Thanks for having me. I’ll be sure to come back soon.”

“You’re wel—”

Fluttershy froze mid-sentence. Rainbow hung on the incomplete word, leaning forward. “ ‘Shy?”

“Oh,” she whinnied hoarsely, sounding more like a painful whine than anything else.

“Fluttershy, are you okay?” RaInbow asked in concern.

She realized that her friend was looking past her. She turned around and realized Dumbbell was stood on top of the bridge to Fluttershy’s cottage. He had frozen too when he had noticed Fluttershy.

Dumbbell! What the hell are you doing!?

He was going to ruin everything! Rainbow had just managed to convince Fluttershy not to hate her for life, but now it was all going to come crashing down. She was doomed.

“I should probably go…” Fluttershy whispered, further cementing her friend’s fate.

“Wait!” Dumbbell called. He cantered over to the two of them.

For a moment, Rainbow Dash thought that Fluttershy was actually going to make a run for it. It clawed at her heart. Ordinarily, she would be leaping to Fluttershy’s defense, but this was no ordinary day. Fluttershy knew that her friend wasn’t going to save her from her childhood tormentor.

“Fluttershy, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“It’s okay…” she squeaked, her voice barely audible over the soft trickle of the stream next to her cottage.

“Look, I’m sorry, okay?”

Please don’t say anything stupid!

“I’m sorry for what I did as a kid,” he continued, “and how I acted in Cloudsdale. And how I acted in Ponyville. I’m just not good with pushovers.”

Rainbow Dash kicked him in the shin. Hard.

“Gah!” he yelped, “Dash, that’s not helping!” He was met with only a stern glare. “I mean, I’m not good with shy ponies!” he corrected himself.

Fluttershy stood completely bewildered by the spectacle before her. So much so that her jaw hung open in amazement. “That’s… fine.” she replied.

“So we’re cool now?” Dumbbell said hopefully.

Fluttershy shook her head and retreated behind her mane.

“Oh come on!” Dumbbell complained.

“Dumbbell, you’ve been a jerk her whole life. It might take a bit of time for her to warm up to you,” Dash grumbled, rolling her eyes. “By the way, that was the goofiest thing you’ve ever done.”

“Shut up,” Dumbbell huffed.

“I’m just gonna go,” Fluttershy mumbled.

“Fluttershy,” Rainbow said quickly. “Don’t go. Dumbbell’s just being an idiot.”

Fluttershy turned around and lifted her head up high. “No, it’s fine, Rainbow.” She turned to Dumbbell. “Thank you for apologizing. But I should get back to feeding my animals. I’ll probably see you two again soon.”

“It’s fine?” Rainbow Dash repeated in bewilderment.

Fluttershy smiled and nodded. She turned around and walked back into her house, closing the door behind her.

“Well that was weird,” Dumbbell commented. “That mare is still as crazy as I remember.”

“What the hay were you doing?” Rainbow said accusingly, swivelling around to face him.

“I was just snoozing on a cloud. When I saw you got out, I came down to say hey. I didn’t realize Fluttershy would be there.”

“Sweet Celestia, that could have gone so badly.”

“But it didn’t,” Dumbbell pointed out smugly.

“Next time I get the chance, I am pranking your flank so badly!” Rainbow hissed.

Dumbbell chuckled nervously. “Do apologies work on you too?”

“Fat chance, doofus.” Rainbow rolled her eyes, and the two of them began walking away from Fluttershy’s cottage.

“Did she take it well?” Dumbbell inquired. “What did she say?”

Rainbow smiled as she recalled the day’s events. Her and Fluttershy. True best friends.

“I think it went okay,” she replied.

“So it could have gone worse,” he offered.

“You could say that,” she giggled, running a wing across his side. They reached the top of the bridge over the small stream. “How about a race? From here to my place. Whoever loses has to cook.”

“You’re that desperate to sample my culinary masterpieces again, are you?”

Rainbow snorted. “You added way too much salt to the rice last time. It was inedible!”

“You better fly slow, then, Rainbow Dash!” Dumbbell said with a grin. “3-2-1 GO!”

And with that, the two pegasi launched into the air and rocketed through the skies.

The End.

Author's Note:

Written with my best friend in mind—the kind of friendship where everyone swears to God you're a married couple.

Because really, sometimes the line between friendship and relationship becomes so blurred that you're just like, "Man, I love you—

—No homo."


Comments ( 38 )

Tears shimmered in Fluttershy’s own eyes. She lowered her voice. “I mean… are you sure this is best for you, Rainbow Dash? Are you that this… that this is what you want?”

"Are you that this... That this is what you want?"
Shouldn't there be a "sure" there?

Fluttershy blushed. “My mother used to braid my hair all the time.”

Hair, shouldn't it be mane?

Anyway, this was beautiful, I loved to read it :pinkiehappy:


Thanks for pointing out those errors. I must have got confused because I was intermittently switching between "braiding the mane" and "wrapping hair around each other", etc.

Either way, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

The competition has stepped up :trixieshiftleft:

I noticed a few things:

“No, I’ve been fine,” Dash quickly interjected. She sat up straighter to make a point. “Just been, well, busy… with stuff, heh.” Fluttershy didn’t appear phased by Rainbow’s questionable explanation. She blinked once before nodding sagely. “Well as long as everything is fine.”

This looks like two paragraphs combined into one.

“I-I get that. Rainbow gulped

Missing quotation mark.

, however;

Flip the punctuation.

I’d go see him.

Another missing quotation mark.

Great story. I enjoyed every word, and was pleasantly surprised with the lack of a love triangle. Good friendshipping, and good luck with your contest.

Oh man this was so sweet and sappy. I think my taste buds have died!
Lol the way it ended was awesome. Yeah, everything with Flutters needs to be taken slow.

I would say #cutestficever but ugh, hashtags...

Anyway great job!

huh. It is a nice fic to read. But...Rainbow Dash and Dumbbell? Really? :applejackunsure:


It's interesting to see how much certain ships can really repel readers. :rainbowlaugh:

Have you ever considered submitting this story to Equestria Daily? You can find out how to do so here.


It's not exactly repelling. It's more like...why? To quote Fluttershy: What has Dumbbell ever done to deserve Dash?
The only thing canon seems to know that he is a bully - which is adressed. But nothing more. No date, no one-in-a-million-situation, no nothing. The whole pairing seems kinda just put there to upset. Which it does. For all intents and purposes you could have Dash adopt Dumbbell due to shenanigans and still would have gotten a very similar story.

But I digress. It is a nice story. Rainbow being able to read Fluttershy that well is a nice touch, though Shy seemed to...I don't know, be a bit too accepting to come over the whole thing naturally? If my childhood bully would date my best friend, I'd definitely have more issues with that. I guess I'm not Fluttershy though.


It's my favorite pony pairing and Vexy half wrote this as a gift for me.


This story would rejected from EQD without even a glance. It's not the kind of story they would be interested in.


I understand what you mean. I did try and show that Fluttershy is still struggling to accept it, but I wanted to empathize that isn't for her own sake, but because she thinks Dash is going to hurt herself.

I didn't put the pairing in there to upset. As 4591152 said, it was gift for her. I wanted to write a story about Rainbow Dash telling a friend she's in a relationship with somepony that friend would struggle to get along with. Dumbbell fit the bill perfectly. I deliberately chose him because it ushered along the conflict I wanted to explore. Call it contrived—I imagine most people did—but it was actually intentional.

And no, it wasn't to upset people. :derpytongue2:

Can I ask for a sequel? :fluttershysad: Please?

Anyway, cool story bro, I personally don't like Hetero Dash, but for this fic, it worked pretty darn cool.
This is perfect for a... serie (?), I can't remember how you say it in english, but no pression, is just a observation :pinkiesmile:.

Written with my best friend in mind—the kind of friendship where everyone swears to God you're a married couple.

"Man, I love you—
—No homo."

Dat feelings bro :fluttershyouch: I need my insuline.


I'm really glad you managed to put aside your dislike for hetero Dash enough to read the story. I think most people were put off by the ship. :raritywink:

As for a sequel? Well, I don't really see where I could take this any further; I've already explored everything I wanted to explore when I began writing this story.

Take Dash, take Dumbell, take Fluttershy, put them in a mixer, and shake it like there is no tomorrow!
Then you got a sequel!!
I'm not being clear, right? Ok. You can bring a LOT more of troubles from this relationship. Altough I put the


part because I already knew that is hard (If not impossible) to do a sequel of a story like this.


Oh, it is nice to have a fic written for you. And I'm not saying that the pairing is bad. The only beef I have with it is that I can't really see them falling in love for any reason from what I know from canon. Well, except in some nightmare of Fluttershy or something. But I must admit, the focus of the fanfic seems to lie in Flutterhy's and Rainbow Dash's friendship and not the pairing itself.


It does sound contrived - 'I wanna show a conflict without bringing up the problems that come along with it' - kinda thing. I can see Fluttershy believing to be okay with that couple but still being reserved about it. Maybe even spiteful, in her gentle, quiet way. A way seemingly only Dash seems to understand. I also predict problems for Dumbbell with the rest of Dash's friends. He doesn't seem the type of pony to get along with many of them (Rarity especially comes to mind) and his brash and direct art seems to get him into a lot of unneeded trouble.

Only...I can actually see you adressing any further problems like these along the line if the pairing was to be the focus of the fic. But for the snapshot of life that it is (it was just one day after all), it portrays a perfect picture. It conveys the problems of Fluttershy and even shows a glimpse of the pairing's talk, it even shows a bit of character growth in Dumbbell.
Even with him being seen for this short time he apologizes to Fluttershy of his own accord. He does that because even he realized that Dash is uncomfortable with Shy being afraid of him. He comes off as half-assing the issue but from what I understand the bully often sees his or her actions as 'not that bad' and sometimes even as 'normal' and often won't understand how the victim feels simply because the perceived actions aren't as hurtful.

pretty good story in the beginning-middle. but the end wrapped up to fast and unrealistically. uses realistic thoughts and decision influence. pacing seemed to change often. score: 6/10

such a cute story :heart:

:unsuresweetie: wait who is dumbbell?
is he the one from that episode... wait hold on i got it here
if it is then I got a different picture on who the pony was(thought it was Bulk Biceps:derpytongue2:)
:facehoof::facehoof: God I don't know pony


Yes it is.

You're not the first person to mistake Dumbbell for Bulk Biceps. :rainbowlaugh:

4686489 Oh thank Luna i'm not the only one
id feel like Rarity on her worst days:raritycry::raritydespair:
but the story was pretty awesome :pinkiesmile::pinkiehappy:


The focus was on the Rainbow Dash / Fluttershy friendship, and that's what I was hoping to get across: friendship is awesome, no matter what.

I can agree no matter what happens were all friends
(here and forever out to the world)

Hmm.....mane braiding...
That gives me an idea! :pinkiegasp:

Also everyone has that one friend that makes everyone else question their sexuality. God knows I have one... :pinkiecrazy:
Things get weird sometimes, like, random bouts of hugging, touching and stuff. No homo.


Yeah, you wouldn't believe some of the weird stuff me and my friend do which sounds so weird. Like I've got majorly sensitive muscles, so he really enjoys poking my side because it gives me spasms. :rainbowlaugh:

Like one time he jabbed me in the side with a blade, I spasmed and almost impaled myself on it. I wasn't impressed, but I did get a small scratch. Hopefully that won't scar… :unsuresweetie:

4789787 Oh...so he's also your psychopath friend? :twilightsmile:

Also can we give Dashie a braid? I think she'd be cute with a braid...
Maybe incorporate the Fluttershy scene into our fic?


He's not a psychopath friend at all, but he likes his blades, and he gets way too hyper on sugar.

And yes, this Fluttershy scene was inspiration for the Fluttershy scene in the collab. :twilightsmile: I will have something similar, perhaps not exactly the same.

4789880 It's ok, everyone think my friend is a psychopath! But they don't know the truth :pinkiecrazy:

Can we still do the braid? :fluttercry:


Hmm... I suppose we could, it's just that this could end up being a 6k+ word chapter or something like that. :rainbowlaugh:

4790411 "......that's a bad thing?


6k words takes a long time to write. We don't have a long time.

4791778 Oh yeah...only 4 days...

I love how the same people are all commenting on all the Rainbow x Dumbbell fics. xD And I agree with that author's note. #deep


I think DashBell has a very specific audience. :rainbowlaugh: Still, it's nice to see the same faces everywhere.


Ok, even though there's a few others that I really like with Dash - Soarin(especially), Thunderlane, Quibble, & Big Mac, even Braeburn - I actually find the thought of her with Dumb-Bell ta be both amusin' & kinda adorable in a way. Not sure if you'll ever do anymore, but I hope there will be more fics with this pairin'.:twilightsmile:

Well this was a very interesting story and a very rare shipping as well so rainbow wants to tell Fluttershy about her relationship with dumbbell and from her history him and her are not in a good time with each other especially her younger years and understandable she doesn't like the idea but she wants her best friend to be happy and it was a nice conversation between them and Dumbbell try to apologize even though it's not his best it will take a long time for Fluttershy to open up but sooner or later she well well this was a pretty good story keep up the good work

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